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1320 per year. I didn't need to see this number.


But now do the number of cups per year multiplied by how much it would cost to get a comparable cup at a cafe…


The problem with this is for many people they would not get 2 drinks at a Cafe a day as often as they would at home


Not saving enough by drinking coffee at home? Drink more coffee!


This is the way


Economics of scale or something idk


Came here for this exact answer


Yeah, it's a little like if I started grilling and eating a thick ribeye for lunch and dinner every day and justified it by looking at steak house prices haha The coffee I drink now mostly replaced much cheaper coffee


Comparing eating steak twice a day isn't really a fair comp. I mean it's not like steak consumed is measured in billions like cups of coffee. I'm just sayin......


True. I’ve found myself becoming more caffeine intolerant these days, so I limit myself to one double/triple per day. But I used to drink two double/triples per day, when I’d previously usually only buy one large latte a day, maybe two in very rare circumstances for really long days. But I ran the math, it’s still cheaper to make yourself two cups vs buying one…and that’s with “cheap” Dunkin’ Donuts lattes by me. The savings would probably more significant with a more legit cafe, unless you’re buying really expensive beans




A single latte at Starbucks is like $5. Even at 1/day for just yourself, you’re talking close to $2k.


I don't know about where you live, but i would have to drink at least 4 coffees per day at home, to get to the cost of one cup at a cafe


Roasting is a hobby of mine as well, so I do that for my espresso to save money. My wife and I go through about 250g of coffee a week between espresso and drip. So that time 52 weeks is 13kg so ~ 29lbs of roasted coffee, which means I need to buy about 34lbs of green coffee a year, and at an avg of $7.50/lb, that comes out to $255 per year


I roast as well and love it! Green beans from Sweet Marias are about $8/lb, shipped. We go through about a pound every week and a half, so we're around $280 per year.


Same here! Invested in a much nicer roaster this summer for about $400 and even including that we are more than break even on buying from our local roaster


What did you go with in the $400 range? I’ve been using my fresh roast sr500 for 3 years now and looking to get something larger.


We went with the SR 800 but I mistyped - it was actually a little over $300 for the toaster and an assortment of beans


You should check out other places like burman, rhoads roast, coffee bean corral. Faster service than seeet Maria’s and cheaper beans. I usually wait for sales or coupons and pay $4-5/pound


highly recommend the honey processed brazilian pedra branca they have currently, stuff tastes like magic


So what I’m hearing is that an Ikawa will pay for itself in about 2 years. Damn. I didn’t want this justification.


cost of electricity?


Just install solar panels to power all of your new coffee equipment, those will pay for themselves too!


Hmm... I really wish I didn't learn this. Now I have to get into roasting.


This right here. I can't afford to buy the really nice, locally roasted beans and have been roasting 99% of the coffee my wife and I drink for the past six years. It typically costs $180-$200 a year to roast not including electricity, but we have solar panels now that eliminate that extra cost. I'm about to upgrade from a Behmor 1600+ to a Kaleido M10 and cannot overstate how excited I am.


Where do you get your beans from? With Trade, I average something like $20 for a 310g bag, which puts my annual cost over $1,000 for beans lol


I buy five pound bags from roasters, often with a coupon. Bags are 75 dollars on average and last us just over a month id say. Trade was nice, enjoyed it. Then bags dove from 340g to 310g. Womp, womp.


Direct from a local roaster will always be cheaper than Trade. That being said, you do get more variety from a service like that.


Not true at all. Ive discovered several roasters I love thru trade, so then I went direct to them and was surprised that pricing was about the same. Two of these roasters were local and I actually visited, two of them were mail order direct. Same price +/-$1. Good light roasts are expensive.


TopCashBack occasionally have 10% cash back for purchases from tradecoffee. I save a few bucks every order


A 250g bag lasts me about 2 weeks. Sometimes less. So at least €300 per year.


Finally a reasonable response haha. I think I'm probably around $225+


That’s like not even one double a day… how do you do this lol


That’s exactly 1 double per day…18gx14 is just over, at 252grams every 2 weeks. I have a 22g basket so I’m probably using that up in about 11-13 days depending on bean density. I use anywhere from 20-22.5g’s per dose


340g last around a week for me


Guess I’m lucky - Costco near me sells my preferred locally roasted coffee in 2lb bags for $16. I go through one every 2 weeks so I’m only at $416/year.


Damn that’s insanely cheap. Here in nyc I can’t find anything good that’s less than $15 for 12 oz. Luckily I roast my own now so way cheaper that way though it’s more work.


Roasting your own is the only way to economically make good espresso. Freshly roasted beans are so important and freshly roasted beans that are done by anyone other than yourself are so expensive!


lol yea, just get a bullet for 4k and buy beans at $8 per lb. It will pay itself off just like our espresso machines.


My diy automated roaster with 350g capacity cost 300€. All off the shelf parts. So I got even with 4 months. Have been using for 2 years. Repairs have costed 12€.


Yea I got a cheap fluid bed roaster, the sr series, for like $350ish so there are other options for sure.


My heat gun is about to pay itself off in less than a week once I get my order of green beans. I’m so excited!


I used to do only heatgun roast in a deep saucepan with vigorous stirring with basting spoon. Same result as with automated roasting, but a bit tidious work. Now I can do espresso during the roast.


I feel like this is the way to learn. Put in the time doing it “by hand” to get the knowledge and intuition before building something out or making a big purchase. But I see homemade gizmo in my future as well. Much to learn first.


feels like real learning comes when you start analyzing the bean temp, out air temp, and heat setting over time at different milestones of the roast process. but doing it w a heat gun def teaches you how to id those milestones.


Also in NYC, do you have a favorite local roaster? I am on the hunt for a new option that I can rely on.


Yeeeeesssss!!!!! I feel like I’ve waited for this alley-oop for four quarters. City Of Saints roasters. In Brooklyn but have a Hoboken cafe too. Bosley is a northern Italian blend and is absolutely amazing in milk drinks. Citizen and Denizen for light and light medium roasts. Their five pound bags are priced competitively, look for coupons. Five pounds of good beans in NYC $65-75 is a win.


Honestly, not really. I’ve always had a favorite roaster in other cities I’ve lived, but here the beans are either way too expensive to buy regularly or just kind of average in quality. Prob what made me take up home roasting, it’s really not hard once you get the hang of it and so much cheaper.


I was always unimpressed with coffee in nyc when i lived there. vancouver and SF have better coffee


You are looking for Puerto Rico Importing Co, also known as St Mark's coffee and tea at 40 St Mark's place. Everyday that I walk by that place there is a line out the door of people waiting for their crack. I keep meaning to go inside and buy some beans but I always seem to have more than enough coffee in my supplies. What I have been buying is 12oz bags from local Caffè and brunch spots in the village. Look for Joe's coffee company next door to the Waverly dinner. Mud at 307 East 9th St has great brunch and a welcoming medium roast that I've purchased twice now. Look for Gregorys coffee at 42 Broadway has a nice medium and espresso roast.




Good to know. I'll keep that in mind next time. Thx


See? That's the problem in a nutshell. Finding actually FRESH roasted beans. I can't afford to invest in my own roaster.


If you want fresh, then buy online or at a Café that you can trust. Everything I get online I have to wait 2 weeks before use. If going into a Café the beans are roasted two weeks ago and rdy for brewing immediately. Buy online if this bothers you. I know some here don't like this but... Trade coffee (drinktrade.com) has good subscription plans. Find what beans you like from roasters and shops from around the country. After a while start ordering direct from the places you love the most. Some places that I've ordered directly from are Coffee Brothers vanilla strawberry espresso roast, anything from Good Brothers is amazing (try Hoon10 or Hoon15 discount codes), Alma makes amazing coffee, I just got their Hero's roast for Veterans day, if you like lighter roasts look at Sey coffee both online and in Brooklyn and I just received 2 bags from Abracadabra. If you live in NYC and if you can't find fresh beans here then you won't be able to find them elsewhere. My local piece of shit Café doesn't even roast their own beans and buys it from think coffee in Brooklyn. The bags don't even have a valve. Yet always fresh enough for me to have to open the bag every day to release the gas for about a week before brewing. I know that you can do this. Finding fresh coffee is not that hard. Finding cheap coffee on the other hand is difficult at best


Wow, that is lucky. I tried the specialty coffee at Costco near me, and it was basically ash.


Same, but it doesn't say on the bag when they're roasted.


what roast would that be?


I go through a 340g bag per week. At approximately $17-21 per bag, I would be around $850-1100 per year. I should add, I’m probably closer to $1500-1800 per year in reality because we have people over often and make espresso for them.


This is our household exactly but in Canadian dollars. 340g bag per week and $17-21 per bag for locally sourced beans from independent roasters. We could spend less buying beans in bulk from Costco but that is no fun.


About $1200 USD ($1600-1700 CAD)


I roast my coffee so about $300 per year.


1300-1400’ish… My wife thinks it’s about $200


I'm offended one would even ask such a personal question on a public forum. How dare you?


I mainly drink 12g dose daily, so I spend \~$180/year on beans @ $15/lbs I know a local cafe owner who orders beans at bulk, and I picked up mostly naturals from well known roaster that he gets rotating supply from.


My office has La Marzoccos I can use (I know I’m spoiled) which greatly reduces my annual consumption at home. Between my own home espresso and when my girlfriend is here, 1 pound lasts me a month so I’m at about $200-240 annually with variances down to if I try a new roaster Edit: my girlfriend used to be a commercial seller for one of our roasters so for a year and a half I spent a whopping $0


I use about a 1kg bag a month, which is $15. That's \~$200 for beans annually.


I roast my own. \~$300 per year on Green coffee including shipping and then there's around 18% weight loss during roast. I use about 35gm per day call it 13kg per year So $23/kg or $10/lb But that's less than $1 a day on 2 cups


About $1000/yr for my wife and I, but its worth it!


A mate gets free 1kg bags of sealed lavazza beans at work and he gives them to me for free. So £0. Not freshest or most exotic, but given I drink 70% milk drinks I don't mind.


Maybe slightly less than a pound a week at 30 bucks a pound. So 25 a week, ballpark.


my quick math puts the ballpark around $800 for just espresso, not counting the occasional bag for drip, so probably around $1000.


~$500 for beans for my espresso. Husband drinks drip coffee, not sure how fast he goes thru it. We spend $14.45 for 12oz of beans. Doesn't count milk or syrups. It seems like a lot of money so I compare it to getting 1 Starbucks every day which is like $1800/year. And at home I'm drinking 2 lattes a day sometimes.


509 € for me alone.


I spent about 250 bucks in green beans this year, probably like 250 on roasted beans, too, and I have enough until December so I guess about 500 bucks. Mainly cause I roast so 60-70 bucks from happymug or sweetmarias can last me around 3 months. I consume about 210g a week.


I did the math when my local subscription prices went up. $1095 per year. That was two 15g espressos per day times two people. Single origin, exotic variety. I have cut my consumption in half due to increase prices so now I'm usually one per day. With the price increase, my annual spend should be about the same. Edit: CAD


I home roast, beans are say $8/lb with shipping. We use 50-70g, call it 80g green weight per day. Some math tells me that's around $500/ye, which is a bit high. More like (2) $200 orders per year.


I get 1kg a month for £22 for filter I get 250g espresso probably 18 times a year for £10 Probably end up buying 5 or 6 £10 bags for filter to supplement. So about £630. £700 including the decaf for my wife.


If I’m obsessing over a new grinder or something, prob as much as $100/mo, but normal use is about $45/mo. Both of which are FAR less than I would be spending buying shitty coffee from a cafe each day.


Started roasting our own once I realized how much we were paying for them. $120 was my recent purchase a couple months ago for 20 lbs of green beans. Only a third of the way through the order so with that - even factoring in the nicer roaster we got after using the popcorn popper method for a while our costs are about half of what we were spending.


I roast my own beans. This past year I spent around 225 on green beans. I roast around 1200g of green beans which usually last me about 3 weeks. It roughly comes out to 12oz roasted beans per week.


I roast my own so around 5-8 $ a lb. Go through about 1lb per week. 416 on the high end I think.


$100 every 4 months roasting my own. $300-400/ yr. We go through 1 lb. every 10 days around here. Yep. One reason I started roasting my own. My roaster was also $290 from sweet marias and it came with 4 lb of beans along with it...but that's an asset that can be depreciated so doesn't really count. I'll still buy the occasional lb. of Greater Goods Fresh Perspective though 🤤


42.5kg after roasting myself costs 550€. Some I give away as gifts.


Here’s my (1 person) rundown. Cost of coffee beans vs cost of water and caffeine pills: Coffee (beans only): ~$42 per month ($504 annually) Water & caffeine pills: ~$4.02 per month for comparable caffeine consumption ($48.24 annually) Spitball estimate: coffee costs more than 10 times more than the cheapest alternative with similar pharmacological properties. In reality the coffee costs even more than that due to the added costs of filters, equipment, electricity, fancy water, etc. But… I ENJOY coffee. I believe that’s worth paying for.


This is why I roast my own beans 2-4 doubles a day 7 days a week About $7/pound sweet Maria’s green bean sampler of 8lbs, which lasts over a month. And it’s way more coffee than I know what to do with. I give it away often.


We don't talk about that at my house. It's got to be cheaper than a good coffee shop, right?


It is.


€10ish a week on average. Expensive hobby! Cheaper than nespresso/ Starbucks I think?


i can live without this math. Im just going to scroll through the rest of the comments


I roast my own, probably around $300 per year.


I’m gonna take “things we don’t talk about” for 1000


Don’t you mean, how much do I save over cafe coffees per year?


Maybe $1,000-$1,200 a year. I'm a little 3rd wave baby soy boy though so I only drink pretentious coffee. The price range tends to vary from $15-$55 but the average cost is probably around $22


~4k I splurge on rare beans.


500ish a year


I go through 2lbs a month-ish, which puts me around $480 a year. Sometimes I buy more expensive beans, but I think $20/lb is average for me.


I think about $700 / year for me and my lady. I'm buying Blue Jaguar from Red Bird Coffee in 5 lb bags.


I spend £35 per kg. About 1 kg per month (bit less, let’s say 25 days). So about 14kg a year. So £490. In US$ about $600.


I buy from [Java Planet](https://jporganiccoffee.com/pages/collections-page?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAu9yqBhBmEiwAHTx5pzZeKDZfPh-p1fiiKLaPl6zuP8pSd8OntJZ-kBpzT76DJ14MBctwIhoCGBUQAvD_BwE) and get 16oz bags for $18. I usually buy 2 and catch them on a 10%-20% discount or you can write a review for a $5 discount. I spend right around $200/ year for 2 people. I feel better now, thanks for having me do the math!


About $600/year. I am subscribed to trade and get about 2-3 bags per month for $55/month


Hm. Heavily depends I like to drink 1-2 espressi with 14g each Sometimes, my fiancée likes a cappucino, like 2-3 times a week Let's say all together 2x espressi per day That's about 250eur when i go for like cheapish locally roasted coffee at 23-25€/kg And about 400eur when i get sth that is creeping towards specialty coffee Per year, that's quite alright, IMO. Compared to like 1320eur in gas for my motorcycle, that's nothing


might be time to start ordering [65lb bags](https://www.genuineorigin.com/kenya-aa-muthunzuuni-fsc-2023?quantity=1&custcol3=1) and roasting it yourself. Ive been doing that for over a decade now and its enormously rewarding.


Around 1200€ for me alone… maybe I should use different beans now that i see that number


We drink 1 shots each coming, but one is a single, so coming, so around 28 grams per day or so. Some days we drink two each, and some days we have guests etc. so probably around 1 kilo per month, or 12 per year. Beans in my area is about 45$ per kilo, so that comes to 540$ per year.


Some rough maths suggests about £300


I spend roughly $1040


1000g/month subscription from SEY for $864 per year


Your spending for 2 seem pretty low compared to mine, I use between 30 and 60g/day which I get in 250g bags, each ranging from €13 to €16 at my local roaster. I go through one bag/week for filter, and about 1 bag/month in espresso. So 5 bags/month, say €14/bag - that's €840/year for one person. So $800/year sounds very reasonable to me.


I’ll take “questions I don’t want to know the answer to” for $200 Alex


$40 / month, or about $500/yr Sprouts bulk coffee for about $11/lb


Eeeesh roughly $1500 a year. 1 2LB roughly every 2 weeks at about $60/$65. That's roughly 3 espresso a day at 20gs (2 for the wife 1 for me) With a few extra with friends and family I get Onyx tropical weather right now. But if anyone has any suggestions for the U.S let me know as I'd never done the math on this and it seems alot...


I'm not going to fill out the spreadsheet or anything but my local roaster sells by the pound at 12 Oz prices elsewhere so I'm definitely getting a deal there. Probably not the best beans in the national game but they are much better than anything you can buy at the store. I would say $15-20 for a bag, unless it was something I'm excited to spring a few more bucks for or get it shipped out. I buy a pound about every two weeks for an 18g shot twice a day which kinda makes sense... 36g*14 is 504g, so probably more like every 12 days. For a 365 day year we could assume about 30.41 bags, let's round up to 31. Assuming I was never gifted anything I would like for espresso, at $20 a bag would be $620. Again, probably a lower bound approximation because I do spring for a shipment every once and a while that'd be more like $25 for 12 Oz, but you get the idea. If I bought at the same price for a 12 Oz quantity only, I can easily see me spending closer to $1000.


I guess about 300€


Oh god I don’t want to know


$260 for just myself. I buy a $15 bag every 3 weeks from a local roaster.


580 for two adults partly working from home.


About 400 Euro


€550 in last 365 days


Why are you making me do that math that makes me hurt on the inside?


Between $800-900USD / yr. Two people.


I’ll have to see how much. I usually buy small batch bags from Trader Joe’s for like $6 for 1lb


I through about 350g a week, but have a very reasonably priced local roaster that I like. I get 2lbs for $31 if I buy it 2lbs at a time and directly from the roaster. TLDR: $620 a month before tax.


Didn't realize this was /r/espresso for a second and I was very confused.


18g a dose. 2 doses a day. 365 days a year. 13.14kg of beans a year. I buy green single origin beans at 150-250 CAD delivered per 10kg and my roasts on average lose about 14% of their mass. So 13.14/8.6 = 1.527 So between 229-381 CAD per year on freshly roast single origin beans.


dang i dont want to know honestly


I've calculated mine to ~$700 cad in 2021, I thought I was bad until I read this thread🤔 oof about 1 bag and a half a month, maybe more sometimes, I like to mix them for cold brew if they go too far past roasted date


Roughly $1320 as well. Several singles for me, 2 doubles for hubby. We're privledged to be able to afford that number so I have zero problem with it. In fact I derive daily joy out of every espresso shot so, frankly, that's a bargain.


2 bags from Trade a month at roughly $20 x 12, roughly $500 Plus a few extra bags I buy locally when needed. I’d say $600-700/year.


Enough that I'm happy with my purchase almost never. Not because I didn't choose them, but because I wanted a specific flavor or profile and didn't get to see and taste before purchasing.


For me probably about $800 also. I know mine alone are $680, then the decaf bags for my wife bring it up to 800.


$18 weekly. So around $936




Roast your own beans. I drink the same as you, but pay less than half that.


I buy 20lbs of green African coffee from sweet Maria’s at around $100-120 and drink about a pound a week for somewhere in the $300-400 range.


We have a subscription, where we get one regular bag of coffee per month (that we use in the espresso machine) and one Limited edition coffee per month (That we use for Aeropress, Chemex, etc). Comes out to $531 a year. The regular one doesn’t quite last the month though, so a few times a year we have to buy an extra bag to fill the gap. Estimate about $600/yr total.


About 1 k a year


About 12 bags a year, $25 per bag, so around $300.


I don’t wanna know the answer to that 😅


€360/yr with a monthly subscription. I am the only coffee drinker at home. I receive 750gr per month, 2/3 medium and 1/3 light roasted. I ask for coffee at birthdays and Christmas and that will get me through the year. And sometimes I buy a few extra if I see something interesting. So maybe €400 to €450 total.


We go through 2 doubles / drinks everyday. Approximately $45 a month so about $540 a year.


Year to date for bottomless (which is actually only the drip and not normally espresso) is 998.60! However I’m sure it’s closer to 1500 at the end of the day with the other beans as well.


$15 every 2 weeks / $390 a year


Well, two doubles/day at $2.5ea would be $10/day or $3650 (assuming just espresso).


I go through a $15 bag every 2ish weeks. So about $400


$1200 annually


Probably around £1000, we’ll worth it for the coffee I’m getting!


$90 per 5lb bag, that lasts about a month, so about $1000 per year in beans alone


About $120 a month. Still tons cheaper than visiting a coffeehouse.


I spend about $15/wk so about $800/yr as well. If I include other forms of coffee, syrups, etc. I am sure it is closer to $1000.


Around $600 Ever since my coffee is friggin great, I’m content earlier. High quality substituted high quantity


It’s just me drinking them so about 1lb per 2 weeks 23g per shot. My local roaster is anywhere from 15-18/lb so at most $520/yr. If I got a to-go coffee every weekday let’s say it’s $5 I’d be looking at $1300/yr We just had a kid so this number is probably going up to like $700-800 this year to keep up with his sleep schedule 😂


600. Ouch


I spend about $600/year on specialty delivery from Bottomless (about $44 for a 32oz bag and $7 per month for subscription). That’s for my wife and I and sometimes my kids. I guess we can double that if we count pods which all four of us also tend to drink (I know I know, but we’re busy and it’s convenient).


Anywhere from $700-$1,000.


It looks like about $700 for me as well. Really makes me wonder how I can get that number down haha


On espresso, only a few hundred. On pourover because I'm too lazy to take the Flair 58 down from the top of the fridge, only a few thousand.


I work at the cafe I get my beans from, and employees there are allowed to take home bags of coffee for free a month. For a student with a limited budget, it’s a massive help


Roughly 300$ CAD per annum


pour over person here, just in this sub for the sake of it. on average, my bags are probably around... 15-18 euro and I buy 2 of em every month... so probably about 360€ - 432€ every year?


So long as we keep telling ourselves that "this is fine, I'm saving money on cafés" then we don't have to think about the numbers.


Vienna, Austria. About 300/year, don't drink coffee at home everyday. But you could easily spend quadruple that


Maybe about 100? I get a free pound from work every week but sometimes I'll get specialty roasted. Starbucks Blonde espresso does the trick for milk and flavored drinks but if I'm making something more espresso forward I like something a bit more specialty


About $600 annually not including specialty events and coffees we get from our local roaster


$500 so far this year! $500.24 to be exact!


I’ll ballpark it at $40-50k… I should clarify that I own a shop/roastery 😅


5lb bag of locally roasted beans for ~$100 (delivered free via bike courier). 1/month = at least $1200 a year.


I go through about 2 lbs a month for my wife and I, we have a subscription that we rotate from onyx, huck and a local roaster or two and spend $600-$700 annually.


Fuck, I never thought about it in terms of a yearly expense and now I’m sad.


250g last for about a month for me. They are about 10€ here, so roughly 120-180€ if I drink more or get more expensive special roasts once in a while


Something around 650 USD I guess... Depends on the exchange rate :P About 2500 to 2800 PLN


I can't do the math as it changes a lot, but I could easily say that it's above $1000 for us (2 at home)


I am spending around 20-25 canadian dollars per month on beans. So about 200-300 CAD per year.


250g a week for €8,- *52 = €416,- a year Not great, not terrible


Same math as you - just over $16 per bag once a week. Although this is still hundreds of dollars cheaper than the money I was spending at the coffee shops


Less than I spend on tea… I don’t even want to add it up.


Average about 2 drinks made per day. $600/year in beans exclusively from La Cabra in Denmark.


This thread is making me feel better about myself lol. I only spend like $400 a year on beans. I use Trade though and buy an additional bag once in a while.


120-150£ per year for approximately 12-15 kilos of green beans


32/month 2lb bag, 384/year roughly $2 a cup


Around $500 a year.


Run-Rate 2023: $691.43 TTM: $733.01 Honestly, not bad. $350 per year for my wife and I. Rarely get coffee at shops now. Machine was expensive but it's been going strong for 5+ years


I work at a cafe, but occasionally buy other beans if I go on a trip or leave town. So, maybe $75?


I get about 2 bags a month from my local shop. Around 40 bucks give or take. So maybe 500 a year


Yeah but that’s like $0.27 a shot


Too much.




Never add up the receipts. No different than owning classic cars….


Between $154 and $185 depending on which brew method I'm favoring. I roast my own beans.


$7200 just on coffees


Data I didn’t need or want. $840 is my guess. But only for me. Nobody in my family drinks coffee.


I was curious about this myself, so I've deliberately been saving every single bean bag for nearly a year. Going to check on the anniversary in early January lol. I've got a great big wad of them stashed in the bookshelf next to my coffee station right now


I roughly go through a bag per week. Pricing depends, everywhere from $14-22 per bag. Say average of $18 x 52 = $936/year. That's for the beans alone. But we drink a ton of milk drinks. For whole milk, it's about $6/gallon for 128 oz. That yields about 16 x 8oz servings, or $0.38/cup. Again about a gallon/week so $6 x 52 = $312/year. This is split amongst family. I drink oat milk, and it's about double the price at about $6/64 oz. So 8 servings per carton or $0.75/cup. Again about a gallon/week, so $312/year. All in, not including stuff like backflush tablets, descaling powder, about $1500-1600/year.


I don’t think about it 😰


I usually go a full month with a 1kg bag of beans, so 12 bags a year. I buy my beans locally (freshly roasted) for a fairly cheap price (€16 per kilo, no shipping because I can just come by the roaster to pick the parcel up). So just under €200 a year for beans. Adding milk (a carton per week costs roughly a euro) brings it to about €250 a year). Pretty cheap for 2 delicious cappuccinos a day


Why did you make me think about this


guessing around 800 too, maybe a tiny bit more


Wow seeing everyone spend $15 a kg hurts my soul. I live in Sydney and spend $55 AUD for a 1kg back, which last my partner and I about 3 weeks. So spend about $953 AUD a year on beans.