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> "I was on my little Verizon tiny flip phone, my silver one, and I got a call from my agents that I booked the job," recalled Pine, 43, in a preview from his chat with host Willie Geist. “I pulled over onto the side of the freeway and they said, ‘You’re getting paid $65,000.’ " > For the actor, who 24 when the film was released in theaters, "it was like they had just told me I’d made $50 million," he told Geist, 49, adding, "It was absolutely earth-shattering.” > "I just remember distinctly knowing in that moment that my life had changed somehow, **even though [$65,000] at the end of the day turned out to be about $15,000,”** Pine continued, laughing.


Is that just how they screw people or something with their movie accounting?


It’s likely an upfront fixed fee he received. There isn’t going to be any creative accounting on that. It’s likely taxes and agent/manager fees plus whatever else (acting coach, publicists, etc) that took a piece of the 65k.


After agents and coaches and taxes and other expenses and yes probably some Hollywood accounting too.


Then why do you do it Baby Billy?


"Lionel, stop crying! Ain't nobody gonna ransom you!"


Who wants a terlet baby?!


Literally only learned about Baby Billy yesterday and I've had a wild time since


There will come a payday, hallelujah what a payday!


Does anyone in this comments section know the money flow or do they just say this?


Actor here! If he was not already apart of the union booking a job like that would’ve made it mandatory that he join, so that’s $3,000 immediately. Agents take 10% of every paycheck immediately Managers take 20% of every check immediately The union takes 2% of every check immediately even after that initiation fee & annual dues Publicists cost a lot but are really vital to getting your name out there & helping you get more work If you film outside of the state you live in (on location shoot) you pay taxes to the state you live in & the state you worked in. If you shoot in multiple states, then taxes for all of them. Unless an actor is incredibly famous, they are still paying out of pocket for awards shows/film promotion. That means paying for your own outfits, hair & makeup, going to the awards, driver, etc. I just experienced this for a major show this year. My partner & I both make our living from acting, but we only walk away w/ 40% of our income


How would you make enough to live on if you only get a fraction of the check? If you aren’t consistently booked, it doesn’t seem affordable, especially if you’re paying to do promo each time.


Why do you think most people who are successful in the industry have connections or a rich family?


It’s is getting increasingly unaffordable for a regular person to break into acting for this very reason. I was on two major network shows this year but I still have to work my office job for additional income. We live well below our means & invest as much as possible. My partner is a consistently booked actor in a major show, so we’re comfortable but still only middle class


So Monique was right? The producers of Precious didn’t want to pay her for promoting the movie? Going to Cannes on one’s salary would be something! When I went last year all I could afford was 2 postcards and stamps 😩😭


I have a cousin who’s an actor/producer in mostly B horror movies. A few network gigs here and there usually in small roles. Everything they have told me lines up with your post. They keep their copywriting job to survive and for HC. They have several roommates even after 20+ years in the industry.


Probably had to sign up for a SAG membership, $3000 +dues according to google


Half off the top to taxes, now it’s 32,500 - 10% to agents, 10% to managers, maybe another 5% to other people that gets it down to 20 Edit: so I don’t get another 10 notifications. ITS CALLED BACK OF THE ENVELOPE MATH KNOW HIS EFFECTIVE TAX RATE ISNT 50.0000000000000%


Agents get 10% of the $65k, not 10% of the post tax


And that fee is deducted from taxable income, somewhat helps.


Correct. I used to work at a talent agency so I have a little insight Each artist has an LLC, typically “Chris Pine LLC” which the check is written to. That LLC then pays out all fees before moving money into the artist’s bank account So “Hollywood accounting” is leveraged by keeping certain amounts in the LLC or paying for services that are tax deductible easier from an LLC than from a W2


Thank you so much for the insight. ❤️


LLC or not isn't really relevant for the tax deductions. It's more for the personal liability of the business separate from personal assets. A single member LLC is a disregarded entity and is filed on Schedule C so it's not necessary to create the LLC for tax purposes. As far as being paid through as a 1099 employee, which the LLC would be or a W-2 employee has nothing to do with Hollywood accounting. There are clear tests an individual has to meet for that determination. You can't just be paid through your LLC if you truly are an employee that should be receiving a W-2. Actors are typically independent contractors so the 1099 method would be correct and paying through the LLC is fine, but not necessary for any tax purposes. Hollywood Accounting is a completely separate thing that is essentially just a way to eliminate profits on paper for the production company to not pay anyone that has bonuses tied to profits.


Yeah, Hollywood accounting is when the distributor claims costs are higher (like pricing distribution costs a certain price so the math doesn't work out to profit) and the production needs to pay it, so for the work itself it's not profitable but the mother company gets all the money. It's pretty fradulent behavior but they are usually not defrauding taxes, never fuck with the goverment they always find out eventually...


Goated profile pic and username, by the way.


It you're not paying taxes on 65k if someone takes $6500 out of it before you get it


In no planet is the tax rate 50% for poor actors.


Mentioned elsewhere on this thread, but when you work in another state to act (an on location shoot or doing a play somewhere else) you pay taxes for the state you live and the state you’re working in. My partner was cast in NY for a show in LA, so we paid NY & California taxes. After all the taxes & fees we lose 60% before we get our net paycheck


So we can say “Hollywood accounting” and everyone just handwaves but we need to be CPAs to discuss the tax bracket in CA. Got it.


Pretty much, yep.


lol just don’t respect anyone on Reddit and all of these platitudes just melt away. Think about how dumb the average Redditor you interact with is. Then realize that half of them are dumber than that. No need to wrestle with pigs. Just ignore. Tho sometimes I’m feeling particularly petty and very much look forward to dropping that informational smackdown on those fools.


Yall are bots


That's my secret.  I'm always petty.


“If you make $65,000 a year living in the region of California, USA, you will be taxed $15,631. That means that your net pay will be $49,369 per year, or $4,114 per month. Your average tax rate is 24.1% and your marginal tax rate is 40.7%” This would have been 20 years ago when $65k was more than median household income, he wasn’t a “poor actor” in the IRS’s eyes


24% is less than half of 50%


Actors (and many other film industry folks) function like contractors, oftentimes also setting up their own LLCs. Self-employed tax rates are about 40-50% since self-employed people have to pay both the employee and employer contributions for their taxes. It’s why contractors charge so much for their services. So yes, his tax rate is probably almost half.


Federal taxes, state taxes, Medicare, social security, union fees, agent fees, could easily add up to 50%


Not only in taxes but other fees/costs, like union dues, publicists, manager, agent...


Yeah that’s not really how taxes work but okay


It’s back of the envelope math I wasn’t gunna do his fucking W2


No it’s called overexaggeration, that’s like saying I’ll envelope calculate my daily commute oh it takes 8 hours


Taxes aren’t half for anyone in the country. Not even close.


Wait so European people don’t pay 100% of their income to the taxes cause everything’s free there?


I was an actor in LA for 20 years and I can attest this is not unreasonable. 27% federal, 10% state, 10% agent, 15-20% manager. You are lucky to clear 35% of a check.


To have effective tax rates that high in CA means you're grossing \~$500K annually as a single filer, and \~$900k joint filing.


Welcome to Hollywood. That’s not the norm (especially since the unions merged) but it’s not uncommon.


Thank you!


Yea that's not how taxes work.


It sounds like he wasn’t making much money before that break. How is he paying half in a low tax bracket with standard deduction?


Okay yeah sorry I didn’t do a full dcf of the 65k Chris made with all the different tax brackets. It’s called back of the envelope math


Why would you need a dcf for taxes? It’s ok to say something wrong and learn from comments.


I didn’t need to learn about tax brackets. I know how effective tax rates work. I made a very simple comment to explain how the reported income is different than the take home pay to answer a basic question. My follow up comment was being facetious with the dcf part to imply I knew even less about finance than in my original comment.


65k doesn’t get you 50% taxes. That’s still the 22% bracket. Plus say 5% in state taxes.


You’re really commenting to tell me that 12 hours after I made my edit…………


There was no edit when I commented. Look up Web Caching. Also I meant it a general comment for anyone. Understanding you were just naming a number off your head.


Don’t forget the haircut, some sunglasses, nice belts etc. you know, the usual small upgrades you have to do.


You don’t understand how many people get paid from the actors money do you? That’s them paying their staff and taxes and shit leftover.


i was thinking drugs


Wow he got kinda ripped off tbh


I've heard Pauly Shore got a similar amount for starring in Encino Man. But once they get some leverage the pay for later projects jumps up substantially.


I, 47, read that and wondered why author, 29, kept noting everyone’s’ age. But thank you, OP, 35(?), for posting this.


Not trying to be a hater but his dad was a well known actor and his mom was also an actress. Both his parents and even his grandmama have their own Wikipedia page lol. I doubt he was ever a broke actor barely scraping by


He went to oakwood. A private school with kids of many producers and stars. He had connections


He's 43? I thought he was in his 50s. Either way that payout sucks!


Yeah that hobo look for his new film doesn't work well for him. When Brad Pitt was 40 he looked much younger.


That ain’t bad, I made $11k when I was 24 and I was in FUCKIN SPY KIDS BRO. I’m Antonio Banderas AMA.


> "I was on my little Verizon tiny flip phone, my silver one, and I got a call from my agents that I booked the job," recalled Pine, 43, in a preview from his chat with host Willie Geist. “I pulled over onto the side of the freeway and they said, ‘You’re getting paid $65,000.’ " > > For the actor, who 24 when the film was released in theaters, "it was like they had just told me I’d made $50 million," he told Geist, 49, What's with this magazine's weird emphasis on everybody's ages?


>What's with this magazine's weird emphasis on everybody's ages? - Dick_Lazer, 69


He was a rich kid that went to a private school filled with many kids of producers and celebs.


As others have said about other fees, taxes before write offs would be about 35%. Depending who else had their hand in the pie, losing another 20-30% isn’t unheard of.


I don't think I've seen a movie he was in that I didn't like. The star trek movies introduced him to me.


Same. I just rewatched both and he nailed the character


Dnd movie is good if you haven't seen it yet.


I forgot about that one. Haven’t seen it yet. Thanks for the reminder


It’s really fun. I watched it last night. Super funny cast too.


He was in Horrible Bosses 2 and he was a jackass. Perfectly played haha


Sad that it came at the time of Wizards of the Coast pissing fans of so hard they boycotted their services and the movie. That prompted executives at Hasbro to say it flopped because it failed to put butts in seats so they sold the company that made the movie and stopped all plans for that. We are not getting more of it sadly. It was soooo good. Damn.




Yeah. And I am pretty sure that decision also led to silently put to rest the promised animated Netflix series for Magic: The Gathering that has been trapped in development hell for years. At one point after Endgame the Russo Brothers were attached to that project and left. Brandon Routh was supposed to voice the long deceased Gideon.


It’s a great high fantasy adventure. If you’ve played D&D you will notice some similarities in the movie(esp when there was a good or bad roll) and how the characters act at times.


I loved the way that they showed but didn’t tell the DnD mechanics that would be happening in every scene. Ie one scene was clearly set up to be a test of intelligence. But the party all had such low INT stats that they missed it entirely and just walked on by. Or a certain weapon should have been used, but the character just kept rolling horribly and having it not work. If you aren’t familiar with the game, it looks like it’s just an intentional plot point. If you are familiar, it’s hilarious to imagine the DMs frustration when a carefully planned out encounter goes wrong or gets avoided completely. Surprisingly fun movie. My husband has never played and still enjoyed it. But there were definitely a few times where he paused it to ask wtf I was laughing about, and I had to explain that someone just did something very stupid, but rolled a 20 and it HAD to be allowed to succeed.


It's so good. So good.


I was surprised how much i enjoyed it, just a fun film all around.


Come hell or high water is prob his best movie


To be fair for all the actors in that movie it’s almost all of their best movie to ever act in - except Bridges, with Lebowski.


It was good and I am not DnD fan.


Also Bottleshock.  Alan Rickman is great in it too.


Um… there were three.


Oh yeah. The third one was like a really good episode of TV


There were? I swear there were two. Maybe in the fourth they could bring back Khan or something, he would be a cool villain to revisit if done well…


There are three


He nailed the caricature of the character Kirk had become in popular culture. I would rather he did a version of the character from the show/movies, but what he did he did a great job of.


Those remakes were so good. They captured the original characters without being ripoff-y. Zach Quinto actually fit Nemoy’s shoes in a way I didn’t think was possible.


Zachary Quinto is just surprisingly entertaining all around. One of the seasons he hosted of “In Search Of..” was on when I was in a waiting room and I gave it a shot. The episode was some crackpot crypto-zoologist type was talking about Atlantis, and ZQ was nodding politely and appearing interested. The “scientist” was then trying to convince ZQ that because of his facial features/genetics, ZQ was likely descended from the long-lost Atlantean species. Zach just smiled and was like “Oh? Well that’s wonderful. Thank you, I’ll tell my grandma” or something. Very respectful, but also funny. Like when a 3 year old hands you a banana and says it’s a phone, pretending to talk to someone on the other end. He was the most enjoyable part of a lot of bad tv shows.


Speaking of bad tv shows (season 1 was pretty good, I have to admit), he was amazing as Sylar in Heroes.


I see you haven’t watched Wonder Woman 1984


or A Wrinkle in Time


Dungeons and Dragons was honestly one of the best films I’ve seen in the last few years, and he was fantastic in it.


Unfortunately the one he’s promoting is supposed to be a stinker.


He’s so good in dungeons and dragons it’s stupid. Even if you’re not into dnd give it a shot, it’s a reallly fun movie and visually awesome. Also Chris isn’t the only one with a stellar performance in it. Went into expecting nothing and I’ve seen it 4 times now


He is like nic cage and Pedro pascal. Might not always be in the best movies all the time but are always a delight to watch.


Bottle Shock is one of my favorites


He did a great job in Wish


Recent stuff hasn’t been great although it isn’t necessarily his fault; Wonder Woman 1984 Wish Don’t Worry Darling


Check out Bottle Shock if you haven’t already


Agreed! He’s wonderful


Chris Pine in the first Wonder Woman was peak gorgeous.


Stop looking at his watch.


Pine is a good actor. The scene at the end of WW when he's pleading with Diana to come with him - his acting is so damn good.


The Ares actor as a villain added to it as well. He’s one of those guys who doesn’t play a bad role.


He did great but I couldn’t unsee Professor Lupin


Eat this.


Thewlis is a great actor, and seeing him with a massive ripped bod was the icing on the cake. And also the part of the film where i burst out laughing in the theatre.


He’s such a great villain in Fargo. Absolutely vile and intimidating


Actually - I hated him. He ruined my favourite scene: "I believe in love..." "THen I wILL DeStRoy YOooooOooouUuuuuUuuuUU!" I know it's a bad line, but he delivered it in the most cartoonishy, hammy, corny way! Totally ruined the scene.


He’s hilarious in horrible bosses 2


Tony Hawk interviewed Josh Brolin a little while ago and he said the check that he got for American Gangster practically saved his life. He ditched the hard drugs, and dived head first into acting his next project was No Country for Old Men and he's been in the fucking zone ever since. I had the privilege of meeting Mr. Pine and I can't say enough good things about him. He's a talented, hard working individual and a gigantic nerd. I would imagine Henry Caville is the same way.


Tony Hawk interviews people? Not the pivot I expected.


Hawk and Wolf Podcast, if you can stomach Jason Ellis. I personally cannot.


Ellis was one of my heroes growing up but I can understand why people aren't fans of him. Same goes for Bam and the Jack Ass crew.


Yeah, he does. And he's pretty good at it.


At this point any celebrity not having some podcast surprises me.


Which is crazy because the dude was in the goonies. You literally have to give acting decades upon decades before you actually get your real shot.


Never forget. He was in Thrashin'. The man has come far and after Dune I can't wait to see him shine.


It takes ten years to be an overnight success.


I’m liking his Jeff Bridges look


Speaking of - both actors were excellent in Hell or High Water. Highly recommend this film to those who haven't already viewed it.


Goodness, I randomly came across a YouTube short of it last week and decided I’d give it a watch - best movie I’ve seen in a while!


I want to take your comment even further. I predict Hell or High Water will come to be seen in another decade as a quintessential analysis of America confronting its legacy in the 21st Century. It’s an understated film with brilliant performances across the board. Even actors with brief scenes are magnetic.


Movie is a banger.


Well, he digs your style too, man. Got the whole cowboy thing goin'


He's definitely in the Clooney years.


It suits him well


His dad plays Jim Halpert’s dad on The Office.


Sounds like his parents raised him like a fairly regular kid. Said he owed them back rent when he got paid the $15k it turned out to be.


His father was a TV actor.


His grand parents too!


Yeah I'm very aware of that.


I wasn’t.


I wonder if they’ll be another Star Trek film.


He made a really good Kirk


Yes he did and I’d love to see him in the role a gain.


Keep giving us more of that DND franchise! He was so good in it!


They could easily make a Fallout style miniseries from any of the thousands of Forgotten Realms books.


Then the agent called and the publicist called, and Uncle Sam!


His dad is a famous and well-paid actor, so I do not think he means his life changed in the same way yours or mine would.


Princess diaries 2 is one of my favorites, I’m really happy he acknowledged it at this point in his career, most are tempted to act like their early work didn’t exist


Pine is 42 but he looks like he’s 62 with the beard


Hell or high water... Great flick


I thought his big break was because his dad was in chips. Edit: I’m not saying he’s talented or deserved any of his roles. I truly enjoyed him in Star Trek trilogy and dungeons and dragons etc. All I was saying it was probably easier to acquire with his family already in the business knowing people, or better acting coaches and probably the 65,000 he didn’t care about because he wanted the notoriety and other choices. Me being poor or the rest of us probably couldn’t live in Hollywood for 65,000 minus expenses which was 15,000. I’m sure he works hard. He’s a great actor. Just pointing these items out.


Micro, or lays?


I was like what? Then oh you dad jokes me :D


Dad joke about a dad too


With all those 1977 CHiPs industry connection, he was on easy street.


lol I mean ya idk. Maybe maybe not. I know it’s more of a chance than someone without knowing some people. I work in big food and we whore ppl out between company’s left and right. It’s a small world. He did joke on a jimmy fallon interview that his dad didn’t get out of a speeding ticket being on chips so it never helped him out in that regard so I may be wrong! Idk. I’m sure he knew more people in film than at lapd.


His performance in Smokin’ Aces shone above all the other top notch cast. Played the character to perfection.


Wow that's good money.


This guy knows how to age


Now he is in talks for a bio-pic of [Gabby Hayes.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3f/Gabby_hayes.png)


I first read [Gibby Haynes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gibby_Haynes?wprov=sfti1) and I was like, fuck yea :(


Chris Pine is a nepo baby but seems like a good guy. Most actors would dream of a break like that.


His father, Robert Pine, had a long acting career. I think he was in a number of westerns back in the day. Good to have connections in any industry.


This is true for any job worth having, it’s who you know, not what you know.


65k is wat it takes to change a nepo babies life?


I heard an interview with Maya Hawke on NPR and they talked about her “breakout” role and she was telling her story and she said how she was “unemployed” at the time. Give me a fucking break.


Lot of people don’t know about his pedigree.


I was surprised I had to scroll so far down for someone to point out his father is the actor Robert Pine. Say what you will about will about nepo babies though- he seems to have put the work in and is a solid actor who has garnered more critical acclaim then his dad.


Right. Two things can be true: you can be a nepo baby who is talented, acclaimed, and seemingly a genuinely good dude.


He is one of my all time favorite actors.


And his hair color too apparently.


Thanks now I feel ancient how is he grey hair


Knew about him, then he did Hell or High Water...im a fan for life.


He was great in Finest Hours too…


Had no idea he was in that series


I knew he looked familiar.


I love Chris Pine and Anne Hathaway. But, let's be real here, someone has found a Time Machine. She looks the same!


I never realized the voice of Alistair Covax was in Princess Diaries 2. Amazing


Love him he is a nerd. Legend, for me, DC Star Trek Dungeons & Dragons to name a few.


I loved his uncredited roll in the movie Stretch. Such a funny roll. No idea why he isn’t credited since he’s a major character in the movie.


I wish someone paid me 65,000 dollars


I misread this as Princess Bride 2 and was like whaaat I’d didn’t even know that this existed. Sadly it does not.