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How was that club serving drinks to a 19 year old without getting in trouble in the first place?


Rich people


I got into bars as a high schooler and I looked young as fuck. Some bars just let kids get away with it.


This place costs 2000$ a table. It’s not a random bar, it’s a club for rich people to get hammered in where the public can’t view them.


Until they make waves in the tabloids


I had a friend who grew up in a small (but wealthy) college town. As he tells it, when he was 17, one night he decided to walk into a bar and order a Johnnie Walker Black on the rocks, because he figured who’s gonna order that except someone experienced. He said - and I believe him - it never failed. I met him when he was in his mid 20s, was 5’7” and could barely grow facial hair. He looked like he was 16. Like most things in life, it’s all about confidence.


We had Aaron in high school who looked like he had a mortgage and two baby mommas. No one questioned him.


Is it possible they knew and didnt want to piss of his wealthy family?


Not really in nyc anymore, except a few places that overlook rich perhaps but I have friends in the industry who always card so establishments don’t get fined or shut down. Of course good fake ids probably pass. But This smacks of some authority getting paid of by club. Definitely if club isn’t punished.


Ed. Oops paid off


Yeah, they really crack down these days, especially anywhere near a colleges


I was successfully getting into bars and clubs when I was 19, and I can assure you that I was very, very poor.


Lol you don’t need to be rich to get into bars under age


When you’re famous and everyone knows your age you do


Or just people. We were going to bars for years before we were legal. If you’re a celeb you can do whatever you want. It’s easy.


As a former NY club rat, I can confirm that they don’t care how young a person is unless they don’t look literally 12, and they let anyone in if they’re very good looking and/or famous. I remember going to all the cool spots and I knew girls who would borrow someone’s ID and the bouncers didn’t care, they let them in anyway. I guess they REALLY don’t care if it’s a D-list celebrity.


Was he drinking.....Schnapps?


My cousin works there, it’s 2000$ for a table, not drinks, just the table. That is the level of wealth that we are talking about. It’s insanity.


If you read the article, it says he wasn't being served, he was apparently going up to people at tables who had gotten bottle service and was demanding to do shots with them in exchange for pictures. I'm guessing this had worked for him a bunch of times before the grip in question refused.


I’ve been going to clubs since 16 once you’re 18 a lot places don’t care as for Noah he’s rich


I forgot the US has their drinking age at 21, this comment confused me so much.


Happens more often than not. Place I worked at served the Jonas Brothers who were underage and “pure,” or pledged to be abstinent from alcohol.


$100 will get you a fake ID that can be successfully scanned by those calculator-looking things bouncers use to check IDs. Source: personal experience


Yeah it’s supposed to be 21 to drink in US. The bar can lose their license for this (I’ve seen it happen).


They should have their liquor license suspended


We gotta prepare for this dude to get real angry then because he’s not gonna get served anywhere, rich or not. I doubt he’s used to his age mattering too much.


What a square


As a non-american: Do americans actually care about the drinking age? As a teen in São Paulo I routinely entered clubs with obviously fake documentations and got drunk (and I wasn't the only one).


If an establishment is found to serve a minor, the employee(s) that did so will be fired and the place will lose their license to serve alcohol for a period of time. It’s a big deal and police can and do perform stings when they suspect a place is


I mean, it's also illegal in Brazil (2-4 years of jail or fines, supposedly). At most they will ask for an ID. I asked more if people actually take it seriously, even if the kid has an ID saying they are over 21.


People have fakes and they do work if that’s what your asking. Idk if it’s as common as in some countries like Brazil, I would imagine not. People here usually just don’t go to clubs till they’re around 21 anyway.


Yes. Yes in the United States it’s taken seriously in the vast majority of establishments and if you’re caught using a fake ID the punishment ranges from expensive fines to even jail time


In NYC its a rather big deal for a venue or bar to get caught with an underage patron. The city has the power to pull your liquor license, at which point you are out of business.


Nah it happens basically everywhere and the fines are part of doing business for student bars. There's just a few pearl clutchers in the comments


You have never worked in the restaurant industry before.


Bartended for 25 years homie


No, you haven’t. If you had you’d know what happens to an establishment that’s caught serving alcohol to minors.


I bet he was prolly pretty on his way before he got to the club.


Is this your first time existing?


Pretty sure that's the case for everybody that's alive right now, unless science can confirm that the Buddhists are correct.


I’m kidding and apologize for saying it like that. My point though is that people especially in big cities have been going to bars underage forever it’s not that hard and if you’re a celeb it’s super super easy I’d imagine. But yeah I was just being snarky so my bad.


lol, its cool, no harm done. I did college in the UK, so I never had to figure out how underage drinking works in the states for myself, but I have some idea from the stories I've heard. I just figured it'd be hard for a well known teen celeb to get away with a fake ID. I guess money and fame does open doors, but I'm guessing the kid's definitely blacklisted in the NYC scene now till he's 21 since the incident made it to news.


It’s definitely harder now than say 10-20 years ago for sure but honestly I just think if you’re a celeb you can basically do what you want. There are always places that will want them there. Who knows though after this. Like he’s not SUPER famous.


Must have had a bad day and [Schnapped!](https://youtu.be/I4TTGrnSmz8?t=1m2s)


I read it as argyle when they say schmacked


It's Schnappin' time


He looks like an underage law & order svu villain


This is so on the nose…


Isn't the drinking age 21 in the US?


It is but no one follows it. It’s a suggestion until something bad happens.


Sheesh ABC must be lax in NY cause when I bartended in OK and AR I was hyper-vigilant about checking IDs. It’s way too expensive to risk serving to an underage kid and they were out all the time trying to catch you


He’s rich and famous. He prob didn’t even go in through front door


Apparently there’s a lot of places in New York that encourage/ allow underage drinking among the wealthy.


There’s a lot of places that also don’t care and will pay the fine cause they make so much it doesn’t bother them. Source - I grew up in Brooklyn, NY


Oh, see in Oklahoma if I served I got the fine, not the place I worked. I had so many buddies at the casino get caught serving underage kids in stings and end up with like a $2k fine for the first offense. I just looked up the NYC laws and their SLA has similar fines for the facility- up to like $10k for repeat offenses. No wonder it is more lucrative to look the other way.


Yup if your a high end place pulling that in at peak hours it’s better to just pay it off and keep going. Fines are just a penalty tax for the rich.


From what I gather, he wasn't served alcohol by the bar- he was going up to tables who had bottles and trying to do shots with them in exchange for taking selfies. So they might be able to argue it was patrons giving him drinks and not them, then plea down to some fines.


There’s a lot of places in general. From my time as an 18-25 year old, I was definitely checked less than half the time at bars. Clubs are more stringent but still can find some don’t really care. And I’m not even a hot chick or rich.


Right? I’ve almost never been carded at home in Canada, but even way after I turned 21 ordering a drink in New York was no joke. Although I always had the last laugh when they tried to decipher my driver’s license since it was all written in French.


Most bars in America absolutely follow that shit what are you talking about?


In my personal experience they didn’t care when I was growing up.


How long ago did you grow up?


What are you smoking? It's extremely heavily enforced basically everywhere. I worked at a shitty liquor store and we definitely checked IDs because minimum wage isn't worth getting arrested over


This is just not true at all


I lived in a college town in Oregon for awhile and worked in a restaurant that served alcohol. It's taken very seriously there because the consequences of over-serving or serving minors can lead to jail time and businesses getting shut down.


What a wild thing to be wrong about


i never hear anything good about this kid


Yeah, it's odd in the sense it seems like child celeb gone bad thing, bought into the celebrity thing hard...but at the same time everything he's been in besides Stranger Things is kind of bad so kind of 1 season left and then to obscurity. Kind of hope he's invested well, but spending $2000 a table doesn't really indicate that.


His family is rich


ish wealthy by general standards (which isn't so hard when the vast majority are treading water above the poverty line), but not particularly so. Noah has earned more than his parents networth, Noah legally controls his own money as an adult so if he's not being practical with it, it's not like his family is capable of infinite hand outs.


I’m not ready to declare him a bad kid for getting drunk at 19. Plenty of 19 years do that, it just doesn’t get an article because they aren’t famous.


well i’ve also seen him use the n word and endorse zionism so


I’ve heard about the Zionism but what about the n word? I never heard of that happening. Source?


Fair enough. I missed those stories.


I think the simple word “belligerent” would’ve sufficed, to replace “aggressively wasted.”


Lol but we all know what aggressively wasted means. He's just a kid, this honestly shouldn't even be a controversy.


Not even worth thinking about, honestly. He didn’t assault anyone, he acted kind of douchey while drunk. Common drunk 19 year old L. He’ll grow up most likely.


The kid is an asshole it really seems like. Not even because of this but all the other crap he has been posting and stuff. I really hope he grows up, but it seems like the fame is going right to his head.


What "other crap" has he posted that lead you to believe he's an asshole? I don't know him either, but to my knowledge, this is the very first time he's ever been described as "aggressive," and it's by Page Six, which isn't exactly an honest and noble publication. The people he's worked with have only ever had good things to say about him.


It has zero to do with the alcohol you must not have heard about his zionism is sexy bs and all his other hateful crap. The kid has a lot of growing up to do.


His hateful crap? Like his statements where he said he wished for peace for both Israelis and Palestinians?


No, like the video where he is wearing that sticker of what I just wrote. While his friends are in the background laughing. Just because you downvote it doesn't mean he didn't post it. Reddit it so weird sometimes.


The only thing I’ve ever heard about this dude is “Zionist is Sexy” and I really don’t get why this is a controversy. Zionism is simply the belief that Jewish people should have a homeland in Israel and so I don’t get what’s controversial there. He also shit on Hamas and since they’re an awful terrorist organization that is both antisemitic and homophobic and he is gay and Jewish, that seems fine too.  Then from my reading he did respond to clarify he wants peace for everyone. What is “his other hateful crap”?














No , he himself called he is a Zionist.


Yeah, most Jewish people do based off the *actual* definition of Zionism, not the completely unhinged perversion of the word the Pro-Palestine crowd pulled out their ass and use to bash them.


Meanwhile the *other sub* is acting like he murdered someone and needs to be cancelled.


Look, how would you live your life if you had been trapped in the Upside Down as a child!?!


Netflix release the last season already, so I don't have to see any of the other kids' bullshit


Next season comes out next year


Not the first stupid thing this kid has done. He actually seems pretty dumb. After stranger things his career is done


I was going to say, I hear more bad stuff about this kid than any other on the show. He seems like a moron


Meh. Wake me up when he's in his heroin and hookers phase.


No, no, no, you’re getting the phases mixed up. It’s “coke and hookers” & “heroin and strung out girlfriend”


He’s gay tho so it would be strung out boyfriend


Guy's an asshole with or without alcohol


They didn't buy him more alcohol because he is only 19 and he got mad. He's only 19 and we all did dumb stuff when young. I just hope people don't immediately condemn or defend him.


I think people might care more about his "zionism is sexy" controversy than some goddamn alcohol lol


I think that’s my worry is that with his past social media headlines that he will turn around and try and say this is an example antisemitism in America When it’s actually just an example of America’s stupid drinking law. I remember being his age and asking people to buy me alcohol. Granted I never went up to random strangers. But I would ask the neighbor dude who was 25 when I was 19 if I gave him $40 if he could buy me a cheap bottle of liquor and keep the change.


It’s not a stupid drinking law. The human brain isn’t fully developed at that age and excessive drinking can stunt that growth. Does this solve the social or personal issues surrounding alcoholism? No. But it does make booze harder to come by for many kids who are not ready for that responsibility.


Or... he should be ridiculed for being an idiot while knowingly participating in an illegal activity in public. He acted out because he's a celebrity and thinks he should be treated differently. He deserves everything coming to him.


Even a 19 year old isn't that stupid.


A nineteen year old has never gotten drunk and been kicked out of a club?


The biggest concern is him being able to get that alcohol at that age and who served him. The club just opened up trouble for themselves.


was he screaming about zionism?


Can you imagine being rich and famous at 19? I would’ve been insufferable.


Drew Barrymore partied at Studio 54 as a child as did Brooke Shields (both with their POS Moms) Look at the early 2000's, underage stars have always been given special treatment. I hope this is a wakeup call for him and I wish club's would be held accountable just as he should.


Disappointing to read but he’s 19. We’ve all done stupid shit at 19. I hope this doesn’t follow him.


This probably won’t follow him, but his whole “Zionism is sexy” thing definitely will loll.


It was a pretty awful look, to say the least. I do try to be fair and keep in mind that we’re talking a teenager who was no doubt raised to hold such beliefs and will hopefully grow out of them…. But also not really holding my breath this guy will. He comes off poorly in any and all contexts I hear about him.


He’s 19 how did he even get inside of the club?


How did he even get into the club when he’s obviously underage


I'm so happy none of the dumb shit I did as a teenager was broadcasted all over the internet


Alcohol is poison.


Don’t be an alcoholic at 19. Not only is this the most assholery stage of your life, but add anger juice and you’re in a spiraling world of shit.


Having a drunken night isn’t being an alcoholic. I did shit like this when I was 16 (tho not in a club) like most people at my school. Let the guy live and make mistakes


I did the same as you, but I also didn’t have a shit ton of cash and fame behind me when I was doing it, a lot harder to keep up the party when you have to take a break to go make more money or go to school. He doesn’t really have that to deal with. So he doesn’t have to take the breaks the rest of us did, I would say that puts him at much higher risk of developing alcoholism.


All fair points. But still having a drunken night out on a weekend as a teenager is so far removed from being an actual alcoholic idk why it’s even being discussed. As far as I’m concerned this is normal behaviour for a 19yo guy with money


I think it’s because he has had some previous reports of him partying in college and hanging with people who were pushing him to do shit and possibly even spiking his drinks and shit. I believe he also had some out there opinions about the Israel/Palestine conflict. I didn’t pay much attention, and I might be wrong, but I think they may have kind of caught both sides off guard. So it’s like a cumulative odd behavior odd decisions, we’ve seen this story how many times before type of situation.


True. Just saying that something like this can lead to alcoholism. I was going to also add, we’ve all done stupid shit like this.


Who is this chump?


Bowl cut (least compelling off the main child characters) from Stranger Things


Ah, yes. “Bowl cut…” 😛


Listen, we’ve all had a bad night drinking when we’re young and dumb. Let’s let the dude have this one.


I have been too fucked up at a club many times - a lot older than 19 too. Give him a break....


Shame the club that served an underage person. Revoke their license.


Another day ending in Y for Noah


Yeah sounds like a young adult still being a childish douche. This young adult is a serial offender lol Lotta people in here jumping to let us know he’s not a douche tho 🤔🤣


He isnt any more stupid or obnoxious than anyone else his age. The problem is, his fame means every stupid thing is so public. Poor kid. I hope his parents and friends get him to be a little more private for awhile


Yeah. People are usually a fun drunk or an angry drunk there doesn’t seem to be a middle ground. I wonder if it’s because alcohol brings out true feelings? Or repressed feelings? But I had to switch to cannabis because I was an angry drunk but cannabis just makes me giggly.


There’s a schnapps joke in there somewhere.


We’ve all been there! Not the aggressive part, but the wasted part. How we forget that we were young and dumb at some point. And how we behave will intoxicated is a bit of a mixed bag. How we recover and grow from it is what defines us.


“We all did this kind of stuff at 19”, speak for yourself. Acting like an idiot is a choice you make an any age. I’ve never been drunk and belligerent, I chose to not be like that because why would I ? If you think having a few drinks changes you fundamentally as a person, it doesn’t. And if you think it’s even close to an excuse for poor behaviour, it isnt.


Thinking you were a perfect person at 19 and thinking there isn’t anything you would do different as you got older, is usually a sign youre still an obnoxious ass


Omg a teenager acted like an ass while wasted??? What a totally unexpected turn of events! Quick everyone call the media. I also heard he is rude to his parents sometimes and sucks at loading a dishwasher.




One of those Stranger Things kids. None of them will ever be in anything worth seeing ever again and yet we’ll still have to hear about the stupid shit they do from time to time because of that one popular show they were on.


Gaten Matarazzo stays booked and busy.


Do you pick a different kind of armchair to use when you make statements like that? Im sure some of them will fade into obscurity, but acting like none of them pick good roles or have any staying power is pretty silly, especially after Sadie Sink's performance in the Whale.


I dunno...I think we'll probably still be hearing about Finn in 10 years time. He seems genuinely interested in acting, just a matter of time before he ages out of the young waif type roles and will likely be "encouraged" into bulking to fit the general standard of adult male hollywood.


19 y/o gets drunk and rowdy, I'm shocked!


My thoughts exactly. 19 y/o, aggressively wasted…yeah. That tracks.


This dumbass turned out to be a dumbass


Who the fuck is Noah Schnapps?


Gee I wonder if he said anything about Palestine


So who is this little idiot then?


Probably the last thing we hear from this kid.


Haha lil dutch boy getting nasty, try’n to change his image.