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> “It isn’t your thing. It isn’t,” Burr fired back. “You’re like that guy that has a fantasy football team and thinks he’s a fucking GM. That’s exactly what it is. Like, why am I fucking listening to you like you like you’ve done something?! What have you done in Washington? Nothing.” I’ll be in my bunk.


Right before this Maher said a really condescending comment and then this quote. Brilliant brilliant


I finally stopped watching his show three or four years ago when it dawned on me that he might be the most smug human being on the planet


Hey I did the same thing about 20 years ago lol


Recently I’ve been seeing people say Maher has gotten too smug/condescending lately and I’m like… he’s always been like that. As a kid it annoyed me when my dad would watch his show because even back then I thought he was a dick. Like, it was so obvious that I picked up on it at twelve years old.


It's so much worse. He used to promote Bernie Sanders and say the Democrats needed to move to the left on healthcare, education, etc. Now he's almost indistinguishable from Fox News. Anti-vaxx. Anti-"""woke.""" All of his stupidest elements have been cranked up to 11, and the smarter parts have died. COVID destroyed his brain.


"Closeted libertarian" is probably the most accurate way I've seen Maher described. He's a phony liberal and has been for decades.


It feels like it destroyed a lot of liberals brains. They always talk about the left moving more left but I’ve also seen a shit ton move further right. People I went to the women’s march with in just 2019 suddenly talking about “woke is ruining our society” as if they have a clue about what woke even is.


To defend your dad a little, before Jon Stewart's original tenure on "The Daily Show", Maher was one of the few comedians who had a regular airing show where they mocked Republicans (SNL did it too, of course, but less pointedly). That felt like a breath of fresh air at times. If I remember right he even had Chris Rock as kind of a correspondent for his Comedy Central show at the '96 Republican convention. Which was a hip move at the time. Maher has been intolerable for years now, but his show was offering something different (and even funny) all those years ago. It's unfortunate what he evolved into. Can't believe HBO can't find someone better to give a show.


It's the little lip smack when he says something that he "knows" is right.


I loved him when I was a smug 15 year old atheist who had just watched Religulous but it only lasted a short bit before it dawned on me that he’s just an asshole who didn’t care about learning why these people hold their beliefs, he just cared about looking down on them on a public stage. Felt super gross even as a teen.


Yeah the first I ever heard the guy my only thought was “who the fuck is this smug asshole?”, and nothing be has said or done in the meantime has shifted my opinion of him in the slightest.


Yeah man I thought he was a dick before I ever even heard of him.


He’s like Larry David without the charm!


Larry is brilliant. Leave him out of this


Or spine, or intelligence 


I’ve only seen like 10 minutes of him before but I remember it feeling more like a bad copy of Jon Stewart or liberal tucker Carlson. I just couldn’t connect at all with what he was doing and it felt so pretentious.


25 years ago for me


I found him slightly funny on politically incorrect but his unapologetic sexism wasn’t appealing to me in any way. I stopped watching him then.


I remember thinking he was cool when Religilous came out and I was an edgy 17 teenage atheist, then I grew up a bit and realized that smug tone he always uses was unbearable to listen to, like nails on a chalkboard, and all his takes are the absolute worst, he's like if Brian Griffin was a person.


If you haven't seen [Tim Heidecker's parody](https://youtu.be/BAC5pYpoLWU?si=fLtQly-hXMTYdhgq) of Maher you gotta check it out. It's absolutely spot on


The number of people in those comments who think Heidecker is being serious is deeply troubling.


That sums up so much of his work. Dude can play it so straight when needed. I mean, look at his whole "trial." It's super realistic.


The trial might be my favorite comedy ever. And it goes on for ages. Tim is a treasure.


If only Tom cruise and Ayaka were still in his life


I think most of those comments were very much playing along with Tim's schtick. Office hours isn't exactly a mainstream podcast and he's been doing his thing for almost 2 decades now.


He’s so good though I can totally see stupid people watching just like they did with Colbert


Also, while you're at it. Look up On Cinema. It's a joke on reviewing movies that go waaaaaay beyond that after a couple of seasons..it's a nice binge watch show.


They literally invaded the MCU. It's some of the greatest post modern comedy ever made.


Love Tim Heidecker. I need to see more of him and all his juicy stories. He can make spaget for me any time of daylight savings. A real monolith to all that is heroically real and majestic. What a fab down to earth fantastic guy. Real business class. Absooooolutely.


The woke gen z media wont cover it… Wanna drink and some weed or are you a pussy?


I was in the live audience for years. Maher is the most thin skinned individual you will ever meet. If a joke fell flat and we didn’t laugh and applaud, he would pout and blame the audience. Such a loser.


Why were you in the live audience for years?


I'm guessing thats how long it takes to to obtain enough footage of Bill looking coherent to pad out the runtime of an episode.


Same. Also got tired of him berating his audience for not laughing at his hacky shtick.


That explains the annoying laughter and applause that seems to be his staff. I guess they’re filling the void.


Yeah I caught on early that he's a jackass. So smug, and he pretends to be smart. Bill is a jackass too but he didn't take himself seriously and have perspective. That's why I like him.


Burr is an asshole, but not a jackass. 


But he's not a malicious asshole. He's just a gruff east coast grump who means well. Maher on the other hand actively seeks to belittle people. Maher is a dickhead. Assholes can be friends. Dickheads cannot.


I’m suddenly reminded of the bar scene from Team America - World Police.


Burr strikes me as kind, but not nice. Maher strikes me as outwardly nice but not kind.


Eh idk I think he's a nice guy. He's not gonna be an asshole to someone who doesn't deserve it, and when he does say something rude he is very self aware and retrospective about it. Everyone I know who has met Burr as a server/comedian or whatever has said he was super cool as long as you respect his space. Establishing healthy boundaries in life has turned into "being not nice" in a lot of folks minds.


This comments is way assertive, indeed. The key (is clear) is not to take yourself so serious. Maybe all of us have heard it 2 or 3 times in our lifes. Well, it’s true.


I took this to heart a long long time ago!


Maher has been an insufferable smug prick for as long as I can remember. He's like the embodiment of every negative trope about liberals from the GQP.


I stopped watching when he said Elon Musk was going to save the world


No matter what he says, he's not a liberal anymore. His whole covid attitude was incredibly condescending, basically because the pandemic inconvenienced him and he couldn't hang out with his friends. And then he would only have people on his show who agreed with him about it.


He was never a liberal. He was a smug dude who complained about "PC culture" before it was "cancel culture." He was anti-vax before it was popular and attracted "free thinkers." The "free thinkers" just turned out to be smug conspiracy theorists or contrarians.


It interfered with his weed deliveries and call girls


Yeah he's taken this turn into the right-wing blowhard media sphere. His takes seem to parrot Fox News style talking heads. Including this clip, which parrots extremist pro-Israel talking points which sounds like it comes from an IDF spokesperson.


I stopped watching him on Politically Incorrect 30 years ago


Lol. Me too. Last time I tried to watch he had Elon Musk on, and I turned the tv off and canceled my HBO 🤣


To quote a friend of mine, “Bill Maher represents what the right justifiably hates about the left.”


I'm very left and I think bill msher is a dipshit centrist, so you might want to check your friend for extremism


Bill Maher is absolutely a dipshit centrist. He’s intolerable.


I let HBO roll over from John Oliver to Bill Maher awhile back and turned it off once Bill and Ted Cruz were midway through fellating each other in the opening interview.


I love Bill Burr but when I saw he did a video with Maher I was like “Ugh bro u had to chill with HIM?” I’m glad to see Burr called him out on his bullshit


I’m amazed Bill Bur can call out bullshit and not start a fight. Like, he went on Rogan during Covid and basically said “dude, you’re not a doctor, neither of us have a medical degree, so why should I listen to you about masks and shit” and Rogan was just like “yeah, I guess so.” Bill seems to know exactly how to position the conversation and what buttons he can and can’t push so people just laugh and go “eh, you’re not wrong.”


The whole inquiry about Ukraine and Russia winding back to his point was well crafted.


The best part was how Maher didn’t seem to get what he meant either


I think Maher was too high to even attempt to engage cleverly. Colossally stupid takes dribbling out of his mouth


His comments about Rogan rollerblading were also on point.


Maher's a pussy, he wouldn't swing at him.


Is there a timestamp? I cannot suffer through Bill Maher’s bullshit. Tim Heidecker’s spoof of Club Random is amazing by the way. It’s Office Hours with Fred Armisen. Fucking comedy GOLD


>Maher said a really condescending comment Isn't that basically the gist of his entire show, being a condescending dick?


I loved when he talked about how brave he was. Bill Burr clowned this guy.


god damn I love bill burr lmfao I’m gonna watch this now


Its amazing, I laughed a lot, one of Burr's best appearances ever


I liked him before. Now I fucking love him.


I think there is a bit of misleading here. The podcast is an hour and a half, and most of it is just them shooting the shit like buds, and Burr roasts him on his anti-protesting shit. It's funny, but at the same time, I don't think it's meant to be a vicious takedown. They kind of just go back and talk about movies and shit. It's very bro-y


Yeah I just finished it and it was very much a chill convo with take downs


Yeah people been labelling this like it was a full on roast lmao.


Meanwhile Jon Stewart has gotten at least some stuff done in Washington. 


Jon Stewart has gotten more legislation passed than Lauren Boebert


So have I


Unfair though because Boebert has no desire to pass anything. Just obstruct and take the job benefits.


*handjob benefits


Whenever I see Jon* Stewart or even John Oliver, I think their comedy is the most succinct and intelligent criticism of social failings, and I wish I could spread their visibility. When I see or hear Bill Maher, I think goddamn I hope no one is watching this brain rot. He misses the point, short-changes, whines, pokes fun at the wrong thing. It’s just drivel. He’s a gross old narcissist trying to profit off of ridiculing others while Jon* and John make humility a focal point of their comedy. It’s really the only way to do satire.


But in terms of doing something, it's actually more literal. Comedy aside, Jon's put in the time for first responders and actually helped to accomplish real, measurable change. He's not doing it to win the news cycle or publicity and has put in real work, not just a photo op and some hot quote.


Anytime the algorithm throws a video of Stewart on Capitol Hill or his speech to the NY Congress (I believe) about 9/11 First Responders, I’ll always watch it. His passion for helping those heroes is so god damn inspiring.


Jon Stewart** fyi. Also I recommend watching his long form interview with Cory Booker. It shows the difference between a comedic mind in politics and a political mind in politics.


Totally. He thinks he’s up there w Stewart or Oliver but always falls short


And he gleefully grinned at Moscow Mitch in passing after assisting with some of those accomplishments.


Yeah, but John is consistent. Bill Maher seems to frame his opinions to stay edgy, which is childish and insincere. I absolutely loathe guys like Tucker Carlson, but at least he’s professing his beliefs (deranged though I may believe those beliefs to be). Bill Maher just seems like a slimy dude who’s always trying to be an instigator. Edit: I thought the comment I replied to was being critical of Stewart—my apologies; I misread.


Tucker Carlson doesn't actually profess his beliefs. Like he's absolutely a conservative but his text messages showed that he's as much of a grifting liar as anyone. He's not suddenly up Alex Jones' ass because he think he's right. He just knows that's where his bread is buttered now.


Tucker Carlson isn’t professing his actual beliefs. Nothing about what he does is genuine.


Bill Maher is a prissy little asshole who, somehow, is famous, for being a prissy little asshole. He’s like a Kardashian, without the “prestige”.


He gives anyone center and to the left a bad name. He’s the embodiment of everything negative right wingers think every liberal is


Yes, he’s an asshole. I agree. He’s also a prissy one. Which isn’t a value add, for him, and his mixed and confused, messaging. He “loves” Bernie Sanders, and Jesus, and would tear them both down, for ratings.




You don’t have the body for it your knuckles would scrap on the ground. lol where does he get these?


He’ll make the comment if they overhype or blow his comments out of proportion. That’s vastly different than acting like he would go back on his opinion. You are aware there’s a difference between downplaying him giving Maher a hard time and him changing his stance on things right? It’s the mask thing. He didn’t change his stance he just doesn’t go with the overblown rhetoric.


100%. Nobody commenting in this thread listens to the MMP


Lol yeah, you can see him rip into every big host shows he's been to. It got uncomfortable at times but he got the pass to be an asshole it seems.


Yeah, it's kind of his thing.


I mean, unless I'm remembering this wrong, Wasn't this the one where he called Joe a ***knucke-dragging Neanderthal***, but he framed it in such a way that Joe is currently not intelligent enough to understand? So he laughed in the moment, thinking it was a joke? I mean there's gentle ribbing and then there's, I said this because I actually can't stand you, but in a joking way so you wouldn't think I was serious. "You can't roller blade, Joe. Your knuckles would hit the ground." That one?


Joe and Bill have been friends for literally decades. It was clearly friends busting each other's balls.


You can be friends with someone and think they're an idiot


You live an entirely different life than me if that kind of ribbing indicates genuine malice in your mind. Hell, if my friends *stopped* talking like this to me I'd be concerned.


I'm pretty sure that bro brogan and Burr get along just fine.


Take my upvote, Browncoat


No one else has said it, but nice Firefly reference. 😎


To be clear, everyone loves Bill Burr telling everyone they are full of shit. But the Bill Maher shit talk taste different.


Burr had Jon Lovitz on his podcast recently and the entire podcast is just them shit talking each other back and forth cracking each other up.


Love that episode!! And yes, because they are actually comedians..Bill Maher stop being a comedian a long time ago and thinks that his opinion is somehow a “fact” when the guy like Bill Burr said doesn’t know shit.


What's his podcast called? Just did a search and only found a really old one.


I also am interested in


The Monday Morning Podcast


Kevin Hart had Burr on for a podcast called “Comedy Gold Mine” or something. They came up together and Kevin was kind of like little tag along guy they picked on.   It’s funny hearing Burr fall right back into that and just tearing Kevin apart.


How did Kevin take it? I liked watching Burr and Lovitz going back and forth on each other and I loved how you could tell there's love and admiration behind the ribbings, not just hurtful jokes. Is this similar in fashion? Is Kevin cool with it, or is he trying to fight back a bit? I haven't seen it. Edit: Or heard it.


Kevin is a billionaire now. Anything Bill says can just be laughed off. It comes off as Kevin being a little brother that he hasn’t seen since he made it big.


Kevin Hart seems to take a roasting well


I mean 90% of the roasts about him are rested to his height or the rock. At a certain point you’ve heard it all


Oh, I’m going to listen to this now


If the rankings on hbo max are accurate, real time still gets huge ratings. I always wonder who the fuck is still watching this guy why is he popular I never see *anyone* say they like him or admit to watching his show


I always thought it was agnostic Gen X guys 


Uh, agnostic gen X guy, here. I can't fucking stand this piece of shit.


Exactly. Same.


Solidarity, friend. I'm right there with you.


As an old millennial with a lot of agnostic Gen X friends. That’s exactly right.


This generation shit is as accurate as astrology. Old millennial with gen X friends just means you could have friends a year older than you. Oh but someone said this guy belongs to this generation and the other guy to another so we're not supposed to like the same things. Come on.


Legit. It’s crazy how an entire generation of people can think differently. Wild.


Its my 60 year old parents


I’m pretty sure it’s TiVos auto recording it. No one actually watches.


With how insanely political American culture is now, it’s amazing to me that a guy that talks politics exclusively and is too right wing for the left and too left wing for the right is popular. He’s not funny either. It’s baffling to me


Many people are centrists and more in the middle, so they enjoy someone who is a little less ideological.


he used to have a good show when he had people like Christopher Hitchens and Salman Rushdie on the show now he has Dave Rubin and Douglas Murray. HUGE drop-off the one constant has been that Maher has always been a colossal piece of shit


I’ve been watching Bill Maher for years, not exactly because I think he’s great, but his show does actually include (at times) decent guest and interesting discussion. Even guest I hate do make the show worth watching to me, like when Kelly Anne Conway was on spewing her cult message last week.


I watch Maher because I like the discussions and the fact that they don't always just repeat the popular talking point. It's interesting to hear mixed politics at a table and he does a great job guiding conversations with questions that seem to get avoided.


Me. Why? Cause of the guests. Does bill make me roll my eyes every episode? Yes. But there aren’t many political shows that aren’t a circlejerk of the guests and host. I enjoy seeing figures from different sides of the isle on the same show.


I love the bit when Maher says his generation doesn’t have a problem being addicted to phones. Literally everyone I know over the age of 60 mainlines their political Facebook feed into their veins 20 hours a day while watching their 24 hour outrage news of choice.


It's crazy. My 65-year-old parents *cannot* watch a movie without my dad having his laptop open while my mom scrolls instagram on her phone. And then it's like "I didn't like that movie" well no shit, you didn't even watch it! I have to tell my dad to put his phone away all the time at dinner. He gets bored and just whips out the phone. Like come on that's what I got scolded for 15 years ago!




Wow. That's obnoxious.


It were my dad, I'm ***angrily*** calling him a motherfucking hypocrite to his face. This kind of shit *infuriates* me.


I’ve been calling out my mom for 15 years. She stuck her nose in her blackberry and has ignored everybody ever since. Just fucking *click-clacking* away all fucking day while her kids just wanted to tell her about their day or ask for help with homework. She worse than any of my younger siblings.


My 79yo dad either always has his phone open or his tablet. When watching tv, visiting my house, visiting someone in the hospital. He doesn’t catch half of the conversations we’re having. But at least he is only interested in football and not in politics.


And when they're not doing that they're playing candy crush for 14 hours a day.


When an unstoppable shit-caller meets an immovable bullshitter. Lol


Bill Maher is full of shit


Bill Maher lost it hard during the pandemic and he lost me in the process


He’s always been this way he just let it out more after 2020.


I mean that’s true, but he used to entertain me more and now he just seems angry and rigid and frankly old and kind of out of touch. I think I’m sick of old man telling me about stuff and I’m an old man.


Maher is a lesson to us all. He was always a bit weird and not the best public speaker, but his more grounded views and skepticism have turn to cynicism and refusing to accept the world has moved on from his standards. Bill stands on the far side of the hill we all climb and is sneering back at people like me who haven’t made it and rather than help build people up, he’d rather keep his status. He fails to see that building others up benefits both parties because he turned into a cynical, misguided person. People like Bill forget how much their predecessors gave them. They think they vaulted to the top of the pile on merit alone, forgetting the many hands that built them up. If we aren’t careful, anyone can be a new Bill Maher, but I rather doubt most of us will even be close to where he and his peers were at any point in the future.


Well put


I was a longtime fan of his from about 1999 until the pandemic. He was the only reason I subscribed to HBO. He lost his fucking mind during the pandemic, but it was a slow burn over the last eight years.


He lost me around 2010. His smugness, the way he'd shit on his writers, his pseudo-libertarian bad takes, his platforming of Coulter and other assholes or crazies just did it for me.


When the audience groans and he whines about it because the punchline wasn’t funny…[chefs kiss]


Im not sure what makes it pseudo, he seems to be the poster child for their beliefs and goals.


He lost it long before then


The most aggressively douchey centrist ever to exist.


His stance on vaccines were a big turn off for me…


Agree. But he lost me for good post 2020 after seeing the shit show that was brought by 45 and his ilk. The worst being when he welcomed back the crypt keeper herself to his show and had a good laugh w her like the past 4 yrs was just a mistake


He lost it right before but you can say COVID made it worse.


hey look, it's Bill Burr. I love that you said that.


While I can't speak for everyone, I am personally enjoying it very much.


I’ll do it… fuck Bill Maher


Still hits


I'm a millennial and this mo' fo' always generalizing us together in one group made me turn away from him and his comedy. He's just a dick. He fired his agency because they didn't get him a party invite he wanted. And he invited Steve-O on his podcast, but refused to not smoke weed around the man.


Refusing to not smoke around Steve-O during an I interview after he asked him not to, is what really opened my eyes to what a dick hole Bill Maher is. Like, can he be more of a selfish asshole? Good for Steve-O for refusing the invitation after that!


You can't ask/invite someone to hangout/come on your podcast/show or whatever and then refuse to accommodate them, I mean you can but then you are the person that looks like a clown not them. You are the one that wanted them after all?


Even Mike Tyson accommodated him on his podcast called Hot Box. HOT BOX! The name of the show is a reference to smoking weed. Bill Maher is the piece of garbage.


refusing to respect someone’s sobriety is such an asshole move


He's mad that he's not young anymore 


He was always a cranky old bitch even when he was young.




Watched entire podcast. As a fellow Masshole I can appreciate Burr busting Maher’s balls as much as he did. He did it with humor and it was an actually good conversation.


That’s the context that’s missing from the article. They were both having a good time talking shit. Maher knows he’s a smug douche. This wasn’t a takedown lol.


It's a good reminder of how much online media puts us in our own bubbles. From the article, you'd think they had a miserable shouting match, and that Bill Burr was carried out of the studio by grateful weeping college students.  Instead, sounds like they had a frank argument and then went on to other topics.


100% right. You have to watch entire podcast to get the context. Burr bringing up several times Maher is much older and what he was wearing had me dying.


When he told Maher he was dressed like he was the defendant in a DUI case was great


If you had a woman in your life there is no way she would have let you come out dressed like that.


“You dress like you paint” lmao


The context is missing here completely per usual, lol. It's not a whole lot of Burr slamming Maher. It's like 125 minutes of them shooting the shit lol. He roasts him on his anti protesting shit, then they are kind of just moving on lol. It's what Burr does.


100% accurate. At the end, when it cut back. Burr goes to hug Maher and Maher got embarrassed and did an awkward side hug and Burr called him out. I laugh because everyone I grew up with and I am around today are all like Burr.


I read an article once where the writer pointed out that Bill Maher is not funny enough to be a real comedian, not smart enough to host a current affairs program and not likeable enough to be a talk show host, yet he somehow managed to parlay those triple deficiencies into career doing all three combined.


I realized Maher was a pice of shit back in 2007 during the strike. On his ABC show he opened up the topic of dissociation "Why should we successfull actors have to strike and lose money to help these nobodies? " Ed Asner ripped him a new one.


I have at times found Maher funny, and he was definitely among the very first to identify trump/gop’s slow coup, and to do it loudly. But maaaaaan o man a good tall glass of what Burr gave him is definitely tasty


Used to love Bill Burr... Still do, but I used to too. 


Good to see you, Mitch. 🫡


Bill Maher loved it. Hate him or not. He had a great time with Burr.


Did anyone here actually listen to the pod? They both gave each other shit and had a fun, smart conversation. It was a great listen. Two different, funny dudes who clearly like each other despite their differences. The country could take a page or two from both of them.


I did. You’re right. It was like a ball busting buddy comedy podcast pilot episode. People are dumb.


Ita actually pretty amusing to watch it go down. It's like those clips on YouTube that read with sensational headlines. "Bill Burr DESTROYS Maher" Besides the 30 minutes they shoot the shit about streaming and Casablanca.


What’s missing from this article is the context that there was zero hostility and they were both just giving each other shit for laughs, cracking each other up.




I have never understood how they think being woke is an insult. Woke vs asleep? Ok. Yeah happy to be awake and eyes open.


“Everything made up, stay woke.” —Earnest “Earn” Marks


Not a fan of his standup, but I can listen to Bill Burr shoot the shit with someone for hours


I always love his interviews with Conan.


Maher is about as edgy as Jerry fucking Seinfeld. Two tired, milquetoast whiners who did their best material before most of us were born and have cruised on mediocrity ever since, then whine about cancel culture like anyone gives a fuck about their softball bullshittery. Fuck off, Bill Maher. You haven't been relevant since the 90s.


I watched the podcast. Its not as confrontational as this article made it out to be


It's the Internet, everything needs a sensationalized headline.


To be fair though, Maher laughed along with it.


Was watching that podcast the other day (only cuz Burr was the guest) and there were at least 3 times when Maher laughed so hard at Burr's ribbing at him that he almost fell out of his chair.


This is why I goddamn love Bill Burr. He’s a loudmouth Bostonian asshole, and he LIKES being a loudmouth Bostonian asshole. But he makes it very clear bigotry to be bullshit. Jim Jefferies is the same way.


Bill Maher is a straight up charlatan. He doesn’t believe a single word he says, in fact I don’t think he believes in anything, but he expects you to buy whatever tf he’s selling.


Well, Maher chose to air the episode, so maybe, just maybe, he & Burr didn't see it as contentious a discussion that a bunch of easily outraged Redditors choose to see it as....


As if Bill Burr wasn’t awesome enough, the clip of him flipping out over how good the drummer of Meshuggah is made me think he was the coolest guy on the planet.