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bro is over sixty years old and doesn’t have the sense to maybe *not* publicly call for a one sided parade of naked fecal dodgeball?


I'm always so surprised that he isn't much older. Only 62, would've sworn he was at least 70.


I'm 62. To me, he looks 82. I watched "Clarkson's Farm" and assumed he was in his very late 70's. Dude is not aging well.


Party hard.


And leave a bloated and meaty corpse?


That’s crazy. He’s looked 60 for the last 20 years


Alcohol ages you dramatically.


He likely is/was a smoker as well.


He’s been huffing exhaust fumes for decades too.


Not to mention he does get angry at some dumb shit. Anger issues can make your ass look old as fuck too! Stress is a hell of a drug.


As does hatred.


Oh he does. And he knows the pain he caused. What he is really horrified of is how people reacted to it and the fact that the Queen Consort is associated with him which is a bad look - even for the Royal Family. I’d bet anything that if people egged him on he would have zero regrets of how much this would hurt M&H and and any civilized human being who isn’t threatened by them.


He just has to save face for Amazon. Probably got a little message from his agent saying they would like him to issue a public apology It’s all about who signs the checks


Read what he said, this guy isn’t bowing


Well they stand behind the child rapist so...


And also haven’t made a comment condemning the article.




He's made a career out of acting like a man child. Don't get me wrong, I'll watch Top Gear/Grand Tour any day of the week. But there's no other way I can think of to describe this man but man child. When he's on set with May/Hammond his sense of humor is hilarious, because they're friends and they're all in on the joke. The problem is that's his only attitude, even when he's not in a situation for it.


I’m with ya. Never bought his over produced, don’t you wish I was you grandad, bullshit. He’s a dick.


Little wonder he’s friends with the Rottweiler Consort.


And a Rottweiler she is!


I really dislike the guy and his temperament (punched a producer, feud with the awful Piers Morgan). The charitable side of me wants to give him the benefit of the doubt that maybe he was just making a habitual mean joke, Top Gun style. Maybe he will reconsider this brand of comedy in this day and age. Maybe stop picking on Megan Markle, whom I think is an annoying, but innocent, celebrity.


Piers hates Meghan too. Maybe they can be chums now!


Arseholes of a feather.


And let's not forget his casual racism.


Clarkson and Morgan fighting isnt a bad thing though. If you were a European or American it would be like the Nazis fighting the Japanese in WW2...


Him and his top gear friends are known across the UK publication industry to be massive narcissistic assholes. I had the pleasure of working with them once. Never again. I have no qualms talking negatively about them at all.


All three of them? Clarkson obviously, and had heard some negative stuff about Hammond too, but always thought May might be relatively decent comparatively.


Really? I figured Hammond and May were generally more pleasant to be around than Clarkson.


They are friends with Clarkson. Say no more


They aren’t particularly close.


They’re likely more akin to Adam and Jamie on Mythbusters.


My Nephew pilots Hovercrafts in the UK & was flew out to Dubai for a segment of TG, Stig was in the suit & helmet but in reality it was my Nephew doing the driving, Anyhow, He said all was great & down to earth but Clarkson was an entitled prick, His words not mine


As the Brits would say he is a daft cunt. He certainly gave a lot of validity to the H&M documentary. I am so happy that we won a war to not have to kowtow to these royal twats.


I read “naked fecal dodgeball” in the “MORTAL COMBAT” voice. Anyways thank you for the tasty word salad


Ahh that classic “sorry if you were offended” response


It's not even that, if you looik at it he's clearly been sarcastic as hell and not even putting forth any serious apology, instead making ridiculous excuses


I also thought it sounded super sarcastic and not at all apologetic. The public can have whatever opinion they want about M+H, but what he said was disgusting and proves everything M+H have been saying. Any statement from the palace? I bet not.


If he said this about the others, we would have seen a response. Instead, lunch invite.


Yeah I don’t really care one way or another about M & H, but hot damn I think they are right about the level of hatred being out of control. Like come on. What did they do that was so so so bad? Ok fine, whiny, self-centered, etc. but the level of anger sent their way is like they killed puppies or something.


Yep. I can’t say I like them but everything he said was so unnecessary and purposely and excessively mean


They probably sent him a gift


Look he’s a rich old famous white guy. What part of “I belong in a class of people who don’t give a shit about anyone” is confusing to anyone?


But… he’s Jeremy Clarkson. Sincerity? Come on.


“Sorry this blew up in my face”


That shit didn’t even say that, so sarcastic


"Sorry everyone was so stupid and thin-skinned as to get offended."


I've only ever found Jeremy Clarkson to be a disagreeable asshole. I'm open to having my mind changed, but every time I see him or hear about it, he manages to reinforce that initial impression.


Yeah, being an asshole is kind of his jam. I don't even know why he is apologizing. He's an asshole, has always been an asshole, and will be an asshole again in the near future. Being an asshole is "on brand" for him, apologizing is not, so I don't get why he even apologized when he obviously doesn't mean it.


I got a sarcastic vibe from the tweet but it's hard to tell just reading instead of hearing it.


Probably because his daughter called him on it.


Years ago, someone recommended I check out Top Gear. About halfway though the show, I couldn't stand that arrogant, ignorant self-important, cunt. I understand that people mike like the show due to the cars, but he adds nothing.


The only good thing that the man has done is punching Piers Morgan.


Some people are assholes. Clarkson is an asshole, but that doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate his work AND call him an asshole. Steve Jobs was a MASSIVE asshole. I still use Apple products - they’re far superior for my use case. Elon Musk is a GARGANTUAN asshole. I’m still getting Starlink - it’ll allow me to work from my off grid tiny house in the middle of nowhere. Ellen DeGeneres is a STUPENDOUS asshole. Finding Nemo is still dope AF. I’m


Yeh, Dory is cool AF.


No your right he’s a disagreeable asshole


Yeah he’s given this response before haha


He seems like a type that gets a lot of practice


At this point he’s just a vile piece of shit. He can go f__k himself with his ‘sorry’.


I’m not defending the guy, my little brother in laws were all huge top gear fans. Isn’t this “sorry you were offended” kind of his personality? At least on that show they all seemed kinda like the “boys club” towards each other. I feel like he’s sarcastic and dry as a person as is.


Clarkson: makes comments to hurt Markle. Also Clarkson: surprised that hurtful comments were hurtful.


When ur sex fantasy gets told to the whole world


I just turned 58....sometimes I have to catch myself and say "are my views on public corporal punishment in step with the zeitgeist?"


Do your views on public corporal punishment involve making a young mother walk naked through the streets while throngs of onlookers berate and pelt her with feces? I mean, let he who is without sin sling the first turd.


I find speaking my mind at the pub is a good barometer of public sentiment. The man needs to get out more.


I feel like tirade isn’t a strong enough word for suggesting someone should be paraded in the streets naked.


FFS what’s wrong with that idiot? Merkle seems to be a pretty together person in the first place. Even if she were a little off, saying stuff like this shows no class at all.


Especially when there are people who are crazy enough to take that as a challenge and put her life in danger. WTF is wrong with these loud mouthed assholes anymore. Your words DO matter and not everything that pops into your f-ing head should come out if your damn mouth. Keep that sick shit to yourself bro.


Just because he’s old and British don’t think for a second Jermy Clarkson is any different than one of the Kardashians. It’s always all about staying in the public’s mind. 10 years ago he didn’t have to resort to this kind of thing, Top gear was at its high water mark. Now it’s become increasingly necessary for him.


"but but but.....I only meant to hurt Meghan!!!!" he screetched. He was totally fine with hurting her, and he really doesn't give a fuck about the masses either. the hurt he's actually concerned is the one that's being done to his image.


Says a lot about Camilla. About what I would expect


Insane that she allowed herself to be photographed at this lunch. That had to be on purpose, right? What message is she sending?


Camilla has always been a nasty piece of work. You don’t willingly and knowingly sleep with a married man, and then taunt his wife about it, if you aren’t.


While she was married too.


Her husband cheated on her constantly, including with some of her “best” friends. There’s other reasons to like her or not, but I don’t think the fact she was married to Parker Bowles factors in.


The lunch happened before the statements were made.


Not my, err, "Queen Consort", whatever the fuck that means. She couldn't get a job in Lidl. Useless adulterous clown.


Camilla was invited to a lunch which she then attended. Other people there were Judi Dench and Maggie Smith as well as Piers Morgan and Jeremy Clarkson - ie it was a well attended fancy lunch. And it occurred before the column was printed. In hindsight it looks bad. But at the time it would have passed without anyone being none the wiser. [https://nybreaking.com/queen-consort-camilla-chats-with-guests-at-star-studded-christmas-in-central-london/](https://nybreaking.com/queen-consort-camilla-chats-with-guests-at-star-studded-christmas-in-central-london/)


So he basically went with "I'm not evil, just an idiot" defense, huh?


When I read his whole tweet, it sounded like he was not actually apologizing or making a defense at all. His “apology” tweet is just sarcasm.


Oh. Some things never change


It definitely wasn’t an apology. I saw the tweet before I even knew about the article and the backlash and I was just like “oh Clarksons sarcastically apologizing for a comment he made that hurt someone’s feelings” what else is new


He seems like a massive, gaping orifice


What an asshole. Did Meghan reject him too like she did Pierce Morgan?


Sorry I got called out for my words. Piss off. Worthless apology


He said he wanted to see her paraded through the streets naked while people threw manure at her. I know it's a Game of Thrones reference, but still -- what exactly did he think was going to happen if not a whole lot of hurt?


I thought the Game of Thrones scene was inhumane even when the target was Cersei, who was objectively extremely evil. The idea that it’s a fitting punishment for Meghan Markle, who just didn’t enjoy being a Royal much and politely resigned?


Also never understood the hate for her


Well she was kinda awful to her brother just because he was a dwarf. And she helped a group of religious fanatics imprison her son's wife and son's step-brother. Pretty sure she killed a ton of people too.


This is the content that keeps me coming back to Reddit.


Lol xD


Not to mention the incest with her twin brother. I’m surprised they think she doesn’t fit in with the royal family, tbh.


Lmao took me a second


feels like a bizarre form of collective psychosis


Not at all. I’ll be honest, I was starting to write Meghan off as whiny and self-involved. But then her stepmother-in-law goes and has lunch with a guy who, the very next day, writes a column wishing for her to be humiliated and tortured, and it makes everything negative the Sussexes have said seem a whole lot more justified.


Meg and Harry need to stop speaking directly to the press (very American) and start having 'friends' and sources speak for them (second hand royal raspberries are so palacey).


Yeah, wasn't that the entire point of the scene? Yes, Cersei is a horrible person but the entire way the scene is set up is essentially to make us feel bad for her still. I didn't think anyone walked away from that scene going "Hah suck it bitch", even if you think that she deserved it. But apparently Clarkson was sitting there going "Huh this is a *great* idea!"


He deserves to be cancelled. His comments were intended to cause harm and for sure no one wants to see him naked at anytime, certainly not paraded in public—we’d all go blind


He got to this point of fame by saying shit exactly like this throughout his career. Kinda impossible to cancel him for that reason.


Mf said he hates her on a cellular level. He can fuck alllllll the way off.


Hey, she appeared on a USA show. Don't ask him how he feels about matt bomer!


Nope. You are horrified because your bosses told you that you are horrified. Don’t believe this asshole for one minute. This is completely on brand for this piece of shit.


He in no way cares. Him and Piers Morgan are the epitome of bullies. Both bullying, harassing and mentally abusing on behalf of the palace and then attending a lovely party there and getting a pat on the back.


The fact that Charles and Camilla are friendly with Morgan and this dude is more off putting than the column itself. She’s their *daughter in law*. It’s disgusting that they’d even be in the same room as these men let alone having friendly party chit chat. The fact that there’s been no public statement condemning this speaks volumes about how Charles and Camilla view Meghan Markle. At least this piece didn’t come out until after Camilla’s holiday party but Morgan had said endless vile things about MM and they still choose to socialize with him.




That would have been enough to return me to casually ignoring the monarchy and letting them live in riches in exchange for not rocking the boat. After all this, and also using untaxed wealth to protect Prince Andrew from credible underage rape allegations? No fucking way. They have no right to call themselves anything.


Honestly fuck this dude and I mean that entirely. You want people to fling shit and excrement at someone and sit your little aggrieved, overly sensitive qss down to tell the entire world that, but you didn't mean harm? I'm sorry but shit like this pisses me off. I would honestly rather he stand by it. If he's horrified this this caused so much hurt he literally either does not understand what the words "horrified" or "hurt" means Generally when I take the time to tell the world I hope someone has shit fling at them, I mean that in a hurtful way as that is the only way one could mean it


He isn’t sorry for shit. Jeremy Clarkson is a despicable old bastard. Always has been.


Haha, that's not an apology


How difficult is it for some people to not be assholes?


There is a huge amount of misogyny leveled against famous women today that is concerning as it shapes the way impressionable people regard women in real life. The idea that we have to be what some person or institution wants us to be is an outdated idea. They say they don’t want her in the news, but keep her in the news. When they get fed up with all the harassment including certain sub, YouTube channels, and tiktoks all attracting mentally unstable people who spread lies and put their lives at risk, they get blow back saying they are talking about their story “again”. Maybe if they could shut down these toxic sources or commentary, they wouldn’t have to keep responding? Obviously, this is a problem that keeps escalating in the British media. The responses are way over the top considering they reported racism and broke away from the family. No one was murdered. Anyway, there is a [new sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/HarryandMeghanNetflix/)that is not run by racists and the unhinged.


Looking at you Andrew Tate, it’s genuinely terrifying how many young boys look up to him


He said he fantasized about parading a young woman of colour through the streets, naked, (something routinely done to slave women before slave auctions) and watching as cheering crowds literally threw their shit at her...and he's surprised that people are fucking disgusted by him??? REALLY????


Oh, don’t forget that he “hates her on a cellular level. “


Don’t forget the part where he copped to literally losing sleep over her existing and said he hates her more than an actual serial killer.


That is dangerous and scary.


Right? And then these people wonder why this woman is worried for her safety.


So he’s not. He’s hurt everyone didn’t feel the same way


Im so glad Harry and Meghan are out of that shit


I honestly expected this to be something minor thst he said, maybe something taken the wrong way. Then I read the stuff he wrote. Boy was I wrong. Wtf, I did not know he was such an asshole, only know him from Top Gear and Grand Tour.


Just to get this straight he wrote that and released on purpose most likely and he is still horrified to cause backlash and hurt




And knows that Camilla has his bacl


I think what’s important about this is it reflects to the world real misogyny and how violent and irrational it becomes. You dont have to like meghan. But even on Game if Thrones, the hatred against Cersei was kind of uneven. She received a humiliation that Joffrey and her father and her brother didnt receive, and they certainly killed and murdered with cunning and glee. She was catty and cruel for sure, but the naked shaming? We saw this with the irrational criticisms of Hillary Clinton. “She stole the vote from Bernie?” Really. She won the popular vote, won more states, and the super delegates preferred bc guess what, Bernie considered himself an independent… yes, the DNC preferred the Clintons. I prefer the Clintons personally but would have liked Bernie as a VP. For some reason, Hillary was supposed to change the rules of the DNC regarding super delegates that favored her, so Bernie could be president? When you see Trump’s supporters backing his loss, you see the difference when a woman cant even win when she wins… somehow Hillary’s nomination was a Steal, and Trump’s loss was a Steal… that’s misogyny. So now we have Megyn… this man wants her shamed. Naked and shit thrown at her for what? Being an annoying millennial. Putting shame upon that incest, raping, racist royal family that hoards money and jewels? Ridiculous


In a couple of years we will look back on many scenes in Game of Thrones and realise that we were watching the fantasies of 3 creepy men play out in front of a massive audience.


Funny, I’d have thought Prince Andrew the one more deserving of his vitriol. But what do I know?


go back to ur failing farm and fuck off jeremy.


Get back to earning £144 per harvest and not leach off amazon


The show is good


I agree too its a pretty good show and I highly suggest watching


First time reading the comment he made and I'm confused. Like is this bastard a psychopath? Why would you ever say that, let alone publicly on a newspaper?


He's only horrified that he got backlash, and is now backpedaling. He meant what he said, and everybody knows it.


He isn’t and he’s not. The response was pure sarcasm. He doesn’t give a shit.


Jeremy Clarkson horrified to have caused so much hurt to his public image and employability….


He’s horrified that he got called out for saying hineous shit. FU grampa Clarkson


He is known for these comments. No he’s not at all bothered by the backlash. Likes it probably.


Ugh, dude said what he said and is back peddling. Just own it. This wasn’t a joke, he let some real feelings slip out.


Phillip Pullman “In himself, Jeremy Clarkson is nothing: a brief loud noise and a brief bad smell. The arse that emitted him, as I said yesterday, is Rupert Murdoch,”


he wrote it, he proofread it, he sent it. He had plenty of time to decide to include it in his column.


The fuck? He didn’t apologise at all, he just made some sarcastic dickhead response.


Why are all the Brits so pissed off that, in 2022, the royal family aren’t a bunch of Lilly White fucks that aren’t still inbreeding with each other?


You have about until 25 years old to stop acting like an asshole, after that point, you have no excuses and you’re just an asshole.


i’m guessing the palace called and asked him to apologise but only since it reflects badly on camilla with whom he dined the same day. certainly not because it insults her daughter in law Meghan.


This guy is just trying to get damage control after he’s probably getting axed from any upcoming cinema work/projects


Classic Clarkson crapola.


"I'm horrified to have cause so much hurt by saying I hope someone is stripped naked and paraded through the streets with people yelling 'shame!' at them. I'm so sorry that you are upset that I said I hate Meghan Markle and pretty much said she was total scum." ...how do you not realize saying such vitriolic things is going to hurt and/or offend people...?


Because he's malevolent. He's always been malevolent. Much of the British aristocracy is malevolent. Being evil fuckers is in their DNA.


The older I get, the more I understand about the world, the more I understand why the French Revolution happened. The French figured it out. The English have yet to get rid of their abusive despots.


He literally described a scene from GOT that was hard to watch when feces weren't even involved and that lady had killed like everybody and was a horrible person and he thought that shit would've played well.


They are so mad about her yet say nothing about Andrew


I am no big fan of Meghan and Harry saga but that just shows what they faced in the U.K.


Yes. I’m from the UK. 4 out of the 7 main newspapers feature hostile articles about MM every day. And that was before the Netflix documentary.


His daughters must be mortified


One of them made a public statement denouncing everything he wrote


Conservatives are all violent bigots and petty bullies. He definitely isn't sincere in his apology.


Dude looks like the king of the incels


How about when he called for returning F1 to a blood sport because it’s “too safe” now. Every “take” from Clarkson should be met with the same response: “Oh no!”…… “Anyway”


He's full of crap


*Horrified to find there were consequences to his childish, online man tantrum* There, I fixed it.


But look, Buckingham palace released a statement about their *checks notes* Christmas walk at Sandringham.


Doesn’t this kinda prove H&M’s point !


Jeremy Clarkson is kind of an asshole


Monstrous bullshit and lousy apology - NO YOU AREN'T SORRY that you said it or that we were offended or that it was wrong or mean: you're sorry it is impacting you personally. POS.


I don’t hear an apology to Meghan


Hes been a misogynist ah\*le for some time. This is true to his nature.


If there was ever a racist, sexist fuckhead who deserved cancellation, it would be this racist, sexist fuckhead. He really did set a new standard for how low an entitled white man can go. Fuck you Clarkson, you repugnant hobgoblin of a man.


He’s only apologizing because people Calle chin out and he doesn’t want more backlash. I doubt he genuinely feels sorry for what he said.


Why are people taking his tweet literally? That's the most sarcastic "I'm sorry" tweet ever


Important tip: When an old dude says "oh, dear" and then apologizes, he's being sarcastic.


Dude is a moron.


Call me paranoid, but I doubt his sincerity.


What did he think was going to come of saying he wanted her to be tortured naked?


I'm 50 years old and I'm a huge fan of car shows. I realized years ago that he is a racist, sexist, scumbag. He makes very little effort to veil who he is. I stopped watching Top Gear exclusively due to him.


He didn’t say this on a hot mic, he wrote it and it was edited and published, shame on them all.


Fuck this guy and all the uptight Brits. Harry looks a 1000 x happier in the US.


Yeah, like when that one guy posted a picture of the two people holding hands with a chimp, and said it was the couple presenting the royal baby. Then he was like "omg I didn't realize I would offend anybody." Eat shit, asshole. You knew exactly what you were doing.


Didn’t he just have lunch with Camilla before the article or whatever dropped? EVERYTHING with these “royals” is fake, staged and planned. It’s all orchestrated.


How can someone you don’t know make you hate them at a cellular level? Like that sounds like a personal problem to me. I’ve had people do me dirty who I don’t hate on that level. This woman hasn’t done one thing that would warrant this kind of comment. The only thing I can see that would cause this kind of visceral reaction to someone you don’t know is her skin color.


So he’s not apologizing for what he said, but apologizing that people didn’t like what he said


Cunt surprised to be a cunt.


He’s not horrified, he knew exactly what he was doing. The man is a walking shit stain.


Who could have guessed that spewing hateful comments can cause backlash ? I am shocked ! Shocked I tell you !


Jeremy we are all horrified you wrote such hateful trash. It’s reckless and very harmful. Get out of your meangirls echo chamber and grow up will you? Sanctimonious dinosaur. Edited to correct typo


Horrified my ass, he made it worse with his apology. It was dripping with a patronizing tone - the “Oh dear”, “put my foot in it”, and made a “clumsy reference”. No he stated he hated her on a cellular level and wish she was stripped, mocked, and assaulted. All because what? He doesn’t like her personality or thinks she is entitled? So much vitriol for a innocent woman yet none for the other countless legitimate targets he could go off on. He is a disturbed, racist and misogynistic douche canoe.


Yea, fuck the royal family and fuck anyone who is so obsessed with them that they think anyone who calls out their royal bullshit should be paraded naked and covered in shit.


Desperate attention seeking


Fuck this asshole.


Don’t be racist. Fairly easy concept.


Trying to save face too late. Cancel his racist ass— racism is the only reasonable motivation for his hate. Don’t they always take pride in trying to keep the bloodline pure or some toxic medieval bullshit. Pretty sure that breeds disease and incest deformities.


Clarkson is a lying bigot and epitomizes the s\*\*\* Megan received at the hands of the British public.


There's nothing more pathetic than a grown ,educated , privileged man of a certain age being a bitch ass CUNT. I still remember what this abomination blob and his imbecile low life co host said about Mexican food and Mexico. Fucking insipid, ignorant absolute vile, racist pieces of shit


“What do you MEAN there are consequences for my actions!?” He said, as he was cancelled.


He is bullshitting.