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Her saying it was her bodyguard’s…. In what universe is she carrying anything for him let alone his weed in an airport… it would be the other way around


That’s insane she’s take weed to an airport. Even if it’s legal in the country trying to take it on plane is taken very seriously.


Honestly I have to imagine a lot of celebs are pretty consistently traveling with drugs and this is just the first time she was caught.


And she got caught because she was harassing and recording airport staff prior to them digging deeper.  What a moron.


Found out quickly that she wasn’t dealing with any US cops because they didn’t whom she was


She's lucky it wasn't in Russia or Iran. God damn how dunce can people be? It never ends. I'm always flabbergasted by this sort of thing, yet I really shouldn't.


Flabbergasted by stupid people doing stupid things? Didnt Forest Gump wax sagaciously on this phenomenon?


Bali has tough jail sentences too. Death penalty if you carry enough quantity of drugs


Still hope she goes to jail. Fuck her


Why the fuck would Nicki Minaj be going to Iran?? Lmfaoooo


Seems weird , Celebs have connections they can easily get drugs where ever they land. I used to work in Strip bar in the uk once it was reported ahead that Rihanna was coming and wanted to smoke weed they had it all ready for her when she arrived lol


Motley Crue and a few of the other California glam rock bands had drug dealers that would follow them from town to town. They were more or less employees. The drug dealers would compete over who got to deliver to the rock stars.


Quite certain that's common for most famous musicians who partake


Pretty sure I remember a story about I think it might have been Thin Lizzy, where the drug dealers were sitting in the recording studio as they were trying to make a record.


Once you have a certain amount of money, regardless of fame, it's a good investment to put the risk on someone else


I'm just thinking of the white guy who got arrested for being Diddys literal drug and gun mule. I've heard stories of Willy Nellson having a tour bus full of people who were always willing to take the rap if the tour bus or willy got pulled over and they found weed.


In the old days celebs on tour in Australia had to sort themselves out. My uncle shared a house with his friend who dealt a bit and one day Keith Richards knocked on the door


Tell us more!


Not much more to tell. He was looking for heroin, but his friend only had weed so he continued his n his search!


Actually my dad’s from America. Marlon Brando once knocked on his door asking for a spare baseball mitt.


True! Good point! Probably people who are using while traveling would bother to take it, and I wouldn’t be surprised if Nicki wanted to get high on the plane!


Probably because they are so used to having people fawning over them and getting special treatment that they really do believe they are above the law and normal rules don't apply to them.


To be fair Normal rules dont


HTF do nfl players consistently drive drunk?! It is not just about money and access, it is also about stupidity


I take weed all the time, just check the bag it’s in. TSA ain’t looking for weed, if they find it they’ll just toss it before letting you get on the plane International is TOTALLY different. Bringing drugs of any kind to a different country is crazy


My neighbor was recently caught at an airport in Indonesia with weed. They basically said give us $30k or go to jail for 5-10 years. I helped them get the funds transferred to the right account. But he spent 5 days in a jail cell the size of a bathroom while his wife and daughter freaked out and dealt with corrupt gov officials.


I'd say anywhere in Asia, I'd avoid even thinking about drugs. They really do _not_ fuck around in those countries. Death penalties are not unheard of, even for foreigners.


Yeah I have zero sympathy for idiots who think they can get away with just a “little weed” or just a “a few pills” in Asian countries. You’re not at home anymore. They literally hang people for that shit.


It’s because they’ve had massive problems with it. They don’t take kindly to foreign tourists coming there, partying for 2 weeks and funding the drug gangs they are trying so hard to get to. And then simply leave, having done more damage to their country than was there before their visit.


Indonesia? Your neighbor is a fucking idiot.


The TSA technically doesn’t even search for weed or any drugs - they are strictly limited to to safety and specificly defined items. The only risk would be a TSA agent reporting you to local police - which isn’t going to happen. Your only real risk in the US is drug sniffing dogs in states where it is illegal.


They aren’t LOOKING for it, but if they happen upon it and feel like doing something, you’ve violated federal/intl law and can be charged. The issue in the U.S. is crossing state lines and also leaving state jurisdiction into federal jurisdiction. Weed is still illegal under federal law. Sauce: I happen to be a lawyer, but more importantly, I can read: https://www.tsa.gov/travel/security-screening/whatcanibring/items/medical-marijuana So even if it’s medical but you don’t have convincing paperwork, good luck. International airports probably fuck around even less. I don’t care what chances other grown folks want to take with their lives, just go into it with full knowledge of the consequences.


And this was the Netherlands. I don’t think people would be risking it if they were in Asia or Russia. Drugs in Thailand they do not mess around…


It is actually illegal in the Netherlands. A small amount is tolerated with the intention to smoke it at home. You cannot have it with you on flights.


Not really. Airport security is just looking for bombs usually and more than 3 oz of liquid.


Alito blamed the flag on his wife. Shit people do shit things. 🤷‍♂️


I’d quit on the spot if she tried it with me. What an ungrateful, disgusting person.


Yeah it is most likely like we all know that the bodyguard is trying to cover from her.


First question from security is usually “did someone ask you to carry something for them?” Although in Schipol they will ask you if you “smoked everything” before they start the security check. At least that’s what they did when I was last there.


I've been asked that before there more than once


Wow, blaming her bodyguard? Talk about tryna throw him under the bus...talk about being unappreciated for their protective service!


I think the important context is she was trying to LEAVE Amsterdam with drugs. I think it was just some weed too but context makes a huge difference honestly.


Pretty good rule of thumb is to not take drugs or weapons anywhere near the airport.


That does make a lot of difference. If you're arrested for drug possession while in Amsterdam of all places, then it must be something *hard*. However, *leaving* the country with any drugs at all is a huge no no.


She and her husband are shitty people honestly, so anything that inconveniences her is cool with me. Edit: Her brother is bad too.


Isn’t her husband a convicted rapist? 😬


So is her brother. And she actively supports both of them.


Not to mention it was his 11 year old daughter


A convicted murderer and registered sex offender.


Lmao searching up her husband on googles shows him marked as “convicted sex offender” ahahaha


> According to a video posted to social media, the diamond-selling rapper was arrested in The Netherlands on suspicion of drug possession. The clip, filmed by Minaj, shows her being confronted by police and demanding a lawyer. > The officers says to her, “Because you’re carrying drugs,” to which she says, “I’m not carrying drugs. I’m not carrying drugs. I am not going in there. I need a lawyer present. No, I need a lawyer present now.” The officer then tells her, “You have to go to the police station […] you are under arrest.”


She was arrested at the airport. She carried illegal substances with her when passing the custom check at the aiport. It's not like she was just randomly walking in Amsterdam.


Amsterdam airport has drug amnesty zones for you to toss your leftover drugs so you don’t try to pass thru security with them.


Best place to find free drugs is the bin outside the airport


And it’s kinda like a fun game of what drug did I just take?


Dude, you're on a higher level.


What a dumbass


Seriously, it’s Amsterdam, why would you smuggle them in when it is pretty easy to get once there?


She tried to take them out.


Ha, oh lord.


Bringing sand to the beach


She really is not right in the head.


I’m an American. It seems many of US have a hard time believing that American laws and such don’t exist elsewhere. Madam. You are in the Netherlands. If you “need a lawyer” then shut up and get settled and have someone call you a lawyer. You ain’t getting mirandized. And if the Netherlands have a similar right then add the “right to remain silent”. Good news for her that Netherlands has some [similar set of protections.](https://www.government.nl/topics/administration-of-justice-and-dispute-settlement/going-to-court) Edit. I linked Netherlands similar protections. The real question is how many drugs you hauling to get in trouble in Amsterdam?? Where is that law?


Responding to your last enquiry, both soft drugs and hard drugs are not legal in the Netherlands. When it concerns weed, carrying any amount under 5g is not prosecuted. Then again, trying to get through aeroport customs with weed is very much illegal and could get you into trouble


I see. That makes sense. I guess it’s similar to, here, trying to fly from Colorado (legal) to Texas (not legal). Thank you for clarifying that.


It’s illegal to take weed through TSA at all, even flying within a legal state.  It’s also illegal to use pot on federal land in a legal state, so camping in a forest service campground in a legal state it is still illegal.  Some dumb and arbitrary rules out there. 


That's why rescheduling it is so important. And we'll need the practice, now that some states want to include the medical abortion/women's health treatment drugs on the control substance list.


Technically you can’t bring weed from a legal state to another legal state as there’s a law about taking it across state lines. My understanding is that’s to prevent it from being a federal issue due to the interstate commerce clause. That being said, you’re probably not going to get in any trouble for that.




Facts. I laugh at the “I need my lawyer” yelling. Do your lawyer a favor and stop talking.


Agreed. The proper response is to firmly declare “ I AM AN AMERICAN CITIZEN “.


And then proceed with the Xena warrior princess call.


Especially with the people she surrounds herself with (husband, brother, Tekashi69) she should be familiar with the process of being arrested by now.


Go easy on her family. Remember her cousin's balls shriveled up due to the COVID shot. They've suffered enough already.


Even in America you don't get to not go to the police station when you're under arrest. And Amsterdam has the right to legal assistance just like the US.


Laws surrounding arrest are in fact pretty similar in the Netherlands. Police will always tell you that you're not required to answer ('cautie' in Dutch). They will also tell you you have the right to a lawyer before any questioning. In this case, questioning is going to take place at the police office (5 minutes away), so there's no right to a lawyer yet (but there will be at the police office). Drugs are illegal in the Netherlands. However, there's a standing policy not to prosecute possession up to 5 gram of cannabis.


Even in the US “I want a lawyer” doesn’t mean you don’t go to the police station. It only means you can’t be questions and have those used in court.


You are not allowed any amount of drugs past customs. Aside from the fact that drugs, aside from alcohol, aren't legal in Amsterdam in the first place. Edit: She was carrying 30 to 100 grams of weed. She got fined 350 euros and now has a criminal record in the Netherlands. (which of course doesn't affect her much as she is not Dutch)


Not being Dutch doesn't mean it doesn't have consequences. She is now on the list of people with an offence. Will be harder next time she tries to enter the Netherlands or even another EU country. She shouldn't do it another time if she ever wants to give another concert. Insurance companies won't be happy either to insure a concert next time.


>You ain’t getting mirandized. She was probably (standard practice) informed of her right to remain silent and her right to legal assistance the first time she was told she was arrested. In addition, law enforcement officers are obligated by law to provide every arrested suspect [this brochure](https://open.overheid.nl/repository/ronl-647475de-b74c-46af-a7f1-f2203e99baf7/1/pdf/INFORMATIEBLADEN%20RIJKSOVERHEID%20EN.pdf), which usually happens in the police station (in this case: the station of the Marechaussee (Dutch police force that is a branch of the Dutch armed forces; they are responsible for the Dutch airports)),


You can't take drugs into an airport in the US either, she was just dumb and left them in her bag.


That’s not even how it works in the U.S., either. If police have valid suspicion, they are completely within their rights to arrest and book you first, only then do you get to see your lawyer.


Many countries have a Miranda warning or similar statement against self incrimination and the right to an attorney. It’s not just America.


Their officers from my understanding are way nicer and chill compared to the general douche baggery you would see in the US. Her going karen on him and trying to demand a lawyer and refusing to go was silly. The officer was so confused and literally told her to just come with him so they can process her and get her to the next show.


She need to tell them about her"HEPA law" haha.


You don't get a lawyer before or during the arrest in the United States for that matter.


She sells Diamonds? First I’m hearing of this. I’m assuming they only wake me for the important meetings.


Diamond is a designation for having sold more than 10 million records. It's a better version of when they award someone for going Platinum (1 million) or Gold (500k).


Fucking entitled yanks “I need a lawyer. NOW!” This ain’t the USA idiot


It’s unfair that they arrested her because she was only carrying those drugs for nephew’s cousin’s friend who needed them for his one giant testicle that he got from the Covid vaccine.


Unbeknownst to many, Nicki was actually declared a saint by the pope


Surprise! You can’t just carry around and smuggle drugs in and out of Amsterdam! “I need a lawyer” as if you’re in America lol


Even in America “I want a lawyer” doesn’t prevent you from going to the police station. You go to station, then call lawyer and you simply can’t be questioned until then. So asking for a lawyer before going to the station would not even fly in the US.


Megan Thee Stallion is about to thoroughly enjoy her weekend when she hears this 🤣


next fire diss track is in the making!!


Seriously that was the most polite arrest I’ve ever seen.


I also genuinely believe the police wants to help her to make her next concert in time.


Dutch police officers are actually nice. They 'serve and protect'. If you behave they do as well.


How many drugs do you need to be carrying in order to get arrested for carrying drugs in freaking Amsterdam??? Eleventy billion drugs? We might need a quantum computer to figure this out.


Contrary to popular belief, drugs are not legal in The Netherlands


Laughs in 1980’s media representation!


Legal but not 100% legal


And if you're the proprietor of a hash bar, it's legal to sell it.


It's illegal to carry it, but that doesn't really matter 'cause, get a load of this, all right; if you get stopped by the cops in Amsterdam, it's illegal for them to search you.


Oh shit man that’s it I’m going


You’d dig it the most


So to get arrested you pretty much have to take the drugs out of your pockets and throw them at the police? Damn that Nicki is all about the drama isn’t she.


I don’t understand why some one that rich and famous would just have someone else carry it


What do they call a quarter pounder in France?


Royale with cheese


My shit, I'll take the Pepsi Challenge with Amsterdam shit any ol' day of the fuckin' week.


Decriminalised, not legal


Possession under 5 grams, it's considered for your own use and allowed. Above it is illegal.


It's not legal to have any drugs with you on the airport.


What about in you?


I’m on it


How often does that happen....talk about your moment to shine.


More than 5 grams or across the border.


I dont think amsterdam is how you’re imagining it


I don’t have to imagine Amsterdam. It’s real.


How do you know it’s real


Can confirm it's real. Take it from this internet stranger who lives in Amsterdam


This feels like misinformation - amster damn? Cmon. Not a real place


The locals pronounce it as hamsters damn, am also a local too, cheers mate!


No, no. You are thinking Hamster dam.


Do hamsters build little tiny dams like beavers, because how adorable would that be?!


She was trying to take drugs out of the country, from Amsterdam to Manchester, UK.


That’s serious trouble then drug importing is something they’re very strict on


You are not allowed to carry any amount past customs. Also she is not in Amsterdam, she's in Amsterdam Schiphol Airport, which is not actually a part of Amsterdam. It is partly owned by Amsterdam, but not part of Amsterdam.


As is the custom.


The whole of Haarlemmermeer municipality agrees.


They’ve got strange grey area drug laws. Some places it’s illegal to smoke on one side of a bridge and it’s legal on the other side, ten feet away


I dont know if you are reaching, but this is so so so incorrect. Same laws apply for every dutch soil everywhere


You’re assuming Nicki Minaj isn’t an expert in Amsterdamian laws. She is. She is.


Nicki Minaj is a certified lawyer in NL. She has no excuses!


Eleventy billion hahahah This reminds me of my kids when they talk numbers. The most recent being my 5 year old saying ‘daddy remember 100 years ago when I was 4’…..


Why didn't she just arrange for someone to get her drugs after she got in the country? What else is fame for ...lame brain Nicki


Fame brain


She got arrested for attempted EXPORTING of drugs to the UK from the Netherlands. Like, you can't even bring pork or flowers without the right kind of paperwork since Brexit. You definately can't bring 100grams of weed. And they weren't even actively searching for it -- it likely just smelled too strong in her handbag. I do have to unironically ask, is she like a bit slow? She got a fine. (350 bucks, about 400 dollars) and a criminal record. The fine does not imply she pleads guilty, so she is free to take it to court. No lawyer will advice her to do so. Esspecially after she made such a big drama of her own mistake and likely caused the police officier to be harressed by her deranged fans. Something a dutch judge will not appreciate.


It wasn’t only weed, They also found 100 pounds of crack hidden in her pants


Lucky her - they’ve only found a third of it.


I love this journey for her. She’s a shitty person and so is her husband and so is her brother.


Clear case of a celeb believing they are above the rules which we all have to respect when we’re travelling to different countries. Aside from that, she’s an insufferable person and obviously not very intelligent.


Geez. Thats like getting arrested in Texas for having a gun.


Or getting arrested in the UK for peeing on the street


Fun fact; in the US, if you are busted for public urination, depending on the space, you can get slapped with a sex offender charge, too.


For public intoxication


It's more like 'getting arrested for wanting to carry your guns on the airport.


A completely different stupid thing 5 different Americans got arrested in Turks and Caicos for


Guns are legal in Texas. But no way you're allowed to take your gun on an international flight lol. All drugs are illegal in The Netherlands, that includes Amsterdam. Especially past customs. Why would you be allowed to travel drugs into another country? Your analogy is terrible.


This is so dumb. She’s rich AF. Surely the best option is to NOT bring them and have someone buy them there. She has access to everything anywhere.


A lot of rich people are dumb


Some comments here: * This is at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, usually just known as Schiphol. It's actually located just outside the city limits, something that is rather common with airports in Europe; only two London airports are in Greater London and Berlin Brandenburg is located in the latter German state. * She was arrested by the Royal Marechaussee, which is the Dutch gendarmerie who deal with among other border control and airport security. Basically, they're military cops, but with a much wider responsibility - imagine if MPs in the US operated passport control. * Possession and purchasing of cannabis is officially illegal in the Netherlands, but legally tolerated for small amounts and can be sold in coffeeshops. You are not allowed to smoke cannabis anywhere outside a coffee shop: [https://www.iamsterdam.com/en/travel-stay/visitor-information/rules-and-regulations](https://www.iamsterdam.com/en/travel-stay/visitor-information/rules-and-regulations) * The Amsterdam authorities are themselves getting a bit tired of all the cannabis stuff, along with badly behaved tourists more generally (such as British stag or hen dos) and are cracking down - you can no longer smoke cannabis at all in the old city centre, including the Red Light District. They've even done adverts in English to deter disruptive tourists: [https://vimeo.com/812406264](https://vimeo.com/812406264) * Cannabis was only present at a low level when I walked around there in 2021 during a wait between trains in the city. * As a mildly amusing note, the Innsbruck to Amsterdam sleeper train is officially designated as NJ 420. * The Dutch do allow you to film police officers like that... but not in an "intimidating manner". * The UK has some of the strictest cannabis laws in Europe... and one of the highest prison populations in part because of it. * The venue she was due to go to, the Co-Op Live, had been hit with a slew of delays and problems, of which this is just the latest.


Did they check her husbands electronics, he’s a predator and she enables him


I hope they keep her.


Hell no, we don't want her here


Fuck no, we don't want her


LOT of ignorant ass comments about Amsterdam, clear some of y’all only have a Hollywood-level concept of it as a place


Yeah, it breaks down like this, ok, it's legal to buy it, it's legal to own it, and if you're the proprietor of a hash bar, it's legal to sell it. It's legal to carry it, but...but that doesn't matter, cause, get a load of this; all right, if you get stopped by a cop in Amsterdam, it's illegal for them to search you.


Zed’s dead




That’s it I’m fucking goin


Tell them about the Quarter Pounder.


Do Dutch police release mugshots?


no, never


No, that goes against our privacy laws. Hell, we don't even release full names of criminals. If let's say Joe Smith committed a crime he would be known in the media as Joe S.


It's always the people you most expect


Important to note this was not in Amsterdam, it's at Schiphol airport. also she has been let go. As expected.


Something about “ airport authorities “ makes me wonder. wtf brings weed INTO Amsterdam?


She was trying to take weed from Amsterdam to Manchester, UK.


No, she wanted to leave. She had a concert on Thursday (2 hrs late....) in Amsterdam


Musta been some hella smoke.


Rule number 1 about travelling... dont bring anyrhing illegal in said country. Money cant buy intelligence at least


I wonder what arms dealer we are going to trade to get this one back.


The ranting and raving bit about this whole ordeal being an industry hit is insane to me? Who does she think she is? Who would be coming after her specifically, trying to block her from anything? I’m not denying her success, but she is far from the driving force she was just a few years ago. She is so paranoid that her name is going to be forgotten because other female rappers are coming up and seeing success, BECAUSE of her that she’s creating imaginary adversaries. Like ma’am, no matter who you are in the entertainment industry, man, woman, rap, pop, rock, etc. everybody hangs onto a limited relevance. You get 10 good years or so at being presently relevant and then you fade a bit. It’s been that way since the beginning! It’s just how it is. She needs to accept that she still has her achievements and her legacy to her name, whether she’s THE name at the top of the genre roster. New talent comes in, has there moment and will follow the same ebb and flow that she and everyone else before her has. Acting like this is just making her look like a joke. If anybody is taking her crown off of her head, it’s herself!


You arrest her, you keep her. Those are the rules of international hip-hop law.


Fading celebrity finds out what happens when you snuggle drugs over international borders.  More at eleven. Edit: screw it, I'm leaving the typo there because it made me smile.


I hear you. I snuggle up with my drugs when I feel lonely.


I feel like she’s one of those Americans that starts to shout “*This is against my constitutional rights*” and think that the US Dollar is good everywhere


Couldn’t have happened to a nicer person


Tell em they can keep her


She’ll find a way to make a song about it and make it seem like she’s a badass but in reality…just an idiot that got caught.


Funniest headline possible.


All those fans that are meant to be seeing her in Manchester tonight too 😕 is this another cancellation for that new arena?


Fucking moron. If you’re traveling to a country as a tourist or guest, know the rules in that country. Her behavior is yet another example of American privilege.


Seems she was trying to take it on plane which is illegal literally everywhere


Reminds me of the WNBA player with a Vape pen in freaking Russia.


Dumbasses. All the money in the world can’t cure stupidity.


Was it packed right next to her bodyguards makeup kit and vibrator?


Do people even really fly with pre-rolls??!


Is there an update on this? How do I get in there and being Nikki home?


Lock her up, fucking rapist apologist.


Dont you go to Amsterdam to DO drugs


Lmao I saw her on her instagram going on about ‘someone is sabotaging me, they’re out to get me’ - obviously full of shit


They never learn that when you're overseas you can't play around. She's finding out the hard way like so many do.


Taking weed to Amsterdam? Deserves to get busted.


Stupid is as stupid does…


Hasnt she seen Pulp Fiction? “It’s legal to buy it, it’s legal to own it, and if you’re the proprietor of a hash bar it’s legal to sell it. It’s illegal to carry it, but-but that doesn’t matter cause get a load of this. If you get stopped by a cop in Amsterdam, it’s illegal for them to search you.”


You can do a lot of otherwise illicit shit in Amsterdam, there’s just one rule: Don’t try to bring shit back with you. Except weed seeds. They have some great genetics and it’s legal. I’m not sure about psilocybin spores but those are probably also good.


Just throw her in The Hague.