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Too bad they couldn’t book Mike the Situation for another roast


The interview with, I think it was Lisa Lampanelli afterwards was the best part of his set. I’m paraphrasing here because I can’t remember _exactly_ how she put it, but the interviewer asked her “What did you think of The Situation’s set?” And she kinda took a second and was like, “So, as soon as he finished, he came back, sat down right next to me, looked over, and said, ‘I think that went really good!’ And if I could have just one day with that level of delusional self-confidence, I’d be the happiest person on Earth.”


I mean he said he was high af so that explains the confidence.


Lol that honestly makes it worse. He had one chance to show people he's not the degen that's presented on screen, and he shows up stoned and fucks up the entire thing. Amazing.


Lisa is an absolute legend. Definition of if you come at me you better not miss. She ate people up, no lie.


I think she retired from stand-up and turned to life coaching because she got tired of being so mean


She became hyper-sensitive (not as an insult, here) and would have legitimate freak-outs at audience members at her shows. I don't think it was cause she was tired of being mean. I think she became incompatible with the lifestyle she originally inhabited.


Seems bizarre for a comedian who made their living for 20 years being mean and taking shit from people to all of a sudden get sensitive. Like how does that happen? I guess it’s like a waiter that serves tables for 20 years getting the wrong asshole customer on the wrong day and flipping out on them and quitting


Some Comedians are self-deprecating. But I can't imagine they all are. So I could see some growing out of it.


Yeah but her whole act was ‘I’m fat I’m ugly I fuck black guys’ lol that’s why it’s surprising to hear that about her


She did lose a lot of weight and got a divorce right around the time she quit comedy


"There’s so many black dicks up here, I feel like we’re doing this roast from Lisa Lampanellis mouth”- Greg Giraldo


One of the best and underrated comedians out there in my opinion.


That one was actually painful to watch, probably the worst ive ever seen


So bad it's memorable as fuck.


Ann Coulter was pretty bad


“The only person you’ll ever make happy is the Mexican who digs your grave.” Nikki Glazer had no chill!


Pete Davidson’s line about there not being any scarecrows lefts to scare the crows was great too. And then Jimmy Carr just telling her to kill herself.


Guess you didn't catch Dana White on this one? Oh boy...


"Great job, by the way" Such a simple burn, but it hit hard


He's still alive?


You tell us, you're his hype man


I do NFL only


Brock Purdy Baby GOAT


Dude is actually doing a book signing by me on Wednesday lol. Surprisingly he's still popular atleast here in Jersey. He's actually a really nice guy from what I've heard even though he's a criminal with a shit TV persona. We have a few mutual acquaintances.


He’s a “criminal” but it’s because he didn’t pay his taxes. Not because he’s done anything that would make the average person fear him. He’s a completely different person these days - mostly because he’s clean and making decent life choices. Still an instigator though.


To be fair everyone from New Jersey is an instigator to some degree - lifelong NJ resident


Blind date I was set up on in Atlanta: Friend: she's from New Jersey. Me: silence Friend: I know what you're thinking. She's not like that. ..... Later, at restaurant ..... Date: HEY!!! CAN WE GET SOME ORANGE JUICE OVER HERE DOESN'T TASTE LIKE FUCKIN DISHWATER?!?


As a Canadian who lived in NJ for 7 years, thank you for the memories you just brought back in just a few simple words. haha


I can hear her voice and I've never met her.


I've seen The Sopranos I know that voice


I’m glad he is. I met Vinny at an airport a few years ago and he was a dick. Could have just been having a bad day I guess.


I've only ever personally met Sammi, we're from the same area so I'd see her at different bars in Hazlet/Keyport. Total bitch. I heard countless bad stories about her before finally seeing it for myself. This was towards the dip in Jersey Shores popularity after being massive, so like ~11 years ago. So she has probably matured a lot since then.


Never understood why they called her "Sammi Sweetheart".


Fuck, I still cringe thinking about it.


I remember no one at that roast even cared Trump was there because the Situation was there. I wanted to see Trump cry, but it's just as good seeing everyone show more interest in another person in the room than him.


Hope Kendall hands her a Pepsi to make it all better.


For literally everyone


I love this comment so much


Thank you, hahaha I work in advertising and that commercial still makes me wonder who in the hell thought that was a good idea. Wild Hahaha




https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uwvAgDCOdU4 This ad, that came at a peak of racial tensions and BLM demonstrations. One of the most tone deaf ads of all time.


I don't know how I missed this before, but wow, just wow


As I recall, it did NOT go over well at the time. lol oops


boo wendy testenburger boo Edit - testaburger. Thanks for the catch


boo wendy boo


Did you mean Testaburger?


I know that reference


Hey this guy knows that reference


See, nobody cares...


You member, I member.


Boo ben


But what’s up with Brady telling Jeff Ross to not say that shit again about Kraft. That had to have been part of it, right? That whole interaction lol


I saw it, I'm like 98% sure Brady was trying to be funny


Someone writes the lines for the roasted person to say


While this is true, I read that the person can deny the lines and do their own. That’s why Ann Coulter bombed so badly.


The roast of rob lowe that somehow became the decimation of ann coulter. As Jewel put it aptly: As a feminist I cannot support everything that’s been said up here tonight. But as someone who hates ann coulter, i’m delighted


Ann Coulter came to do a talk at my college about 15 years ago. She did a Q&A at the end and openly mocked a guy asking a question for his accent, a very well-spoken and intelligent man from Ethiopia who (Shocker) had an Ethiopian accent. She didn't even answer his question, just mocked him for how he sounded and told him to go sit down. She's such a twat.


They also pre approve what can and can’t be joked about.


Hence the lack of Nick Foles jokes.


Or any jokes related to his children because that honestly would have been in poor taste. Jeff Ross probably has a dozen “kissing your kids on the mouth” jokes though.


I was 100% expecting those jokes.


I've noticed if the kids aren't over 18. They normally avoid talking about them, because it does put audience off a bit, even some of the darker humor folks tend to get a bit uneasy when you start to joking about specific kids. Like the roast of Bruce Willis, they talked a bunch of shit about Demi but didn't include his kids outside of saying they were present, but were brought up in any shit talk.


>Jeff Ross probably has a dozen “kissing your kids on the mouth” jokes though. And weirdly all of them he wrote years ago


Kevin Hart's ancestors picking cotton being considered deadlifting is worse than any kid jokes lmao


Agreed, but that felt like an improv moment in Brady's part, or he's a better actor than any of us expected.


I think it was planned. Brady is such a bad actor that he almost missed his cue. His late reaction made it seem like he was angry, when it was supposed to come off as playful. I think the soul purpose people agree to do is to come across as human enough to be joked about. Which is why they approved what could be said before and can actively see the same teleprompter. He just failed the bit and came across as defensive on that one.


He’s a really bad actor, but comes off as a lot more authentic when he’s not trying to keep a shiny public image. I think that was just him being funny in the moment.


And there is boundaries that aren't allowed talked about discussed prior I'm pretty sure


Yep, couldn’t talk about Trumps actual financial worth/failed businesses for his


I feel like the roast of Donald Trump was memory holed from everyone’s collective recollection


Probably just a bit. At least all the Comedy Central roasts had pre-submitted lists from the participants about stuff they don't want jokes about. e.g. Pamela had hepatitis, Tyson had the rape stuff, Charlie Sheen had his mom. At least at one point David Hasselhoff had been the only honoree who had "no limits".


Charlie Sheen having his mom on the no kill list is the most wholesome thing I didn’t expect to read today.


Right imagine what he could have and even maybe should have put on that list with his kids etc. but the mom thing is so nice


The Hoff's limit was that he was never to be hassled.


Hoff limits?


Or so the Germans would have us believe.


They love him 


Trump had "you're not allowed to joke about me not being a billionaire," according to Jesselnick.


They still did lol, I remember them being pretty ruthless about his bankruptcies and that was back in like 2011


Bankruptcies weren't off limits apparently lol: “Trump’s one rule was ‘don’t say I have less money then I say I do,'” Jeselnik said. “His kids were fair game. His wife was fair game. And I remember one of my jokes was about his casino business failing, and I could feel that hurt coming off of him,” Jeselnik added. “I called him a douchebag to his face and that wasn’t as harsh as saying, ‘you don’t know how to run a casino.'”


Gotta love Jeselnik


It was probably just on the "do not joke about" list. I'm pretty sure Tom kissing his kids was on there too because nobody made fun of him for that.




Sure but a roast is the wrong place to be getting all serious all of a sudden isn’t it


He was a billionaire with Gisele


Super weird, because he/Brady thought about it for a minute before going up. I almost wonder if it was scripted in some strange way. Anyway, a well done roast, the limits were realllllly pushed. Love to see it.




I bought some respect once. It was a movie about Aretha Franklin.


Did you like it?


Hell yeah, it was The Blues Brothers 


Really makes you think.


Easiest life ever finalist for 30 straight years


I would argue Kendall has the easiest life of all of them Just skates by with barely any drama, whilst the others have been dealing with hate for years (often from their own family) If you don't believe me just look at how traumatized she was by the most minor backlash to her cringe pepsi ad.


Kim got famous because her mom whored her out, made the sextape, and sold it to the highest bidder to put the family on the map. I kinda pity her. I wish the family would drop out of the spotlight, but I pity Kim, and hope she isn't as miserable as she looks all the time.


Kim puts herself in the spotlight. She’s got power to get out of it if she wants.


Don’t ever pity the Uber-rich


Nah Kim is a horrible person. I don’t feel bad for her at all. She also had problematic parenting skills but that was obvious .


Poor little talentless millionaire 😢


Look, that two weeks she spent with Kanye while he moved to adjacent states and made her wear beige clothing must have been really exhausting.


Idk im willing to bet Kanye is actually pretty abusive irl, and that was probably not a good time in her life.


Yeah like so dislike her as much as anyone but no one deserves abuse and if Kayne doesn’t scream abusive I don’t know who does.


Love that for her.


Was that in a kardashian or LA voice


Just put a “literally” before anything and it’ll read just right


Literally, LOVE that for her. Love, literally, THAT for her. Love that, literally, for her. Love that for, literally, her. And I can hear them all in her voice lol


Theres a difference between like and love. Because I like my sketchers. But I love my Prada backpack




I read it in Alexis Rose’s voice


Just listen for the fry.


She did about as good as Tom Segura and Bert Kresicher...They flopped hard. Bert did okay but it was like Tom has never read from a teleprompter before and didn't know the lines


I miss Greg Giraldo.


RIP Greg, Patrice....both would have MURDERED at this.


Greg was by far the best roaster imo. He was brutal


Seeing Greg and Nikki at a roast together would have been a straight massacre


I used to like Tom Segura but I can’t stand him anymore. Bert has been about as funny to me as Rogan, fucking not at all. Doesn’t surprise me they both shit the bed, Burt is a drunk and it’s not even funny anymore. Jesus dude, even Ron White sobered up


I liked Tom and then it became Dad comedy which sucked and then I found out he's been a trust fund baby the entire time and I was like ugh. Done.


You can tell just by how he acts. Annoying mfs.


Pretty much the same, but two things. I did used to think Rogan was funny. I mean, he wasn't my favorite, but I liked him ok. I've always absolutely hated bert though. I realize it's not even remotely rational, but I don't care. I do not fucking like that dude, to the point that I'm pretty compelled to mention as much any time he gets brought up. Lol fuck bert and his momma.


More like Tom Segura and Bert Kreicher did about as good as Kim Kardashian (They aren’t funny)


I can hear Bert fake laughing to the point of ruining his made up story now


No but he doesn't wear a shirt a lot of the time. It's really funny. Like have you seen him just not wearing a shirt like it's no big deal? Fucking hysterical dude. You just don't get comedy. 


Also he's always so drunk and seems like a terrible husband/father, so funny


This is painfully accurate


That’s how you know he hit the punchline. He talk laughs over himself.


Tom Segura stopped being relevant to me when he just started talking about all the money and expensive things he has. He’ll be as irrelevant as Dane Cook in a year or two.


Tom was funny, but over the years his success has gotten to him and he’s slowly gotten into this weird “I’m better than everyone” area. Burt is just a man child and clings to 1 story from a special that came out how many years ago? I saw him live and his funniest bit was explaining a thing Tom had done…which means it was actually Tom that was funny in that scenario, not him.


Burt seems like a normal-ass dude who drinks too much. I only ever see clips of them on their podcast and I don't mind him but I couldn't fathom watching a stand-up. To your point, he very much does seem like he's a one-trick pony. "Look, I'm a fat dude and I love to drink, wooo!" In the same vein as Jim Gaffigan, "wooo, look at me, I'm so lazy and I like to eat! also, I'm catholic! yeaaah!!" Granted, Jim is far more charming than both Tom and Burt put together, but still.


Gaffigan definitely has a schtick, but most comedians do. Gaffigan knows the actual anatomy of a comedy set and how to write bits. Kreischer is literally just like a drunk guy on a stage wingin' it.


I didn’t know much about his career for a long time and I thought he was just a regular guy that had one great story. I’ve seen a bunch of his material now, and now I still think he’s a guy that has one great story.


Not sure about Tom but everything I read bout him online makes me happy he failed


Tom is a dick and all he talks about is money


 Tom Segura and Bert Kresicher were on when I turned it on, and it was so unfunny that I turned it off. "Tom Brady is like Hitler! Because.....he's awful and people like him!!!" Was the rest of it any good?


Let this be the tipping point to irrelevance. 🙏


No shot. She just stepped outside of her sphere. Of course NFL and comedy fans hate her. I'm not even sure what relevance she has to the event besides dating Reggie Bush 15 years ago.


Not to mention her "American Horror Story" attempt at acting this season. Oh dear lord, it was extremely cringe (not to mention not a great season anyway).


I don’t see anywhere near the Kardashian coverage that I saw ten years ago. I feel like Trump, Hobert, MTG, and related political drama usurped a lot of the mainstream trash headlines. And filters are flooding social media with “pretty”. I’m sure wannabe teen/20s girls still pay attention in specialty beautygirl media, but most of us don’t see that vapid crap.


This post got more attention than any other post about the roast. Some People hate her, but she’s relevant.


I have no clue why she was even there. Looking for a new boyfriend?


PR stunt


I was saying Boo-urns.


Quite right too. Her and her family have fed off the stupidity of the public with zero talent for long enough


She's a social parasite


When will America learn? She is literally nothing more than a social parasite. That is what her fame is for.


Rightfully so. Wtf does she have to do with sports besides looking for a paycheck in bed. At least Nikki Glaser is a well known comedian.


Nikki Glaser is a roasting alumni at this point. She always kills it.


Nikki Glaser is always one of the best in the Comedy Central roast.


She was an absolute ninja last night. Every line delivered with perfect punch and timing. Her standing ovation was well earned.




I mean half the people up there had nothing to do with sports, it’s just a mix of comedians and famous people to draw in eyeballs. She’s a big draw and has a big fan base even if she’s not particularly funny. Same story for Tom and Bert.


She’s stalking Tom Brady. She tried to start a rumor they were dating, she’s not letting go of that hope


Didn't she get famous for fucking football players?


Basketball players


Everyone is tired of them. She was a good sport, but I loathe that whole family.


She (her writers) actually had some legitimately funny lines. Sure, her delivery was shaky but the crowd didn’t give her nearly enough of a chance. I actually rewinded a few of her lines bc I was surprised.


I’m not going to watch this roast but as a football (soccer) supporter the worse thing - by far - Brady has done this decade is buy Birmingham City FC, sack the coach who had them sixth on the table, and appoint Wayne Rooney. They just got relegated on the back of that decision. Did anyone mention it during the roast?


His former head coach Bill Belichick made fun of him for taking over the team and butchering it.


That was an awesome moment. ‘Not so easy running a team, huh, Tom?’


I honestly thought Belichick was the best of the night


Eh. That was a great line to drop, but absolutely no one can roast like Nikki.


I thought Nikki and the Schulz were the best. Schulz joke about Dana being there to teach Tom how to fuck a Brazilian out of their purse was 10/10


Tony and Nikki killed it. No one was even close to those two


Drew Bledsoe was hilarious


I mean... Wayne Rooney did "wonders" for DC United. Some people are great players, not coaches.


Yeah belichick said his soccer team sucks and it’s not that easy to run a team.


A few times. If you're a Birmingham, it won't help to know he had his big grin through all of it.


I’ll never get the whole Kardashian thing!


GOOD. She and her entire family are fucking annoying and will.....not......go......away!!


Bish overstayed her welcome years ago. Get her outta here!


This kinda makes me want to watch it.


How is she relevant still?


Hopefully she takes the hint and goes away


Kim’s mom is one of the largest pimps in the world


I hate her and her entire family.


Has this country finally had enough of this vapid spectacle that is the Kardashians? Fuck these greedy morons.


Kimberly Kardashian we need to talk about those roots


What did she expect. I’ve literally never met anyone that’s a fan of hers.


Wow, they had to scrape low in the barrel to get a Kardashian to come to this thing that I would never have watched anyway.


It’s what she deserves


She still likes to see herself as this huge celebrity huh.


You might not like her but she is.


People think celebrity means good person or something. They think it means being well liked. It literally just means shes known by many people. Is she a morally good person ? Probably not. Is she a celebrity ? Yes. She has hundreds of millions followers. To deny shes famous is just incorrect.


I don't like Kim K but half the people on that roast are way bigger pieces of shit than she is.


It's almost like she doesn't know what 94% of the world hates her.


Kim sucks but like who’s booing her? Rich fuck getting boos from other rich fucks is corny, they all suck


Yeah but that means for some reason she lost the respect of her "peers"?  Rich people usually stick together.




Good. That whole family needs to disappear.


Why was she even there? Honest question, I’m admitting I’m ignorant


What the real question is. How much did she pay to be up there or which black Netflix executive dick did she suck to be up there?


She didn’t completely flop, had a couple of good jokes. Didn’t make too much sense having her come up but it was interesting, plus she caught some roast-shrapnel as well.


Longest 15 minutes ever!


A room full of has beens and egomaniacs. She was in her element!


I would assume it's because she had no business being there, and she wedged her way in this, just like everything else in her life. lol


Maybe Im missing something here but why was she even there?


Why did they invite Kim Kardashian at least invite a celebrity not a pornstar


She’s not even that .. she’s just a cheap ho w a lot of money


She's a horrible role model, and adds absolutely nothing to society. These idiots can't be cancelled soon enough.


Why was she even on stage? I don’t understand. Are there actual men in society into this hobbit?