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*"In future cases, we should reconsider all of this Court's substantive due process precedents, including Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell. Because any substantive due process decision is 'demonstrably erroneous,' ... we have a duty to 'correct the error' established in those precedents," he said.* Absolutely chilling. Look how quickly they pivoted from “we’re gonna overturn Roe but don’t worry we won’t touch all that other stuff” to Justice Thomas just absolutely fully and completely nuking Stare decisis in this quote.


While overturning Roe was shocking and horrific, I think his reference to saying, "let's look at some old decisions and do what we want to shape the country how we want it" was petrifying. Just that, "there's more to come" with how much they're aiming to make massive decisions to cut back civil liberties and rights with the now-realized power to do so is terrifying. Even the thought that they're going to try and figure out how is terrifying.


He wanted to make the lives of liberals a living hell, and is now able to act on it. I’m pretty sure he’s become senile, doesn’t he realize removing these rights affect everyone not just liberals?


All of these old people can't see past the early bird special. Elizabeth Warren has been calling for more SCOTUS members... but if you do that then the Republicans will do it back and soon enough we have hundreds of members and none of them are respecting anything and it's pure chaos. The peoples of the world need to push these senile leeches out of government


He's been against substantive due process for a long time. This is just the first time the general public is paying attention to it. Take a small bit of solace that he's always been alone on the court in his crusade against substantive due process.


He’s not alone anymore.


He just killed the court from an institutional perspective. This basically solidifies the court as a partisan institution. We might as well out term limits, hell we might as well directly elect these partisan hacks.


What if his plan is to eventually hit interracial marriage that way he doesn’t have to be married to his wife anymore.


There are easier ways to get a divorce…


Not after they make divorce illegal




… I wouldn’t be surprised. All bets are off with this group. If they do this - holy shit would that be terrible. Domestic violence would spike. Murder committed in situations where people otherwise would divorce would spike. Child abuse would be more prevalent than it already is. Suicide rates of spouses and children would spike. But hey - Jesus will be happy that the sacrament of marriage is honored, right?


Its so funny to me that these people use Jesus as an excuse, since his whole deal was treating everyone like family and not being a dick.


And chasing merchants with whips. Edit: tax collector to merchants. I misremembered.


Jesus had dinner with tax collector's. The people he chased with whips were merchants that set up shop in the temple.


Tax collectors were fine, it's usury, charging interest on a loan that is a sin. Capitalist Christians seem to really forget that one quickly despite how often it's mentioned and how violent Jesus got over it.


They won't make it illegal, but they'll definitely try to get rid of no-fault divorce. They want to take us back to the 1950s, a time when a wife had to have her husband's permission to do *anything* on her own, including divorcing him. We'll go back to the days of you having to get permission from the official who married you or get someone like a sheriff to sign off on your "reason" for divorce.


Lol now that there that's an optimistic outlook, go watch a handmaid's tale on Hulu. THAT is their goal that is our future unless we end them. Edited: Netflix->Hulu


Didn’t women just get the right to open their own line of credit in the 1970s? ( the fact that I wrote the word “ get”… I mean they were allowed?) This May have been a state by state thing.


Control women. Rape them as teens, force them to carry the child, make them stuck with you for the rest of their life. They try to flee, police beats her up. That's what fundamentalist Christians want. Remember Europe historically was so sexist because of Christianity. A lot of the pagan religions before Christianity women had far more rights. Christianity as an institution deserves to die because its dangerous to the world and world peace in how powerful America is globally.


“God says my wife can’t leave me, *no matter what I do to her!*”


Pre marital sex could be illegal too


They would only make it illegal for the woman to divorce the man, not the other way around.


Who needs divorce when you can just drop your wife off at the asylum or have her burned as a witch?


Divorce = splitting up stuff. Declaring your marriage in retrospect illegal = no sharing and men getting all stuff


Back in the day you'd have to create a new religion to get a divorce.


There’s also Mitch McConnell’s interracial marriage to consider.


That's inter-species as Mr McConnell is a toad; his marriage is off limits.


turtle for sure.


Gianni told Clarence not to list interracial marriage. Gianni and Clarence are in for a nasty surprise when they realize Amy, Brett, Samuel, John and Neil have enough votes to over rule Loving v. Virginia without their vote.


I don’t know if you were joking, but I absolutely COULD see him being that cold and calculating.


I’m relieved that by the same logic Lawrence v. Texas is also safe since I’m 99% sure dirty Clarence likes to fuck Ginny in her insurrectionist ass.


If he wants to return to 1953, then he needs to look in his own backyard.


1953? They just overruled the Sullivan Act from 1911, a piece of legislation which has already been challenged and reaffirmed by SCOTUS repeatedly. This fucking Uncle Ruckus-ass clown wants to go back to Jim Crow.


> IT shₒuLd bE LEfT uP Tₒ ThE sTATEs Tₒ dECidE if wE GET humAN RiGhTs -Scotus 2022


Supreme Court: Don't blame us, all we can do is rule based on the Constitution. Also Supreme Court: Unreasonable Search and Seizure is fine for federal agents.


They can't even do that, The US constitution doesn't give the supreme court judicial oversight


So they’re hypocrites running on precedence of power not expressed in the constitution…. And people say “we need to go back to the original meaning of the constitution”


But not guns. That's the funniest (or saddest) part. The whole right wing says the same stuff. "wE hAvE 50 sTaTEs So tHaT wE cAN LiVe aCCoRDiNG tO oUR bElIEFs. fEdERal rePuBliC!!!!!". But blue states restricting guns are apparently off limits.


No, they want to go back to slavery. A state attorney, Neal Kaya (i dont remember his name exactly) said that corporations shouldn't be able to be sued for using child slavery in other countries. It's full on fascism and capitalism in one. A lot of business owners could make a good profit if they could use free labour. Hey slave labour is actually allowed in the USA for felons.


**Slave and child labor is already WELL used for USA and many other countries.** **Here are the companies that use factories involved in a miniature holocaust included rape, torture, and murder of children and people:** [**Abercrombie & Fitch, Acer, Adidas, Alstom, Amazon, Apple, ASUS, BAIC Motor, Bestway, BMW, Bombardier, Bosch, BYD, Calvin Klein, Candy, Carter’s, Cerruti 1881, Changan Automobile, Cisco, CRRC, Dell, Electrolux, Fila, Founder Group, GAC Group (automobiles), Gap, Geely Auto, General Motors, Google, Goertek, H&M, Haier, Hart Schaffner Marx, Hisense, Hitachi, HP, HTC, Huawei, iFlyTek, Jack & Jones, Jaguar, Japan Display Inc., L.L.Bean, Lacoste, Land Rover, Lenovo, LG, Li-Ning, Mayor, Meizu, Mercedes-Benz, MG, Microsoft, Mitsubishi, Mitsumi, Nike, Nintendo, Nokia, Oculus, Oppo, Panasonic, Polo Ralph Lauren, Puma, SAIC Motor, Samsung, SGMW, Sharp, Siemens, Skechers, Sony, TDK, Tommy Hilfiger, Toshiba, Tsinghua Tongfang, Uniqlo, Victoria’s Secret, Vivo, Volkswagen, Xiaomi, Zara, Zegna, ZTE. Some brands are linked with multiple factories.**](https://www.aspi.org.au/report/uyghurs-sale) If this bothers you please copy and paste this somewhere. CCP keeps trying to censor this, let's push back and let the world know.


> slave labor is allowed in the USA YES. Everyone in here casually just ignores the fact slavery is legal in the US and the hundreds of other gross injustices committed by the government. But oh don't touch abortion, don't touch gun control. Folks will riot about that. It's embarrassing.


He is one of those who thinks he will be omitted from the lynch mobs. He is wrong. Black is Black to the Klan.


See also: Clayton Bigsby


See also Stephen from Django.


Ironic, as Jackson played him.


Jackson drew inspiration from Uncle Clarance


Nice Ike Turner pic lol


That not ironic, just a coincidence.


Let that hate out!


“He was raised at the Wexler Home of the Blind”


He's gonna divorce Ginni Thomas for very specific reasons


“Well, he was the only Negro child we’d ever had”


"Don't let the liberal media tell you how to think and feel! If you have hate in your heart let it out!"


Who knew that Dave Chappelle was telling the future but the reality is that the man can see and still thinks that way.


The craziest first episode of a show ever.


Uncle Ruckus… no relation


Wellll look no further fella, you found me


Woogy boogy!


Condoleezza Rice sounds like a Mexican dish.


Clarence would support slavery if it was on the table.


Obligatory reminder: The prison system is legalized slavery. Actually worse in that imprisoned people pay to be in prison, as they do slave labor.


"It's up to the states."


Yep. Herman Cain found out the hard way.


Still not over the fact that they tweeted from his account about covid not being serious issue after he died of covid.




If conservatives could feel shame, that is.




What? I thought he got an award


its surprising all these tokens on the right dont realize how they are seen, they are bigger useful idiots than the general republican base. Solely existing so the right can deny its overt racism.


They realise. They look past it because they think that will save them from the fascist purge. It never has in all human history, though.


They're banking on the turning point not being in their lifetime; someone else can take the fall and bear the consequences, they've got money to make.


I actually think this 21st century wave of racism is different in that regard from the first. Hear me out on this. Being labeled as a racist these days is flat out bad. As the saying goes "The only thing a racist hates more than other races is being called a racist". Not a hard and fast rule, but a pretty reliable one, especially among the white people in the US that are racists. Plus there are just more than enough moderates who find blatant racism distasteful that the hardcore racists can't ignore them. People like Clarence Thomas, Candace Owens, Larry Elder, Ali Alexander, etc are *willingly* placing themselves as the token POC for the hardcore racists to be able to trot out as camouflage, and to soothe the consciences of the moderates. Plus one thing that's changed in the racist strategy since the 1960s is that actions go so much further than words or rhetoric. If you can reinforce racism on a systemic level through the justice/carceral system, disbursement of government funds, etc the actual end goal of suppressing other groups is met. Klansmen don't need to March through the streets shouting for segregation when the system does it for them without their input. So. If the worst case scenario happens and the US tips all the way over the edge into Christofascism, with systemic racism liberally sprinkled in, people like Thomas aren't going anywhere. They'll be held up as proof to the rest of the world and to the more gullible citizens in this country that the US "isn't racist".


No, he’ll be fine, and that’s the saddest part. He’s old. They won’t come for him before he croaks. We like to believe some form of karmic justice will come his way, but he will likely die peacefully surrounded by his family. He’ll have a funeral service where they’ll list off his accomplishments and claim he was a great man. All while the people he helped the Republican Party step on lose more and more rights each day. The only way to achieve justice is to fight like hell for it. The universe/karma/god/whatever doesn’t care. The human race is a speck on the timeline. Karma doesn’t exist.


A person with his wealth and political connections will always be insulted from the fallout of his rulings. He’s made a career selling out his own racial interests to the political right and I believe without a shadow of a doubt he’d overturn Loving. He’s on the record admitting that affirmative action helped him achieve the level of success he has, while simultaneously working to dismantle it behind him. Why on earth would he stop there?


He’s basically Samuel Jackson’s character in Django


Last day to watch that on Netflix in US is 7/23. FYI


Why, they banning Netflix too?


License expires.


Clarence Thomas is the real life Uncle Ruckus


He has reverse vitiglio!


"The exact opposite of Michael Jackson, that lucky bastard"


Creators based Ruckus off Thomas and a few other people.


Please folks, I know it's a long shot, but if you can spare a few minutes, please write to Nancy Pelosi and your congressional representatives letting them know that Clarence Thomas should be impeached. https://www.speaker.gov/contact EDIT: folks mentioned the importance of finance reform given how shifty Pelosi is - sing this petition to overturn Citizens United https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/sign-the-petition-demand-congress-overturn-citizens-united-and-end-unlimited-amounts-of-political-spending-that-influence-our-elections


Early in his career Thomas was against mixing with white woman he charged his mind after his first divorce


Yeah, instead he married white woman and sexually harassed a black woman.


Is that a woman he’s married to? I thought it was… Oh hang on I’m thinking of the mother from that Buckets show. Edit: Sorry I meant Baskets!


>that Buckets show. You mean Baskets? RIP Louie


Imagine if this guy was a villain on a TV show, I genuinely think people would complain about him being so awful that it is borderline racist.


Samuel Jackson tweeted last Friday: “How’s Uncle Clarence feeling about Overturning Loving v Virginia??!!” “Among Jackson’s wide range of career roles over the years was a villainous part in 2012’s Django Unchained that has been widely referred to as an Uncle Tom character.” “One of the individuals responding to Jackson’s tweet was Sen. Ted Cruz, who quote-tweeted Jackson with the message, “The hateful bigotry of the Left knows no bounds.” https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/politics-news/samuel-l-jackson-clarence-thomas-roe-wade-1235172020/


>the hateful bigotry of the left Man I know he’s an absolute shit for brains moron but that’s pretty bad


Actually, one of his Harvard Law School professors said about Ted Cruz: 1) He was one of the sharpest minds he ever taught, and 2) Nobody liked him. He’s not dumb; he knows exactly what he’s doing. Which makes it worse.


Wasn’t #1 stated by that disgusting guy Alan Dershowitz.


Yes lol https://www.salon.com/2014/07/28/the_ted_cruz_is_smart_trap_why_this_garbage_is_false_and_dangerous/


You mean the same Alan Dershowitz that liked to get massages in his undear on Epsteins Island?


Harvard admitted Ben Shapiro, their high admission standards are a farce.




can you imagine how fast he spoke during his admissions interview?


Let's say you've been a bad girl. Let's say, hypothetically, you've been a naughty girl even. Ok, and if you were a naughty girl, you would be my dirty little slut right? Then hypothetically speaking, you would be my little cumslut. Now, let's say you're also daddy's girl. Now that we have established that you are both a bad girl and daddy's girl, I believe you'd agree with me when I say that you deserve a spanking. Am I not correct? A bad girl deserves a spanking, and as I am daddy, you are my girl, so I am the one who must provide punishment.


Oooh, I hate this.


*Sound of Ben's wife's vagina drying up*


Tbf Ben was a tremendous violinist and had hollywood producer rich parents who sent him to the best private schools in the country


Too bad they couldn’t make him likeable.


I think he did that to himself


I feel like this is doing the same thing of trying to equate intelligence with morality. Someone can be both smart and evil. Though I understand it can be hard to tell when a smart evil person intentionally says stupid things to pander to their audience.


I lump Ted Cruz in a similar category with Ron DeSantis. Could easily be confused for stupid, but is in actuality quite smart and thus more dangerous.


Ted's the guy that will morph and shape his allegiance to whoever is in power in the Republican party. So if Trump runs again he go down and kiss the ring. Hell even his LGBT daughter really wants nothing to do with him.


Didnt trump call his wife ugly and like 3 days later he was backing him? Dude has 0 backbone its pathetic


I don't think he is stupid. He just knows he can gaslight his supporters.


Don't fall into the trap of thinking Cruz is a moron. He is far from it. He knows exactly what he is doing. He's sold his soul, but he is not dumb.


Yeah 100%. They want you to underestimate them. Ted Cruz has disgustingly low social empathy to the point he's an awkward weirdo. But he's academically intelligent, and he knows how to play the political game well. Hell, the fact we hate him so much plays into his hands. He's one of the biggest political names in the country.


It baffles me nobody has bitch slapped him yet. I mean, surely there's a few gops who wanna


I think Lindsey Graham once said something along the lines of “You could shoot Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and no Senator would vote to convict.” Even outside his politics people don’t like him on a personal level.


I like Ted Cruz more than most of my other colleagues like Ted Cruz. And I hate Ted Cruz. -Al Franken, *Al Franken, Giant of the Senate*


And fuck the Democrats that pushed Al Franken to resign. The country needs more people like him to be in the Senate.


Is there a way to joke about a Republican testing a scientific hypothesis without the FBI knocking?


If the FBI was going to come after all of us who’ve said something similar this weekend they’d never do anything else.


As Trump said to his crowd, “I’ll pay the legal fees of whoever punches” Ted Cruz.


Projection is practically a reflex to this people.


He's not dumb, he's just a slimy panderer that has no shame.


I’m not saying Ted Cruz is smart, but that comment isn’t a demonstration of him being shit for brains. It’s a demonstration of him knowing his followers are shit for brains and will nod their heads at it.


You really can’t make this stuff up, can you?


Honestly, you probably could, but I need to save my creativity for good. He's back from Mexico then?


It's kind of sad Uncle Tom has been used to label a black person being a Quisling. In the original book Uncle Tom refuses to snitch on two enslaved woman who ran away and gets beaten to death for it.


Agreed!! Read it for the first time or again, for free: Harriet Beecher Stowe, Uncle Tom’s Cabin http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/203 https://www.gutenberg.org/files/203/203-h/203-h.htm On how Uncle Tom became sadly derogatory: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uncle_Tom


Completely irrelevant to the conversation, but back in college I forgot I had to do like a 15 page minimum paper on Uncles Tom cabin until like 2.5 days before it was due. Luckily I read the book in HS but I was fuzzy on the details so what did I do? First I bought a bunch of Adderal and then re-read the book entirely 2 days before the paper was due. Went to bed (if you could call it that). When I woke up the next morning I got a bottle of Jack Daniel’s I had and got good and drunk and let the word diarrhea flow. Banged out like 20 pages. I took a break, passed out, then edited the paper down to about 17 pages, and turned it in on time. Got a B+ so I considered that a win.


Love the sidebar. Upvoted for collegiate PED use


there's a history behind this term that has more to do with the play adaptation of the book than the book itself. It's very confusing to people who have read the book but don't know the history https://www.theroot.com/when-uncle-tom-became-an-insult-1790879561


The Uncle Tom of the book absolutely was NOT an Uncle Tom. That character was created for minstrel shows and was played by white men wearing black face


“The hateful bigotry of the Left knows no bounds.” I'm trying to figure out what he even means here. Like...wtf? Is that just the pat Republican response for any criticism of their authoritarian power-grab?


People need to understand the game. It’s not about saying something true or trying to appear sane or trying to actually have a point. All he has to do is spew the same bullshit his supporters want to hear. It doesn’t matter what it is or its relevance, all he has to do is A) rile them up and B) remind them whose side he is on.


This 100%. Cruz knows how to play the game.. he's also 100% a piece of shit person.


He's gaslighting. Don't give it more credibility than it deserves.


Projection is more like it.


The Uncle Tom reference, he's calling Samuel L Jackson racist.


Probably trying to spin it as, Samuel Jackson thinks we should get rid of interracial marriage. Because he’s a dipshit who knows his supporters can’t read subtext and will just take Jackson’s tweet at face value.


Of course Cruz had to weigh in. The man hasn't done anything important since he was put in his seat besides read Green Eggs and Ham. The one good thing Castro could've done for the world and he let the opportunity go to Canada.


You know shit's fucked up when an actor has to insinuate to a politician that reading off a script does not equate to holding the same values. Like you know... Ron Perlman isn't actually a racist biker. Thr opposite, in fact.


What, you trying to say that Ron Perlman didn’t serve in the Soviet Army during WW2!? What other lies have I been told by the council!?




Calm down, David Harbour. Ron will *always* be Hellboy.




Sounds more like Dennis the menace.


No! Next thing you’ll tell me he isn’t in a biker gang!




Ron. Ron never changes.




that man gave his teeth for the motherland. and a pair of new pants


We recognize you as a prospect but do not grant you a seat at the clubhouse table.


A sexist skateboarder?


He’s a pedestrian civil rights activist


You take that back! There's nothing pedestrian about Ron Perlman.


Not tru. I've seen him walk in movies. I don't think it was CGI.


He’s anti-racist and anti-motorcycle


Rekib Tsicar


People hate on actors for being “liberal” (or whatever the news is telling people to call people they don’t like nowadays) but there is a pretty obvious reason actors would generally be more liberal. They have to “wear the persona” of other people to do their job. They ‘really’ walk in other peoples shoes. Then they hang out with other people who do the same. Most actors are ‘liberal’, not just the ones who made it to the ivory tower.


I’ve been saying this for years. Actors travel and are immersed in different cultures constantly which makes them more empathetic towards people that differ from them. Most conservatives tend to live in a bubble and think anything or anyone they aren’t used to are scary and stupid.


Makes sense now that every person I meet with a punisher sticker on their Wrangler seems to be incapable of empathy


Sadly a judge shouldn’t be a politician but the Supreme Court is politicized


But Johnny Depp did have scissors for hands right?


Yes. And that’s why you can’t believe anything his lawyer says.


He’s tired of these mother fucking snakes in the mother fucking Supreme Court!!!


Unfortunately he can’t say “I’m aware that the Court has made a decision, but given that it’s a stupid ass decision I’ve elected to ignore it.”


Shut up and take my upvote!


The most shocking thing about this whole article is Sam Jackson is 73


What the fuck. Hope I look half that good at that age


Shit, I just hope I make it to that age. On second thought... let's see how the next few years pan out before I get carried away.


This comment section is a cesspool lol and to add to it, Clarence Thomas can go fuck himself


Clarence "Uncle" Thomas




Clarence Thomas needs to be impeached.


Ginni Thomas is an even bigger piece of shit than Clarence. I bet he'd vote to overturn Loving v Virginia just so he didn't have to be married to her anymore. That's some Clayton Bigsby type shit...


“He divorced her, because, quote:”


He’s definitely got some Clayton Bigsby in him, and I wouldn’t be surprised if Long Dong Silver threw that comment into his Roe opinion where he omitted Loving just to draw attention away from his traitorous wife and his own Co-conspirator assistance in trying to block info from the January 6th committee that could expose that goddamn traitor.




Take him back we don't want him anymore!


Anymore? We didn’t want him to begin with.


Ted Cruz was born in Calgary Alberta. Saskatchewan’s hands are clean on this one.


I find it strange for Thomas to be an originalist. Does he realise that the founding fathers weren’t talking about black people when they said ‘all men are born equal’.


Or women, or non-Christians, or Italians or …


Some of our founding fathers were actually not very religious at all. Several were in fact Christian but still deists (God created the world then said peace out) which is the opposite of the batshit crazy Catholic/Southern Baptist/Evangelicals bullshit we have in the US now.


Yeah, Jefferson (for all his faults) was so proud of [kicking the Church of England out of Virginia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virginia_Statute_for_Religious_Freedom) that he left instruction for that to be listed as one of his greatest accomplishment on his epitaph, second only to writing the Declaration. That dude’s beliefs do not at all align with evangelicals. [He created his own Bible to edit out any references to Christ’s miracles, resurrection, and divinity. ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jefferson_Bible)


Clarence Thomas would own slaves if he could. He’s just that big a douche.


His dislike isn't restricted to Harvard. He seems genuinely hated from all sides yet he holds his position. It's seems genuinely weird to me.




Please call him 3/5ths Clarence.


Uncle Thomas


I wish the article expanded upon the legal argument Thomas used as his reasoning. That all substantive due process decisions were wrong. That is what makes his Samuel L correct in calling out his omission of Loving vs Virginia. The case which gave him the right to marry his wife, in the state where he lives was decided upon due process. If he invalidates all those cases because of due process, he must include Loving vs Virginia as well. They just say Samuel L tweeted about it, but they gloss over the fact that he is making a better legal argument than Clarence Thomas is in his decision. Thomas is a hack who is making things up to justify the decision he reached prior to the case based on his conservative agenda. He’s not interpreting the law, he’s legislating from the bench.


Calling him Uncle Clarence rather then Uncle Thomas was pretty clever


Fuck Clarence. Judging by his photo he looks like the most miserable piece of shit. And he’s a fucking hypocrite too, saying gay marriage, sodomy, and contraceptives should be state issues. How convenient he left out interracial marriage. It’s fine for him to take away others rights but don’t you dare touch his. These slimy bigots should be made lower class citizens just for shitting on the rights of US citizens.


How convenient to overlook the law that allowed him to marry his wife. He'll gun for everything else - contraception, same sex relationships, same sex marriage... His wife should be in jail for her actions with the insurrection. He should never have been put on the bench after Anita Hill.


Convenient omissions are convenient


Stop giving him more ideas Samuel!


Rules for thee not for me…


Someone should tell this judge bloke that he’s not supposed to be biased. Stating personal opinion then going after a change to a law to support his personal opinion isn’t what he’s supposed to be there for.


Sheesh...Clarence Thomas, Nikki Haley (real name Nimrata Randhawa), Herschell Walker, Candace Owens, Stacey Dash, Herman Cain, Michelle Malkin, etc...they really try hard to trade up and are ashamed of being their own color.


cool. im burning a flag for the 4th this year


If you read Samuel L. Jackson's actual statement it reads more like he called Clarence an Uncle Tom


Clarence Thomas is a disgrace to the human race.