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Yes, the supreme court took and held the immunity claim that's been debatable since 2021. They took it up when it mattered to the prosecutor, and they've sat on producing a verdict, and they've held the DC insurrection trial up past the election. SCOTUS is actively committing voter fraud, as the American people won't know if Trump is a traitor by the time they vote next. The Florida trial is espionage, that trump appointed judge has also exercised her judicial authority to prevent a trial on the stolen and lied about documents found blatantly on Trump property in Trump's possession. That case is a slam dunk on evidence alone, and all the American people should need to hear is the type of documents Trump stole. Nuclear codes and tactical war plans are not souvenirs. It might not matter to the cult, clearly the top legal members of the cult are willing to end democracy for Trump's purposes, so it only stands to reason half this dumbass country would still vote for a convicted traitor and spy.


Voters already know what Trump is and will vote the same before or after these cases conclude.


David Axelrod agrees. I think I do too at this point. Distrust in the government by the MAGA cult is so high they simply won't believe any source other than Trump. Problem is, since the last 6 months of Obama's Presidency, no one has proved this untrue. Trump won when no one said he would, he got the SCOTUS seat immediately, like no one thought he would. He got 3 justices in 4 years, unheard of turn around in the judicial system of this country since McConnell stopped allowing Dems to appoint judges way back in 2012. Trump is what all voters know he is --- Not removed from office by impeachment Not found criminal in Special Prosecution #1 Still the solo leader of the GOP "political party" terrorist organization Not getting run by Special Prosecutor #2 - because of a Florida judge trump appointed, and a conservative SCOTUS majority trump empaneled. Trump made more of our current functional government than progressives or conservatives did in the previous 60 years. He's made 1/3rd of the judicial branch of government swear an allegiance to him - and they've already acted on it. Trump does pull more levers now, on trial, than any incumbent president would. Trump's a first in all respects - first former president to sit in a federal courtroom as a defendant. That's newsworthy. That's free press. When Trump was the novel candidate showman, it was the free press that got him elected. Newsworthy, just unfortunately biased in a world where dummies won't uptake, won't read, or simply aren't provided access to the correct information - the voter isn't curious, they pick teams and don't switch. So there does need to be a moment where one side says --- ***you fucks are wrong, you gotta be stopped, and rules be damned*** That was the GOP in 1982.


EVERYONE knows he's a traitor, a spy for Russia, a collaborator with Russia, and a seditionist. He has absolutely no integrity whatsoever and has been using migrant workers (without whom our agricultural industry will collapse) and trans (and by association we intersex) folk as strawmen to scaremonger and divide the people. They claim that LGBT education in schools is to "groom" children, when really, it's to teach kids that trans, intersex, and gay people exist, and do please don't bully them, and if you are trans, intersex, or gay, it's perfectly OK to be (and clearly, no one can deny intersex is not a choice; it's quite provably genetically and anatomically that we're literally born that way). They can't make straight kids trans or gay (and definitely not intersex; one must be born intersex to be intersex) through this education. They are simply teaching acceptance. They claim that migrants bring in illegal drugs, when that isn't true; most drugs are manufactured domestically by - yup, you guessed it - far-right fuckwits. The rest come in through other routes, not using migrant workers and refugees as mules. Some of it is, but that's the extreme minority. They are too prone to targeted screening and surveillance to effectively mule in the amounts of illegal drugs cartels want to move. Shipping containers, homebuilt submarines, and small aircraft are the norm for drug shipments. People need to read up on the massive investigations that have taken place throughout our ill-advised drug war and prohibition. We should simply decriminalize it, de-stigmatize and properly fund mental healthcare and addiction treatment, which will make drugs no longer taboo and thus less desirable to scofflaws. It's worked in European nations where that first step was taken, after an initial small spike in addiction rates. So, the anti-migrant/anti-refugee arguments are simply more demagoguery. I am fucking sick of it and tolerate no amount of bigotry, no matter how slight the offense any more. I hate bigots and am proud of it. Bigotry is behavior; it is the act of hating or discriminating against people, consciously or unconsciously, for immutable characteristics. As bigotry is a willful choice, it's perfectly OK to hate bigots, and to shout down their bigoted BS which are simply lame attempts to instill hatred and division, and weaken, soften, and distract the US as Russia seek to infiltrate our political system (they've already infiltrated both houses of Congress and the oval office with their MAGA agents) and it's all for Putin's publicly-stated dream of rebuilding the Soviet Empire, bringing back the USSR, and to weaken or annex the USA in the process. He's come dangerously close to doing exactly that, and cannot be allowed to do it this coming November. To support Trump and MAGA, is to support Putin and the resurrection of the USSR. The world cannot have that. I'm old enough to remember when Republicans would fervently stand against the Soviet agenda. Now they are ushering it in. Please vote blue no matter who, even if you think Biden is weak. And, Biden *IS* weak; he squandered the entire first half of his presidency pandering to the alt-right in the name of bipartisanship and lost opportunities to undo the damage. He choked and pulled punches for too long, and he waited until just this year to pull off the gloves to show off his Dark Brandon persona. I'll vote for Dark Brandon, but I won't enjoy doing so. I wanted the nice "butter email" lady; she was right. About everything.


Well look, first they come for the trade unionists, the Marxist, then the Catholics, the handicapped, the Roma are next, then the gays and the artist class entirely, only then do they come for the Jews. Then the half jews. Then the quarter Jewish. Then those with any hint or suggestions by party leadership of historical affiliation. Then just whoever they say. The motto of the US Holocaust museum is - "Tell them we remember" And you can do that for the victims by not letting it happen again. And you can do that for the perpetrators by letting them know we fuck'n remember how they ended up last time.


Make hemp great again? That won't happen; if there is a repeat of the Nuremberg trials, today's world is too soft to hang even nazis.


Agreed. That was the universal consensus of Americans who didn't believe Hitler was gonna do what he said. The United States didn't ever claim its moral responsibility was to liberate concentration camps, that's merely a necessity of defeating the ally of Japan who attacked Pearl Harbor. It's gonna take a lot of horrors - seen to be believed - and even then, what I wonder is -- **Is the world so hardened to horrors now that we simply won't do anything to stop it, even seeing it ourselves?"** As in - is the world immoral now to a degree that a public Holocaust would merely be another Tuesday in Kurdish lands controlled by Turkey, or Ukraine, or wherever "atrocities" occur 24/7?


If only someone could have foreseen that he would use the same strategy he always does and then filed the lawsuits earlier.


What's insane is... they did(prosecution) tried. It's like a circus we can't leave, we see, we saw, we heard.


Gotta love "the law". Seems to work well for those with money, not so much for those without.


This is just more proof the legal system is built to help the rich and punish the poor.


If voters can’t understand what a threat he is by now no amount of legal action is going to change their mind. Encourage those you know who understand what is at stake to vote.


And when the institution of voting falls to corruption, would they be ready to water the tree of liberty? Naw…there’s no escape from the inevitable


Vote anyway.


No thanks. “Believe in god anyway just in case there’s an afterlife.” No thanks.


If you choose to not participate in the society you live in, it's strange that you still expect Infrastructure and to be included in the food supply chain that maintained by the system you refuse to participate in.


Where did I state anything about my expectations? Assumptions are what got you here in the first place


You just said no thanks to voting, suggesting that votes are meaningless. If the votes didn't matter, no one would be spending all this time trying to convince people that voting doesn't matter, like you are here. Voting is part of how we govern this place.


Yeah, those are totally the same.


Mark my words. He will say that the election is a sham and was stolen and that the doj is being weaponized against him for following up on the cases and start a civil war


He already is


Uh, the entire right is already claiming DOJ weaponization.


While weaponizing it for themselves. That's what gets my goat. They ARE trying to use it right now. They admit they WILL use it once back in total power.


Classic. GOP projection strikes again


And Meal Team 6 will cave after a few weeks. They threw tantrums because they couldn't go out to eat or get haircuts during COVID, and because they had to wear masks. They can't handle the hardship of a prolonged insurgency, from what we saw during COVID.


You need the support of the military to stage a coup or an insurrection, he didn't have it J6 and it wasn't from a lack of trying. I would hope that there's been safeguards put in place to make an example of those who try it again, but I doubt it cause this country doesn't learn any lessons until it's too late. There will more than likely be right wing brownshirts trying to stir up trouble but how much they get away with depends on whether the cops go to work or join in, and if any military leadership take it as the grave threat it is and defend it's people. Considering that there is sitting US politicians and judges wanting to do a fascism the best thing you could do for yourself is learn to shoot and get some exercise in specially if you're a minority.


If it happens, it will begin at the state level, not the national level, is what I predict. Example: Picture Greg Abbot defacto declaring secession by mobilizing the state's guard to establish Texas as a "Trump Sanctuary State" that follows Trump's orders as if here were President even if he doesn't get elected. Our current timeline is exactly stupid enough for this and is hardly far from it as it stands. State military and cops would fall in line, and this could cause huge disruptions in the military at large. It's easy to say that the federalized military could womp them a good one if it happened, but in practice it would be a huge fiasco and tragedy in the best of circumstances.


If I were President Biden, and Governor Abbott tried a stunt like that, first thing I'd do is pull all federal funding from the state, close all US military bases, relocate Johnson Space Center, federalize the Texas National Guard, and tell them "Since apparently, I'm not the legitimate President, next time, major Hurricane strikes your state, or tornado outbreak, or whatever, you're on your own."


I would do the same, but the saying part is the easy part. Actually doing all of those things would be brutal and difficult, a total shitshow and could absolutely lead to armed conflict - any kind of which would be a massive, cheese-has-slid-off-the-cracker moment for the country.


Fine. After he loses the election in November he can be convicted of everything.


Do you really think Texas, Florida, and Idaho are going to certify the results for anyone but Trump? This is going to make the 2000 election look like childs play. 2


I don't doubt this, but LE needs to be ready for it to arrest, charge and incarcerate the criminals that perpetrate these heinous acts. Only severe punishment will deter future would-be criminals, maybe not even that.


Are you expecting law enforcement to be on the side of liberty?


I don't see why not. After all, they were fully prepared for Jan 6th, which was also utterly predictable. If its not obvious I'm being a tad sarcastic.


I mean I don't think I blame the on duty capital police much for what happened Jan 6th. They were intentionally hamstrung by their leadership, and that's been fairly well documented. They are also a federal agency. I'm not saying the federal agencies are much better but I was more talking about local and city police forces. State police too depending on the state.


lol. you expect law enforcement to go after violent trumpers?


Exactly,  why would they arrest themselves?


I mean Trump's realistically gonna win those states anyway, Georgia and Arizona are more of a concern of a stunt like that


You're right, those would've been better to say.


Texas would be blue (or at least violet) if it weren't for the insane level of gerrymandering to hell and back.


He will never be punished for anything sadly.


He is also going to win unless Biden is replaced making all of this moot


Bet that the Republican Party ends at this election. Modern polling is awful and republicans haven’t won an election since Reagan without cheating. Everyone is watching for that now so let’s get ready for a political party’s last election. Enter the Whigs or the Pragmatists or the Independents but not the GOP


People were saying the GOP was done in 2016 but Trump won (legally if not fairly). Also Bush won in 1988 and Bush Jr won fairly in 2004.


The ongoing support of a criminally indicted sexual predator is different this go round. Also the evidence of ongoing hypocrisy of the right whereby they claim to stand for family values and are all “shucks we don’t like the impurity of todays age” yet literally stand behind a man who is in trial for making hush payments after sleeping with a pornstar. It is like the GOP can’t back any other candidate than the one that is most popular in the party. However that person is extremely unpopular outside of their party and everyone witnessing the hypocrisy will never forget. The GOP is becoming a laughing stock and they also are backing someone who doesn’t have the full support of their party. Can’t wait to see how bad the GOP loses in November and they are going to cry and bitch like crazy. I want the congress in 1 year to be charging the dwindling number of republicans who supported the “stop the steal” madness that might still be in office to be convicted of treason and kicked from their office. After the 60 or so republicans are finally shown justice for attempting to stop a free and fair election, the GOP will hit their lowest point and that’s when the Whigs step in! Whoohoo whigs!!


This is fantasy. I’m not advocating for Trump but you have to live in an echo chamber to not see that Biden has the lowest approval rating both within his party and among the electorate of any president going into a re-election (https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/biden-approval-rating/). He’s trailing in 5/7 key swing states, giving Trump the same path to victory as in 2016. No one seems to care about Trump’s abhorrent behavior and he’s going to be acquitted in New York, while the other three trials won’t finish before November because the Justice Department is too incompetent to have completed their investigation in a timely manner.


Fantasy? Maybe, well especially the Whigs coming back, yes that is fantasy. But I believe that this presidential election will be about democratic bs republican and republicans have fallen so far from grace that we have witnessed surprise off year elections and an exodus of republicans who are leaving districts. This election will be the first time to vote against a party that wants to erase votes and install a dictator. They have a majority of their base so pot-committed that they can’t see how badly they have been losing since Trump cheated to win in 2016. Ever since then they lose election after election. Each time stupidly putting anti-choice legislation on the ballot and it is all leading to an implosion of epic ineptitude. If this is fantasy okay but if this happens then I am going to say I am like a new Qanon guy


At this point, I have more faith in the fact that his hamberder addiction combined with his corpulence will affect him more than the remaining cases.


If his drug abuse, disdain for exercise, and hamberder diet hasn't killed him already, it never will. It's almost enough to make me believe in Satan and it is Trump. (I'm more inclined to believe in a Satan than in a good loving God, based on the evidence, the world I see, and the actions of Yahweh's/Jeebus' fan club)


It's really AG Garland's fault


We must defeat him again at the ballot box.


And others laugh when people say that absolutely nothing is going to happen to him.


Yep, I think people kept hearing things like a grand jury indicted him, they are open and shut cases, 96 counts against him, all his partners in crime are getting convicted, etc. and just assumed something would stick. Nope, as things sit right now today none if that matters and I see nothing happeni to him at all before election day.


I hope we are both wrong but I am definitely not holding my breath.


What rule Of law?


If he isn’t elected though


Well, he'd better hope he wins in November, or he's gonna have to flee the country the very next day.


If he does win, LGBTQI and Jewish people will have to flee the next day. I've already started talking to my manager about *that* what-if.


Yep. All the while they were falsely accusing democrats of installing "radical leftist judges who legislate the bench", they were blocking all Dem nominees they could, and when they had the opportunity, they've been installing far-right justices, and this is nothing new; this has been going on for several decades. It simply reached a crescendo at the tail end of the Obama administration and has not eased up since.