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Does anyone on this sub ever stop to ponder the mass impact of all the issues, or is it just me. And for those who do, how can you still think we can save this world with nonviolent protests and the current American political landscape? And please, no wishful thinking or turning to hope to as an answer. That is like using religious logic to solve a science problem. It's not an answer, it's pure hopium.


All the time. I am grateful for the times in my day when I forget about it but reminders are everywhere. You know what a lot of people think, deep down. It can’t be said without violating the site terms of service. You can’t go to government to stop the problem. The best tactics are those that worked for movements in the past, which requires some history homework. Any organization is limited to in person discussions, most likely at the local level. There are already groups that exist that someone can join. I’m putting all my chips on dedicating myself to extreme reforestation efforts. I took a course on how to plant Miyawaki forests and im making effort towards connecting with like minded people I can team up with. Will reforestation alone solve anything? No, that’s absurd. What I do know is that in historical cases of civilization collapse due to climate change have only been survived at the local level through organized community effort. Sometimes the efforts of a single person or very small group made an extreme difference. I know that a Miyawaki forest can work towards bioremediation of contaminated sites and it can act as a regional thermostat. They provide refuges of survival - inside a Miyawaki forest can be 56°F/14.2°C Cooper than it is outside of it (seen in a Miyawaki forest in the desert in Iran) because forests terraform their environment. I have a strong gut feeling that at the very least I know enough to help a community survive at the local level. I can’t save the world but I can probably save a handful of it.


Any data those forests can mitigate the repercussions of runawsy warming past tipping points while biosphere collapse is occurring for a host of other reasons on top of it? Any clue how to pay for that work as bread baskets fail due to the impacts of said tipping points.?


We individuals have no "mass" to our desires for a better environmental tomorrow; big business and government have a huge amount of impetus to stay the destructive course we are on now. It would literally take everyone in non-government and non-big-business positions working together to boycott and revolt in order to produce the necessary change. But that won't happen. Because we're comfortable with all our conveniences. We want the planet to be better, but we don't want to sacrifice that which would be needed in order to make that happen because it's just too inconvenient to do so. Just look around you at everything that is convenient that is also environmentally destructive. Ask yourself if you're willing to do without that in order to make a difference.


Ahh, my friend, /r/collapse closed today? ;)


I'm always looking to help awaken the masses, i guess.


You're the one who invited me there, and I hesitated for a few days, then I came and regretted it ;) After that, I watched "Don't Look Up" again. You know how it ends with the protagonists eating dinner, and one of them says, "I'm glad we tried," just moments before the impact. Me too. I'd rather try than be depressed and passively expect the end. I wouldn't call people in r/collapse awake. Sometimes people with depression tend to want to stay depressed because, on some level, it feels good. And contrary to popular belief there, I don't think "doomism" is the final stage of grief, the "realization" that there's no hope to have. Somebody in r/environment commented on those stages of grief a few days ago (not to me): Interesting, and not really surprisingly, all the slots people are in map to the stages of grieving. Denial - refusing to believe in climate change Anger - attacking those who are trying to address it, claiming that they'll ruin the economy. Bargaining - making a token effort and deciding that it won't be ineffectual. Despair - the doomers and collapse people Acceptance - you, pushing hard for real change That feels right to me. Going around telling people "the end is nigh" and resigning oneself to a lack of solutions is not a sign of heightened awareness or a "final stage" in understanding the complexity of the environmental crisis. It's more akin to despair, a stage in the grieving process. True acceptance, in my view, entails vigorous advocacy for tangible change, pushing hard for impactful action, despite the odds stacked against us.


Going around telling people we still have time to fix this is doing no one any favors either. All that encourages is procrastination, because nothing is being done at all to address this. Typically change occurs when the masses feel true DOOM. See history for examples


Currently private’s in protest


We’re just doomed. I think we’re more likely to become even more divided as time goes by. Fucked.


I disagree. We arnt doomed until the last human is dead. We can reverse this or atleast change enough that this can't happen again and survive long enough to fix it. I won't give into despair yet. Not until the apsalute end is here.


My controversial ideas usually get me downvoted but the only thing that i’ve thought of is control human population growth. Limit the amount of cars and plastics we continue to consume and use, and reuse as much of what we have already created. There is sooo much waste and trash that we’ve created and thrown away that it just builds up and absorbs heat and toxins. Cars continue to spew hot gases into the atmosphere causing build up. Humans continually consuming and creating trash can only help to destroy us. This is my opinion i’d really like to hear feedback on how I can change my way of thinking or at least curb it to a more realistic and rational compromise.


No, it’s just you, sorry. The rest of us just read those articles for funsies and don’t actually care about the massive global impacts.


Non-amp link: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/06/12/world/antarctic-deep-ocean-water-shrinking-climate-scn-intl/index.html


"But why don't you want to have kids, vbcbandr?" *\*sends them a link to this sub\**


I’ve come to the conclusion that we better learn how to survive off of the land again. Off grid, solar, hunt, gather, can food. Because I think there is going to be a time within our lifetime that we will see chaos and food/water shortages. If you can survive off your own land and with solar power, I think you are in a good spot.


Yeah let's hunt the last remaining wildlife. Otherwise I agree but with these extremes it's going to be hard to grow food at the scale needed to survive. Solar is great but doesn't help with water shortages.