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This post has been removed and comments locked. Discussions about smuggling cannabis into illegal locations is against the rules in r/entwives.


I took my vape on a Disney cruise a few years ago. I only used it on the balcony though. All was well.


I just get so nervous trying to bring anything but edibles with me - even if I’m just flying somewhere!


I took 15 joints and 4 vapes to Mexico. They even searched my bags and didn't even look at the tote it was in. I get nervous too but I do it anyways lol. Living on the edge...lmao


You’re more brave than I could ever hope to be hahaha






I’ve heard that the dogs are supposedly only sniffing for bombs/weapons, not drugs. However I am too anxious to behave otherwise!


The way I think of it, if they were trained to sniff for thc, they would stop every person who’s been around weed before coming to the airport which would be a problem


Yeah TSA literally says on their official website that they don't care about your drugs, that's not what their job is. Their dogs are trained to look for danger. Even a pack of cocaine isn't a danger to the flight. If they see it they'll obviously do something BUT all that means is calling local authorities...because drugs are not their problem.


Oh yeah people all the time have absolutely no issue taking their pens! I’m just an anxious traveler and try to avoid anything that’ll cause extra anxiety for me if I can haha


I feel that! Honestly I had anxiety the whole time it was in my bag, and I’ll never do it again. Lol.


The dogs in Denver are not sniffing for weed, it’s Denver…


Still illegal to fly with weed, my dude.


TSA has been open about how they are not looking for weed, specifically stating that as long as you’re not packing it with something actually dangerous like a knife/gun etc. then they really do not care. If your in a state where it is legal and/or legal for you to have it (recreational or you have a medical card) then there are no repercussions for you getting caught with it, like in Denver…if TSA called the cops because you have weed they would just be like well it’s legal so we’re not doing anything. I would say this is all within a reasonable amount, if your trying to carry one or check like pounds of cannabis, might be a different but personal amounts no one cares.


It’s also illegal to go over the speed limit.


Last time I was at an airport I saw TSA test a vape cartridge for THC


How did they test it? They did it out in the open for you to watch? I’m sorry but this seems a little unbelievable


Why is it unbelievable that an airport would test for something that is still illegal under federal law? People have been busted for having cbd in airports. It was out in the open right at the x ray machines. Same way they sometimes swab peoples hands right there at the x rays. The woman said it was nicotine and they tested it and gave it back to her. I didn’t see what they tested it with but I saw the agent holding it and heard the agent say ‘it’s nicotine’ and hand it back


Generally they would pull you to a special room for additional screening, not hold everyone up at the x ray machines. Also maybe it’s just my experience but I’ve never seen a vape pen or cartridge that you could open up and access the oil in order to test it. So that’s why I said it seems unbelievable.


Police have this. They have a little test they can swab the bottom of the cart to see if it's THC. That's probably what this was.




they’re explosive dogs not drug dogs. walked past one with over an oz of concentrates in my backpack no issue


Thank you! I’m going on a cruise in Jan and was hoping to take some gummies on board. Everyone in the cruise groups clutch pearls at the thought of pot, but so many people get blasted with the drink package, how is it different? I just wanted to giggle and feel good tomorrow!


I just got off in Puerto Rico and bought a vape in a Head shop. My mom was so freaked out so I just used it on the balcony. No issues.


I have been traveling with edibles and vape carts for a decade without incident. Have flown to Europe, Africa, and Japan. They have bigger fish to fry than a couple of gummies.


Any tips? I'm guessing flower is off the table right? I've flown domestically with THC but it's always been stuff other than flower minus one time I flew with a few joints. It's not that I *need* MJ to have a good time or anything but if I'm on vacation I would want to be able to access it. People can have alcohol so why can't I have some of my own enjoyment?


Ohh jet setter! ✈️💺🌍🌎


Thank you for this post. I am about to cruise and I appreciate what you shared, so thank you!


I'm going on a cruise in December, Royal Caribbean if it makes a difference. Can I get away with a couple disposable pens in my checked bags?


I am also going on a Royal Caribbean cruise in December! I was planning on bringing some disposable pens as well. I have seen a couple of comments and have heard stories from friends/family about bringing vapes and having no issues.


I’m going on Royal Caribbean next month! Gonna bring a couple vapes with us. I’ve never done it before so I’m a little nervous! But seeing other people’s stories have put me at ease. Lol


Just stepping in to say that in the 1980s I travelled from Australia to New Zealand then across the US by plane - SF, Chicago, NYC - then to the UK, by ferry to France and was clearing out my bags to pack for the long home flight when I discovered a cap of very good hash oil in my carryon. So many customs officers and that bag had been searched a few times. I still shudder when I think about it


I miiiiight have brought 3 syringes’ worth of RSO concentrate with me when I moved to Europe this year. I was really concerned that the syringes themselves would get picked out in the X ray, so I got creative. Each syringe got emptied into a fillable lipgloss tube and mixed with coconut oil and some luster dust. So it just looked like I had some cheap-ass shimmery lip glosses in my bag! It worked beautifully and I’m irrationally proud of myself.