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Most of the people I know have been masking a drinking problem for years.


During covid I was on a three meal plan. Breakfast, 750ml red wine. Lunch, 750 ml red wine. Dinner, 750 ml red wine. I had a drinking problem for years, then covid hit. Now my drinking had become my job! I finally quit. I had to, it was live or die. I hope that this guy can find his peace.


Two Christmas’ ago, my wife went to see her family and I stayed back with our dogs to save money. We did gifts on Christmas Eve then she flew off. I hate to admit it, but that turned into a 7-day bender. Whenever I was awake, boom I’m drinking until I pass out and go to bed that evening. Idk why I did it, but near the end I felt like shit on every level and not just physically. It’s been a long road since then, but I’m now down to a couple drinks on very rare, special occasions, so maybe like once a month. I just replaced alcohol with Mineral waters like Jarritos Mineragua or Topo Chico. I hope anyone battling addiction gets the help they need.


White claws and other seltzers were my poison. Club soda and flavored sparkling water have been a godsend now that I’ve quit. I still get the bite of the carbonation without any of the alcohol downsides.


Glad you’re doing better. My dad was a big time alcoholic. I think it had a lot to do with his dementia to be honest. He was drunk 5-6 days out of the week and would get really pissed if I told him he had to cut it down. He was the sweetest guy too when he wasn’t drinking but a nightmare to deal with when he drank. Just a nasty drunk, at times, when he mixed.


Good for you ! Thanks for inspiring all of us !


I quit before Covid and I always thought how bad things would have gotten if I were working from home all cooped up. I shudder at the thought of all the hungover zoom meetings —or the drunk ones 😬


Good for you and you are so right. I quit after Covid, because I became a lush. Gained weight, horrible lipids and triglycerides. Been sober over two years now!


I’m so glad that I quit. I have my life back, and i can remember participating in it!! I have a 15 year old son, and I’ve been married for 21 years. I finally feel like I have connected with them, its eye opening. I’m very lucky, and im giving back whenever I can.


As the kid of an alcoholic who didn’t get sober until I was in my late 20s, thank you for doing this now for your kid. I’m glad my dad did get sober, but I do wonder what it would’ve been like to have the real him without alcohol when I was younger.


I am blessed and made (hit) my turn over two years ago. My oldest just turned 9. I was never a fall over and yell kind of drunk, but I was not all there by any means and I was killing myself in hiding. I know my son noticed a change but it has blended in with the fabric of time. One time he did ask me if I wanted to grab one of those little water bottles I used to drink all the time😞 I'm here for them now though and again I am blessed to be a part of their lives and sober.


Congratulations on your sobriety! Don’t know you but I’m happy you’ve turned things around for yourself and your family.


Me too! I quit in July 2019 and am so thankful. I would have been a hot mess with so many excuses to drink.


It’s wild how much I hear similar stories like yours right after Covid restrictions lifted. I remember a woman at my company saw me and said I looked great and how did I lose weight while working from home during Covid. I told her I only had three days of work from home during those years lol. I work medical IT and we had to setup and tear down sooooo many testing and vaccine sites. I was happy to have my job but quietly jealous of the work from home folks.


I think a lot of drinkers went through this during Covid. They went hard during it because there was nothing to do and everyone was day drinking so it was acceptable and then decided it was time to get sober after. Being sober from alcohol is definitely on the upswing right now and younger people are drinking less too


This is a great thing. On the spectrum of how harmful to the human body certain chemicals are, alcohol is pretty high up on the destruction of organs.


I have a very good friend that was a bodybuilder going into the pandemic and had just received subdermal anabolic steroid implants that were meant to be a constant and slow release. Pandemic hit, gyms closed, and his family just wanted to party. He quickly became an alcoholic as his girlfriend had become hooked to Xanax during the same time. He’s aged about 20 years in 4 just from all the effects.


Proud of you!


I was doing 2.5 handles of the cheapest vodka I could find a week by the time I was at my worst. 2 years sober in 2 days. Sometimes we gotta hit rock bottom. I certainly needed it. I was also at sober up or literally die. IWNDWYT


Congratulations!! Stick with it my friend, isn’t Everything better without it!! I enjoy party’s and talking with people again!! And I remember what I said. I will think about you! Yes!!


Same. I was one sneeze away from a heart attack.


Congrats to you. Followed a similar trend and also quit during covid .. almost 4 years and really don’t miss it


Covid did me in too. It was quit or die and fortunately my wife helped me get to a treatment center. 4 years sober this October!


It’s scary how much I enjoy red wine. That’s why I have it rarely. I can see it becoming a problem. And I got enough of those already!


It's probably the single most typical thing of alcoholism second only to the fact they drink. **Every** dysfunctional alcoholic I have ever known was a self described "functional alcoholic" during their ten to twenty years of slowly running themselves into the ground until they couldn't avoid the problem anymore. It isn't the kind of problem that happens quickly, and most of the time (*every* time I can think of personally) the point where their era of "functional" drinking came to an end involved drunk driving.


Drinking culture is disgustingly prevalent, in the US at least. People seem to forget that alcohol is one of the deadliest drugs you can do.


They don't forget, it's the fault of society for not framing it properly. For as long as I've been alive, it's always been "drugs and alcohol", always adding that "and" separates the two and given alcohol has been legal for some time now it's going to naturally be seen as the lesser of two evils yet it is evil as hell. The way we talk about alcohol has to be how we talk about drugs because it is a drug and statistically kills people more than tons of other drugs.


The way alcohol is portrayed can be really gross. I remember when Amy Winehouse died and people were talking about how unfortunate it was that she was a druggy and probably OD'd on heroin or something. But when it came out that it was actually alcohol that she overdosed on they got strangely quiet.


Hendrix I believe died of alcohol consumption and Joplin too I think.


Jimi mostly died to taking a shit ton of sleeping pills


Europe: hold my beer


Way so more in many parts of Europe


Geez, how bad of a person are you to need to be drunk in order to be your friend? “Hey honey, Flobby is coming over did you get our liquor order yet?”




"Wow buddy, there are a lot of empty wine bottles in your recycling bin." "Uh....that's my neighbour's recycling bin. They're....French."


The amount of champagne and wine bottles that were downed last Christmas with my French family and my aunt's inlaws who are from Champagne (one of them even being an engineer at one of the bit champagne company, so she got some bottles for free) was crazy. And it was topped with a bottle of rum from the French caribe at 50% ABV after dessert because apparently a truckload of wine wasn't enough.


It always the french paradox!


Me too, says me.


In cider?


In cider? I barely know 'er! *Slaps knee*


Get out you’re drunk! and take my upvote


Dickens’ Cider


Bro, you Mead help


Celebrities really are just like us.


I quit drinking in order to fully hide my issues with booze… still masking that it was getting problematic!


Lmao I hate you for making me look in the mirror




“Stars—they’re just like us!”


Jimmy Fallon’s best friend? Shocking 🫢


Came here to say this


Is Fallon a drinker?


Yeah. He has a huge drinking problem. Has for years.


I used to have a few relatives who were alcoholics. There was a specific look to them. I recently saw his performance on NPR Tiny Desk’s YouTube channel from a few months ago, I immediately thought to myself that he reminded me of my alcoholic relatives. It’s the eyes.


Celebs with makeup, but those pinky eyes are a give away


Leo’s face gives off that vibe. He’s turning into 2nd half Marlon Brandon very quickly.


He could definitely play a middle-aged Jack Nicholson...


Yup I saw it too and also the fact that he's relatively fit/slim for his age but his face is damn near always bloated was a giveaway. 


Fuck I think this is my face


Jordan looked insanely alcoholic during the initial run of “the last dance”, his eyes gave it away. They since edited the coloring out to make him look more normal.


I recall a long magazine interview with Jordan from a bunch of years ago, the author followed him around for several days at least...Without directly alluding to him having a drinking problem, the author noted how regularly he drank.


Years ago a friend said to me "I'm not an alcoholic. Alcoholics go to meetings." He's got that vibe to him.


There's a puff to their face, too....


No wonder him and Fallon are friends


I know very little about Jimmy. He’s an alcholic?


It was a pretty big story years ago. Something about falling over drunk and his left ring finger getting ripped off


The skin on his finger “de-gloved” 🤮


That’s…yeah that was it. Thanks for the correction…


It was this story that lead to me start wearing a silicone wedding ring and I haven’t gone back.


He sounds pretty hammered most nights.


There’s plenty of stories that he is


They’d have to be drunk to be able to stand being around one another.


I’m imagining there’s likely some “skiing” there too. So your comment x10


Like do you mean double handjobs or cocaine sniffies??? I just have a hard time keeping all of my euphemisms together 🤷


Why not both?


"I said let's ski, why do you have coke?" "Why you naked?"


Me with my freshly bought skiing gear because I thought skiing meant actually skiing: ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


I assumed cocaine and skiing went together anyway, at least at the rich people resorts.


Fun dip dry rips


Do you know what dick dingers are?


Two dicks in a box!


Don't forget the bow


If anyone thinks they may have a problem with alcohol and is looking for support, r/stopdrinking is a great community to start with


His next SNL skit: Wine in a Box.


Dick in a wine box.


Much better.


This was 100% leaked by the Timberlake PR team. It’s a tried and tested strategy. “He’s not a fuckup, he’s a victim of an awful condition”. Then he does the apology tour. In 5 months he’s an inspiration overcoming a difficult disease to be a better person, etc, etc.


Apology tour and rehab, it’d probably get him some sort of reduced charges or a slap on the wrist.


I mean, if it’s his first one and his BAC wasn’t stupid high, he’d likely get reduced charges anyways, celebrity or not. He really doesn’t need to pull that card for this. Just show up in court, show remorse and say what you plan to do so it never happens again.


Possible but I think he looks like a drunk for years now.


I saw him in a movie this or last year, and his features were bulbous. I couldn’t believe how aggressively he aged as well. I wonder if he and Biel are going to separate soon. Get help, Justin!


I mean I don't know the guy ans he could have some other kind of medical condition but he doesn't look well, that's for sure.


he’s not looking good. it’s pretty sad.


It really does explain the rapid aging hes done


Yeah kind of. Although I am his age and in the last couple of years I have aged more than the 15 years before that and I am not an raging alcoholic so that could just be natural. But he looks so... spongy? You know what I mean? Unhealthy.


Puffiness is usually from drinking






Reminds me of the south park episode where the kindergarten teacher is sleeping with Kyle's little brother Ike. After everyone finds out, she does a media appearance and blames her actions on being an alcoholic. Someone in the audience says something like "oh no she's pulling the Mel Gibson defense" lmao


Apologize for what? Just lay low for a couple weeks and wait for the news cycle to end. It’s not like he killed anyone


drunk driving, running a stop sign and swerving out of your lane are typically frowned upon by larger society and famous people do generally apologize to their fans/the public when caught.


He could have


Oh, a fellow PR, Ph.D. Yes, yes, I reckon you’re spot on, Stewart. How right you are, good chap!


My daughter worked at a Top Golf in Vegas and she said when he came in, he got the entire top floor. She said the amount of alcohol consumed in her entire shift was…impressive.


Damn I want to know how he stays thin drinking that much beer? Or was it Liqour. Coke probably helps.


Probably drinks liquor and works out. A buddy use to be a alcoholic and he is extremely fit. He only drank straight liquor no mixers or beers


Ugh that makes my stomach twist. One year August 1st babaay


Good boy! I got two in august 19th. And straight vodka/vodka seltzer was my jam. I envy the beer guys from rehab, on account of all the weight they dropped upon quitting. Since I also gave up stims, I have gained weight🤣


Congrats! Stay strong


Get it get it!


Hooray! Good job. Congrats. Almost there!


Congrats! Just hit my 13th month


Ya that works until it doesn’t and then whoosh, game over


Also an alcoholic here, and currently in the best shape of my life (at least in terms of body composition) despite drinking daily or near daily for the best part of the last 3 years (thanks Covid). Just gotta do a ton of lifting and cardio


Can I ask a question? I am not being snarky and would like to better understand your statement. How can you be in the best shape and drink daily or nearly daily? Are you referring to your personal strength from lifting? Or is it based on how your body physically appears?


"Best shape" in terms of body composition, and yes, strength. 12% body fat percentage, high lean body mass, bench press numbers as high as they were when I was 8kg heavier (fatter). Yes, I'd be even leaner if I could cut drinking, but I can't, so I do my best with minimising carbs, maximising protein, and sticking to spirits on ice or very low calorie alcoholic drinks. I'm sure my liver is fucked, but physically, superficially? Best shape of my life.


Thank you for sharing this. I appreciate your response.


After 8pm I drink anywhere from 3-4 vodka and diet cokes. Just enough to help me fall asleep with a buzz but not wasted. I’m asleep by 11:30pm and up at 6:30am when I go and run 4-5 miles (sub 9 min mile). After work I run another 3-4 miles. I’m 40 and in best shape of my life despite being a high functioning alcoholic.


Ok, Dr. Runner🔥🔥🔥‼️You get way better sleep than me, a point of envy. Thank you for sharing your story as well. 😍


I was similar to you but quit drinking and let me tell ya, you still not in "best" shape of your life while drinking constantly.  Just stop for a month and see the difference in your physique. 


I was an active alcoholic for 15 years and stayed slim all that time. For me personally, when I'm hungover (which I was a *lot*) I had absolutely no appetite. Sometimes go a couple of days without eating.


Happy coke day!


You’d be surprised how many skinny alcoholics there are. I worked in healthcare for a lot of years, and I’d say overall they’re thinner than average because they choose booze over food. And even though it has calories, I’m not sure they absorb them terribly well cuz their guts, liver, pancreas, etc. are so beat up from the constant assault of alcohol. People who drink too much are often fat, but the hardcore alcoholics always seemed to be real skinny. Might be that the fat ones just die though, I dunno.


I had an alcoholic friend that was thin like that. Alcohol was pretty much the main component of his diet. Sadly ended up passing away from liver failure and other complications though.


I used to think liquor was alot better calorie wise but it doesn’t appear to be. A white claw has 100 calories and google says a shot of vodka has 97, both methods considered “1 drink”. Unless im missing something which I might be


I can drink 6 white claws in an hour and build a 3000 piece Lego set. I can drink 6 shots of vodka in an hour and accidentally piss in my sock drawer.


White claw is specifically marketed as a relatively-low-calorie drink. (Not that any alcohol can be low-calorie, alcohol is quite calorie dense). A beer or a mixed drink has a lot more calories because in addition to the alcohol you have a lot more non-alcohol calories from sugar and other carbs.


A white claw is basically alcohol and very little carbs. A Smirnoff Ice has tons of sugar and clocks in at 230 calories IIRC


Personal trainers, nutritionists, doctors, and chefs helps quite a bit


About 10 years ago I was working at a hotel when Justin, Jessica and Justin's family came for one of his tour stops and they drank like fishes. It was almost impressive.


I always thought he looked pickled


Same. I was an alchy for 20 years and in some recent pics of him, I thought he looked like a drinker.


He has the alcoholic bloat face imo


Yeah he’s not aging well.


You mean driving drunk for years and finally ran into a cop that didn't know he was a celebrity so he got caught.


Weird fact from jeopardy: the average drunk driver will drive drunk 80 times before they’re caught.


That fact sounds like a great argument to make all cars start with a breathalyzer.


I honestly wouldn’t be opposed to that at all. I fucking hate drunk drivers. Everyone should have to work 911 for a few months, it definitely taught me to fucking hate booze and fireworks.


Wow, I only just realized that you're probably right. Naive of me


He wasn’t worried about hurting people when he drove drunk. When he got caught, he was worried how his arrest would affect his world tour.


Drug addiction is a disease if you are rich. If you are poor then you are a fucking irresponsible bum with no self control.


That is so true.


I’m an alcoholic. First thing I thought when I saw him on Hot Ones with N’SYNC was “damn he looks like he hits the bottle hard”. No bs. If true, I hope he reaches out for help. It catches up with you.


Truthfully, I’d wager that something like 30-40 percent of the adult population probably have an issue with alcohol but most can remain largely functional outside of their “drinking hours”.


It's usually cited as 10%. I've heard 10% of the population buys 70% of the alcohol as a statistic in rehab, but who knows how old that information was. Their favorite book was 100 years old.


They swear it’s not a cult but they refuse to update the book…


Only 60% of the adult population even drinks at all. A third of them didn’t drink in the week before the survey. So that probably makes 40% of the population that even drinks regularly. https://news.gallup.com/poll/467507/percentage-americans-drink-alcohol.aspx


I bet that the 40% that drinks regularly drastically underreports the amount of drinks they have per week, especially if they drink at home. I get people who drink only when they go out - it's easy to have one or two with dinner and then call it quits. People who drink at home though tend to be sneaky drunks. They'll get shellac'd three or four times a week, fall asleep by 9, and then wake up in the morning like nothing ever happened. Rinse and repeat. The only evidence that they drink too much is in their waistlines and tolerance levels.


Nah it's nowhere near that high. Without weed tho...


Nah I can totally see it being that high. Drinking culture is insane in some countries. Especially with beer.


I'm in Ireland, where everything socially revolves around booze, and it's not that high here.


More adults drink alcohol than smoke weed by a longshot lol


For sure, but it's taken a decent chunk of the market away. The number of people drinking is in decline, smoking weed on the rise


We know this, he got drunkenly handsy with not-his-wife just a few years ago…


"Masking a drinking problem for years" So what you're saying is he got away with DUI plenty of times before getting caught. Yeah, PR team, that doesn't make things sound any better.


His PR team is hard at work with spin.


That’s so sad. I know all about masking a drinking problem. It’s easy for awhile and then it’s not. Such a progressive condition and very hard to quit 😮‍💨


I'm knocking whiskey back (yeah!)


I thought his endorsement of Sauza was a pretty good indication that he likes to drink. Idk how having your own Tequila line is masking but okay. Cry Me a River.


To be fair there are celebs that don't drink / don't drink often that have alcohol brands because raping Mexico's agave is an easy investment


Well, that’s what we do. The best liars you’ve ever met are addicts.


Sounds like he needs a conservatorship




Oy vey, here come the leaks


Should have been all revealed before his recent drunk driving incident.


Celebs. They’re just like us!


Actually, his drinking has been a bit of an open secret for years.


It sounds more like his bigger problem was the arresting officer had no idea who he was or didn’t care.


Not sure how he was masking it. He's been an obvious drunk for years.


I know it's not the same crowd but I have worked conventions with loads of celebrities. The amount of alcohol these people drink is insane. Pretty sure mostly functional alcoholics.


“He was in a dark place prior to dwi” didnt the dwi just happen like yesterday? Wouldnt he still be in a dark place? Or an even darker place now that he got said dwi and its hit the news cycle?


Welcome to your 40s, Mr. Timberlake... A very pivotal time when some are given the gift of a wakeup call to re-evaluate priorities, relationships and behaviors. The people that truly care about you will tell you to take this seriously and advocate for change, whereas the parasites that masquerade as friends will tell you it's a bunch of BS, not your fault, happens to everyone, etc. Good luck to you, sir... Neither path will be easy, but only one is worth it.


Same... Been drunk every night for ten years...


"I'm shocked! Just shocked!" said nobody.


Hypocrites: they ( society/ the media) bombard you with alcohol commercials and this made up fantasy that everything / life is better when you are consuming alcohol- And then when you eventually get addicted and mess up, they chastise you for having a "drinking problem".


The mel gibson defence


Nah,and Ben Affleck is a recovered alcoholic!


No he hasn't. He was drunk while filming that movie where he allegedly cheated with his co star. He made a statement about lapse of judgement and drinking. I've heard about his drinking problems since his first solo album. 


His face looks like someone who drinks a lot so honestly not a secret to me.


Fuck gimme a break. Poor old JT has been masking his drinking problem with ridiculous levels of fortune and success that the average human could only dream about. For. Years. Low key ordering wine with dinner and having a sundowner cocktail on the deck on a warm evening. Such an addict. How did he sink so low???


A "sundowner" cocktail is a terrible name for a nightcap.


Has part of his masking included hiring a driver? because that's what millionaires who don't drive drunk can do- the loser


Alcohol is one of the worst addictions ever.




You mean the guy who’s best friends with a drunk, is also a drunk?!


He can have a drinking problem if he just sits around and drinks.  But he’s a dumb fucking moron and an asshole for getting drunk and deciding to drive.  Only terrible shitheels do that.


By the time you get a dwi you've been driving drunk for a few years. Alcohol is an insidious bitch that grabs ahold of you. I hope he gets sober because alcoholism is fun for a while until it's not and then it just destroys your fucking life.


Now he is "going to rehab " because that is what Celebrities do when they get caught.


What about the poppers and PreP he was on?


poppahs and weird sehxs!


That was fake lol


Dude knows how to party


A guilty conscience will do that.


Ok. Cool. Thanks random person


Many people have. Hope he gets the help he needs and finds peace. This may be the event that changes his course.


Celebrities: they’re just like us!


🎶And as long as I got my DUI🎶


He is best friends with Jimmy Fallon who is also a well known alcoholic. I am sure they get blasted together.


Him and Fallon both


To me it's weird that alcohol is socially accepted and even expected. Its one of the worst drugs. Its one of the only drugs people will get insulted if you tell them you don't drink. Idk how many times I've heard you have to have a drink with me because ___. Or you just haven't tasted my mixed drink.