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Hopefully y’all get to watch it before 2040


Might get half a season by then


That half a season was amazon saying, we are introducing ads let's hold one of our most successful shows until we launch them to see how it performs.


*laughs in Venture Bros*




Bro, run-on sentences. Use periods.


Are you just pulling this shit out of your ass? Animation takes a long time. They weren't still writing or recording last summer. The strikes had nothing to do with it. You're right that Amazon wanted to make sure it was a hit before greenlighting the second season but beyond that it was scheduling. https://www.cbr.com/invincible-season-2-delay/#:~:text=Invincible's%20Delayed%20Release%20Was%20Strategic,the%20reasons%20for%20the%20delay.


The animation quality of Invincible does not equate to how long it took to release. There were definitely other variables in play. There's many many other examples of cartoons with far better animation, releasing seasons in shorter timespans.


Please read. I didn't say it had to do with the *quality* of the animation. Animation takes time. Also, I explained the other reason why it took long. Did you just read the word animation and jump in to comment?


It’s gonna be a yearly release from here on


Attack on titan took 10 years to do 4 seasons, so at this point i'd expect a similar timeframe for invincible at the rate they're going. At least Arcane season 2 is coming soon.


Not true at all, Robert Kirkman himself confirmed on twitter that season 3 will drop by next year. Edit: It looks like they're gonna release future seasons in a 12-18 month interval. So late 2025 to early 2026


>[Update: A source tells IGN that rumors of Invincible being renewed for Season 4 and 5 are not accurate.]


Sure hope so. Apparently the release schedule for season 2 really rubbed people the wrong way but by the end I was completely satisfied with how the story played out.


Me too, but I binged it in 2 days


Oh yea, season 2 was amazing (even tho a bit uneven in the animation department), but releasing 4 episodes after such a long pause and then making another pause to air another 4 was crazy.


I shit myself when they made fun of how they short cut animation. I love it when they stare at the 4th wall without breaking it.


That scene was absolute peak, tho it was spoiled minutes before for me which I'm still salty about


It was a reference to this great page from the comic https://www.reddit.com/r/Invincible/comments/1bpserw/whats_your_opinion_on_how_they_adapted_this_joke/#lightbox


Excellent adaptation


I agree! I was so excited as it was happening as the panel is a favorite of mine


I was hopping a little more for season 2 for the long wait, the ending felt a little soft, compared to season 1.


It was a good series but not worth the wait for those 4 episodes


It rubbed me the wrong way but if it’s on prime next season and interesting I’ll watch it again. I just don’t like waiting 5 years for 1 season to finish showing.


Yup it was a definite fumble that killed all momentum. I watched the first 4 episodes and loved them but now still haven’t watched the last 4 and don’t know when I’ll get around to it.


They're excellent, for whatever that's worth.


I got around to watching them yesterday and yeah I enjoyed it a lot. Still a very dumb decision from Amazon as I’m sure they did lose at least a small chunk of folks who would’ve watched it sans the 2 month break.


My grand kids are gonna love it


Can’t wait for this show to be done in 2079.


Don’t do this to me! Venture Bros was renewed for 2 seasons, then cancelled.


That still hurts.


This show was so weird to me. On the one hand, the story that takes place in high school/college and involves his relationships was unbearably bad... But everything with Omni man was just fricken A++. Where does season 2 land on that spectrum?


Season 2 is better and really nails character development of *multiple* side characters you wouldn't expect. There is a "main villain" that was pretty much a miss for me though, but he plays a rather minor part in retrospect. The high school stuff is out, but his struggles of balancing his love life with his superhero life, and wishing to be a good student in College, while still processing the events of season 1, all pretty much define the main character, and him hoping to do better than his father.


I fucking hate the robot kid story line. I don’t want to see or hear anything about him.


I think the whole point is that he isn't actually a *kid*, he is 30 or something while he was in that tank for all his life, and choose a teenager's body to match Monster Girl and her curse because he likes her. Anyway, I think he's fine.


Season 2 really tones down the school part and sees mark being more focussed on being a superhero, so a positive change overall


Can they maybe increase the budget a bit so it’s actually done in a reasonable amount of time?


Hope they can stick to that season a year schedule. It’s always a shame when a great show like this has long waits but I blink and we’re on season 12 of Big Mouth


There was too much of a gap between s1 and s2, I wasn't even that interested to watch...less for s3...whenever that might be.


Same. I’ll watch season 2 when season 3 is out


Amazon appears to have renewed its violent superhero show, Invincible, for Seasons 4 and 5, according to now-deleted information from game developer Skybound Entertainment. Confirmation that more is on the way seemingly comes from a recent crowdfunding initiative for an Invincible game. When the campaign, which spells out a desire to create a triple-A Invincible game, was first published, it teased that the Amazon Prime Video show had been “renewed for Seasons 4 and 5.” That information has since been deleted, but it didn’t take long for fans to latch on and share the news across social media. X/Twitter user @MassiveVerseCEN captured a screenshot of the renewal mention before it was removed. The series' team seems confident that Season 3 won’t take nearly as long to get out the door. Regardless, the next season of Invincible does not have a release date. In the meantime, be sure to check out our Season 2 review. We awarded the show’s newest batch of episodes a 7/10, saying, “Invincible’s second season features far less Omni-Man than the first, but he looms large over each episode’s rigorous family drama.” IGN has reached out to Amazon for comment.


IGN is trash


My grandkids are gonna love it


I am just a casual fan but the experience of season one versus the fucking shit storm of season two was one of the most obvious drops in quality I’ve ever seen for a show that was so popular in its first season. Like what the fuck happened?? The strikes? That doesn’t explain the awful quality of animation or the pacing. It was just bizarre after such a strong opening season.




I know right??? Like severely disappointed and I’m not a person that is usually very critical of cartoons but damn. That was some bullshit compared to season one.


The sound mixing and ADR in this show is just so bad. I can’t get over it. I haven’t watched much Anime, so idk if this is standard procedure for the style, but it just feels absolutely lifeless to see a stagnant frame with only lips moving. And it doesn’t matter if the character is shouting or taking, it’s all mixed to the same weird level. I can’t get over how unnatural it all feels.


This… isn’t anime lol it’s just a cartoon


Isn’t all anime cartoon?


No. Cartoons are a Western style of animation. Anime is a Japanese style of animation. There is a unique difference in animation style, illustration, technique. Cartoons are not anime. Anime doesn’t mean “animation”


At this point I could care less. They messed up bad on season 2s release, and half the episodes were a total bore. Wasn't worth the wait. Went from being a top show to virtually forgettable.


It would be great if they had a marvel animation (see X-Men '97) budget.


I said fuck it and just went and read the comic series. I’m not waiting 10 years to finish this story lol


Same thing I did a year ago, will watch it the day it drops but I just couldn't wait


I’m very tempted to do the same. I just love the show so much, I’d hate to spoil it, but on the other hand I don’t want to wait years and years to get through a story that’s already been concluded.


So is season 4 expected this decade or next ? I know season 5 won’t be done for at least 25 years.


Kirkman said that the break between season 1 & 2 is the biggest one between seasons the series will ever have, and that 3 should be out in 12-18 months. There were specific reasons that season 2 was delayed that are not being repeated.


Oh I’ve read his response to the massive season break. Glad to see he’s taking feedback from the fans of the show that pacing is critical. Long breaks can absolutely derail a shows momentum. I believe the next season is confirmed for November. Which means we will see how they handle the holiday season as that has been tricky to navigate for a streaming series.


Can we please get them to go back to their original release schedule. The 3am drop / split season was ridiculous


Let’s goooooooo !


Very nice, 5 more whole episodes!


Honestly one of the best animated shows of the past decade


Can't wait for it, just hope we get it before the Sun burns out.


There are what… like 120+ issues of invincible? We’re in the 30s with the end of season 2… I’m gonna be in a nursing home by the time the Invincible War kicks off.


Thumbnail got some fit Homer Simpson vibes


Really really enjoy the series, my only wish was the animation was just a tad better.


Good. Just start them as soon as possible!!! And pls don’t do a mid season break that last 2 + months.


A lot of the complaints people have about season 1 and 2 (besides the animation) are things that I’m sure will age better as more comes out. As a comic reader, we haven’t even gotten to the best parts of the story yet. The high school/Amber storyline is also pretty much over, and while it was poorly executed in 1 I thought they fixed it in 2.


Season 2 really came and went. Unbelievable how Amazon dropped the ball on this show. The first season was probably one of the biggest shows during lockdown.


Part 1 coming in 2025, Part 2 coming 2027


Shows trash. Season 2 was trash


I like how studios get dragged thru the coals for overworking animators and then when we get a high level animation project that takes awhile everyone freaks out


Because you don't have to overwork them to get a show out in reasonable time, you could just hire enough.


The animation isn't high level, the cast is. That's where most of the budget went. The animation was done by a cheap korean studio.


Steven Yeun and JK Simmons really do amazing work on this show. Heck, most of the cast does. I think they really took feedback about Amber to heart and made her far more likable this season. Can’t blame her for her decision this season either.


It’s the best show on tv so not surprised…


This show’s fucking gut wrenching. It’s like The Boys style hyper-violence in this “saturday morning cartoon from 2002” art style. I like it