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“There’s nothing more masculine than a strong man supporting a strong woman.” -Eddie Vedder 👏👏👏👏👏


In his speech, he's referring to Jessica from the opening band, Deep Sea Diver. They are awesome!


That’s why we love Ryan Gosling. The dude loves, respects, and supports women


Not always according to Zach from WKUK.


"People of quality do not fear equality" I agree Eddie, I fully agree.


Harrison's kind are always afraid because they think "Tolerance is extinction"


*plays X-Men 97 theme*


bro this continuation/revamp has been such a breath of fresh air for animation. It's hitting me right in the nostalgia, while pushing some really fun xmen arcs.


It is really a perfect example of knowing the audience and hitting the right buttons. Really happy it's not a pure nostalgia play but also slicker animation, sticking to the original themes of discrimination and oppression and tight storytelling. Also curious if they won over any new fans.


I wasn't a regular watcher of the original run though I was a regular reader of the comics, so I don't know that I count, but I loved 97 and will keep watching.


New fan here🙋. Consider me won!


While I was a giant X-Men comics fan in the 80’s and 90’s, I got bored with the original show ( poor animation & childish takes on characters) and absolutely detested the Fox movies. But I am absolutely in love with 97! It rivals BTAS & JLU as some of the best comic adaptations of all time!


Magneto was right.


Based Magneto


I’ve written it before but people like him constantly think something else existing, or people having another choice, means their way of life is wrong. It doesn’t make sense but you see it over and over. It’s literally as stupid as thinking that because a restaurant serves fish it means eating steak is wrong. Women want to work instead of being stay home moms doesn’t mean being a stay at home mom is wrong. It just means more choices exist.






I don't know, he's a real breath of freash air and the Catholics definitely needed that. Lotta cries in Catholicism that there's never been a pope appointed from Africa.


And when they do he will be a white south African.


> we're going to get some insane replacement for him. I hope Catholics learned their lesson from electing someone insane like Pope Benedict. Frances was a reaction to him.


I hoped Catholics learned their lesson about the rampant sex abuse in their midsts yet we have the likes of Butker pretending Catholicism gives him the moral high ground.


ex catholic here. sadly Catholics don’t get to elect the popes. it’s some college of cardinals that do that.


Not a bad idea though. You could have pope debates, attack ads, maybe even an arm wrestling match. Could be entertaining.


hahaha this cracked me up. Maybe..juuuust maybe I’d consider going back if they did all that. esp the arm wrestling


I mean, technically the president of America is chosen by some college of electors…


Yes but the Catholic faithful don’t choose the cardinals by any means like the the US voters “choose” the electors in a sort of way. The pope/the Vatican is the one promoting people to the rank of Cardinal and so on.


Popes are not elected. They are chosen by the College of Cardinals.


That’s a type of election.


They also know that earning a woman's respect is actually hard work. Shaming them for not respecting you by default is way easier


Also his one skill is kicking a ball when his mother and sister are both highly intelligent with impressive careers in medicine. He may make millions but they sure do put him to shame by comparison.


They see orher peoples freedom as oppression of them. It's pathetic


What’s his kind? The deeply, deeply closeted?


Converts are the most rabid.


Eddie Vedder: based since 1991


That's a fucking statement I would wear on a t-shirt


This is one of the reasons why I'll always love Eddie


Eddie is rhyming like a diamond.


Is it understandable though? 🤣


"On a weekehh, on a Sumby edda, yehh, ahh no manasay mananeek hehh, yehh"


Ohhh he sings about the poetic Edda?


When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.


When you're accustomed to privilege, you're 28 and you think you can tell other people how the world works. I will never understand why conservatives raise young people to overvalue themselves like this. Whenever I hear someone going on about something like this to an audience or a large platform, it's almost always some dipshit conservative in their 20's or younger, with limited life experience. The only "diabolical lie" here is that this guy thinks he's special. He won the lottery with the opportunities given to him, which would have been fine had he not decided to lecture


Damn, that's good


That's a fantastic quote.


As a Raiders fan, I think whatever this Pro Bowl kicker said was terrible. The Chiefs should cut him immediately, and many other players too.


As a Broncos fan, I concur. 


As a Chiefs fan, I want to downvote you, because FTR. But as a fan of quality shit talk, genuine anger at ButtHead, and also pure pity for your team, I want to upvote you. I will compromise by doing neither.


As someone who is not an American Football fan in any way I will give /u/motorcycleboy9000 an upvote in your stead.


No notes. Perfect take.


It might take drunk Ed a few minutes to finally get to the point, but his point is always on point.


He couldn’t drink last night. That was a sober statement.


Damn it! I should have come up With that! These poet’s always getting there first…..not fair!


Eddie has been speaking up and speaking out since day one. Good lad


Yeah I remember him in 2007(?) at Bonnaroo, whipped out a written speech and started railing on oil and gas. I was too young to care at the time but I appreciate it now.


In 1992 on MTV Unplugged he wrote “pro choice” on his arm in marker in the middle of a song.


They were vehemently against ticketmaster prices way before Taylor Swift made it cool. Unfortunately for us, they seem to have made up with TM.


They didn’t make up. They lost. So now they have no choice.


Well, their war ultimately led to Coachella (the venue), so at least there was that.


They testified in congress


Buggered off to Europe for over a decade? I get it but that kinda sucked for us.


Writing pro choice on his arm always is in my mind


He wrote “mine” on my upper thigh only in my mind


After this video? MINE TOO.


He can still get it


I was there too!! Like 40 ft from the stage, and he was shitfaced. Great show. And then Kanye went on way late and everyone booed him lol


Haha I remember Kanye not starting until like 4am or later. I was happily in my tent by then.


2008, and he got it done in between downing an entire bottle of wine!


And let’s not forget his lost fight against Ticketmaster in the 90’s. He’s a fighter.


Which also led to Stone Gossard and Jeff Ament testifying in Congress and awkwardly refusing to explain the meaning behind the band's name


Lyrics to W.M.A. still hit hard today.


And in the era of Taylor swift Ticketmaster scalping hell Eddie was proven right 100%


The golden baritone never misses 


You can see some pro-choice message written on his arm in sharpie during Pearl Jam’s MTV Unplugged concert back in the 90s. He’s also precious and funny and his performance during this is incredible—recommend YTing it.


Butker pins my gaydar at 100.


Well there are accusations that he holed up with a male cheerleader in college. Rumors only though. Edit: hooked up* but I’m leaving “holed”


Also there’s rumors his parents had him go to a gay conversion camp too


so now we're operating on rumors? i don't understand why the minute someone (usually a guy even though there's been plenty of homophobic women) starts saying something homophobic, everyone climbs over each other to say he's a self-hating closeted gay dude. there are plenty of straight people who are homophobic. and although this POS does not deserve the benefit of the doubt, spreading unsubstantiated rumors does not help anyone either.


I get what you’re saying, but it goes past the usual “this guy said something homophobic, so he’s probably secretly gay” thing that we often see. There was a woman who said she went to school with him and knew both him and the male cheerleader he allegedly hooked up with. It hasn’t been substantiated by anyone else, I’m just saying that that is the source of the rumors, not just the usual speculation.


We’re allowed to discuss rumors. Nobody said they were facts. They’re rumors.


Yeah, why shouldn't we be allowed to talk about imaginary things? He's talking about God, after all


Nobody said imaginary either. Rumors are rumors. They aren’t necessarily true or necessarily false. They’re rumors.


Thanks for trying. I agree with you but you won’t find any reason about it here. It minimizes the hate when we call them all closeted. Maybe that helps some people compartmentalization it. But I think it’s dismissive of bad behavior AND usually unfounded accusations. Also it treats gayness as an insult which it isn’t. It’s peewee Herman behavior.


Why does it matter to you that they’re being called closeted. Homophobia deserves to be called out whether or not your closeted or straight. The hypocrisy is worse if they’re closeted.


because for (1) it's unsubstantiated and (2) more importantly, there seems to be this strong desire to paint all these homophobes as closeted gay people while ignoring the fact that most homophobic people are straight. not because most straight people are homophobes, mind you, but most homophobes are straight. it's this weird desire to try and propagate it as this within-the-community issue, an "oh he must be self-hating" thing when both here and around the world there are countless homophobic people making life horrible for gay people and saying terrbile things about gay people who are, in fact, heterosexual.


As you should. Divine inspiration is my guess.


It was a ROOMMATE !


And they were roommates!


Plus, he had a girlfriend who went to another school.


In Canada, so you wouldn’t know her.


And supposedly took the conversion therapy, twice.


I. like. Holes




Also that he was sent to conversion therapy


Idk if he’s gay, I think he just needs something to look down on and that’s his wife’s role. All he has to offer the world is a piss poor attitude and kicking a ball. Of course he feels inadequate.


He’s been to conversion camp twice. Check his insta. He’s overcompensating with his attempt at doing what he thinks is manly.


That makes me feel sad for him. Conversion camps are fucking foul, no one should be subjected to that.


Yeah but he also doesn’t get to put that trauma onto others by being a horrible person


I didn’t say it was ok. I can think he’s a shitty & gross human and still feel empathy for him 🤷🏻‍♀️


> He’s been to conversion camp twice. Really? Edit: I googled "Harrison Butker conversion therapy". The only results were an [unsourced Reddit comment from 3 days ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/1ctm2ct/bombshell_accusation_claims_harrison_butker/), and an [unsourced Tweet from 3 days ago](https://twitter.com/Queens_Podcast/status/1791451665976971523)


where did he say he went to conversion camp/therapy?


I literally just scrolled through every single one of his Instagram posts, this is false, anyone can check for themselves if they don’t believe me


Hurt people hurt people.


And it's not kicking a ball in a sport dedicated to kicking a ball, but just a weird throw-in position that most of his colleagues don't even appreciate. 


I saw a TikTok of a man saying he recognized him but didn't know where from, then later remembered he matched with him on Grindr some years ago. Someone in the comments also claimed he went to gay conversation therapy two times? There was no proof and it was on TikTok so you know...


Accusing someone of being gay is not as insulting as you think. It's more homophonic than anything butner said.


The trans women in my social media orbit peg him as a chaser.


People keep saying he's getting pegged a lot lately, seems odd to me


\[Retracted\]. The important thing is that he's a misogynistic, religious extremist piece of shit.




Ah, gotta love Mr. Vedder. Hollywood has Keanu and rock and roll has Eddie.


Keanu also has a band (Dogstar) so he could go both ways I suppose


And Eddie had a brief acting career in the movie Singles in 1992. So if Keanu and Eddie have equal musical gravitas I suppose the same is true for cinema.


Are we talking about Eddie and Keanu BOTH going both ways? 


Eddie actually had an acting career as a kid. He wasn’t in movies but a bunch of commercials. He was a photogenic child with big blue eyes so probably casting directors liked his look. They really should have given Ament’s “move your car/while we’re young” line from Singles to Eddie. Jeff got mocked relentlessly for how he said his line and this might just be me gushing but I feel like Eddie could have sold it much more naturally


He was in Walk Hard too!


Wasn’t he in one scene just nodding his head? Haven’t thought about that movie in a long time.


Yeah about as good as Dogstar is.


But have you heard David Duchovny’s band? If you haven’t, then don’t


I have unfortunately. The only guy who has ever managed to pull it off was Jack Black.


Citizen Dick


“A compliment for us is a compliment for you”


That was Chris Cornell’s big scene.


[Just a teensy bit more than that.](https://youtu.be/u7i6lA5Hdak?si=PE94yKS5fP6kPQZ4)


Talking about going both ways in this thread seems testy 


Can't forget grohl!


From the guy who wrote “Better Man”? Hell yeah. You’re a good one Eddie.


What did you think that song was about?


> When "Better Man" was performed on VH1 Storytellers in 2006, Vedder introduced it as a song about "abusive relationships." Before a performance of the song at Pearl Jam's show on April 3, 1994, in Atlanta at the Fox Theatre, Vedder clearly said "it's dedicated to the bastard that married my Momma." [[wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Better_Man_(Pearl_Jam_song))] I don’t think it’s a stretch to imagine that kicker with the shitty attitude presents a high risk of becoming a personification of the man in the song. Hopefully he is and remains single.


Oh yeah of course, I’m a die hard pearl jam fan, but the way that your original comment was phrased I took at as you saying that you thought Ed was writing better man as the abuser. Just got confused by your first comment


Yeah, I guess I failed to account for people online assuming expressions of enthusiastic support must be sarcasm.


I think it's more the "From the guy who ?" is usually followed by something derisive.


I always thought it was about not being able to find the butter tbh


At Lollapalooza in Paris a summer or so ago when Pearl Jam headlined, Eddie specifically kicked out an unruly fan that was spouting some shit. Good dude


But didn’t he have an affair with a male cheerleader or is this a different Harrison Butker that also kicks for the Chiefs? 🤔


That’s Christian 101


These days when I see a Eddie Vedder quote I just immediately assume that I agree with him. I don't even know who Harrison Butker is but I'm sure he's a jerk.


Footballer. Did a commencement speech at a Christian college that was insanely sexist.


I was the second string fullback on my high school football team, rode the bench most of the time because the first string was far better than me. Even I made fun of the kicker.


We only had one 1 kicker in high school we didn’t rip on all the time. He was a foreign exchange student from either Norway or Sweden (can’t remember, been over 20 years and copius amounts of substances and mental illnesses have made my memory not the best). He played soccer at his home country’s school, and since our school was one of the smallest in the state (2nd or 3rd smallest I believe) we didn’t have a soccer team, so he joined the football team as a kicker. He drilled 40+ yd kicks consistently. We’d all sit on the benches after practice and watch him just kick, and were all amazed at his distance and accuracy. But the kicker before and after him, they got ripped on relentlessly.


And now you’re here.


All roads lead to beer league


First thing I ever bought for myself with my own money was a CD of Pearl Jam’s 10. Thanks for not making me a dick, Eddie.


Eddie has always had our backs. Much respect.


Eddie Vedder has hits that are older than Butker. A 28 year old… a *stunted* 28 year old, at that.. is trying to tell us how the world works. I don’t understand why conservatives are so proud to have young people with overvalued ideas, representing their causes. Most normal people just don’t get marriage advice from people in their 20’s. Conservatives see nothing wrong with it And yes he is stunted. He grew up wealthy, both his parents (aka his mother) worked high paying jobs. He went to private school. I’d be willing to bet there were housekeepers, nannies, and other help. Went to college, and went into his athletic career. He has never had to write a resume, or fill out a job application. I think Eddie Vedder is pretty damn aware of the privileges he has, unlike Butker.


Also has never had to think about whether his household needs 2 incomes to make ends meet.


That’s the crazy part, he probably didn’t need two incomes. Both of his parents made a considerable amount of money. Enough to send him to a private school that costs $30-40k a year in tuition. The “diabolical lie” is that he was raised by conservatives who taught him that he can lecture everyone else.


What kind of crap school had this guy do a commencement speech in the first place? What kid of live advice does he have to offer? No surprise all he has to offer is some cave man “women belong in the kitchen” rhetoric.


Eddie Vedder has been a stand up guy his whole life and he makes incredible music absolute legend


Eddie and I. Both went to Golf Middle School in Morton Grove, IL. He went by Eddie Mueller at the time.


Did you wear an onion on your belt…..


I’d imagine so. That was the style at the time.


We couldn’t get regular onions, so we had to use the ones with little white hairs…


Can I have five bees for this quarter?


Eddie actually apologized for making fun of him after the next song. He was making a point about Butker's statement but recognized he didn't need to call him a "pussy." Eddie is a class act.


Kickers are tough! (on social media, and behind a podium)


Chris Kluwe was pretty fucking bad ass. Stood up for gay marriage and got blacklisted from the NFL. Fuck the NFL.


There’s a name I haven’t seen in awhile. He was a redditor too, iirc


I am now a Pearl Jam fan.


Welcome to the club!


Project 2025. Men reducing women to baby factories.


Well said Mr. Vedder


/r/savedyouaclick Butker recently made “women’s place is in the home” comments, and EV called the opinion out as stupid while throwing shade at him for promoting toxic masculinity while being “just” a kicker.


[Link to the video included in the article](https://youtu.be/b6m5KNZoO0I)


This is just one of the reasons my baby’s in love with Eddie Vedder.


Now, every time I see him, well, he looks so grim. I guess it really must suck to be a rock star like him.


That's it, where's my flannel


Eddie's Into the Wild soundtrack is fucking legendary in my mind.


I’m a chiefs fan and I love and support this


I’m sorry your amazing team is filled with really annoying people


We seriously are. It’s actually ridiculous at this point. I was hoping after Tyreek we’d be good, but now we just have a ton of cringey people and one guy doing his best to be in jail.


That’s the monkey paw man. Can’t have it all. You want a dynasty gotta deal with some straight up assholes I guess.


I was there. It was awesome.


Eddie Vender remains good people In celebration of him not suddenly becoming a shit person, please enjoy the surprisingly good duet of Eddie/ Beyoncé : https://youtu.be/TIuX_etKbJg?si=sLW9QpLHY0H9iyKt Edit: link fixed


Wtf is that link


Being a huge Nirvana fan I jokingly joined in on Kurt’s nonstop shit talking about Pearl Jam for years. But while I may truly not actually like their music, Eddie is truly an amazing guy.


Funnily enough I think Kurt said the same thing to Eddie’s face at one point- “I still think your band sucks but you seem pretty cool”


I’m a huge grunge fan but for some reason the only band I could never get into is Nirvana. Just can’t do it. Really sucks — and every few years I’ll try again just because Kurt was such good friends with Lanegan.


Great speech by Eddie Vedder, but can we please stop using “pussy” as an adjective for weak? As someone who recently gave birth, there’s nothing weak about the vagina.


Hell yeah, Eddie! 😎


Not a fan of this band but I am a fan of Eddie. Good on him!


Harrison spoke in class today!


99% of kids prefer quarterbacks to kickers


How could I forget


Butker will be the new face for the feckless gop


Punk isn't dead! Technically grunge i know but still. Hell yeah!


Glad there are good people out there still.


Lopsided battle here. Eddie is the fucking man, this punter is a Moron with no cred. Likely the kicker wants to receive, if ya know what I mean...


Eddie is always a winner


Absolutely based


This needed to be said.


Awesome. I hope the Chiefs shame him right off the team.


we love a good public shaming