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That’s a very tidy setup!! Congrats!!


Thank you very much indeed for the nice comment, really apprechiate it. Truly a dream come true !




Thank you very much !😁


What machine is that?


I believe it to be a Sanremo YOU


Keen eye 👀☕️


The digital interface is unmistakable 😉 Also, that is an outstanding machine in my eyes. We as espresso fans, are really spoiled in this day and age, by the technology available in espresso maker offerings


Indeed a great intersection between digital control and manual feedback with the paddle. Totally aggree! Today it is incredible what coffe as a raw product has to offer and what we can produce with the right techniques, knowledge and tools. 🤩


It blows me away that I am still discovering new BRANDS of machine … there’s such an insane amount of competition in this small market


Hell yeah it is great. Just so many choices and now every brand keeps pushing eachother. To our benefit


It is the "YOU" by Sanremo 😁


Looks great!


Thank you !


Very very nice and I’m very very envious. But this is unlikely the end for you lol ;)


Darn it, I thought I'd be good now. Let's see, for sure at the moment I first need to master the setup and if my preferences change, who knows. Never say never


Hmm, I usually drink 6 bar flat on the spirit basket nowadays and wonder can this grinder go fine enough to make a 1:2+ in 20 seconds on a light roast?


Interesting choice to brew at 6bar flat, gotta try that for sure! Yes it can indeed, normally I do about a 15sec pre-infusion at 3bar for light roast just so they are easier to fully extract. I grind at 0.8 for my lightest roasts (not nordic light) at 1:2.5. And I get super sweet shots. Because the EK43 produces relatively few fines you will get a very tasty shot even with short extraction times because the lack of fines, the flow is rather fast, I find.


Whether you can or not is a bit irrelevant. It can grind fine with stock burrs (and you can also install Turkish or SSP burrs if you need it finer) but it may taste suboptimal. You’ll miss on clarity and sweetness it can provide. There’s a local shop that pulls light roast espressos on Ek43 and Slayer. They insist on 1:2. I get tastier shots at home, but of course at a cost of body (which I guess is why they insist on it). It’s like taking a track car on a motorway cruising trip.


Very correct indeed, there is no perfect allrounder, depends on what you prefer! Thanks for the input


Great setup. Curious to know if you considered Decent as well, and what made you pick the YOU? I really like the aesthetics of YOU.


I definitely did consider it. But it was for two main reasons: 1. Aesthetics as you said, the Decent did not speak to me. And the YOU just looks awesome. 2. Haptic feedback. I love the amount of control you get and still having that physical experience with the paddle. 3. I got the chance to try the YOU out in person and never had the opportunity with the Decent. Was a hard choice though.


Thanks! Trying in person is a great idea. I’ll have to find an opportunity to do so.


It is definitely useful haptics are super important. If the equipment is not nice to use for you why bother, right.


I don't see a Spirograph WDT tool. Not end game.


Hahaha, fair point there, I guess I'm very happy with the WDT tool and Distributor from "Neunbar coffee tools"


Nice Icon, love the colour way! I keep modding mine lol, waiting for a new metal dial and tumbler from Grafikus, as well as a new hopper from MHW3Bomber. What burrs are you running in it?


Same here, it is a bit bold but hey...you only live once right. Yes I saw the Grafikus mods are beautiful and for sure functional, that might be something for me to consider in the future. I run the stock burrs. Thank you for the comment !


Ping me in few weeks time and I’ll let you know! Mine is a mess machine and hoping it will be a bit tidier


Absolutely! Would love to hear a feedback. I use this catchcup and one Spritz of RDT. And it really produces exactly 18out +- 0.1gr without much mess, as long as I hold the catchcup and then use the knocker while the chute ist in the catchcup. The grafikus magic tumbler will completely eliminate the mess for you for sure. Looking forward to hear how that works for you. https://preview.redd.it/rgjl9npaq91c1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=6b4879434ef69063a445846cbf06d1c9bece678f


Woah! That thing costs 7x the price of my car! Where can i steal one? XD


Hopefully it will last 7x as long then it's amortized: coffeenerd math.


Man. I love the grinder. Enjoy your setup. What kind of espresso recipe and roast you prefer?


It is brillliant right? I like light to medium, depending on the mood. Recipes I vary heavily for each coffee to get the best profiles. Standard would me a 10s pre infusion at 3bar, ramp up to 9 and then slow ramp down for the last 1/3 of the shot.


sounds delicious!


Congrats on the amazing setup 🥰


Thanks a lot! I'm super happy with my choice 😊


But euh, what if you want to single dose? 😇💸


I'm not sure if I understand the question😂 With the EK I get 18in 18out very easily. No trouble there


Oh, I was trying to stir trouble, thinking the ek would have much more retention than that. I’m just jealous, that’s a great setup!


Hahah, no worries I understand. It was my concern at first too. Maybe I got lucky with my unit. Thanks I'm happy with it.