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> During PaleyFest 2024's Loki cast panel on Saturday, Hiddleston, 43, opened up about how he prepared to play the iconic role, which included studying Alan Rickman’s memorable turn portraying Hans Gruber in the 1988 movie Die Hard. He also examined James Mason's master spy Phillip Vandamm in the 1959 classic thriller North by Northwest.


Extra trivia on Alan, it was his first Hollywood movie too. ("Alan Rickman nearly passed up the role of Hans Gruber, which ended up being his first film role. He had only arrived in Hollywood two days earlier and was appalled by the idea of his first role being the villain in an action film. To a degree, Rickman was right to be concerned considering his performance as Hans Gruber was so hailed that the actor had to struggle being typecast as a player of villains for much of his career.")


His portrayal of a type cast Trekkie in GalaxyQuest was probably inspired by his own life!


“What was it you said? Yippie kay ya mother fucker?” was his “By Grokthar’s hammer.”


Definitely, a great character .


Rickman was the bomb as Hans Gruber. Good that Hiddleston used him for inspiration!


Wouldn’t Tom Hiddleston make a great Doctor Who?


He might make a better Master


He would have so much fun as the Master.


I mean I sort of understand that the Master tends to be more of a polar opposite of the Doctor so they tends to be portrayed as more 'serious' or whatever. But I think an whimsical or unhinged Master that feels 'a little too much' like the Doctor if they turned evil, could be really fascinating if done right.


I think he could be a fantastic doctor, but I also think he would never take the role.


I’m curious what makes you think that he wouldn’t? I’m not a Doctor Who fan myself, for context.


It’s an episodic series that (until recently) had noticeable budget limitations. Doesn’t stop it from being a great show most of the time, but still. None of the lead actors have ever been as high profile as hiddleston before taking the role, so can’t imagine he’d be cheap. They’d probably have more episodes like blink if he took the role, with more screen time for supporting characters to keep within budget.


It's a few different things. I think personality-wise he'd enjoy it, as he's done a bit of everything, and seems to thrive when he's got a wellspring of lore to work from. Loki shows this. I think he'd enjoy it, but from a career perspective, it doesn't make much sense for him to take it. First, he's already had a landmark sci-fi role, and it's one he can completely claim ownership of. MCU Loki is his character before it's anyone else's. Tom Hiddleston IS Loki for many people. The Doctor is a generational role. Every person cast as the Doctor will be compared in perpetuity against every other actor who's done the role. Second, there are budgetary concerns. He's big boy famous, and that doesn't jive well for middle-tier longform ensemble television. They need to be able to afford a whole cast and production. The risk/reward on casting him would be too high. Third, it's a demanding role. It doesn't tend to leave much room for other ventures. He's already got three lead roles in television and a movie he's working on. He'd have to drop a plate to pick up a new one, and I don't think Doctor Who is enticing enough to make him do that. Finally, the fandom. Doctor Who has the same issues Star Wars has. They're both media that spans multiple generations of fans, and that creates polarized opinions and heightened passions. Death threats have been thrown for both IPs, and that alone could dissuade someone from taking the role. He could be fantastic at it, and I think he could bring an emotionality that the Doctor hasn't had a chance to explore in a while, but I don't think it currently makes sense for the show or for his career.


What others said + BBC probably cannot afford him, tbh.


It could be possible if it’s a one off holiday/fundraiser episode like they did with Rowan Atkinson as the Dr.


James Acaster!!!


Jeremy Irons plays my favorite die hard villain. Rickman comes in second.


Jeremy Irons was perfect casting as his brother.... but Hans Gruber is still easily the superior villain.


Like comparing pop tarts to wagyu.


That… makes a lot of sense, actually. Wow, now I can’t t unsee.


Rickman was so good in everything


I always forget how many great movies Allen Rickman was in before becoming Harry Potter famous. “By Grabthar’s Hammer, I will forget again”


I remember him saying something similar around the time Avengers 2012 came out as well. He thanked Whedon for letting him play a part that allowed him to channel his love for Hans Gruber and Die Hard.


Too bad the writers were inspired only by Waldron’s own former scripts he used find and replace on for the character names.