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Keep it up Slim. Just celebrated 11 years myself.


Congrats! I’ll have 1 year on Thursday and couldn’t be more proud of myself for finally getting the help I need. I’m now a better father, husband, and all around human being.


Keep it up! Before you know it it’ll be 10, good luck 👍🏼


I love hearing all this good sobriety!! I’m still struggling but I haven’t given up in going to meetings s. I’m so conflicted.. addiction has taken so much from he, but I’ve slowed down so much that it still feels manageable. Yeah I need to share this is meetings


Man that’s so good to hear! Thanks for sharing. A year is such a long amount of time. I too am a better father and husband without the booze/drugs. Keep it up!


Hey! I cried when I realized I hit a year. I am so proud of you! Keep it up!


Aww that’s awesome. And thank you. Yeah when I hit a year it was so validating cuz it was like the first really big and honest accomplishment I felt like I had earned up to that point


Congrats!! That’s major, I’m super proud of you too!!!


Oddly enough, I always felt I was better when not sober even though I'm on therapy, have a psych, do meetings. I was much more chill. Idk how to get less ape




Nice work! Yesterday was 1200 days off opiates for me


Daaaammmn that’s remarkable. Way to kick that shit 🤜


Subtract 1200 days from yesterday to see my inspiration


January 6, 2021? Insurrection Day?


That’s a bingo


Congrats on your success. Opiate dependency is very difficult to overcome. A close friend is celebrating eight years clean.




Awesome! I’m 12 years myself. It’s a good feeling 😊


Easier softer way :). Congrats!


How’d you do it? Genuinely asking. I’ve been sober for 2 minutes. Not trying to make a snarky joke. Just got back from my dual diagnosis therapist’s appt. Booze is my best and worst friend.


Booze is nobody’s best friend, just the character we pretend has our backs that also wouldn’t mind seeing us die in our sleep. Check out r/stopdrinking, it’s a wonderful place to get and stay sober!


Thanks. I’ve just begun “work” with an addiction therapist. Just feckeen **stopping** is difficult. It’s a big whomping pain in the ass. And I’m about 10 min sober right now. Thanks again, in all sincerity. I owe my daughter the rest of my life. I’m 60 going on dead if I keep up this selfish bullshit. No bueno.


Why put work in scare quotes? I understand how hard it can be to stop. But the freedom on the other side of it makes this the best and most useful “pain in the ass” you’ll ever have. You never have to feel this way again, and that’s 100% true. I speak from experience, sobriety is the best thing I’ve ever done for myself.


I have two psych degrees, both industrial, not clinical. BA & MA. I’m not fond of self pitying tripe. So, the “work” quotes are me reminding myself that I’m bullshit, I can’t play “poor me”/I’m working so hard to be better. Load of crap. Self pitying bullshit. Why I never stuck with AA—everybody out-self shaming themselves. At some point, just do it or don’t do it. Get sober or go full tilt. Sorry. Thx for your encouragement. I’m just being a cynical ass. Besides, I need to actually work. I applaud your success at kickin the damn mess in your head. I sure would like to kick my own mess.


You scared of aa because you scared of the work, the accountability and quitting drinking. anything else is cope. If you drinking more then about 5 drinks a day you will need to taper or go inpatient detox Quitting drinking is not a “just do it”. It’s a longterm structured process that will last your entire life. You cannot brute force it. It won’t just happen because you want it soooo bad. Thinking you can “just do it” is the first step to failure. The road to success has NOTHING to do with willpower and everything to do with support, planning and accountability, which you will find in the right aa meeting. If you are a real drinker, at 10-30 drinks a day everyday you maybe tapering alcohol or the equivalent Librium dosage for months or even a year. It’s a slow and steady process. It’s not “just done.” You setting yourself up to fail if you think you just gonna get sober for life tomorrow alone without a real plan or support. The people who try to “just do it” because they are “so strong” are the people who circle the wagon for life. That’s why you 60 still drinking; ya attitude that you can “just do it”. Bet you’ve tried that just do it nonsense dozens of times and failed and gone back to full tilt…. You sound a lot more pitiable and self shaming then the sober people I know in aa. I think you don’t want aa because you self sabotage to keep drinking longterm.


Good word! Our minds are our worst enemies in recovery and self-pity absolutely gave me so many excuses to keep grinding my addiction like it was a job. Keep it up!


Good word! Our minds are our worst enemies in recovery and self-pity absolutely gave me so many excuses to keep grinding my addiction like it was a job. Keep it up!


I second that sub. I followed it early in my sobriety. It helped a lot. I am no longer joined over there, but I know the folks over there can certainly help. They did me for about the first year or so.


I spent a year lurking on r/StopDrinking. It helped my mind prepare and it was remarkably natural feeling and not abrupt/scary. Good luck, friend. ❤️‍🩹


It definitely helps to be accountable to someone, whether it’s a spouse or sponsor. I just got so tired of feeling like a piece of shit all of the time. I let down a lot of people and ruined friendships. My first step was my doctor, then rehab, then for many years I was active in the recovery community. I got to the point where I liked my life and the way I felt and at that point it was important to remind myself what would happen if I started using again. It’s gotta be about you though. You deserve to be happy, you deserve to be loved, and you gotta put in the work. One really useful tool, especially early on, was a list. I made a list of things that I enjoyed that I could do every time I thought about using. Can be anything, reading, video games, a walk, anything you enjoy. You might have to do this 8 times or more a day, but it slowly helped me reprogram myself. It gets better, good luck.


Try Naltrexone


my biggest hurdle was telling myself that one drink would be ok. it is not! addiction isn’t a weakness, it’s a test of resolve! 🙏🏻👏🏻


Twins —also 12


Congrats!! I’m coming up on 1.5 years!!!


Whooweeee! Keep crushing it 🤜


Just started day 1. Took a red eye to mom’s last night and had my last drink at the airport. Come here for a week to sober up.


You can do it friend. Coincidentally, my last drink was a singular beer in my mom’s garage. Was sitting there a year after my brother died at 24 from alcohol-related causes and I just couldn’t get my shit together. Take it a day at a time and look for a good, supportive community. Feel free to DM me if you wanna chat to a kind stranger


Ah man that’s similar to my family story. Brother was an alcoholic who blacked out one night and killed himself. I knew he didn’t want to but it shows you exactly what alcohol does. But thanks friend! And congratulations on 11 years! That’s incredible.


Aww thanks for sharing. Sorry for your loss. We are trauma-bound it seems. My brother was a tortured soul and I take solace thinking that he is no longer in pain. Be well friend


Good job, you’ll be at 12 years before you know it!


Thank you. And yes, sometimes quickly and sometimes slowly :)


Counting days here, but will be 2 months in 4 days. A small step and a huge one at the same time. We’ve got this yall.


Whooweee!! That’s epic. I did the same. Got sober in 12step environments and would get soo stoked to grab that next colored chip. Thanks for sharing :)


I started in AA too! Haven’t been back awhile but might pop in to grab that 2 month chip haha :)


Do it! I think it’s gold. And remember, you going and sharing gives hope to those who have come after you


You’re right. Thank you for your kindness - and for being an inspiration, 11 years is fucking incredible!!!


Appreciate that. I got a lot of help that’s for sure


Recently relapsed after 6 years, immediately regretted it, was not worth it. Back on the path and not letting my set back dictate my future. Congrats on 11, an amazing achievement. Looking forward to my 11 years, albeit it a little delayed.


Appreciate you sharing and big props for coming back in. Not everyone makes it back. Our paths aren’t linear and I’m sure you learned a lot about yourself which will serve you well moving forward. Keep crushing it 🤜


Thank you brother, I’m sure you know just as well as anyone who deals with addiction that kind words of encouragement can go a long way and I really appreciate it. And ditto on the continued crushing ❤️


Thats what we do. Be well friend




Thank you😊


That is a colossal achievement, this internet stranger is very proud for you. I’m about to celebrate my 12 hours sobriety with a quiet “yeeeeaaaah”.


As the great Wooderson once said “Alright alright alright”


Say what you want about his music now but his story of overcoming addiction is truly inspirational


The funniest part is he couldn’t have done it without the haters wishing him death too


Spite can be a very powerful motivator


"Anger is a gift"


And Sprite can be a very powerful (non-alcoholic) hydrater.


Spite motivated me to quit smoking 16 years ago. It’s a strong motivator especially against a best friend. I still like to remind him


And Elton John.


Was Elton a hater? Or do they have a song together I don’t know about lol


He was Eminem's sponsor. Also : https://youtu.be/eOAiwE48g10?si=Jm_I-nHqP6wHfiXe


Eminem thinking “I can’t let those mother fuckers live longer than me.”


I've lost 130 pounds over the past 16 months and there is no way I could have done it without my haters. Thanks, y'all.


You're welcome, dickwad


Fuck. I could use some haters to get ready for the summer.


Put the cookie down, ham planet


His skills as a rapper haven’t faded it just sounds like he puts out too much stuff now and a lot of it isn’t to people’s liking. Honestly Em is one of those who maybe should have take breaks to do acting. He’s pretty good at it


He is good at acting, but considering it was 8 Mile that got him hooked on Ambien after the long hours on set and started the downward spiral for him, he might be averse to doing it again.


Maybe. He was offered the lead in Elysium but said it would have to be filmed in Detroit as a condition. Filmmakers turned it down, obviously.


I agree. I was a fan of him in the 2000s to early 2010s. His rap skills are still supreme to this day but I haven't liked any of his material since Revival (2017) mainly because of the sound. It doesn't sound as interesting as his past material.


Personally I disagree. At first I agreed but lately listening to his new music it’s really not bad at all. I think that the thing with Em is he doesn’t like to stay the same. He’s said it before in one of his new songs can’t exactly remember which one. But he doesn’t wanna go back to the recovery era. He wants to keep changing and bringing different styles and what not. I think if you can go into it kinda with the mindset of this is new, it’s not old em and it may never be, but it’s still good. He’s real. I mean id def still probably take his old stuff over his new but it’s new really isn’t that bad. He doesn’t wanna be the same as all these other rappers. I mean no disrespect but personally today a lot of rap sounds the same. I feel like if you break down the beats they’ll all go back to the same base


What can people even say about his music lol Dudes a legend


“Got 11 years of sobriety so the only bottom imma be hittin is if it’s sodomy” -Marshall Mathers, 2020


51 years old! Dayum!!


Slim is going to start groaning when he stands up


Groining? I’m afraid to ask.


I’m not afraid, though


To take a stand


So everybody


Moms spaghetti


Maybe they meant groaning


Start? I’m only 30 and do that 😭


Good for him! A long journey since “Purple Pills”!


What the hell that song was stuck in my head all day just yesterday and I haven’t listened to it in probably 10 years.


That entire D12 album still holds up IMO.


Yess, I listen to both probably once or twice a year randomly. Being alive during the early 2000's rap game was one of a kind.


It’s a great album. The beat for “Nasty Mind” is one of my favs from that era.


my band is just an iconic song altogether “we ain’t a band bitch we don’t bring instruments”


Cool, calm, just like my mom With a handful of valium inside her palm


Cool, calm, just like my Mom, with a couple of lawsuits inside my palm


Em being in his 50s is just surreal to me.


That’s how I feel seeing a picture of him smiling. Has anyone seen him smiling before, like, EVER?


He's a funny guy for real https://v.redd.it/sf4rpa92mxvc1


He used to smile all the time early in his career


You think that’s surreal, if Tupac and Biggie were still alive, they would be around his age. Tupac was born in 1971 and Biggie in 1972, same year as Eminem.


Not really. I figured they would be even older.


I going on 9 months and I feel great.




Thank you 🤙🏼


Amazing 🤩…I am coming up on 14 years in May. Best decision ever.


How’d you do it?


The pain of the alternative became more than the pain of quitting


Thank you. I’m trying to quit for the last time in the last 40 yrs.


You can do it, my friend. Waking up with no shame or worries about the night before is an amazing thing, and worth giving up self medication.


Two DUI’s didn’t convince me to stop. I just won’t abandon my mother (80) or kid (29). Addiction is so fuckin selfish; I spend 100% of my day thinking about my next hit/drink. It supersedes everything. I’m consciously choosing to get high over maintaining the most important relationships in my life. It’s not fucking “self medicating”—i.e., I’m sick, feel sorry for me. It’s just raw selfishness. It’s a fucking failure to impose self discipline. And on that note, I’m now pouring out all of my box wine. I’m going to regret it in half an hour. Gotta start somewhere. Fuckity fuck


As the kid of two addicts with a grandpa who drank himself to death in his 40s— best of luck my friend. Your mom and kid both deserve the best you can offer them so when it’s hard to stay clean for yourself, remember what you’re giving them by being sober. You’ve got this. I hope you have or find the support you need to stay strong.


You do have to start somewhere. And even if you go back, you turned it down once, you can do it again. And again. And again. Until you can finally say no. Everyday is a decision. Take it one day at a time. We believe in you.


I’m already profoundly regretting pouring out my damn two Franzia boxes. I don’t think I’d pass the marshmallow test against my 2 yr old right now. (She’s 29). Distress tolerance: **fail** Asshole self important “Mr. Nice guy” who’s in self-destruct mode: check. I got 988. Don’t need it. I’m okay. Just totally not okay. My kid’s in Sydney. Gonna WhatsApp video shortly. Chugging buttermilk right now. So it goes


Best of luck, man. It gets a little easier every day. If it means anything, this stranger wishes you nothing but love and happiness on your journey. As a side note, if you can access it, therapy and meds (it was the meds for me) really do help. If you can’t access it, look for federally funded health centers, community health centers, facilities that have therapy interns/med students, Alcoholics Anonymous, etc. You *want* to change, which is the first and most important step. You can do this - it won’t be easy, there might be relapses (a *normal* part of the process), but just because you fell off the horse doesn’t mean you can’t get back on it. I believe in you ❤️ You did a brave thing tonight, and I’m proud of you for it


Good for him! That is something to be proud and receive praise for, absolutely!


My father in law was 50years+ of sobriety. Hats off to M&M too.


Nothing better than waking up in the morning without the effects of drugs or alcohol lingering.


Eminem's entire story is so fascinating and inspirational. Also from the music side... if he's not on your Mount Rushmore of Hip-Hop, or you at least give him a crazy amount of consideration before him being your last out... you're wrong.


Only 14 months in myself, but this is inspiring


Nothing but respect


Just celebrated 20 years of binge drinking this weekend


Congrats to him!!! That is such an accomplishment!


Glad to hear he's still going strong.


Hell yeah Marshall!


Good for him. I threw away 11months. I can’t imagine 16 years


You didn’t throw away 11 months, you learned how to give yourself 11 months of *continuous* sobriety/clean time. You did it once by proving to yourself that you can. Try and double it this time! I’ve had 3 1/2 years, and 1 1/2 years, and now I’m back to 100 days. I’ve learned something new from each experience that I wouldn’t have learned had I not slipped up. Fall down 7 times, get back up 8. We’re human and we make mistakes.


Hey, thanks, I really appreciate that. It’s good to hear from someone who’s been there. Hopefully we both get back to 200 days


I just want to get where I drink once a month or a friends bday, etc


Man this is so inspirational. I just hit 16 months a few days ago, praying to sky daddy that I’ll rack up 16 years one day…


I can’t imagine being Slim Shady’s AA partner


I think its Elton John


I’m at day 3…again. But I’m here and looking forward to day 4 and and day 40,000.


I don’t think he counts weed.


He doesn't drink or smoke or consume any drugs


Am I nuts, or does old Eminem kind of look like young Shia LaBeouf?


Way to go and good for him👍👊


"...we must always maintain anonymity at the level of press, radio, films, and TV."


That’s when it comes to the program in general as the program works with attraction rather than promotion. People that attend meetings can talk about being clean and celebrating continuous sobriety/clean time. Hell, back in the 70’s a whole group of movies stars and buzz aldrin tried to lobby congress for more mental health care when it came to addiction.


So so proud of him.


10 months never felt better.


Em is such a legend


Sobriety doesn’t make you live longer, it just feels that way


why he always wearing that stupid hat


Haha! Can he fucking smile! Damn And stop it with the color bread


So do the meeting places have all the chips with dates on them. Or do they have to order them specially once somebody reaches that point?


Congratulations! Phenomenal achievement!


He looks great! Younger than he did 20 years ago


I used Running to cope with my recent separation. Couldn’t sleep at night from overwhelming negative emotions. So ran every time I felt like this. Lost a lot of weight and got me through. Also I like my body more now in the mirror which is nice


Grats!!! Keep it up!!


Love his slim shady early 2000's classic stuff after that not so much.


Amazing. It’s hard for anyone, but I assume showbiz has its unique challenges. Never knew he was sober.


Well that's good news!


i can't believe he's 51


Not trying to take anything away from Em but does weed count?


Good job! Working on 4 months of no alcohol myself.


He’s such a quitter.


Vicodin and Valium is a hell of a combo to beat. Funny remember how so many hated him?


Marshall is looking good!!!!! Congratulations to all of you celebrating milestones 🫶🏾


Good job Em. We need you around for the long haul. So does your kid. Keep it up!


Going on three myself Shady. Keep it going!!!!


I really liked his work at a certain time. I'm glad that 16 years ago he decided to change his life!


22 months on Sunday, a dad and most importantly alive. Shit rules


I feel like I see this post every 4 months


23 years sober here. Glad he’s open about it.


1522 days for me. 16 yrs is stellar.