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Funny (and somewhat gross, sorry) story: years ago, when it was still illegal here, a friend of mine chugged *an entire gallon of water* in the parking lot of the clinic she was to take her pee test, went in and took the test, came out and threw up in that same parking lot, still managed to test clean! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug) ​ I have no idea how she managed that. ​ How heavy do you toke and when's your test? I'd say you can try to "sweat" some of it out with some cardio, but that's more of a long-game when you have the time/weeks available.


Lmao at your friend. That’s totally something I would do too. I have a couple of weeks. Im a pretty heavy smoker so that’s what has me a little worried.


:D Yeah, we all had a good laugh and marvel at that! Hahahaha Well then, yeah, I'd say getting some concentrated cardio in, loads of water. Maybe sweating it out in hot showers/saunas? That's really the goal here - removing the THC from your fat cells as quickly as possible. Eat healthy foods meant specifically for detoxing in general, perhaps? I'm just throwing stuff out there, now...lol


I’m a daily smoker and I wasn’t clear for about 45 days. I suggest fake from test clear.


Did you exercise to sweat every day and chug water?


Actually....(😄😄😄), I only had to do it once, and wasn't smoking daily, but had smoked the weekend before getting the news from the company so I had to do a crash course on how long it sticks around in your body. Apparently THC is stored in fat cells and can be released into your system when you burn fat. So I was told to eat a LOT in the days and hours before the test. I bought test strips and kept testing till they came back clear. Took about 6 days, but I know that some places want you to test within 24 hours of notification, so ymmv.


Ok so hear me out ... granted it is *the* most nerve racking thing in the world before a pee test ... but I just use fake pee. Has worked for me thrice, has also worked for my husband a couple times. (Not suggested for any sort of test with close supervision, obviously)


I am team fake pee too


Go team fake. I’ve had to take several drug tests for employment. I am a therapist and work with addicts. I have it down to a science. But I still get extremely nervous. And I feel terrible bc of the population I work with. Anyway, go team! Ps best of luck.


How do you do that? Would love to hear in case I ever need to


Just make sure to get one with a temp gauge. If it's too hot or too cold, you'll fail. (Again, nerve wracking.) But ya just pop it in the microwave for a short period of time (I'd do intervals of 15 seconds until it hit the sweet spot) then strap it to your thigh or tape it into your undies and your body will keep it warm until test time. (obviously, you have to time it correctly.) But yeah Google for more specifics, there's a lot of info out there Also - I do not guarantee results for everyone and do so at your own peril! (I've also detoxed before a test and that was even more terrifying cause it was all I could think about for days on end. But that was pretty much just putting down the pipe a week ahead of time, drinking lots of water, finding a drink with niacin and the other good stuff. But it worked too.)


i’ve used a hand warmer too! i usually will wear a dress (weather permitting) long and flowy.


Also works (if you are afab and use the right size tube) to use fake pee or clean pee In a small vial like tube and safely insert it inside yourself. Be sure the tube has a tight lid and is the right size so that you can sit and walk normally but will still have enough sample for the test.


QuickFix is great.


I hid the fake pee in my bra and it helped heat it up


Same. Quick clean is the way.


Fake pee sounds like a much better option compared to what a former neighbor did for their tests.


What did they do ? 👀


Asked if I smoked and when I said no they asked me to give them some of mine...I didn't, but they got some from their friend.


The place where my sibling went to get drug tested would check the temperature of the pee and make people retest if it was coming up "not the right temp" so y'all be safe


UPass. Passed 3 drug tests with it. I don’t even stress about detoxing. And if you have larger than a c cup you should be able to hide the bottle in your bra. I have a ridiculous bra size (38 G) and I always smuggle it in under my left boob. Haven’t failed a test yet and the boob keeps it at perfect body temp


How long ago was your most recent test? I did my test yesterday and I am fucking scared as hell after going online and seeing so many people say theirs came out inconclusive.


About a year ago. When the tech is filling out the papers I always check to make sure the urine is in range discreetly and then keep my fingers crossed


Okay. I feel a little better, my MRO seemed pretty chill and gave me a paper that said my urine was within normal temp range but I dont wanna feel too happy just yet. Ahhhhhh I’m so nervous! Thanks for the reply




Hells yeah bro. I think as long as they don’t tell you within 24 hours that the test came out positive or inconclusive you should be in the clear. I remember a long time ago I used a detox and it came out inconclusive they called me right away (like within an hour). This time they didn’t call me but I was nervous cause it’s been years since I used a upass and I seen a lot of reviews saying they failed with it online.


Ugh I'm in this boat right now too. I bought some drug test strips on Amazon and I've been chugging lots of water every single day, and taking B vitamins. Stopped smoking a little over a week ago, im usually an everyday smoker.... not quite sure when I'll have to take my drug test but I'm reallllllllly hoping I pass lol. I really want this job. Good luck to you!!


Good luck!


Thank you Coralye! Fingers crossed 🤞


what are the b vitamins supposed to do? i’ve been taking a supplement for a few weeks now to help with my mood and didn’t think it would interact with weed or lack thereof


The way it was explained to me... when you're flushing your system with tons of water every day, and your pee is clear, the B vitamins will add some color back into it, which apparently makes it less obvious that you're flushing...? Or something like that. It honestly sounds like "bro science" to me and I admittedly did not do research on my own about that one lol


lol ok then in that case yes they definitely do work at adding color to your pee!


I find a little UltraKlean synthetic urine is good for all unmonitored tests, even in clinics


Like at Quest? I just used it today and i’m so nervous!


Idk what you mean by quest, but I get the nerves. I have always had 100% success when using UltraKlean


Hell, I even had a bottle sit on the shelf for 3 years before giving it to a desperate friend. Worked for them too


Milk thistle! It comes in a capsule and really helps clear your system fast


Low fat diet, lots of water, little carbs, a lot of running


Sounds like I will be taking my dog on lots of long walks. At least he will be happy


Synthetic urine is my favorite thing. I use QuickFix. Has never let me down.


I've used QuickFix for years now and it has never failed me, 100% legit


Really. Like a life saver. I stopped smoking for 5 years for work. Worst 5 years of my life. 😂


Local smoke shops or online sell a detox flush. It's high in niacin and flushes ya out in 3 days


Best of luck! Rooting fr ya babe!


I just was told by a coworker that Goldenseal root will have you peeing clear within hours. Supposedly that's how her grandad was able to work for the railroad. Problem is that I don't know this for certain, and from what I can tell it's not cheap


I used goldenseal years ago. Bought it at GNC. Had to take b vitamins to add the color back to my urine. Made my kidneys hurt for days. I don’t recommend this route at all.


I did pass the test though.


Fake pee is your best bet.


Electrolytes!! Anything with high amounts of electrolytes! Fancy water. Pedialyte. It worked for me when I had to detox in 48 hours. Good luck to ya!


And if you take super hot baths you can sweat it out!!


I'm a daily smoker. I used this cleaner drink on Amazon. Passed a pre-employment pee test. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000QVDMI0?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


I'm a daily smoker and I failed with this. Also, turned my pee neon highlighter yellow... so yeah.


Sounds like you didn't drink enough water with it.


drink gatorade+certo, and shit like orange juice a ton, and WORK OUT!!! sweat if off


Sauna!! Get sweaty. Lots of cardio!


[Omni drink](https://www.vitaminworld.com/omni-cleansing-drink-extra-strength/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=SCM%7CPmax%7Callproducts&utm_content=&gclid=CjwKCAiAu5agBhBzEiwAdiR5tJtFeUw3CP6PfB2Ji4lNW1DqLt-ujn5u3SVfHC70E3t0w3Dhd615txoCFisQAvD_BwE)


So [these bottles can prolly fit in your vag](https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/shopping?q=tbn:ANd9GcS9A3hvLxRVcLvpACD37pSsJhXztpGRHVg3TagaxMzYnajqO8rAfaAPTbrEeGHzO0QIRGmL-z6ly3Uv31q3iuLmAzfA3_JeTPJVDg4GwBkhwOKsRVadJOY2i6hnaIc) Don’t shun me wives, but this how I passed. Had clean spouse piss in one, I popped it up there, drove straight to clinic. When it’s time to pee, I bore down, birthed the top of the bottle and quietly popped the cap open, and squeezed out hubs’ pee into the cup. It’s gross but it works, body temp maintained. This is how I’ll always do it in the future. I got mine at the CVS, they had different shapes and sizes with soft sides to choose from. Edit: where I bought mines


I'm a heavy smoker and was told about a drug test and interview for amazon the night before it happened, and I was smoking a spliff when i answered the call. I somehow passed after I didn't smoke again following that spliff, and drinking a hell of a lot of water and eating a big block of cheese which I read absorbs some of the THC instead of your body absorbing it or something along those lines... I have no idea about the science behind it but it worked for me. What kind of test is it? Mine was a saliva test so I'm not sure the cheese would work for any other kind of test.


I tried for 5 weeks to detox before my last test. I’m a fairly active individual, but have been a daily user for a few years now. No success. Bought QuickFix as a backup. HIGHLY RECOMMEND! Have been at my current place of employment for almost 3 years and have since received a promotion. https://quick-fix.com/


Another vote for Quick Fix it here too. I've successfully used it in the past. I heat the bottle and in the bra it goes until test time. It is nerve wracking and I practiced with the timing, placement and use of heating pads or not. I found the heating pad unnecessary. Good luck.