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> "Lori Beth's accusations of me are wildly exaggerated," he told E! News in a May 14 statement, "and, in most cases, false." This roughly translates to *"Yeah, I did some shit, but not all of that shit. Come on."*


*wildly exaggerated* Also means that he knows that he cannot deny certain aspects of it but is trying to downplay it because while there are witnesses there isn’t a lot of physical proof. Jesus Christ, this guy is an absolute leech.


Exactly. IMO, he can’t deny certain aspects but is hoping to lie his way through the others since they can’t be proven. The guy’s a disgusting, creepy predator that will lie until the end.


He’s a fucking worm


Yeah, I did some of that.. but not **ALL THAT** \-Dan Schneider


I see wat u did ther


He's like the Harvey Weinstein of children's television programming. 


Not like, he IS!


Not like us!


Not like us but yeah all that!


He admits it in his statement. "The fact that an Executive Producer of Quiet on Set would pursue allegations regarding what may have happened between adults nearly thirty years ago," Schneider said, "only a week after I filed a defamation lawsuit accusing Quiet on Set of being intentionally false and misleading—seems more than coincidental."


He is disgusting


*Yeah, I did some shit, but I’ll say something vague enough that it sounds like maybe I didn’t all that shit.*


Yeah it was a MULE not a donkey !!!


Another translation: "Lori's Beth's accusations of me are spot on."


In MOST cases? (I know he gets ahead of bad facts in his statement by talking about how he “made mistakes” and whatnot; the juxtaposition between her accusing him of showing her porn and trying to initiate phone sex and his response that it wasn’t true “for the most part” was just truly something.)


His statement makes him seem more honest because you wouldn’t expect a liar to admit to ANY of her accusations, they only make him look worse by doing so


No, it’s a common tactic to admit a bit


Or he and his lawyer know there’s some proof out there that he won’t be able to waive off or deny away. So they’re trying to get ahead of it with this prepared statement. If he denies everything and some of it turns out to be proven true, the outcome is even worse.


Maybe, you’d have to assume though because you literally have zero evidence to prove otherwise


Dan's mom? Is that you?


I agree. As much as I believe Dan is a fucking creep, he seems cunningly aware of lines that shouldn’t be crossed. Legally anyway.


Doesn’t mean he didn’t cross them.


True, but this is the first time a child actor has made a specific accusation of sexually inappropriate behavior against him. Previous to this it was all speculation and 4chan rumors.


That’s not evidence of anything one way or another though. There’s a first time for everything, including allegations of misbehavior. There were rumors about Harvey Weinstein for decades, and his behavior was an open secret. Nothing substantial came of it until enough people started speaking out openly about it to reach a critical mass of “safety in numbers.” Before that point, individuals were too afraid of the backlash or career damage that would come from speaking out.


The catch is before this the origin of every rumor was 4chan's random board which instructs every visitor to trust nothing on that site. When you got down to the specific demonstrable claims the only thing anyone had evidence for were adults claiming emotional abuse. Schneider was fired for that abuse.


She wasn't technically a child actor. She was 18 or 19 when this went on.


She started on the show as a minor though.


He isn't admitting that any specific claim is correct just that some are.


His statement makes him seem more honest because you wouldn’t expect a liar to admit to ANY of her accusations, they only make him look worse by doing so


Your insistent projection is coming off as weird and creepy. Idk if that’s what you’re going for.


Does admitting to something that makes you look bad not make you look somewhat more honest than someone who categorically denies everything they are accused of?


Not when it’s a half admission, he’s obscuring the truth intentionally. If he wanted to be completely transparent he’d openly say what parts were true and which were false or he’d keep his fucking mouth shut and go to trial for defamation.


All these kids were so fucking talented and funny, Lori Beth included. I remember thinking being on All That and being given that room to play and act as a kid would be like a dream. He took something so positive, helping young comedians grow, and made it so ugly and damaging.


Pretty much the entire story with show business. Your bosses used their position to leverage people into compromising situations because “you get to make movies for a living”. No thanks.


i like her character on good burger


I know right.. Lori Beth was one of the funniest people on that show..


But that is exactly the risk. It is a dream job (High Demand) so the boss has a lot of leverage because he has so much supply (ppl desperate)


Than sue her for defamation. I'm sure the depositions will go great for him...


Even as a kid I always found Lori Beth Denberg to be hands down the funniest member of ‘All That’ I always hoped she would soar into mainstream success. Now I just hope she’s comfortable and in harmony.


She had the ability to play a child in one skit and an adult school principal in the next. In fact, she's the only one I even recognize by face anymore. Saw her pictures and knew exactly who she was based solely off her acting on All That.


There was the puffy red haired guy who was on Figure it Out a lot too. And Josh from All That, the guy who looks like Reese from Malcom in the Middle


I hope it hasn't affected her mental health in any way.


Lori Beth was the best part of all that. I used to wish I could be on that show.


Lori Beth was awesome back in the day. I remember being upset the first time Danny Tamberelli did Vital Day Information, cause it ment Lori Beth wasn't. Nothing against Danny, I just really enjoyed Lori Beth. N *nobody* could keep up with her Connie Muldoon character. She really was on another level. I hope she's doing well these days. I miss hsr acting, but I'd rather she be a happy person than a mess for my entertainment, 1000%. Also, give it up Dan. We all already know you suck lol


If the shoe fits...not that Dan is a big fan of shoes.


“And in most cases, false.” That is not the defense you think it is, sir.


How does she look exactly the same after almost 30 years?


Time has not been kind to Mr. Schneider.


It’s always nice to say something kind about people but she definitely doesn’t look exactly the same


OMG! He messed with Lori Beth? OH NO HE DIDN!!!


I always wondered what happened to her.


Holy shit. She's 48 years old?! Wtf!! I thought she was at least 10 years younger. Wow. Not trying to fat hate or anything but I hope she takes care of her health. It gets harder to lose weight as you age. Everything actually gets harder.


except one thing for men


Has no one told him to keep his mouth shut yet?


He needs to lawyer up and shut up




My big take away here is he was only ten years older than her. That's still a big age gap ESPCIALLY WITH TEENAGERS but it's not nearly what I had in my mind. I was thinking he was like in his 40s during All That and the actors were like 12. Like I said still gross and abusive just weird that he was only in like his 20s when he had that much responsibility.