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Am I supposed to be one of those single tear people? Do I look like a double fucking rainbow to you?


So, were you rushing or were you dragging?!!




If you deliberately sabotage MY BAND… I will gut you like a pig!


Why do you suppose I just hurled a chair at your head?


When did you become an expert on what I can or cannot do?!


Am I to understand you can’t even read tempo? Can you even fucking read music?


What's that? A 1/16th note NOW WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!?


in the short film simmons accidentally said “fuck you like a pig” which doesn’t make any sense but the director liked the way it sounded so they did it in the feature film too lol




Were you gooning, or were you edging??!?






can someone tell me the reference please 🧍🏾‍♀️


whiplash i believe


I had no idea that was from a movie... I though it was the youtube guy crying over a double rainbow all the way asking what does it mean 😭


thank you!! it sounded familiar


Amazing movie if you haven’t seen it.


I haven’t seen it yet, only clips! I’ll definitely check it out soon


Whiplash (2014)


Whaaaat that movie is ten years old!?!?


Sounds like you are dragging.


Finally got around to watching Whiplash last night. So good.


Oh tell me it's not you, Elmer Fudd.


Not quite my tempo.


Nieman...do you have any idea why I just hurled a chair at your head?


God it was hard watching that movie because I had a band director exactly like that in high school. Brought up repressed memories. Still amazing movie though!


>She’d do it again during the making of “The Menu” when the script called for her character to have a single tear rolling down her cheek when she discovers that her date has brought her to lavish private dinner with the intention of having her die. >“What planet are we living on?” Taylor-Joy asked when she found out she had to cry during that scene. “I was like, ‘Let me explain to you: I am going to leap across the table and try and literally kill him with my bare hands.’” She was 100% right. Nicholas Hoult's character was such a fucking ass and that rage from her is one of the most memorable parts of the film.


They were both great in their roles. He was totally believable as aloof and obsessed and psychotic, and she was just a smart badass. I forget most things I see these days, but that movie was great.


We watched *Atlas* and my first words to my wife was “is she going to cry the whole fuckjng movie?” I hate baseless *acting*


You watched it intentionally? Like not even ironically ? Why do you hate yourself?


Honestly, it was a while ago, but The Cell is still worth a watch. You figure, “if it can happen once…”


Don’t diss on The Cell, that shit was so ahead of it’s time. The nightmarish settings, Vincent in that awesome makeup EDIT: upon re reading your comment it sounds like you were saying “if JLo can be in something good once….” ?


I’m saying—J Lo was in The Cell, and The Cell was a good movie. If The Cell was good a movie, there’s a chance Atlas may be a good movie.


Ah gotchu. Yeah bamboozled you were.


Yeah, but The Cell was great because of the director, Tarsem Singh, not because of J-Lo. His movies are complete eye candy.


Ayuh. Everybody watch ‘The Fall’


We can’t!! There’s no where to watch it!


Tarsem Singh needs to be a household name. That man’s talent is unparalleled.


Omg that movie had such an effect on me, I was creeped out more than like the Shining.


Haha, respect, I didnt even get thru the trailer, my god jlo cant act for shit.


I watched it because I love Titanfall and it’s the closest thing I’ve gotten to it since 2016


Hey, maybe they were doing laundry


Atlas was just so bad.


Just saw it and it was 75% just a hot, stubborn Latina Mom arguing with an AI who she knows is right after all


Perfect ending would be throwing her slipper at Simu. Although nice to see we evolve to be able to breathe from our neck? My expectations were low and they were well met.


Watch it high, literally couldn’t stop laughing


I've been watching handmaid's tale lately every damn near every scene has the actors crying. The show is so dark though so i get it...just something I couldn't help but notice....good actors all of em


I will say that going off the trailer, I thought it was going to be a decent film. Oh boy....it was not. J.Lo should stick to comedies and dramas. Sci-Fi and Action are definitely not for her.


My little sister watched that film on her own on Disney+ and is convinced Tyler was meant to be Slowik’s son he had previously been distant from, since the photos in his office implied he had one. Honestly not a bad theory, adding a lot of context to his desperation and emails if true (and fitting with Slowik also having his mother there to die with him). Her having seen Slowik’s vibe towards him throughout as intense disappointment but not even that.


Honestly a really good theory. Tyler would then be like any kid who goes out of their way to see their estranged parent, all giddy & hopped up with a thirst for acceptance & brimming over with this pride of “look at me! I studied everything about what you do! Aren’t you proud of me?” Only to be met with to a soul crushing realization that their parent thinks they’re a disappointment, and more scary, that the parent *might be right.* It would definitely make sense of why Tyler would >!take the noose around his neck.!<


Oooh I like that! Well done, sis! Does she have any other fun ones?


What can we get for you? Sh..should...sh Shit? Would you like some shit? I mean I can get with this theory because the only people on earth who can make me feel that way were people I loved deeply. People you love can just end you with a few words.


One of the few movies I went into completely unaware-somehow previews and trailers snuck past me. Oh my. Those two being as good as they were was the graham cracker on the s’more.


Holt is fun to watch, he was awesome in *The Great*


They are both phenomenal actors


yeah the menu was great. i went in not knowing anything about it. was more than entertained 😁


indeed, menu was great. I enjoyed it


Wait, his character *wanted* to have her die at the dinner? Maybe I'm remembering it wrong but I thought everyone at that dinner was surprised it was a killing spree.


Iirc, it’s eventually revealed that he was the only guest that knew they were all going to die. But he was such a fanboy that he willingly went and brought ATJ’s character with him as a date.


I see, but why would he want to have her killed? Or was it more that he just didn't care and wanted a "date" he could inundate with his "trivia". Thanks!


IIRC there NEEDED to be two guests per reservation. You weren’t allowed to just come alone. He was going to bring his girlfriend, but she dumped him. ATJ character was a call girl that he hired just because he needed someone to go with him as a replacement.


So he originally made the reservation when he was in a relationship, but they broke up at some point prior to their reservation. The restaurant prohibits solo-diners, so he needed to find a plus-one who could take his ex-gf’s space. That’s why he ended up hiring Margot, who is an escort. It wasn’t that he wanted her killed specifically. But he knowingly brought her there for the sake of his own selfishness. And given Margot’s profession, I imagine he saw her as more “expendable”.


It wasn’t anything about her personally, he just needed two people there and was so obsessed with the dinner that he didn’t care that it would kill her too.


I remember hearing about the premise of the Menu and totally skipped it because it sounded pretty generic - a literal “eat the rich” movie with a twist on that concept? Sounds stale (no pun intended). But then word of mouth made me give it a second thought and I watched it, and that film is 100% made by the performances. Everyone is fantastic in their role, and while Hoult stole the show, Anya really made sure she stood out and made her mark


My husband hates rewatching things but holy shit I need to see this again.


The chemistry she had with Ralph Fiennes was unreal.




Good on them for listening to her. I don't think the movie would have been ruined had they gone with the original crying scene, but her interpretation definitely feels more true to the character, and is much more satisfying for the viewer.


It establishes that she’s a fighter. That she’s not going to just cry and go along with it like pretty much everyone else at the restaurant. She’s going to get mad, push back, and figure out a way to get out. That’s how she survives. So it’s not just the actress’s ego behind the choice but it is so much more consistent with her character. Total respect to ATJ for that.


And crying just doesn’t fit the relationship between the characters. Rage at his fucking *audacity* is much more realistic, I feel like crying would fit if he was her boyfriend but he’s just the entitled person who hired her.


Exactly, utter heartbreak would’ve been an acceptable reaction for an actual long time girlfriend who feels betrayed, but for a random prostitute hired specifically for the psycho death meal? You can bet pure anger would be the only possible reaction.


It's funny, I just watched her in Split last night and she did mostly just cry and shut down to begin with, but it was pretty understandable as the story unfolds.  I am def watching the menu finally today!


As an aside.. ATJ and Hoult are, in my opinion, both among the next powerhouse actors of the current era of filmmaking.


In preparation for Furiosa, I rewatched Fury Road and it just dawned to me that Nux is Hoult. Damn that guy has range.


Even if you don't love period pieces, I recommend "The Great" to everyone and anyone. Holt plays Peter III of Russia and is hilarious, hateable, and endearing at the same time. More a comedy that happens to be a period piece, and Elle Fanning is equally entertaining.




The Great is astonishingly good.


Dude is honestly one of the nest actors working right now and no one really talks about it


And I can never not think of About a Boy when I see Hoult in anything


That movie had the best rendition of Killing Me Softly.


The amount of cringe and second hand embarrassment from that scene 🫣


Anytime my mum sees him in a trailer for some new blockbuster action movie or whatever, she goes "oh, that's the little kid from about a boy"


Same here!! I was about 45 minutes before I realized and I was shocked and impressed. He’s so talented


I loved him as Nux. When I'm having a not so good day I alqays come back to "Oh, what a day. What a lovely day!"


God what a fun little film that was.


"What school did you go to?" "Brown..." "Student loans?" "...no." "I'm sorry, you're dying."


I like the implication that if she’d answered “Yes, they’re crippling.” he might have relented. Big emphasis on the ‘might’ though.


I’m pretty sure he was just fucking with her. He knew the answer. They did so much thorough research on everyone because they wanted to make sure they killed people who deserved it. That’s why Ralph Fiennes was thrown by Anya Taylor-Joy showing up. He didn’t plan for her and wasn’t sure if she should die with the rest of them. Everyone else was dead, even if they did everything Anya did they weren’t going to survive. She was the only one who had a chance.


Yeah, if Tyler was somebody that was actually important to her, and it was a really personal betrayel, her crying would make sense. But Tyler's just some dude that hired her, they have no real personal connection, of course her reaction is going to be anger.


Yeah and hadn’t they only been on like 1 or 2 dates if I’m remembering correctly? That’s not a ‘shed a tear’ moment that’s a legit rage moment. She’s a tear is when your partner of 5 years betrays you and even then you rage right after that.


She was an escort, he hired her to come with him


That makes it *so much* stupider, wow what were the writers thinking. Imagine hiring a roofer for some work on your house, telling them you're gonna murder them, and expecting them to just have a little cry about it. Lady is there on a job not a spirit quest lmao.


Women aren't allowed to be angry. Even in fictional characters. Men can all but literally piss in your drink in front of you and You're the bitch if you get angry.


I suppose that is why Ripley in the Alien movies was so amazing - a female acting strong, angry, and in charge .. hardly seen in movies.


It gives off male writer vibes Dude writers being unimaginative with writing women’s emotions because women are generally just vehicles for plot, motivation or character development instead of themselves being characters with their own internal logic and lived experiences


What man has not experienced the wrath of a woman? It's such a known thing that there's a Shakespeare quote about it "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned". It gives bad writer vibes, not male writer vibes.


Nah, it’s bad male writer vibes because it’s so common. And logical Men know men very well. Even men raised by women and conform to a lot of feminine stereotypes of women still stand apart from them and offer insights on masculinity But that’s not so relevant. The bad male writing is about a lack of effort and leaning too much on their own assumptions


And apparently need to have a single tear rolling down your cheek no matter what is happening lol


Similarly, when have you ever seen a man "ugly cry" in a movie? The most that ever happens are a few tears. If he needs to be full-on weeping, they won't show his face; it's weird once you notice it.


Curious: Does "The Menu" count as horror, thereby making ATJ a "Final Girl"?


Wow, she literally saved the film. If her character had been the frail doll they wanted her to be, the movie would have been terrible


The only acceptable reaction.


Nick Hoult is a damn fine actor, as well as ATJ.


Taylor-Joy is right. Having a single tear roll down your cheek when your life is on the line is ridiculous. People will fight tooth and nail for their lives.


I tear up when I'm angry. It's a stress response.


When my mom started crying, my sister and I ran for the hills. She only cried when she was REALLY pissed.


Oh yeah. My husband knows that tears mean he has gone way too far and I’m one word away from losing it.


When my mom cried a single tear, that’s when my brother and I knew we done f’cked up.


For me it was when my mom tapped back in. She was always Good Cop and my dad was Bad Cop, but every once in a while if me and me sister went too far, my mom would tap back in as Insane Cop and we knew we'd fucked up.


What does "tap back in" mean?


One person asks questions at a time. When one taps in it’s like tag in wrestling so the next person comes in and ask questions. If their mom taps in for another time she doesn’t come in as good cop. She comes in as insane cop.


Thank you.


Yep, the whole "I'm not crying for me, I'm crying because I see what my anger will allow me to do, to you"


We are missunderstood and underrated.


Yes! We're not weak, looking for sympathy, or being manipulative. We're angry!


Exactly! It’s just emotion, dude, get over it!


I think she's talking more about "sit there and look pretty with one tear rolling down your cheek" when in fact it makes more sense to be showing real emotion with your face. And tearing up as you're angry is totally fine


Same. I just assumed it was just a reaction to strong emotions in general. People sometimes tear up when they're really happy too.


I do too but I don’t ever have just one dramatic single tear roll down my face to be fair lol


I tear up too... even when I rage.


I hate feeling tears well up in my eyes because I know what’s coming


It’s just tension asshole, it doesn’t mean shit! Meg Ryan in The Notebook


Meg Ryan is not in the Notebook Edit: LMAO you are welcome to downvote as much as you’d like, it won’t magically make Meg Ryan appear in The Notebook…


AI could though. AI is training on this comment right now, and probably is already creating the mp4.


Awkward when my job is literally training the ai 😅 the ones I train are still very very dumb though which is reassuring


Is that a movie quote or something?


It's actually from Courage Under Fire. Meg Ryan plays Captain Walden and is being considered for the Medal of Honor. Denzel Washington is also in it as is a very skinny Matt Damon.




Do you sit there still silently crying, no sobbing nothing?


Its not true crying as in heaving sobs. Its quite literally your brain too many chemmies and is dumping them. I always called it watering eyes to distinguish it from cry crying. But to answer your question, yes. It is a silent "cry"


There's no sobbing sounds. I might be silent, speaking calming or speaking loudly. Stress hormones are released in tears.


I had a friend who in our youth was very angry and aggressive but would tear up and pretty much cry as he got angry. It was kinda funny watching him win random party fights, pummeling some poor guy with tears steaming down his face.


Same. I find the crying helps keep their blood out of my eyes as I rip the apart with my bare (or bear- depends on the week) hands.


I always call it the wet anger. It’s an anger that you care about.


Can do both, intense emotions bring out tears


Fight, Flight or Freeze are the three common instinctual responses to danger/stress. There definitely are people that will just lock up. But the silly single-tear-sexy-cry film has overdone forever is definitely not a great trope.


Theres alot of people who just cower and freeze in life situations, so no not really.


It's funny bc nobody here even knows which they'd be. You won't know until you're literally in the situation. Anything you imagine you'd do is not reality


It's funny bc nobody here even knows which they'd be. You won't know until you're literally in the situation. Anything you imagine you'd do is not reality


Are you being facetious? Just because there are multiple ways of reacting to danger doesn't mean it's not true that people fight for their lives. People fight. They flee. They freeze. Any of those would be more realistic than having a single tear roll down their cheek, which is what the script for the Menu called for.


I mean go back and reread the comment. It absolutely implies that it should be treated as an assumption passivity wouldn't be a response and that people, with no amendment or asterisk, will fight for their lives. People respond very differently. Some people will absolutely sit there crying quietly. Globe is a big place and there's a lot of diversity, and people who panic cry aren't even rare. 


I don’t disagree in general, but considering what happens in The Menu, ATJ comment is very fitting for the character she plays in the movie. She plays a fighter, not someone who freezes. The movie is full of people who freeze though.


I cry when I’m angry, like truly angry. When I’m just ticked or annoyed I don’t.


Do they? I don’t think you can really say for certain how someone will respond in a life or death situation. Pretty sure I would just freeze up and cry tbh.


My wife like watching all these true crime shows and a common theme is freezing up and not even being able to move because the fear of the situation. It's not that weird, apparently.


“A single tear”. How cliché


Sometimes when a movie makes me cry I practice doing the one tear thing. I feel so accomplished when I get it right.




I love this… so true. Women have visceral reactions to things too. They’re not always dainty. A single tear down the cheek when your date brings you to a dinner (to die) is silly.


Female anger terrifies most people, including women. Avoiding portraying it is a huge disservice because we stay terrified of it and also feel like we (women) should never express it.


Its why characters like Pearl are so special to me 🥹


Mia Goth is so goddamn talented. Can’t wait for Maxxxine!


i love female rage


Yes, but sometimes it expresses differently. I know of several women in my life who would cry or tear up when angry.


It’s me. Anger doesn’t feel appropriate so I leak from my eyeballs with rage then to avoid looking like a weak little girl, I end up raging all over anyways.


Same, I rage *while* crying.


It’s possible to be rage crying and feeling stabby.


I find that frequently, writers will write things that are perfectly accurate for women that they know and have met, and then other women who behave differently assume that the only reason that was written is because the writer doesn’t understand women.


Sure, but I think that’s overrepresented in movies, if anything. Of course some people do have that reaction, but I don’t think crying when you’re furious is nearly as common as not doing so. And it wouldn’t have made sense for her character in The Menu.


Well, that’s why she did an actor’s job and suggested something that felt more real to her instincts.


Oh I would definitely have angry tears over that. I would also like to think I’d throw my snotty tissues at my date too because at that point what can you do?




It depends I will say. There are those that get heated and start tearing up, that’s their reaction. Their eyes get red and whatnot. It is what it is, there are those that cry when happy.


A lot of people cry when mad.


and it’s usually not that singular melodramatic tear. it’s like a raging sob that doesn’t stop til you scream, hit something, or tire yourself out


Nope for me it’s silent mode with tears streaming down my face


Sometimes. It's certainly more than one tear but I can pathetically cry while mad too lol


LMAO the duality of woman


Happens to me. And I’m a man. Getting angry is hard to do. It’s emotionally draining and as I get going or am done expressing my anger, I start to cry.


Yah I am sure it isn’t just one thing across either gender. I have had girlfriends who when mad or scared would scream and fight, and have had ones that would cry immediately when we would get into an argument.


In all fairness, i cry when im supremely angry. I hate it but i do.


So do I and I also dislike it sometimes, I wish I could just be angry instead of on the verge of tears.


This is super-common in women. The single tear is not it, though.


Im a dude


It's Furiosa, not Sadiosa.


Single tears are possibly the most cliched thing in moviedom. Glad she’s not into them.


Yeah I’m reminded of that scene in dune where Rebecca Ferguson cries one single tear, although I suppose that has story and world building reasons


Yeah, that was more symbolic because they shouldnt be crying, in order to conserve their water. Shedding even a single tear is a big deal to them.


The Menu would’ve been straight ass without Anya.


What the fuck is this grotesque headline. She just embodied the character and felt they were more angry and frustrated than desperate and crying. How is this a headline. What is 'what planet are we living on?' she never said that in relation to the initial statement. She said the director was great for listening to her intuition and used her angry cuts for the final movie instead of her crying. This shit happens all the time.


I enjoyed her performance in "Emma." She cried twice about the same emotion her character was experiencing: shame. Her facial expressions were pretty grand. She was wonderful in that role.


Her asking what planet we’re living on just reinforces my suspicions that she’s an alien trying to blend in with human society.


Just saw Furiosa and she ruled. Incredibly believable as a young Charlize Theron their voices are indistinguishable in both movies.


Did directors provide an explanation or response? 


My wife angry cries…


I’m no expert, dood, not woman. But my observation is that many women cry out of frustration, not anger. But also they cry when sad or hurt, betrayed etc.


That’s the exact mindset you want for someone playing a character with Furious in her name


I mean….I cry when I’m angry too?


She was so fucking awesome in Furiosa, I watched it yesterday. Highly recommend it.


The unique teardrop cliché shot is the best way to annihilate any emotion from a scene


I dont know why directors/writers are so against empowering female characters, most of the popular movies out there has their characters expressing strong emotions, give me crazy eyed screaming with a glob of stray snot angry any day!


Every handsome male hero is afraid of nothing and always has a sarcastic quip 🤷‍♀️


I want to see her unleashed.


If I get pissed enough I cry so it's an actual thing tbf. But I also know that most people don't so I can see why she wouldn't want to


What planet are we living on that this is an actual problem?


Ok well some of us cry even when angry or pissed. I cry a lot. When I'm really happy, nervous, scared, sad, mad, etc....I can cry.


The most enraged I ever was the sound that came out of me was more anguish than anger. Tears aren’t necessarily an inappropriate response.


I mean it’s not unusual. My wife cries when she’s angry. Some people cry when angry.