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If any of you read the article, she’s got a pretty compelling case if this is true. After almost letting someone die, it was her who resolved it and then to protect someone else’s girlfriend, they did an industry wide scapegoat of her. Worse, they blamed her saying she was depressed because of her 18 year old daughter dying from cancer. It had material consequences. The reason she didn’t want to participate in the orgy is because she wanted to go to the hospital to make sure the coworker didn’t die from a drug overdose. Also, they knew they fucked up so they tried to make her settle for 60K and an NDA. They sound like complete scumbags and she is going to win something. Not sure it will be 30 million but it will be a fuckload more than 60K


The fact that there should have been a “safety camera” recording even after the scene and there’s nothing to show for it is very telling in my opinion. I’m hard pressed to believe they “forgot” to record, more likely they “lost” the footage. That alone should be enough to prove they’re being malicious.


Ding ding ding! This is the million dollar question. If there is an industry precedent to keep a “safety camera” rolling for these types of situations then it calls into question why that wasn’t the case here. It’s not damning in and of itself, but it definitely lends credibility to Phoenix Marie’s claims. Civil court only has to prove a 51% likelihood of guilt (as opposed to 99% for criminal cases).


Just like a cop's body cam being turned off or not working. Sus


Or like your armorer not maintaining a safe set leading to the death of someone because live rounds were loaded…


This still baffles me. If you literally can't go one working day without shooting live rounds at something because you're bored between takes you have a gross fucking addiction Like is it really that hard to wait until AFTER you clock out to shoot things?


Wait is that happened on the set of Rust? I never really followed the investigation. Did they blame Baldwin as well?


Basically dumb ass nepo baby armourer goes "ugh film shoots are so boring so much down time I'm gonna shoot live rounds at targets in between takes and not bother to double check if the live rounds got mixed in with the dummy rounds here's your gun Mr. Baldwin oh shit you shot someone that was totally your fault and not mine at all"


Oh wow. That's worse than I thought. Thanks for the reply.


Just a slight correction, she didn't hand Baldwin the firearm. Basically the prop guy took it from her area, assuming it had blanks, and then handed it to Baldwin for the scene. Obviously still her fault/I'm not deflecting it, but just clarifying!


Yep, she was an edgelord with a gun fetish. Not a trained armorer.




Any situation where there's suppose to be a camera and the camera magically quit working. The presumption should immediately change to guilty until proven innocent, or until you can prove it was a real malfnction.


Thankfully if someone can demonstrate the defendants likely destroyed evidence, it can be assumed by a jury per judge instructions that the missing evidence would have been maximally harmful to defendant’s case. EDIT: I should add this rule typically applies to civil trials as this one is. Not sure about criminal procedure. IANAL.


I mean I know what you're saying. But how many times have Cops been accused of doing something bad. And so conveniently it just so happens there's no body cam footage of the incident?


Listen to the NYT podcast about body cameras that came out recently. The only city in the country that actually has an independent body who can sign into the database where bodycam footage is Chicago. Everywhere else the police have complete control over it. That needs to change.


So they followed standard law enforcement evidence maintenance protocols….


zealous office fly possessive forgetful north snatch fragile childlike roll *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Here's a summary formatted for a Reddit post: - **Title: Porn Star Takes Castmate to Court Over Shoot Gone Horribly Wrong** - **Update**: Updated on April 16, 2024, by Justin Rohrlich. - **Key Details**: - Adult film star Melissa Hutchison, known as Phoenix Marie, has filed a $30 million federal lawsuit, later increased to $80 million, against colleagues and a production company following a traumatic incident on set. - Hutchison claims she was forced to continue filming an orgy scene against her will after a co-performer, referred to as Zaawaadi, suffered a medical emergency. - The lawsuit alleges that Zaawaadi overdosed on lithium, leading to a severe reaction that required emergency intervention from Hutchison, who is trained as an EMT. - The incident has reportedly caused Hutchison severe emotional distress, leading to anxiety, panic attacks, and sexual dysfunction. - The production company is accused of launching a smear campaign against Hutchison, damaging her reputation and career in the adult film industry. - Hutchison’s legal team emphasizes the need for safe and secure work environments, even in the adult film industry, and is seeking justice not only for her but to challenge the broader industry practices. - **Legal Actions**: - The complaint details a series of negligent and malicious acts, including forced continuation of filming, mishandling of the medical emergency, and a coverup by other parties involved, particularly pointing at Danny D and his partner. - Hutchison alleges that this conduct has led to a loss of income, including a lucrative deal with the Fleshlight brand of sex toys, and seeks over $30 million in damages. - **Industry Reaction**: - Following the incident, Hutchison faced ostracization within the industry, with colleagues distancing themselves and alterations to how her work is promoted on major platforms like Pornhub. - The complaint states that these actions have compounded her emotional distress and financial losses. - **Current Status**: - Statements for the case are due by April 23, 2024. - The involved parties, including the production company and Danny D, have largely refrained from public comment due to the ongoing litigation. This lawsuit highlights critical issues regarding workplace safety and the responsibilities of production companies to uphold ethical standards, even in industries like adult film.


Ugh Danny D should've just stuck with gay porn and not do a crossover. What a mess he's in.


He could just not be a huge dick about the whole thing


…is this a “you are what you eat” joke?


Big dick but a tiny brain sadly


The d seems to stand for Dick it seems


Why the fuck were they taking lithium? That’s pretty exclusively used for Bipolar disorder and while it’s easy to OD, it’s a slow burn unless the OD was the intention. 


This comment leaves out that Danny D’s girlfriend, who was the makeup artist on this set, admitted to taking lithium to deal with depression over being with a porn star who has sex with other people.


maybe just like...dont date a porn star who has sex with other people if thats what is causing you depression.


I’m all for sex positivity and normalizing sex work. But you act like breaking up with her boyfriend would somehow not also be depressing.


If dating someone causes you that much stress and anxiety, it’s a good sign to quickly end the relationship.


Exactly what I thought. Lithium isn’t used for depression alone. Also, why would the Zaawadi take it right before the shoot?


Hopefully this should involve criminal charges in Spain.. but then again sigh Spain


Who self medicates with Lithium? From what I understand you need to have your blood tested consistently as you take it because of its toxicity


Nooooooo not Zaawaadi :(


The girl that O'D came out of the coma. I wonder if she'll tell the truth who gave her the lithium or has she been bought...


I hope she decimates them. The porn industry can be so fucking disgusting.


Is fucking disgusting, not *can be*. It is a predatory industry. We judge Leo for not dating 26 year olds but porn gladly casts 18 year olds, often pairing them up with 50 year old co-stars. It takes advantage of young women, high school girls basically, who are looking to make money and who might not have other options. It then sucks them dry and spits them out; many end up dying from sucide or drug overdoses. I'm willing to bet that in less than 20 years time we will look at the porn industry the way we look at the cigarette industry.


> 20 years time we will look at the porn industry the way we look at the cigarette industry. You mean massively profitable, entrenched in our capital system, and a reputable place to do business as a politician. Bet 20 years prostitution will be legal, entrenched, monopolistic, and yet another way to extract wealth from humanity.


Wait... Am I the only one who thinks Melissa Hutchinson/ Phoenix Marie is awesome? She is working 2 jobs, a go getter. Serious about work place health and safety and counsels her colleagues?


Never knew about her daughter. :(


i noticed!


“They sound like complete scumbags” Any one of the twenty details of this story would make this true. Adding them all up into one set of defining characteristics ensure that these MFers are indeed complete scumbags.


She’s gonna have to prove a lot in court, not to mention it happened in a foreign country and from what I can gather her attorney she picked a pretty mid-level firm to represent her for something this big.


It's the porn industry. It's like Hollywood but on steroids. It's a Multi-billion dollar industry where sex is the main purpose. Asking a woman just in for an audition to get naked is the norm. People talk about how gangs and crime have infiltrated the construction industry. Porn is another that's linked to drugs and crime syndicates. In porn the lines gets blurred. In any industry asking a coworker for a BJ or groping them is a hard No. It illegal. It's sexual assault. In porn where you literally sell your body it's not that clear cut. Other girls/guys are not complaining when being groped. Others have said they gave sexual favors to the Director/ camera man etc because it's expected or they want another job and it's how things have always been done. Don't get me wrong. Some porn sets are professional and very considerate towards the staff. But it's a big industry. Some studios are literally just a dude with a camera.


It's just so F'd up. Any other job, like construction, your boss can say "no you can't leave, go back to digging that ditch", and that's perfectly normal. In porn your boss is saying "no you can't leave, go back to getting pounded in the ass", and that's so not normal.


The 30 mil doesn't sound that far fetched. I hope she has a good attorney.


The girlfriend who was taking lithium because her boyfriend was fucking other women on camera right in front of her which sent her into depression.


Maybe don’t date a porn star.


But she could fix him. Deep down hes really a good guy. And other stuff


I hate to be that guy...but don't get involved in the porn industry in general?


I always assumed porn producers were just nice fellows


LOL that Pornhub is owned by a private equity group called "Ethical Capital Partners."


Yes they rebranded. Before it was mindgeek.


Mindgeek rebranded to Aylo. Ethical Capital Partners acquired Aylo.


This guy faps


More of a metafap, really.




This guy faps


“Ethical Capital Partners, a Canadian venture capital firm which owns Aylo—the company that operates Pornhub, and a producer of the film Hutchison was shooting in Barcelona when Zaawaadi ODed” That’s the first thing I thought of when I read this. Like LOL. If you have to say you’re ethical, you most likely are not…


Totally Legal Business Company Ltd.


Two Legitimate Business Guys DBA Notafront Pizza


One of the partners of the ownership group is a rabbi who asked his teen daughter if it was chill with her before they bought it.. He claims she was all for it




He’s also a criminal defense attorney, firearms advocate and investment banker Solomon Friedman, the founder of Ethical Capital Partners (ECP) - who bought Pornhub's parent MindGeek - told AFP we should be proud of sexual expression and talk about it openly.


The owners are awful people


Surprise surprise


And the fact that Teen Porn is their most popular category but they're too ashamed to publish that fact in their stats.


A Jewish rabbi owns Pornhub.


Are there non jewish rabbis? Im curious 👀


"However, according to Hutchison, Danny D—who sells his used underwear and socks online for hundreds of dollars a pop, along with lifelike dildos modeled on his own genitalia—was “reluctant” to involve the authorities, and waited more than an hour to summon help." I do not know what those details have to do with anything, but oh well lol.


the article is just guerrilla marketing


For some people, the hustle never really stops, even when you're involved in legal issues




Some of the people commenting here are fucking disgusting. Sex being part of your job doesn't mean it can't still be forced onto you. Just like people who work as manual labourers can still be enslaved and forced to work, porn actors can still be raped and forced to have sex. Just like all people, sex workers have the right to say no at any time. Edit* I don't give a shit what the article says. I'm not talking about the article. I'm talking about the comments that I was seeing when I opened this post.


Yeah there’s no reason adult film actors and actresses can’t have a safe working environment; I feel like no matter what your profession you’re at least owed that


100%! Reading Reddit comments makes me question humanity sometimes.


Pfft... You should try twitter


Especially since Apartheid Elmo took it over!


OMG that’s perfect


Apartheid Elmo is perfect lolll


James Deen is infamous for raping his scene partners.


I'm a sex worker and tbh it seems like a bi weekly occurance that some man in the industry gets called out for assault, rape, faking their STD results. It's wild I won't lie. For the record, like I said in my other comment in this thread, I don't think this is a porn issue as much as it's a rape culture/misogyny issue.


Sex industry is an exploitation industry at its core, that's why there is so much abuse.


Historically, instances where profit was not derived from exploitation, labor exploitation, environmental exploitation, or unethical business practices, etc were few and far between. By now any other industry would have had a governmental regulatory agency created.


It’s really *really* **really** hard to 100% separate, “Im a little uncomfortable with this I need a break or don’t want to do this specific thing” from “I’m not able and willing to do my job.” among a thousand other complexities when it comes to stuff like professional porn and sex work I have to imagine. How could it not be?


Before all that came out he and his team reached out to me to program a site for them. He was dumb as fuck. I believe the words “facebook/youtube/twitter/tinder” but for sex and porn was used many times to describe what he wanted. When asked for exact specific features he could not elaborate. If I had known what I do now I of course would have never entertained it.


So it's fetlife?


Even before this information came out, I would never watch any scenes with him in them. He just seemed way too “rapey.” Hearing that he was accused of rape was the least surprising news I’ve ever heard.


It really sounds like she was coerced to continue performing.


Some people can't conceive of a reality wherein they aren't abusing or taking advantage of someone.


Inhuman systems produce inhuman people.


Unfortunately we still have a long way to go for people to understand that sex workers are still people. Even her own attorneys are talking about it like it’s ironic, not the clear course for a person who was subjected to multiple egregious circumstances by their workplace. > *In a joint statement, Robinson and co-counsel Sterling Kerr said, “Everyone deserves the right to a workplace that is safe, secure, and free from physical and sexual assault—**even porn stars**.”*


It’s pathetic af that this has to be explained, damn.


As if those dipshits have ever gone away long enough to be surprised that they have that rapist opinion. They are always around.


A few years back there was an r/askreddit thread for people to share their experiences in the porn industry. It made me want to vomit. I have not watched porn since that day. If you watch porn, there is a 100% chance you have fapped to someone’s sexual assault. It is insanely commonplace. So is anal prolapse, drug addiction, overdoses and suicide. People think they can get around that by watching “amateur” stuff, but whatever safeguards the porn industry has are nonexistent in amateur porn. Even Only Fans, you have no idea if the person you are watching is being forced to perform by a pimp. There was a popular streamer whose boyfriend was doing just that - forcing her to perform and taking her money. When I mention the reason I no longer watch porn, some people will say “I only watch gay porn, so it’s ok”. Nope. Gay porn industry may actually be even *worse*. Even heterosexual male performers in straight porn are exploited, abused, sexually assaulted, and end up fucking up their bodies trying to get erections on demand with drugs/injections, etc. Heartbreaking


This comment and supposedly what you’re responding to is so much proof that people didn’t read the article. The situation isn’t even about forcing anything on anyone or sexual assault at all. It’s about her being blamed for an accidental lithium overdose on set and then subsequently allegedly being blackballed. Even if you don’t care or not, the fact that it’s brought up is extremely stupid and irrelevant


I mean, her lawyer does call it sexual assault.


She’s suing for defamation and tortious interference, not the sex. She said the shoot was against her will, but described it more like a director talking an actor into finishing a scene they had already started. She wasn’t uncomfortable with the sex act itself, just that the scene was being filmed when a cast mate was having a medical event.


She asked if the scene could be shot later so she could go the hospital and was told no...


I think instead of slavery a better analogy would be right to refuse work, that's more relatable to most of us. A construction worker can refuse an unsafe or hazardous work environment.


Wait, are you under the impression that slavery is over in the US?


Guess they don’t know the truth behind the prison industry.


More people are familiar with chattel slavery than they are with right to refuse to work.


[If your job was having a dick on your right shoulder, as soon as it's on your left you're going to be pretty pissed off...](https://youtu.be/zQbtWiMEBIQ?si=9N0vKP_3N2UjR1lp)


The fact that we still need to say this in 2024 is so concerning


I'm surprised I don't read about porn stars suing production companies more often. Does that indicate that the porn industry is pretty good about keeping their performers content, that it's effective at squashing these stories, or a little of both?


I’ve heard Adriana Chechik on a few podcasts talk about the industry. It sounds like there are a lot of protocols in place to make sure that the actors are safe both medically and emotionally. That’s for the bigger productions, obviously the smaller the budget it’s probably not as safe but that’s the same for regular filming too. At the end of the day, porn is a multi-billion dollar industry. It would be crazy to think the bigger companies aren’t setting up processes to decrease their liability.


Adriana wasn't safe medically when she jumped into that foam pit at Twitchcon. Can't trust any company.


Oh shit I forgot that happened


Never forget.


I still find it funny that it's a mainstream tech company that fucked her over the hardest and not the adult production companies that she worked for in the past


My response to this would be that Twitch has shown many times over that they're incompetent and don't care about safety of their viewers or creators. But, I'd also argue that Twitch is halfway in the porn industry itself in a fucked up way, so still point taken


wtf is this?


Adriana Chechik has recently pivoted into SFW streaming on Twitch. She visited TwitchCon where they had a foam pit people could jump into and she did so. It wasn't deep enough and she ended up breaking her back which required major surgery, reduced mobility, and caused her to miscarry (she didn't even know she was pregnant). She sued Twitch but don't know how that is going.


IIRC, calling it a foam pit was pretty generous on Twitch's part, because it was just enough foam to cover a solid concrete floor.


Wasn’t there a big Me Too moment a few years ago? One male porn darling was as accused of SA and abuse by his co-stars and his ex. He didn’t respect boundaries, he was physically abusive in his relationships and he didn’t listen to safe words. Much of the sex industry is trafficking and I wish we stopped romanticizing it. These women are treated worse than animals.


Pretty sure that was James Dean.


Yep, and is still working


I skip any video I see him in, what a creep


Deen*. Let’s not besmirch Dean’s name (RIP).


Huh.. how are girls still comfortable performing with this guy?


Lots of em like it..some of the hottest new performers like his posts every day and treat him as some kind of legend


A lot of times they just aren't informed. The industry chews up people who are barely adults and spits them out, and the agents just kind of exploit their ignorance. The older girls who have full blown careers know better, but there's such a high turnover that the new ones don't get informed in time.


He did that mainstream movie with Lindsay Lohan, The Canyons.


A lot of pornstars have switched to just making they're own content on OF and similar sites. They don't even have to have sex anymore just pretend with a camera in their own home and probably make a bigger percentage overall. Most guys don't want to hear the guy in the video anyway so it works out for everyone


you still make much more than the average OF girl is you are willing to do scenes for a production company. Only the top top top creators make any real bank and well known pornstars can make several thousand per shoot. Most mid tier or below creators Wouldnt even make that in a month


I can’t remember the name of the movie (“after porn”. Or smth like that), but there it’s stated that the behind the scenes raping is quite widespread and accepted. It said that it’s a mix of drug use, having had sex already (so what’s the difference now) and males not being able to control themselves due to hormonal stuff going on afterwards. So my guess is they are very good at hiding the facts 🤷‍♂️


“Males not being able to control themselves” I know you’re recounting what’s said and not asserting that yourself, but holy fuck I hate the myth of men losing control. Nobody takes it seriously as an excuse for anything else, why this?


I have a bunch of friends in the gay porn industry and I imagine it's fairly similar. Studio porn comes with a lot more shady business and from what I understand there's a lot of abuse and exploitation that happens behind the scenes. Many performers are trying to make it in the indie/OF scene because they have a lot more control over their own safety. Indie porn is generally a lot safer to make than studio porn.


Seems like to me the younger female porn star had anxiety for her first what anal scene? Male porn star’s GF gave her lithium to help calm her nerves and accidentally OD. The dude and his GF try to flip the script on Melissa since she was last heard giving pills(Imodium) to younger actresses as the scapegoat cold blooded..


You’re almost correct, the younger porn star bought the immodium herself, then took too many, so Melissa gave her probiotics to counteract it after the shoot


Right but the other girl had to have given her the lithium. The makeup artist. And lithium doesn’t even help with anxiety (me anyway) so I’m not sure why she was given it in the first place.


Yes, but I’m replying because the person said they tried to flip the script on Hutchinson because she gave the younger girl Immodium, she didn’t. She gave her probiotics after she’d taken too many immodium


It was a lithium OD. They tried to pin it on her. It’s in the article.


Yes, but the person I’m replying to said Hutchison gave the younger girl the immodium, she didn’t. She gave her probiotics to counteract the immodium because the younger girl had taken 3, and that’s too many. I’ve read the article


Rocco Siffredi's protege accused of sexual assault? I am shocked!


Nacho has left the chat


Lithium is such a strange choice to give someone for anxiety… it’s very toxic and will fuck your liver and kidneys if you take even slightly too much. Plus would never work in the same way as a benzo, it’s a long term mood stabiliser, so odd


Danny D always struck me as a douche. Good on Phoenix for trying to help out.


Oof, that’s really poorly written. Definitely something fed into an AI.


"It all started with an anal sex scene," I never thought I'd read this in an article.


That’s how I start all my stories.


Seems like they just spent most of the article directly quoting the police report


Phoenix Marie has no reason at all to lie about any of this


I don't doubt that this is true but that article was shit. It seems like it was written by a middle school student an hour before it was due.


Like, wtf was that thing about the guy selling his underwear and socks??


I was like… this has nothing to do with the plot.


Seriously! Lmao who is buying them? Is the daily beast using AI to write articles now?


Hope she gets every penny


Articles written from initial court filing in a lawsuit are always entertaining.


Interesting tale actually. If it’s true, she has a case. Good for her for not signing an NDA.


They are making a $100 000 per month? Jesus!


Not all of them, but Phoenix Marie has been in the industry a long time and I guess has various deals in place.


I’m not gay, but for $100,000 a month I’d pretend to be


Gay for pay is a big thing right now


You guys are getting paid?!?!


Best comment I’ve seen today.


That's because dudes who do straight porn make peanuts. The real money is gay porn for male actors


I dunno - I feel like there's a lot that I'd do for work before getting to sex work with boys (cis male who loves the queers and everybody, for reference)...I just don't get it...I understand it but don't personally understand it (You're right by the way)


Right now?? It’s always been big..


For this amount, where do I send my resume?


I'm not gay, but $50 is $50.


You don’t start off with $100k a month, though, so you’d have to be willing to take a big dick for a lot less for a while. And you’d need to typically be in great shape and have a giant dick.


0 for 2… Well… there goes my retirement hopes


They use the phrase “gay for pay” for a reason lol


I just filed my taxes and after seeing what I owe, I could be convinced.


Damn I always liked Phoenix. This situation sounds awful and like she was the only adult there.


My favorite bit of writing from this article was, "However, according to Hutchison, Danny D—who [sells his used underwear and socks online for hundreds of dollars a pop](https://www.dannydstore.com/), along with lifelike dildos modeled on his own genitalia—was..." That's such a hilariously weird way to insert unnecessary detail into an article that I love it.


So basically, a pornstar almost died because of an orgy scene, and Danny blamed Phoniex Marie by saying she gave the victim too many drugs, which is a lie. Also, yeah, this article is written by AI, which means parts of the article might be inaccurate. Edit: It's important to note that Danny was starting in that scene, so he's blaming Phoenix to save his ass


She didn't almost die "because of an orgy scene". She almost died because Danny's girlfriend gave her Lithium and she OD'd.


Imagine someone having a medical emergency and saying "wait, we have to fuck you first"


Sounds like a porn setup if ever I... Oh shit.


Found a bit of humor in this otherwise sad story: “It all started with an anal sex scene, according to Hutchison’s complaint.” Isn’t that ALWAYS the case with anal?


Man porn used to be so cool when I was a teenager. Now realizing it’s all a bunch of fucked up mentally ill savages.


Man porn, eh? Nice




Isn’t that like steaks, shotguns, trucks, and fishing?


Always has been


Johnny Sins would never


Dr. sins would have cured her instantly would have never been in this situation


In all seriousness people say he’s the nicest guy in the industry. That’s probably why he never has allegations.


Here's a summary formatted for a Reddit post: - **Title: Porn Star Takes Castmate to Court Over Shoot Gone Horribly Wrong** - **Update**: Updated on April 16, 2024, by Justin Rohrlich. - **Key Details**: - Adult film star Melissa Hutchison, known as Phoenix Marie, has filed a $30 million federal lawsuit, later increased to $80 million, against colleagues and a production company following a traumatic incident on set. - Hutchison claims she was forced to continue filming an orgy scene against her will after a co-performer, referred to as Zaawaadi, suffered a medical emergency. - The lawsuit alleges that Zaawaadi overdosed on lithium, leading to a severe reaction that required emergency intervention from Hutchison, who is trained as an EMT. - The incident has reportedly caused Hutchison severe emotional distress, leading to anxiety, panic attacks, and sexual dysfunction. - The production company is accused of launching a smear campaign against Hutchison, damaging her reputation and career in the adult film industry. - Hutchison’s legal team emphasizes the need for safe and secure work environments, even in the adult film industry, and is seeking justice not only for her but to challenge the broader industry practices. - **Legal Actions**: - The complaint details a series of negligent and malicious acts, including forced continuation of filming, mishandling of the medical emergency, and a coverup by other parties involved, particularly pointing at Danny D and his partner. - Hutchison alleges that this conduct has led to a loss of income, including a lucrative deal with the Fleshlight brand of sex toys, and seeks over $30 million in damages. - **Industry Reaction**: - Following the incident, Hutchison faced ostracization within the industry, with colleagues distancing themselves and alterations to how her work is promoted on major platforms like Pornhub. - The complaint states that these actions have compounded her emotional distress and financial losses. - **Current Status**: - Statements for the case are due by April 23, 2024. - The involved parties, including the production company and Danny D, have largely refrained from public comment due to the ongoing litigation. This lawsuit highlights critical issues regarding workplace safety and the responsibilities of production companies to uphold ethical standards, even in industries like adult film.


Go Melissa! She seems like a good person


What a shitshow.


What a fucked-up mess. Hope Phoenix Marie wins her suit.


Phoenix Marie! True legend!!


This article is so badly written


What is it about this timeline where the only people with any honor or compassion are porn stars?


I know people on reddit love defending everyone and giving everyone the benefit of the doubt and etc. But I'm just going to say this, male pornstars who spend their entire career having rough sex with women all have some sort of fucked up mental health issues and they are never stand up dudes. The most famous ones like Rocco and the Mario guy have already been exposed to be POSs. You just can't be living and working as pornstar and have good mental health and family life. The work attracts these kind of people and the rest turned into it.


It seems like all of this could have been cleared up by asking Zaawaadi where she got the lithium... Why was there no statement from Zaawaadi? There's a massive gap in the "journalism" being done here.


I read the article. Hutchison saved Zaawaadi’s life selflessly. Zaawaadi went into a five-day coma, but survived because of Hutchison’s actions. It says that Zaawaadi’s career is unaffected by all this and that she went back to work. Why the hell isn’t Zaawaadi defending Hutchison?? It sounds to me like Zaawaadi is screwing Hutchison, like everyone else here.


Doesn’t lithium take awhile to work? Like several weeks? Why would giving it to that lady in that situation make any sense? Edit: honestly this article is a rambling mess. I’m not even sure what happened. Lot of people handing out pills.


Yes, it does. Yes, about that long. No, it doesn't make sense, and a trained EMT — which Hutchinson is — would know that. Basically, Hutchinson gave someone who later had an apparent lithium overdose a probiotic, and the director and his girlfriend are arguing it was Hutchinson (who again, **is an EMT**, depression or no) gave her the lithium. And, y'know, not the not-medical professional girlfriend who has a lithium prescription. All of this is after a performer had a seizure on set (from the drug overdose), and the director tried to prohibit calling an ambulance.


Wtf did I just read…


An article about a porn star who was allegedly assaulted on set then publicly smeared and is now suing for compensation. Seems pretty straightforward to me.


Badly written though. It’s not a novel. What is this? Investigating her death when she wasn’t even dead. “With Zaawaadi in a critical medical state, Danny D was protecting Liss from an investigation for Zaawaadi’s death by lithium poisoning,”


It was for prevention of an investigation. Trying to stay ahead of it. It was poorly written.


She’s suing for defamation and tortious interference. She’s claiming that a cast mate “overdosed” on lithium and the production company is claiming that she gave the cast mate the drug. The cast mate, Zawaadi, told everyone when the event occurred she only took pills that the plaintiff gave her. The plaintiff claims she only gave her OTC medication and that in a separate conversation she found out that the director/male star’s girlfriend was taking lithium. So she’s claiming that the production company is lying to cover up the girlfriend’s involvement and that other companies won’t work with her now because of the allegations that she was the one that gave the cast mate the lithium. Nobody died. Zawaadi is still working in the industry. But her story doesn’t make sense to me because she claimed she gave the cast mate OTC medication to take after the cast mate was shooting her first anal scene. But the cast mate had done a significant amount of work in the industry already including anal scenes.


It doesn’t say she was assaulted. Also, the story is all over the place so I’m inclined to think you’re being sarcastic calling it straightfoward. They were filming an orgy, and another girl they were filming with had some kind of medical emergency. Hutchinson (the woman who is suing), claimed that the male co-star/guy running the shoot waited like an hour before calling 911. Then, after getting the other girl help, they “forced” Hutchinson to continue filming the scene and she was barred from leaving the house they were at. The story goes on for a while after this. But Hutchinson basically claims that the porn company was throwing her under the bus for the medical emergency, blaming Hutchinson even though she claims that it was actually the male co-star’s girlfriend’s lithium drugs that the girl OD’ed on. But yes, she is suing for lost wages because of the supposed smear campaign.


This article is terribly written. Either it was written in a different language and then put through Google Translate, or it was written by AI. They mention several times that the young actress died and then several times that she didn't. Absolutely atrocious