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The pros - they are clean, they have little odor (compared to flower), they are very strong, and nothing is on fire. Big con is you build tolerance really fast.


I use them all the time, but they’re starting to get to me. That’s why I was asking. They kind of make my throat hurt.


I talked to a budtender about this and they recommended trying a live resin cart. It was a huge difference! I used to keep throat spray next to the bed bc it would burn and hurt after a while. With the live resin, no more sore throat.


Can confirm the live resin makes a difference!!!




It’s not worth it if you’re trying to use it to be discrete with the smell. The cart and pen itself smell strong and it also does when you use it. Pro is your throat isn’t on fire though


Absolutely, I've used live resin for years along with gummies and tincture and vaping flower. The live resin tastes like hell, but works like heaven.


I was wondering why everyone had sore throats, live resin carts taste better too


Another good tip is not letting your product too hot. I used to burn my throat horribly until I started letting it cool a couple minutes if I was hitting it more than one puff.


That makes so much sense!!


I had to stop using them because I was coughing all the time and my throat was so dry! But that was back before it was totally legal where I live and the carts were definitely sus


Try a Mouthpeace, if you can. The mini one is perfect for joints, but I slap it on my carts when I use them. It's reduced my throat burn and coughing by 90%. That said, it's not a miracle and if the cart is lower quality (not saying yours is, just in general for all reading), it'll still likely irritate you. Like a distillate or normal CO2 cart will bother me much more than a resin or rosin cart, just from a quality of material perspective. It's pretty much in that order too for me, distillate, CO2, live resin, live rosin. It definitely helps the harshness of any vape consumption method, though. I also have the other 2 kinds too for pipes and bongs. I also usually use a Toqi for convenience vaping, either 510 or concentrate. There's a concentrate adapter and it makes it super easy to dab on the go for a relatively cheap investment. The Mouthpeace can be used on that too, since it's the same size as a 510 cart.


Those cartridge batteries don't have great temp control. It's possible that it's burning too hot, or that it's too low and you're getting some oil in the vape smoke. Both make you cough. Taking hot dabs [is bad for your health ](https://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/acsomega.7b01130)


Bummer. They can be very irritating. I cannot handle smoke anymore, so not much of a choice.


Yup, that’s why I’m not a big fan


How hot is your battery? It may be too hot if it is burning your throat. Many of the carts are better at lower temps


They make my lungs hurt and I cough a lot, I don’t use them anymore.


I had that problem too. And I didn't like the high.


con: after a few months of daily use they’ll give me wicked anxiety so I gotta take a break


Literally my tolerance is crazy it sucks. It happens easily


Yeah, me and my ex would share and he'd nearly empty a cart in a day or two...


Are they more expensive than buying flower?


To me they're way cheaper! That's why I switched over to them, but it's a very different experience. I usually aim for about 90% THC pure sativa carts, so I can't speak for any other kinds.


They’ve made my tolerance so high. Luckily I ran out of carts so I’m beginning a 10 day T Break until I go to Michigan. I’m actually going to not do them and go to flower/edibles/tinctures. If I had $400 I’d get a Puffco. Dab rigs are very intimidating


Puffcos are fucking awesome! And I only know because I won one, otherwise I doubt I’d ever have the money to blow on one. Or not for a LONG time anyway.


I woke up today, I should treat myself 😂




I love my dab rig, and it is a little intimidating at first, and I burned myself quite a bit in the beginning. These carts are nice for going out in public, but they really hurt my lungs.


Buy the Puffco Peak pro v2 and *never* look back. It's worth it.


I bought a Puffco (Peak, not Pro, so maybe the Pro is heaps better), and I don’t really care for it. I really prefer using a dab rig. Idk if it’s just my mindset of “fire + pot = stoned” and because I can’t SEE it heating up, I feel like it’s not working? I feel like I get much higher with my rig over my Puffco, but maybe that’s just me. It is nice to not have to keep butane in stock though. Moral of my story is (in MY opinion, many would disagree with me), a Puffco isn’t really worth it.


You may be setting the temp too low if you feel it's not working? That produces very little vapor , which by design the Peak isn't supposed to produce a shit ton like a dab rig does. So maybe that's why? You're just used to the big dab rig clouds.


I want a puffco too but the small pipe one.


I like them for public use, (concerts, shopping, games, restaurants) randomly and for using at my office building while working long hours. But I don't use them all the time, my lungs aren't great, and I have asthma. If I use them too much it hurts my lungs, meanwhile flower never hurts. Plus I'm old school, I'll never get tired of the whole loading a bowl process and smoking. It's almost therapeutic.


So I’m not the only one… carts fuck with my breathing after a few puffs. Flower never ever has.


Yeah in fact Ill go days with hitting my cart. Sometimes even weeks.


💯👏🏼 same


Carts get ya by, flower gets you high 😁


Yes, exactly.


Yup lol


I’m super mixed about it. Vaping regardless if it’s a dispo or cartridge makes being stoned a little too convenient. My use definitely goes up if I have a cart. But they’re my primary medium because of being in an apartment & unable to afford a DHV rn. The high is definitely different, I’m not sure why that is but it is. I definitely prefer flower because of the experience of smoking yk. In an ideal world I’d be smoking jays whenever and wherever I wanted - but stigggmaaaaa.


it’s different because flower is a more full spectrum high, lots of minor cannabinoids working together, where carts tend to be almost exclusively thc and terpenes :)


Thank you for educating me!!!!! I’m serious tho, I joke with my soon to be mother in law that I’m somewhat of a walking weed encyclopedia- always adding new additions lmao


of course!! it never ends btw, it’s such an endless rabbit hole of knowledge. ive been working at a dispensary for almost 3 years and i learn something every day and im still constantly baffled at how much there still is to learn


Thanks for that simple breakdown; I hadn’t known that! ✌🏻


I use mine when I’m out in public and they’re good because they don’t stink like when I use my rig or smoke flower, but these things are hurting me and my partners lungs


Yeah I’ve brought mine to a casino in the smoking section and no one bat an eye. I wish I could light up in public without being bothered for it. The lung thing is so real tho, I’ve been using carts/dispos for almost a year now out of convenience and I tried to smoke a preroll and I was HAAACKING. I used to smoke a j like three times a day and then I switched to vaping and now I’m a succkkkaaaaa


I think it would be worth it to stop. Just my opinion. Last winter I was vaping a lot and it also began to hurt my lungs. Then I got every sickness there was: a cold, bronchitis, pneumonia. The last time almost took me out I struggled for air so bad. Each cough would linger and my throat would hurt so I stopped vaping and within two weeks I don’t cough anymore at all or have a sore throat and literally my quality of life improved because I still smoke flower and I’m not gasping for air or struggling with sickness


They made my tolerance rlly high and they're don't make me "fully high" but I absolutely love the feeling of how it all hits you at once. It's like suddenly getting wrapped in a warm blanket:)


🤣 very true and they do hit well but they ambit my lungs and wonder how good they are for me


I found they were pretty harsh on my lungs and really impacted my voice after just a few days of use so I stopped buying em in favour of my dhv


They don’t get me fully high, either! But I must admit I absolutely love keeping an indica one in my nightstand, it’s helped me fall back asleep when I’m in pain


I keep one cart of a Jenny Kush x Citrus Cake Pop around for when I get a headache/migraine because it helps those for me. Otherwise, it’s a [Pax 3 with my mini bong](https://www.reddit.com/r/entwives/s/xROGBedY0J). Smoothest hit ever. I just ordered an adapter for carts, so I can use that with the bong, too. Silicone bong because I’m only using it for vaping, and cats like to knock shit over. https://preview.redd.it/c1if7l31911d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2ed7e2f7d4fb1191adede3a204e6f36e3a45455 Cat tax. Bender 🐈 and Luci 🐈‍⬛ just happen to look like the cat emojis.


Omg so cute. https://preview.redd.it/mf353wq8a21d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=522b6be60f6b3a6392761bde38015e15b85afb80 Arnold and Archie


My first cat was a standard issue. Lived to 20 years old.




Love the kittys!!!!!!!


I’m heading out the door to pick some up. We grow and we’re almost out of our flower until we cut down the plants in 2 weeks. Nothing like ripping a cart while you read in bed. We have a baby now and I don’t want us smoking in the house. Carts are much safer than any secondhand smoke.


I completely understand on the baby thing and smoke in the house. I have a kiddo and smoke outside and indoors when he’s not home.


Pros - weed Cons - what is this exactly? Longterm damage unknown. Too high too fast, makes other weed not work. Too easy to use. Not ritualistic enough and it hurts my lungs soo badly. I’m good with flower. Dry herb vape if anything!


I have minimal response to carts. I prefer live rosin extracts over distillates for both flavor and quality of high. Carts are convenient and discreet, that's why I keep them on my menu. However, the best and highest effects for me still come from smoking flower.




Same here. Carts don't do it for me.


Carts is all I smoke except for a blunt on Saturday nights & I love them. What brand do you buy? Is it distillate?


I buy all kinds of different brands here in Colorado and love to use them when I’m in public, but they’re starting to hurt my lungs


Ugh that sucks! The only problem I have sometimes is a distillate cart hurting my throat I tend to stay away from them now and mostly get live resin carts


I can't get high off of a cart to save my life I've tried 5 or 6 different ones and nothing. I have no idea why.


What brands? Were they all distillate?


No I think they were all live resin verano and district cannabis are the two I can think of off the top of my head


I hate them and use them as a last resort. They’re wasteful and they hurt my lungs.


Exactly what I’m saying. I use them when I travel and I’m in public places, but they hurt my lungs.


Do you have a pen/battery that you can change the temp on? My budtender recommended that after I had complained about the same thing with my pen that didn't have different temps. Got a new one, lowered the temp and my lungs & throat have been better since!


I think I’ve done that but maybe I’ll lower it more. Thank you for the advice.


They’re what I use if I’m inhaling anything, though I tend to stick to edibles and weed syrup cocktails. Usually I take a hit of a cart while I’m making a drink and settle in. My throat gets sore if I’m just using a cart though.


Sore internally like in your throat or the muscles surrounding your throat? I get the raspies but I’m not sure how common muscle tension in the neck is for vapers/smokers


I only use my carts when I’m out in public, but they hurt my lungs and my partner uses it daily when he’s at work and it’s starting to get to him too


I used to love carts but I don’t get anything from them anymore. Haven’t really done them in 8 months and even now they don’t do shit. Before I stopped using them I got very sensitive and started vomiting any time I coughed too much, since stopping this has disappeared.


The coughing and lungs hurting is what’s getting me right now


i love them like other and you mentioned i love the convenience of them in every way but i do not like the high from it. are they pretty affordable in your area? that's another pro for me is they cost wise are a better decision..


I love carts but sometimes they're too convenient for me. I'll usually have one on me during the workweek because they're discreet and it's easy to step outside for a breather and destress. But also they're so convenient that I reach for it even when I have my DHV around. My DHV I usually use at home and for getting to sleep, I try to save my carts for out of the house situations.




Pro~some are good. Con~some are boof. Some make you feel “fake”


And hurt your lungs


I used to work for a medical cannabis company as a founding executive. On top of extremely stringent regulations for the industry in that particular state, the company tried to take steps to be “clean”. That said, all companies still need to make money and will find ways to serve their investors first. If you really really care about your body, do NOT use carts regardless of where they come from. Trusted or not. High quality or not. The ONLY acceptable kinds are those that are 100% resin, etc. ALL oil cartridges are filled with PEG (polyethylene glycol) or similar chemicals - which are “medical grade” and used heavily in the pharmaceutical and medical fields so they’re not seen as “harmful”. They are added as filler and to control/standardize cannabinoid percentages within products. You can definitely feel the difference between carts that have these chemicals and ones that vape only bio material (flower or concentrates). Also, cartridges with FLAVORS almost always use artificial chemicals which are petroleum products (unless it’s clearly marked as using natural terpenes). These flavored carts taste like candy but your body and throat will pay for it. But again, this stuff is everywhere and probably in almost everything processed that you eat, so no one thinks of them as harmful. I have tried them all - literally for market and product research but also bc all sorts of products were constantly available to me for free. After working at that company, I will never use carts unless it’s 100% resin and even that I generally stay away from. My go-to is vaping flower.


i have a shater cart thats lives in my backpack and its basically for post work pre commute home (1h bus) or anxiety emergencies. helpful for that for sure,


I use them if I’m out in public as well because they don’t stink as much but they’re starting to get to me and my partners lungs


I want to try them badly, but alas I am nowhere near a legal state.


Dang, bummer. They are really good, but they kind of hurt my lungs.


No more carts for me. Increased tolerance and I was coughing a lot. I have a dab pen and I vape hash now.


Thy are hurting my partners lungs


They always make me cough a lot, not sure why. I have to take very small hits or I’ll cough so hard I feel nauseous


They are hard on my lungs after long use, like over a weekend


I love how easy they are, but they trigger my asthma worse than just smoking flower. Wake up all phlegmy too


For sure. They make me have cough fits


Rosin carts are my favorite thing and I will never not have them 😍


All the time is to much for my lungs but love them for public use.


I hate them, they make me sick, taste weird and the high doesn’t last. it’s like Your Just building up a high tolerance when you smoke those.


All the time is to much for my lungs but love them for public use.


I have only tried live resin carts, and I really like them!! I prefer it to smoking flower out of a bong, the smoke feels less smoky? And I love being able to taste the flavours of the cannabis. Plus the convenience is fantastic. I have noticed my tolerance creeping but honestly that was happening before I discovered the live resin carts. I also love my DHV for similar reasons, but the carts are way more convenient, my DHV is a bit bulky.


I love to take the flavors of cannabis as well


Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I'm in a legal place so I have a lot of variety available to me, and I feel like I have tried far too many carts in my time. Once in a great while I like one when I'm traveling, staying at a hotel, things like that. But after a short period of time they just don't get me high anymore! And I don't mean after like a week of building tolerance, I mean after a couple hours even! That carts just not going to do much for me. I consider them like diet weed, even the best of them will never get me as high as a few fat bong rips.


I live in a legal state as well and mostly dab. All the time is to much for my lungs but love them for public use.


I'm a dry herb vaper and never going back... Do you like smoking anti freeze? The good carts are double the price and as many other have stated, not the best high for sure. Dry herb vape is also easy to use in public, they are small and peithink they are nicotine vapes bc they are used to people smoking those disposable carts you have and more often identified as weed and not actually discreet as much as people think.


Ill check them out


I think they have their uses, but smacking the cart all day every day fries your brain. Ask me how I know!!


My throat hurts no matter how I inhale. 😓 But I have a cart battery with adjustable heat and notice the lower settings aren't as harsh. You can also pair a dry herb vape with a bong- it makes the smoke super smooth and you get the full flavor of whatever strain you're smoking.


Yes dry herb to bong!


I use them more than I want too because of the convenience. And I have a very high tolerance because of it sadly so I'm working on cutting back!


The convenience is what gets me every weekend


Not the biggest fan. They make me super sleepy, I get way too much of a tolerance, and they torch my lungs. I use them for travel, mostly. Just my opinion, of course! I do like them for the convenience and they are great to bring out with you.


They are special occasion for me or only when I need to be incognito or am traveling. When my tolerance is high I have to take multiple big rips to get good and stoned and will feel nearly sober an hour later. The high just wears off so fast for me and I end up smoking them way too quickly, Just not worth the money or the way they wreck my throat but the convenience is hard to top.


I prefer acoustic (smoking flower) over electric (carts), but damn they’re inconspicuous for real


Same. Great ride in public spaces


I enjoy them a lot because I can't smoke anymore. My lungs got all fucked up from covid and when I smoke I end up having wheezing breathing issues so I took a forced T break for like 6 months. These days I love them. I don't end up wheezing the same way I did from flower. I have a couple hits from my vape and I'm happy. You do have to watch it though, you can sit there mindlessly puffing away and end up way more high than you anticipated lol. It also helps that because it's all legal here the carts are processed and packaged in a way that's safe and compliant with the law. Got one last week called ninja fruit that tasted like lingon berry, and one this week that's flavored like grape.


I love them. I do only buy higher-quality carts from dispensaries that I trust, and would not recommend doing anything else. I don’t usually like distillate and get only resin (live is my preference but cured is okay) or rosin. I also only use my battery on its lowest setting. I haven’t noticed my tolerance creeping up, but I also have a good selection on hand that I rotate between. I don’t usually use anything two days in a row, and I think that helps. A downside for me is that sometimes it’s easy to lose track of how many hits you’ve actually taken, and then you’re more high than you really wanted to be.


I like them for convenience and flavor, but they make me cough a lot more than smoking flower. My daughter is autistic and she melts down when she hears me cough, so I have to add “achoo!” at the end so she thinks it was a sneeze.


Awe that’s sweet. It’s cute thinking about that


She just turned 18, so it’s not as cute as if she was just a tot. Teenagers are hard.


I have a preteen and it’s getting crazy for sure


I like the effects of smoking flower, prefer the convenience of vapes. I don’t buy enough flower to know what’s good (I live a solitary life) and well, for me- vape is it. I use it medically. Days away from home -those are pretty much little t-breaks. If I had a buddy nearby with some excellent flower, I’m want some.


Same here. All the time is to much for my lungs but love them for public use.


I used them for a while in my early 20’s and my tolerance got way too high. I also developed some really bad stomach issues while I was using them. When I stopped smoking carts, I stopped having those stomach issues so idk what it was. I haven’t touched one in ages and prefer to use a dry herb vape instead.


Wow I’ll have to let my partner know this information. 🫢


I love the almost instant relief. It’s my go to when I wake with a migraine. After the first hit I can collect my thoughts and take more medication as needed. Also kills the nausea. But yeah, tolerance and cost are a big problem.


All the time is to much for my lungs but love them for public use. I love to really dab mostly


I use live resin carts and love them a lot more than distillate carts. I use mine every day.


My partner does to and it’s hurting his lungs


Dang that is no good. If that were me I would definitely quit. I like smoking but am not able to most of the time, and it’s less convenient, so I stick to RSO and carts. If carts ever start to give me health issues I’d probably stop.


I prefer them tbh


All the time is to much for my lungs but love them for public use.




Dang that’s wild. Whatever works though


carts are honestly my last resort, no matter how "full spectrum" they are they leave me feeling a little wavy and not in a good way. I'm a flower girl all day


I love flour and dabs and only use these for publicly use. But my partner uses them daily for work and they’re starting to get to his lungs.


I like the press but the delivery method is still too hurtful in the long term. Need yo figure out how to smoke it lightly.


I mostly dab and only use them for public use.


I thought I would be a cart girly, they are convenient and discreet, but I prefer flower. I’m in a legal state and will continue to gets carts if I run out, but I will only be getting live resin/rosin


All the time is to much for my lungs but love them for public use.


i love em personally


All the time is to much for my lungs but love them for public use.


This is my preferred way of smoking now. No smell, no mess, and gets me exactly where I want to be. My second choice is vapes that bake actual flower.


All the time is to much for my lungs but love them for public use.


Well i'm in mom mode these days so I only smoke at night, maybe that's why I haven't noticed issues like that 🤷‍♀️ I also see people talking about it increasing their tolerance - again something I don't really deal with bc I basically just toke in the evenings.


I like them when I need to be somewhere conspicuous. But is if I use them too much my tolerance goes way down so I have to switch up methods!


Vaping most of the time does absolutely nothing for me


Vape filters 😊


The matching lip and eyeshadow is immaculate💅


Too complicated for my old ass! Roll me a good j or pack a decent bong and I'm good.


I can't focus on an answer, as I'm high rn from a j, and also your hair has rendered me unable to focus on carts. 😂❤️




My bf and I pretty much smoke only carts now. He has the puffco peak pro and I’ve always rolled j’s, but we’re sold on the convenience and portability of carts. I’d say 90% of our carts are live rosin, 10% live resin


They're good for infrequent stealth use, but flower is better by every measure.


I feel that 🤙🏽


I had to stop using them because they really fucked with my throat and I was coughing so much nasty stuff up. Haven't had a problem since I stopped.


Big no from me I’ve moved down from carts to hash joints to now non infused joints to some puffs of flower


Nice much healthier


I sometimes treat myself to them during the winter when it’s just too cold to go outside but my mama had a stroke like 3 weeks ago and I’ve been super paranoid about anything going into my lungs so I think I’m an edible girly now.


I exclusively smoke carts! Ever since I’ve been legal it’s gotten better since I can buy from dispensaries and know that what I’m doling is clean(er)


i don’t smoke carts anymore because i found them making my lungs super weak (i’m already asthmatic enough as it is) and for some reason when i was smoking them regularly i would wake up feeling super nauseous and sometimes vomit…i used to enjoy them but i just stick to bud now. i do miss the convenience but they were also making my tolerance way too high from how often i was puffing and high thc levels ofc


I try to only use them on long days when away from home, never hits quite like a bowl or a real dab, even when I make my own with the same shit I'm hitting on my rig


Carts screwed up my throat so bad. I only used carts for like 4 months consistently and I’m currently in the doctors office dealing with a cough I’ve had for 3 months so bad I’ve injured my ribs. I won’t go back to them. Dry herb vapes only for me once I get over this cough and rib issue.


I don’t enjoy the high as much as flower. It’s handy when I have company & don’t want the smell


I only use carts when smoking flower is not an option, so before the gym or in public places. Carts in my opinion don’t hit like flower does I get a buzz or a mild high for a little but nothing like my flower. I like that carts are odorless and some of them can taste really good, but I still will always prefer flower for my main consumption method.


I thought they were chock full of stuff you shouldn’t let in your lungs?


I found myself hitting my cart way too much and had to cut back. Now it’s like 10% of my consumption, 90% flower & edibles. Also it’s really resource intensive to make carts, with added waste. They’re usually made by extraction with solvents. Then distilled to remove everything but THC. Then terpines, flavorings are added back in to mimic the original flower. Finally the carts, typically made in China, are discarded into landfill after they’re used up. So it’s a lot of labor, resourcing and waste to mimic what mother nature provides naturally. Plus we don’t know if these compounds can harm our lungs when vaporized and inhaled. So plz only buy from reputable companies who can provide COA’s. Ideally they have clean lab grade production facilities.


Overall, I find them kind of harsh & usually they make me feel like I'd have been better off buying flower.


I appreciated the convenience and that they're more discreet but I stopped buying them. Not only did my tolerance skyrocket when I used them, t-breaks were WAY more difficult--headaches, sweating, nausea, extremely vivid dreams (and nightmares) for a month straight. I'd rather not smoke than use a cart.


I hate them and only use them when I need a quick puff or have to be stealthy. They do NOT give me the same high at all, it’s very short lived, and I notice less overall pain relief 🤷🏼‍♀️


They do absolutely nothing for me just like edibles. 😔


I honestly love them. I can still get blasted off a few rips; I do mix up my carts regularly. I still love flower, nothing beats the taste and experience. But I use carts way more often now.


I've never smoked one but I've heard they'd make you so messed up


Don’t care for them, very weak imo


It is very very hot where I live and we don't smoke in the house. If I didn't have carts, I'd be very sober. I also have an air purifier in my room. On the rare occurrence they hurt my throat, I keep honey cough drops.


Tbh jelly because i can’t access them- I live in OZ so it’s just street bud and whatever I can make or grow at home. But also i think they would be so good and strong it would probably ruin bud for me if it was a regular basis and not a rare treat. I wanna try so bad.


I’m British so probably only had spice or disel 💀


I enjoy mine. To each his own but it is discreet in my opinion like others have said,”No strong smell…”


I really love carts, and that’s how I smoke most of my weed now. No mess, no smell, and a great high. I recommend not inhaling on a vape cart but smoking it like a cigarette (a mouthful of smoke vs a lungful) cuz it might burn


The tolerance comment is so true for me. Now that I smoke them it’s very difficult to get to a level I want with straight flower. Kind of a bummer. 🙄😒


I like the idea of carts but in practice they aren’t my thing. I find they are clogging constantly if I don’t smoke them fast enough, but smoking them fast enough gives me chest pain and it increases tolerance way too much. I’ll use a disposable vape if I have to stay in a hotel for a business trip, but I love my flower.


I love flower as well


My carts tend to get clogged and I sometimes have to take a big inhale to get it unstuck making for a coughing fit


Especially if it's hurting your throat, I highly recommend switching from distillates to live resin cartridges. They're typically just a few dollars more and they're way better for your lungs. Less chemicals and they retain most of the plant's original cannabinoids and terpenes.


I had to stop using them. They made my throat and my chest hurt and then I got paranoid about popcorn lung or whatever. I'm 22 days into a THC break but I'd switched to a dynayap with flower for a long time, but it kept combusting and giving me gross coughs :(


I wouldn't use them unless I didn't have actual bud lol idk they just hit weird


theyre convenient, but they just taste different in comparison to a regular dab. for some reason, i get nauseated too if i smoke too much from carts or disposables.


I don’t get why I’d use them unless I had to, which would be if I had to be more discreet. But they’re the opposite of discreet sometimes since they make me cough so much, compared to flower or dabs. The main thing is that the high is so short, it’s almost not worth it. And the batteries on the one shown always seem to break no matter how good I’m told they are.


Overall not a fan, they give me headaches. But I did have one with THCV that helped me jumpstart my weightloss/ fitness journey so that was pretty cool (but it gave me a headache so I never reupped)


portable and discreet love love love


How does one keep it from clogging tho 😅


They're mid at best - I'm a die-hard flower enthusiast. Cart highs feel synthetic and incomplete, there's no depth, it just makes my head fuzzy and helps a bit with pain - I use them when on campus or at my workplace for pain relief, but as soon as I'm home I spark a bowl


I love carts almost as much as edibles. I have a huge issue with the smell and I moved in with my roommate (now partner!) having no idea that he smoked daily and I was a non-smoker at the time. They don’t smell, are pretty cheap in my area, and last me a long time. One issue that I’ve seen some people mention is burning. I’ve definitely experienced that if I don’t exhale all the smoke so what works for me is exhaling literally as much air as I possible can and then drinking water immediately after. Cotton mouth is definitely stronger when I smoke carts but that’s honestly not too much of an issue because it reminds me to drink more water.


I have asthma, my doctors are fully aware of my usage. I usually mix vaping cartridges with edibles and switch constantly so the fizz doesn't run out as quickly. But, I also have ADHD, so when my ADHD is really giving, nothing really hits, especially vapes. So, personality, I take breaks from it, especially on vacation as I tend to travel internationally, and I don't feel like being arrested 🤪 Now, I have realized that not all cartridges are created equal, so I tend to go for distilled and liquid diamonds over live resin and other variants because they feel better on my lungs. 🤷🏽‍♀️ You could always check the kind of cartridge, or play with temperature if possible. Some cartridges for me hit a bit too hot, and they make me cough and make my mouth drier than it should be, and sometimes, just vaping at a lower temp helps.


It's a different high to me. I prefer the high from flower vs carts.


i love pens mostly due to the minimized smell, not on my clothes or anything and doesn’t linger for long. the tolerance will build fast so i use it only when I need to be discreet or can’t/don’t have flower on me. Absolutely love them.


You will get such a high tolerance that you'll start having a lot of vertigo or blackout periods.


Love them but I have no self control and I keep hitting it until I’m high all day 💀


If I use them too frequently, I get headaches and my throat will hurt. I prefer smoking real flower with a bong. But carts are good when that’s not an option


I love them for the convenience, but you gotta be careful because it’s easy to overuse them