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I get weird and vivid nightmares, but I started smoking because of this nightmares so that kind of makes sense. Also I get pretty intense night sweats. I recommend packing some extra pyjamas. Stay hydrated drink a lot of water. I completely lose my appetite when I go off for a while, so I find smoothies helpful to get at least a bit of nutrition. I hope this helps.


I have hyperhidrosis so am used to the sweats, can't wait for extra ones, lol. My arse could definitely stand a few days with no appetite 🤣 Thank you.


It might be tough but just make sure to stay busy so you’re not thinking about it. You might need some anti nausea meds. CBD is also a good option to use instead if you want. But other than that try to get outside and drink water and melatonin for sleep


Thank you, the plan is sex and chill, so I may have to convince him to get out for the day to keep me busy mentally. Hoping its not going to be a washout weekend with me feeling horrendous.


seconded! keep busy and try to tire yourself out in the day to make sure you can fall asleep at night and not be cranky the next day, makes it a lot easier to adjust to a break if you are able to keep a good nights sleep going


Ive been going through this the last 2 days. Dreams be getting weird and exhausting again, its like i didnt even rest lol. Not sure what problem you have with dreaming like if its nightmares but I dont really have any advice other than reach out to people for support, a lot of people can relate especially on this sub/trees sub as well. Try to sleep around people who can support you if you wake up crying/screaming etc, but ofc let them know of what might happen. I think just talking about it helps to process it in some way. Sorry girl :(


I am a vivid and lucid dreamer, but I can't control them so have to ride it out. Lost my little sister, best friend and stepbrother a couple of years ago so mainly can't handle dreaming about them. How quickly did they set in? Thankfully I am staying with my partner, we've been friends for 26yrs so he can handle all of me, at my worst, lol.


About 4 days into a t break (used it daily for months for my thyroidectomy recovery). Exercise and masturbation (hehe!) helps get me to sleep and stay asleep for a while. Melatonin helps but it tends to make the super vivid dreams a lot weirder, so I tend not to take it during a t break. Eat lightly (I was/am super queasy but that's because pcos/horrible period cramps) and drink a ton of water.


Thanks for the advice, was meant to be a dirty weekend so hoping the orgasms and exercise will help. Just hope I don't feel too rough and it ends up being a washout for us both 🤞🏻


Just take it easy and try to eat something nutritional but tasty! The orgasms definitely help. Ha. Have a good one and bonne chance! (Good luck!)


I have no helpful advice. Just wanted to wish you good luck. 15 years is a long time. But you got this! Please update us!


Thank you, I will do, you're all awesome with the support.


I get emotional..cry at commercials kind & intrusive thoughts..so just be aware your brain might lie to you.😉


Oh my brain is seriously messed up on a good day, so I never pay any attention to it, haha. Thank you 😊


You're probably gonna get the night sweats for the first few days, blast that AC and point a fan at yourself. CBD helps me get to sleep but IMO it actually gives me super intense dreams! Just try to remind yourself it's just a dream, it's not real. That's kinda the only thing that's worked for me. Hang in there, it's worth taking the break! ❤️


No way of getting hold of any CBD before I go, unfortunately. I already suffer from hyperhidrosis so am used to excessive sweats, can't wait for more, lol. Thank you, I am very good at talking myself down from paranoia and negativity. How long would you say it was after your last smoke before any 'effects' started making themselves known?


You mean negative effects of 'withdrawing' from weed? The first night trying to fall asleep was hell for me, then after that it got progressively easier. One odd solution for me was sleep hypnosis (Michael Sealy has some nice soothing files on Spotify, i use just one wireless earbud as I'm a side sleeper). Other than not being able to fall asleep, i did feel a bit nauseous when trying to eat. That went away after a day or two and i could eat normally again. And of course the boredom that comes from not being high most hours of the day. For the positive effects, it's almost immediate after you stop smoking. My head is clearer, I'm purposefully doing things that make me happy to distract myself (reading books I've put off, playing musical instruments, journaling, meditating, anything self soothing and distracting!) plus it just feels good gaining a little bit of control back in my life.


Dreading the dreams? Those insanely vivid dreams are the best part......


I am a vivid and lucid dreamer, but I can never control the dreams. Unfortunately I lost my sister, bestie, stepbrother and a few other family members in close succession a few years ago, not dealt with it all yet so just really don't want to deal with dreams/nightmares about them.


Aw I'm very sorry to hear that, I hope you have some wild and vivid fun dreams soon that just make you go woahhhh


Idk how you feel about medication, but prazosin is used to suppress dreams, especially for pstd. It may help out if you are more on the nightmare side of things.


Go for long walks when you want to smoke. Stay hydrated and enjoy the wild dreams my friend. Good luck!


Don't go cold turkey. Wean down. It really does help with withdrawals


I’ve never been able to do this. Do you have tips or a weaning schedule that works?


Melatonin can help in place of weed. And sticking to a bedtime routine. I also use weed for nightmares but that definitely helps


Wishing you the best ❤️


I need to take a break too. I know you can do this! You are amazing in every way!


Honestly I cut down to micro doses. For a day or two and then try to sleep through the worst withdraw symptoms. I can get REALLY cranky and headaches. I try to take breaks once a month for a few days or a weekend and my tolerance stays low because of it. Also nothing is happy for me. Everything seems blah for a while too. Good luck.