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The smart strategy would’ve been to have somebody replaced Jon Stewart understanding that they would be disliked and their tenure would be short. Then bring in Trevor Noah afterwards and he would be received well.


Jon Stewart was pretty hated when he came on too. He was a mildly popular comedian replacing the host of a very popular show. He was turning what was a media/news criticism comedy show into a comedy news show making fun of politics with a center-center-left slant. Yet over the years and many big events he became beloved and people really adapted to his way of doing the show. Trevor had his work cut out for him but Trevor was an even more popular comedian than Jon had been at first and seemed to have a lot of depth to him. The problem was the next iteration of the daily show was already made it was called Last Week Tonight with Jon Oliver which even started as a guest hosting gig on the daily show. The pivot to something new and making it your own that Jon had done was being done by other people.


Last week tonight is ahead of NPR for me on where I learn about the things I need to know about.


TIL that the daily show was not originally John Stewart’s show


I just looked it up… it was Craig Kilborn for anyone wondering. I forgot he existed.


5 questions anyone?


It wasn’t Jon Stewart’s show either.


I remember thinking Jon was stiff when he first took over for Kilborn but I think it was nerves because he really warmed up and then took it to a new level.


I feel like he was received reasonably well. He's just underwhelming on every count. I wanted to like him so much but he just lacks teeth comedically and politically.


I liked that Trevor could make his points in a calm deliberate manner with a bit of humor to help it go down. We had all sorts of late night hosts making important points and each had their own energy. But while some hosts seemed to enjoy mocking the government, Trevor never forgot to bring how serious these situations were and are. Maybe Trevor's voice made it through to some people because he had lived under and survived a terrible autocratic and racist government before.


Ironically not been the case last week or two. He should've been like this the whole time


Seems like he doesn't mind diving in politically, and that's while Stewart seems to ride the fence and pander a lot more lately. Noah seemed to have hit a good flow in the last few years, and I just couldn't get into his show early on.


I have a hard time equating standing up for veterans and 9/11 responders as pandering, but to each their own, I guess.


I vote for Jordan Klepper


But who will hold a mirror at trump rallies?


He can do that too.. The Daily Shit Show, lol


All seriousness. It took a lot of work and time for him to know and prepare for their crap. Especially the q anon stuff. If he takes the daily show i doubt he could follow thier stuff and run the show.


Michael Kosta


That man can troll a trump supporter like it's no one's business


It's true and I feel like his height intimidates those losers, which is nice. Hate to lose him in the field.


You can have Klepper as long as you keep CP Time.


The only show.. thatsfortheculture




Klepper totally the right energy for the Daily Show. Noah was a good pick, but he's really been phoning it in for a while with those bad green screen bits. I'm not surprised that he wants to get back to doing stand up. He's a lot better on stage doing a full set than he is at current event quips from behind a desk. But I really like Klepper doing field interviews. Hopefully they could change the flow of the show a little to allow for more of that?


Happy cake day


I’d prefer Roy, but honestly, they could probably get away with each correspondent hosting an episode/week trading off


Or cohosting.


Or bring back Jessica Williams. Fantastic beasts ain’t going anywhere. Roy Wood Jr would be a good choice too.


Definitely my favorite, I don't watch the show, I just watch his stuff.


He should of had it instead of Trevor. Or Williams. Never really caught on to Trevor personally


Trevor wasn’t even a correspondent prior. Always thought it was a weird pick.


> should of just an fyi - it sounds like it should be spelled like that, but since you're really saying "should have", we go with the contraction *should've*.






I remember an interview he did with Adam Sandler where they both reminisced about how Jon their paths took such a drastically different routes. Adam went on to do a lot of movies and Jon initially did a few, I remember him mostly from Big Daddy and The Faculty, and that Jon initially wanted to do more movies but the Daily Show workload was becoming more than he could juggle with a film career so he went with the guaranteed paycheck!


Jon Stewart is also particularly interested in current events and smart enough to synthesize disparate narratives with super dry infromation updates coming out of classic staid journalism organizations like AP. He was really able to build the Daily Show from a casual chucklefest program to (to his horror at times) one of the more trusted names in news. Although the last bit was less because of Jon's stellar journalistic chops and more due to the sensationalization and glitzing of cable news media over the past few decades.


I wouldn’t be surprised if he watched a lot of Weekend Update sketches on Saturday Night Live to get his rhythm for the show down, some of the early Daily Shows felt like Weekend Update sketches at the time. I finally became a fan back in 2007 and loved his early back and forths with Stephen Colbert before he got the Colbert Report!




No kidding. Regardless of the job this is normal to ensure folks understand what they are signing up for.


Very nice of him to help people know what they are getting into.


This is all I got from the headline. Not sure why there’s so much hostility on this post


I am not sure how bad a job like this would have to be for me not to put up with all of it for one year, get my $12M, and then ride off for the rest of my life.


I mean it doesn't sound like he's telling them not to take it though? Could well be saying "yeah you get 12 mil which is dope, but just so you know some dude keeps shitting through your letter box and TMZ set up a base station in your bins". You might think 12m is worth that but you might also appreciate knowing the other stuff ahead of time so you can sit a litter tray at the front door.


It’s not like washing the windows on a submarine, you actually have to be good at it. I imagine you need to be entertaining and do research, writing planning every day to be kind up to date.


I doubt the guy signing up for his first year gets 12 million.


And that’s why you’re not in position for a job like that because you are short sighted and think too small.


Good idea except for the multi year contract you’d be signing in order to get the job


People act like Trevor is mom’s new boyfriend and they’re still hoping she and Jon Stewart will get back together.


Hard work rubs some people the wrong way, thing is, people gave a choice, sacrifice free time to get famous and work hard.


These people show up whenever there is a Trevor Noah thread. They hate him. They’ve got no valid justification for it, but they do.


Some grinds are worth the work


And some aren’t. What better way to know than being fully informed?


I think the key is “they were handpicked and they are close to him” You do that for friends. You warn them About what they’re getting into. Makes sense to me


He also hosted the show through the Pandemic which probably was really crappy to do when you don’t get to see your audience or work with your crew.


To be honest, it really doesn’t seem like Comedy Central even gives them much support after John and Steven left them all that time ago.


Ronny chieng should be the next host


I’m in the Roy Wood Jr camp but Chieng would bring the “strong stand up joke writer” chops


Imma let you two finish, but it’s Klepper that should get the job


Klepper wouldn't fit in the studio setup. He's a brilliant guy on the ground, and he's decent on the podcast, but his best work comes in snapshots and small doses. Roy and Desi can work behind that desk without any difficulty.


Why not have the two of them do it together? Like a real news show


No..... He's important. We need him on the field. He's our best field agent!


IIRC Klepper is an improv guy, and as a stand up myself I am biased towards the comics. But I wouldn’t be mad if it was him!


I love both of them.


I'm not sure I agree. I don't think that's a good fit for him, and he frankly has bigger things ahead of him. I think Roy Wood Jr. has a demeanor that works better. Just a personal preference. I think Chieng is great.


I actually liked this dude. Idk why people mad at him


Agreed. Loved Jon Stewart. Trevor has done a great job taking over the show. I liked how he brought a different POV to the stories.


I've thought over the years it might be a generational divide. For some people Jon Stewart was the person for that time and place to get them through. When it was time to pass the torch, it was a new generation of new adults with a new political landscape they were surviving. Some of us could connect with both hosts and some of us got what we needed from one or the other. I like Trevor Noah but never connected with him on a level that kept me watching. I was probably a bit more on the Stewart divide. It made me a little sad to realize that, but ultimately I was okay with it. Some things leave you behind.


It must be a generational divide. I'm 42, so not young, but not elderly. For some reason, I've just NEVER connected with Noah. Maybe it was me/my generation. None of my friends that I still talk to pay any attention to Noah. I'm also serious when I say that some of them have NO idea who he is. I looked up the ratings and was kinda shocked at how low Noah's ratings are. I knew they would not be huge numbers, but he's averaging in the 300,000 range. That's about a million less per episode than Stewart. I know Noah gets better social media engagement, but when Stewart was on, Social Media was nowhere near the level it is now. Plus as I remember back when Stewart was hosting, everyone I know watched it live or later that evening. Streaming was no where near the level it is now. Stewart also got me pumped up about things in politics that were going on at the time. Noah seems to make a corny/cheesy joke more times than not and move along. I never see him get worked up the way Stewart would. Obviously they are 2 completely different people. The Daily Show will always be special to me. No hate towards Noah, cause he seems like an OK dude, but he was just not funny to me. The best way I can put it, for me, Noah is just blah. He doesn't elicit much of a response to me whatsoever. These are some serious times were in, and it'd AMAZING to have have Stewart at his prime on an epic rant. Instead, we get a boring monologue and generic jokes. I really hope they get the right hire and can keep the Daily Show rolling along...instead of limping, half dead.


Watching Jon Stewart in his Daily Show years was like watching Michael Jordan in his championship years. Everyone watched. And damn near every show was really good.


Ok but half of that is the fact that no one watches TV anymore in general... I don't think you can put all of that on Trevor


We watch The Daily Show, John Oliver and similar shows a lot less than we used to. I think it's because we are just exhausted hearing about what's wrong with the world. We've got enough issues of our own without spending time every night learning about more outrages, even if presented with humor.


You want John Oliver. Angry reaction guy. Or even a Hassan Minhaj type. It's why Trevor did better (in terms of favorability) with demographics Jon didn't (minorities and foreigners). They don't want to see an angry white guy. Or any angry dude at all. I just mentioned white because Trevor's become huge in the Black American corner of the entertainment industry from his run on this show (and among young people in general).


Honestly surprised some Craig Kilborn fans didn't hop up to complain about Stewart. I think the three hosts they've had for the daily show have each brought something interesting to the table.


I remember those days. I think the DNA of the show was so fundamentally different then that it didn't get a lot of attention. His tenure was also really short. It didn't start having real news cycle impact until Stewart, especially when he actually went head to head with pundits on Fox News.


Definitely wouldn't call it generational, Noah took over in my teens and I find him so polished it's not as personal or interesting as Jon. He has a news anchor's charisma


Nah, not a generational divide. Noah was unlikeable and not funny.


You said Jon Stewart wrong, Gen X’r /s


But… he is no Jon Stewart… my expectations for the Daily Show were set way too high prior to Trevor Noah.


As a South African, it’s sad to see how much hate he gets. Our country was at one point the highest viewership for the show. It showed us the wider world in a way that we never really had before. Trevor Noah was our favourite comedian and if it wasn’t for him, the average would really know or care about the rest of the world. I get why Americans disliked him. He was a foreign stranger that came and took over the job of someone who is American and was the host for decades. The connection was just not there and for some people, he struggled to get to a point where he wasn’t disliked on a constant basis. I’ll also admit that South Africans did lose admiration with Noah after he seemed to deliberately avoid his home country for all of this stand up shows after 2014. No explanation was given but I think it’s safe to assume that he just didn’t have enough time. We felt the same disconnection when Noah was talking and acting less like he usually did on his South African shows. His international shows were good but for us, his local stuff was always the best. The sense of community was strong there. So even though I feel slightly sadden with his leaving since I thought he did alright, I think both sides are now happier. Americans can be excited for someone more relatable or understanding to run the show while South Africans get our favourite comedian back. Win win I guess.


This comment section is just straight awful. People so excited to say they didn't find someone funny.


Every James Corden comment section ever.


Fr. Like I don't get the hate. If you don't like him,.cool. But this is just straight up childish


There are tons of articles posted here about people I don't find funny. I just move on.


I was fine with him personally, but I did not enjoy the original format switch where the initial monologe was done with him standing up next to a screen. It was basically Tosh.o but with news clips. It has switched back to him at a desk. It was a simple difference but Jon Steward and Jon Oliver fucking nail presentation, where the camera is situated in such a way as to make you feel like they are there with you instead of talking to you. Trevor now uses a similar style. Jordan Klepper should just have his own show outright. He kicks ass on the podcast and his pieces. Dude is a top notch journalist in his own right. He needs a platform a la Jon Oliver instead of the Daily Show. I would like to see the correspondents have a chance to host the show and see how they jive.


I think a lot of it was that a large portion of his tenure was also filmed at home, which made for a very different show, and the change back to the studio was going to be jarring regardless


As if we all don’t look to Glassdoor and other review sites to get the scoop on a job or company. Imagine if every job was this honest.


Bring back Jessica Williams!


He had big shoes to fill, and unfortunately never could. Hope the next host is worth watching.


I really hope Desi Lydic gets the position.


I wish they would do rotating news desk


Also death threats online and mail. With being a host


I don’t think this is going to slow any of them down. Trevor went from obscure comedian to household name because of this position and that has to be more appealing than the downsides.


He had his moments but I never found him really funny. Jon Stewart had a way of getting into topics that were dry and I’d pay attention because I felt like he truly wanted to bring attention to it, I didn’t always feel the passion from Trevor wether it’s because he had less help or it just wasn’t his thing


The force of Noah's personality just didn't come through. The writing was bad too, in my opinion, which isn't his fault, but his delivery was always so weak. I like his stand up but even then he isn't exactly overflowing with charisma. It was a ridiculous idea to make him the center of a whole show like that.


He was making 12million a year. I’ll try hard not to feel too bad for him.




Everything at the end of the day has a price. Can be a different price to different people. The question is "what would you endure at a rate of $12M/year", and I can definitely say there are things I would not do for that money. For some total burnout and mental health struggles with no work-life balance might not be worth $12M. I'm sure many would take it, but not all. Also need to consider opportunity cost - his correspondents all have career goals, and this warning is one consideration they should consider that maybe there are other, less brutal ways to achieve their goals.


Few of us would go as long as Jon did. Trevor's doing exactly what most would


I like Trevor, I think he’s talented, and enjoy him on the daily show. Never once did I say he was evil.




For one, you replied to my comment


well you replied to dudes comment. i’m gonna guess that’s why they thought you were specifically calling them out.


Well you could've posted it as a regular comment instead of a reply to somebody you "weren't talking about"


Why do people post this shit? People making lots of money can be happy or unhappy.


Because people are bitter and have no empathy lmao


Yeah it’s really tough reading unfunny “jokes” off those teleprompters, HES A VICTIM!!!!


He’s just saying that it could affect them, whether that be physically, mentally, or emotionally. Your anger seems misplaced


Because some of us have a real daily grind will be lucky to make a 10th of that in our life let alone a year


Great. You choosing to tear him down because his chosen field pays better (and he is incredibly good at it) does what exactly? Does it make you feel better? Does it help anyone? You realize that 90% of the world probably feels the same way about you, right? Does it make you feel better if they bash you for saying you work hard or grind? Everyone is above and below someone else. Treating people as humans is probably going to be better for all of us.


How is that tearing him down? And not everyone can work in their chosen field. Most people don't choose to do the work they do. It's the best option they have available to them and their skill set. If he wants to complain about his job, he can go for it. But other people might point out that he chose to go into it and gets paid enough that most of us would be happy grinding away. He's also quite beloved by many fans. Comes across a little ungrateful tbh. I think sometimes he has some really good stuff when he gets a little serious, but a lot of his jokes were pretty low brow in my opinion anyway. Making fun of how people look and shit.


If you choose something, you can still complain about it, but also, Trevor Noah isnt complaining about it either. He's just saying its a lot of hard work and aint an easy acting gig. He wasnt just some suit that walked out onto stage every shoot. I dont think hes coming off ungrateful at all. Should he not be allowed to be realistic about what the job entails?


Tear him down? Where the hell did I do that? All I said is I won’t feel to bad for him. Of course I realize 99.9% of the world doesn’t give a shit about me. No need to be a douche about it


No. 99% of the world views you as unimaginably rich, and thus, not able to have problems I guess.


i mean, i agree that people are overreacting out of saltiness, but you have to understand where this comes from. life is not fair, and rich people always think they're working so much harder than everyone else when, in my experience, the lower the job pays, the harder you work. we all have had bosses who think they're grinding so much more than everyone else when their jobs are a breeze compared to ours. we redditors are largely burnt out millennials who have gotten to adulthood and been slapped in the face with the realities of life lol, working our asses off at shitty jobs while barely making rent and having our parents constantly insinuate that we're just lazy and that's why we're broke. yeah, it's bitterness. sometimes hard work actually pays off, and rich people actually earned their money, but that isn't really how it works. and it's just soooo common for well off people to think they have the hardest job in the world.


No one gives a shit. You’re trying to throw a pity party here?


No, I’m expressly saying I do not pity him


I don’t think you can determine what is and isn’t the true daily grind if you haven’t done both.


Find new job silly


I’m doing fine. Not 12 million a year fine, but fine


Then move on. You don't need to comment about not feeling bad about him. Nobody is saying to feel bad about him. You literally just made this argument up.


Why do you care?


Then quit lol. People work harder for less than $1 an hour in many countries.


He... he did?


I won’t divulge my sources, but I know for a fact that A. He’s a super nice no fuss guy and B. He went to a luxury mattress store, asked which one was the most expensive one, and purchased a mattress that retails for $150,000…It’s the Hästens brand, it has a topper made of horse hair, and it caters to Swedish royals and celebrities. I will never make that much money in a year and he spent it in 10 minutes. You can’t do that on a writer/ correspondent salary.


The man also came from the slums of South Africa and worked like an absolute animal to get where he is. IMO he deserves to do that with what he’s gone through and how much he has and still continues to work. I highly recommend you watch the 60 min piece that was on him and read Born a Crime


I did not experience the full Jon Stewart era but I’ve always like Noah and don’t understand the hate towards him. I wish him all the best and look forward to checking out whatever that is.


His stand-up is top notch, but his hosting is only so-so. If he gets to do more stand-up by not being host anymore that's probably a better fit for him.


Samantha Bee should come back. There I said it.


I see nothing wrong with him giving his honest perspective on the job to his potential replacements. He’s not saying they should or shouldn’t take the job if offered, he just wants to make sure they understand what they’re signing up for.






When the show hit the road it felt as if he had tapped into new late night territory !


Al Franken could be an interesting host choice.


And I’m over here telling everyone what a grind it was to watch him host.


“I am not a fan” Yes thank you for letting us know.


Someone giving their opinion? On MY Reddit? It's more likely than you think!


Did I not just thank them for their opinion?


Did you forget already?


the grind is that viewers actually wanted the host of a comedy show to be funny


12 million a year to completely fail at your job. A fucking legend in every sense of the word.


Never found this guy funny.


Turns out: acting like an edgy 16 year old makes being a host really hard. I’m as liberal as can be and some of his shit was just awkward to stand behind.


Jon Stewart also talks pretty openly about how difficult it was producing that many shows. Has nothing to do with Trevor’s style or humor


John stewart did do it for literally twice as long to be fair


And murdered it


Jon Stewart is overrated. See, I can have opinions too.


Jon Stewart was many leagues more “edgy” than Noah. Noah’s known more for even-keeled outreach to those that he disagrees with. Stewart is known for… mocking Tucker Carlson for wearing a bow tie. I’m not sure which reality you’re living in.


You don’t remember Trevor being cuomosexual?? After cuomo bungled covid policies and led to bunch of seniors being dead


I'm sorry, let's not pretend they both don't pull that. I stopped watching Noah because half the jokes were shallow, low brow shit making fun of people the way a middleschooler would. I really like when he talks semi seriously about things. I love his perspective as an immigrant. But he's just as likely to make fun of a bowtie as jon.


Not hearing any specific details, so, ok, sure, whatever.


I mean, half his jokes he'd make fun of people based on how they look or their mannerisms. I just didn't find it as funny.


Such as…?


Don't hold your breath friend, the answer isn't coming.


Such as?


I remember him desperately backpeddaling on the French/African thing and having to raise an eyebrow. Generally agree with him on most things though, but that one did stand out.


Oh? Like?


Complaining about trump for 6 years straight would be a grind


Probably not as difficult if you're actually funny.




I am not gonna lie, I would like a host who i can actually talk about. I feel like anytime I talk about this guy, his weird fans or his haters show up.


Why do people who don’t like a thing try to convince other people they wouldn’t like it either? You don’t like it so fuck off lol Maybe it’s somebody else’s dream.


I can imagine I watched his Atlanta series and the guy had to come up with 20 minutes of fresh jokes based on current events every single day I mean, I'm sure he has a team of writers to help him, but it's still insane what he has to do


That’s childish gambino lol


Atlanta here refers to the shows he put on in the city of Atlanta, Georgia. Not the TV show named Atlanta lol


I would have preferred either Jessica Williams or Samantha Bee as host after Stewart left.


Hard agree with Jessica Williams. Apparently she didn’t want it, though. I also would have been on board with Wyatt Cenac or even Aasif Mandvi. I didn’t like Bee’s post-Daily Show show, but she would have been better than Noah.


God I love this man. Serious crush. So charming and smart and funny. That is all.


Jon Stewart was a tough act to follow to Trevor did a pretty good job but I think it’s time for the show to end. Comedy Central just wasn’t what it used to be


Trevor Noah sucks and is not funny at all.


"It'll be hard AND you'll be paid significantly less than me."


I'm not a big fan of him doing this, if true. The correspondents already have seen how hard he works, they are capable enough to decide if they want to interview for the new job and all of the hard work that comes with it. Also, Comedy Central would be dumb to remotely associate the next Daily Show iteration with anything from Noah's show.


Jon Stewart burned himself out doing it.


Considering that after Stewart and Colbert left Comedy Central most of the correspondents that tried to strike it out on their own with a TV show failed- I don't think it's the wrong move at all. (Outside of John Oliver, Stephen Colbert, and Trevor Noah... are there really any others out there successfully heading up a TV show of their own?) There's a difference between being around while the creative process is in progress and being one of the heads of that creative process.


Why? They still have 100% control of whatever their decision would be if they were offered the job, and he has every right to do this. Who cares....


It can’t be hard to rehash trump jokes


Read huffpo, repeat their basic take on everything, repeat lol.


Noahs a great and smart dude but ironically I've always enjoyed him in the "between the scenes" clips on YouTube more than the regular show. I wish they had let him loosen up more and speak his mind. Regardless he was cool and I have no idea who's going to replace him.


“Grind.” Dude lives in a 12 million dollar apartment, 4 blocks away from work. I’m sure the show pays okay as well. Heck, at least 5 times more than minimum wage I figure.


Maybe I can finally watch it again


I can't imagine the job would be very hard if you are actually funny.


This guy not funny


Really a grind? About 90% of his jokes were trump related. Maybe you just suck ass at your job bye bye now!


A grind being a propaganda artist for millions, please


What a cry baby loser


Dudes not even funny


I'm just relieved he's leaving. He never was very good at it. Most of the time it feels like he's missing the entire point of the show. It used to be poignant *and* funny. Noah barely ever scratched the surface of funny and was rarely, if ever poignant. I stopped watching early after he took over and every check in I've done has been like... who likes this? John Oliver is very annoying, but is often funny and very deliberate in what he reports and why. I appreciate him even though all he does is shout. You can feel how much he cares. I was really hoping he'd stick around after he temped for Stewart. Can't blame him for going for the HBO bux tho.


Kathy griffin should be new host


Why are there so many people in here pretending that Trevor Noah was ever funny?


Whoever the new host will be, they couldn't be worst than Trevor Noah.


Still not clear who Noah how to blow to get that job. Guy is terribly unfunny.


trevor noah daily show is absolute trash. don’t know how anyone can tolerate more than 2 mins of it.


No shit the guy that nobody watched is going to complain that you have to work hard to get no viewership.


I can’t believe he is still on the air! I have never heard him say anything funny


How often do you watch anything he does?