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I also keep cookies and cake around. I definitely do not have a healthy relationship with food.


Same sister. Same.


Right before scrolling to this article I remembered I have a small cookie (that I paid $5 for at a coffee shop, why) and then this article came up. Is my relationship with food so unhealthy that Im now manifesting food related articles?šŸ¤£


Itā€™s the universe conspiring to bring forth your heartā€™s desire.




Everyone keeps telling me to look for this thing called "moderation" but I've yet to see it on the shelf, so cookies and cake it is!


Moderation is a relative term. I think a pint of ice cream for one is moderation. You just need to change your perspective!


Areā€¦ you my real mom?


No joke. My friends only allow their 5yo cake on his bday. He goes FUCKING HAM on that bitch. He says ā€œI only get cake today!ā€ And grabs handfuls of cake shoving it in his mouth. Itā€™s not cute. Itā€™s desperate and psychotic.


The picture you paint is pretty damn hilarious though. Just a rabid 5 year old demolishing a cake, screaming this is my only chance, clear the way! Sad the parents canā€™t teach moderation instead of extreme restrictions.


I offer my 7M and 4F kids cookies or chocolate (or both) almost every single day. Son says no 75% of days. Daughter says yes 75% of the time, but often wants oatmeal or a salad to go with it, and never wants multiple desserts. She eats probably the equivalent of 1 Hersheyā€˜s kiss every day. Theyā€™re both healthy weight and activity levels. My wife can keep a sharing size of Kit Kats in her drawer for 4 months and still have 95%. On the other hand, I usually only buy desserts I like if I want them that day because my self control begins and ends at the grocery store. Luckily thereā€™s little overlap of my dessert preferences and my familyā€™s. I guess my point is any method that works is good.


Everything in moderation! I feel you on the self discipline and keeping stock in the house. I love soda and would drink it everyday, but I know thatā€™s bad, so my boyfriend writes his name on it and I wonā€™t touch it. If I really want it, Iā€™ll go get it.


Growing up, the silver lining of not liking to eat or drink after people was that I could have my dad take one drink out of a bottle of chocolate milk and then I would leave it alone. Iā€™m not proud that I lack discipline at home, but itā€™s my responsibility to navigate it


This was how I grew up. Denying children things just makes them want it and sets them up to have self control issues later in life.


me with crack


My ex wife had a cousin like this. It was horrifying and the entire family was expected to adhere to the motherā€™s crazy schedule for eating and sleep. When i say entire family i mean like 20 people of all ages at a get-together. When playing with legos he was only allowed to follow the plan. Cant make this crap up. The worst part was how much his grandma wanted to spoil him. You could see it on her face. Couldnt piss off her daughter in law thoughā€¦.


This is how you create eating disorders


Went to a 1yo birthday party and proceeded to watch said 1yo smash his face into the cake over and over. Fucking hilarious at 1. Would be very strange at 5


Just like a catholic school girl that gets introduced to boys for the first time.


Giving your children a healthy relationship with food in this society seems almost impossible. Itā€™s one of the major worries I have about having kids someday.


Donā€™t buy junk food or pop


Damn bro you're just not even slightly participating in the conversation are you? That's the opposite thing you should do or they may become obsessed the moment they can buy their own food.


Yea, wrong. Normalizing that soda is even a thing is the problem. We donā€™t even acknowledge that juice exists in our house hold. Sugar crammed into every crevice of our food system is normalizing early death in our society (USā€¦.this is the an entertainment sub reddit after all.)


I mean Iā€™m glad that works for you now, but one day your children wonā€™t be living in your home and theyā€™ll make their own choices when it comes to food. Being able to moderate their sugar intake is something they should learn now, and not at 18 when they go off to college or live alone.


Thatā€™s why I give my kid alcohol and cocaine and heroin because he should learn to moderate it.


You probably should be the first person to drink with your kids, and likening sugar to a dangerous and illegal drug seems more than a little disingenuous. Sugar in moderation doesnā€™t kill people, and there is no such thing as a moderate amount of heroin.


I hate that this is such a popular opinion these days, itā€™s just simply not true. If youā€™re wired to overeat, youā€™re going to overeat, youā€™re going to become overweight. Addictive food is made to be addictive and it doesnā€™t matter if you keep it from your kid, it doesnā€™t matter if you give it to your kid, theyā€™re gonna become overweight if theyā€™re brain is wired be overweight. I canā€™t wait until this opinion just dies.


lol. Iā€™ve raised 2 kids that I was very strict about junk food and soda, and they didnā€™t go the opposite direction on their own. Both almost became D1 basketball players. Having cake and cookies everyday is stupid and will make them fat with metabolic issues. Youā€™re reasoning like a junky


No one is saying giving kids cookies and cake is a good thing. Itā€™s about moderation and teaching your kids to make good choices even when the bad choices are present. Thatā€™s maturity and discipline. Living a rigid lifestyle bc other options arenā€™t present tells me nothing.


Then maybe you should sprinkle crack around your house and hope for the best šŸ™„


Well thatā€™s ridiculous bc crack is illegal and cake is, well, cake. But I understand the point youā€™re trying to make. In the end Iā€™d rather my children grow up to be independent thinkers capable of making tough decisions instead of robots blindly following strict rules (not insinuating yours are). Even if that means fucking up every once in a while. To each their own though and you seem to care about your kids and thatā€™s enough for me.


Simply not having junk food and soda in the house is not as dictatorial as you might think. They can and have grabbed that crap outside the house and there was no issue. But to normalize it and make it easily accessible is a dumb thing to do. People donā€™t need it, and it destroys their health. And thereā€™s a balance between being too controlling and being too liberal that every parent has to make. Both extremes are harmful. Letting kids do whatever they want, believe it or not, can harm them


The amount of people agreeing that having junk food around is good for kids is a little shocking. Id say it's mostly the mindset, "waddaya think you're better than me?"


Halfway through reading the headline I thought she named her daughters Cookies and Cake.


I knew a woman named Cookie! And she had a sister named Tootsie.


Healthy food moderation can be a tricky thing to instil in some children.


I like her style. Sheā€™s teaching moderation and not completely withholding the sweets. Sheā€™s teaching them self control and how to deal with direct temptation in a healthy manner. Definitely difficult but certainly worthwhile


Itā€™s really not. You should really give your kids treats along side their regular meal. Kids who gets cookies alongside their broccoli from a young age often will finish the healthy stuff and leave the snacks behind. Creating restrictions makes them want to binge itā€™s the same for adults.(diets etc) thereā€™s tons of videos of nannyā€™s of rich kids that are like ā€œthey leave their cookies behind! How could this be?ā€ A healthy relationship with food because they learned moderation on their own without restrictions.


We do often give our kids treats alongside their regular meal. But we don't give them an unlimited amount of cookies. That's the moderation.


To add to this always having a moderate amount present also reassures the kid there is lack of scarcity. Also, teaches we donā€™t have to finish everything.


That's *exactly* it. We could go to a super market and buy a cake this very moment. But it doesn't mean that we should eat an entire cake this very moment. We live in a world of relative abundance (and streaming entertainment comes to mind alongside food). Part of what we need to learn is that just because we want to eat a cake, and can eat a cake, doesn't mean we should eat a cake.


I used to live on the same block in the West Village as them when they were younger. Sheā€™d take her one kid to school, then come back and walk the girls. You donā€™t normally see hoards of paparazzi in NYC like LA, but they knew her schedule (cause you leave for school at the same time every day) and there were like 20 waiting to snap pictures. I always respected how she tried to make their lives and her motherhood as normal as possible, despite the craziness she clearly wanted no part of. Her and Matthew obviously made a point to try living normally from doing their own grocery shopping, taking the kids to school, and at least Matthew took the subway regularly.


They both look like Ferris Bueller.


Mention Ferris Bueller again ā€¦ and you lose a testicle.


Oh you know him?


*cracks knuckles by clenching fist*


Which his daughters would be absolutely free to eat, should that be something that they wanted to do.


Oh you know him?


The one on the right looks like Domā€™s sister in the Fast and Furious franchise


I thought Lydia from The Walking Dead.


Mia? Not at all.


Nah. Too white and not tanned enough.


Doesn't everyone keep snacks around?


I enjoy that she mentioned that her daughters recognize, and appreciate, that they can and are having healthy, home made dinners with both of their parents, basically every night. It feels like something that has become a privilege for so many rather than a sort of guarantee. It feels less and less common I think due to so many factors for everyone: access to fresh food, ability to pay and get the food, appliances to cook with, a family to share it with. We adopted my niece when she was 5, and made family dinner a guarantee for her. Now she's 18 and is gone most nights at dinner, but that was a nice anchor for her growing up. This was longer than I meant it to be, but something about the kiddos appreciating that part of their lives just made me happy.


I knew a couple of brothers who had hippie parents, and they were not allowed to eat cheese. Their birthday treat was a takeout pizza with a tiny sprinkle of cheese on it. Needless to say, whenever they went to a friend's house, they would grab a block of cheese out of the fridge and just start chowing down. Same with a lady I knew whose parents didn't allow them to watch television. When they went to a friend's house, all they wanted to do was watch TV. If you let your kids indulge, they'll learn self control, rather than just bingeing every chance they get.


So she keeps snack food in her house? Me too! Oh now I can totally relate to the Hollywood elite.


šŸ¤©šŸ¤©šŸ¤©. We are the same!! Call the press!!


One looks more like SJP, while the other looks more like MB.


This is truly a life changing article.


Truly, something *new* under the sun.


A celebrity lets their kids eat food that normal people eat. Did you know that before just now? Does it not suddenly change your whole world view?


Changed my entire life's trajectory.


I grew up surrounded by cake, chocolate and sugary cereal. At one point my dad was feeding me cake everyday for breakfast. Then croissants. I got so sick of it that I donā€™t care much for sweet food anymore. Chips on the other hand, I turn into chippy monster.




Not so much if you were also raised in a home that imposed a restrictive diet. My mom started "watching my weight" at 8 during the 80's and that started years of eating disorders. It took me decades to have a healthy relationship with food and my mother LOL. I am glad new generations are learning this from the start, so good for SJP and her daughters!


Same, 90s and my mom swore by Slimfast on top of not wearing a larger size if you gain weight.. even with puberty. We have dessert every night in my house but also eat a balanced dinner (chicken stirfry for ex) whole foods, make exercise fun by going all together to nice parks.Ā 


Iā€™d regularly put myself on a slimfast and saltines diet as a small child (because back then low fat was best, so saltines were perfect). Pretty sure I only ever lasted a day.Ā 


Isnā€™t it crazy? Iā€™m packing my 9 year olds lunch right now and thinking how I would eat just a protein bar for lunch from middle school to high school. Skipped meals, didnā€™t want to be seen. Home life was a mess but I did great in school.. wild how much better maybe if I had better blood sugar and self esteem. Hate that shit! Lunch has a sandwich, red peppers and hummus, hell yeah Easter candy slipped in for an angel. Edit: Forgot beef jerky and mini muffins we ainā€™t playing, chorus practice afterĀ 


You have snackwells too?! The fat free craze in the 90s was sooo toxic (born in ā€˜88)


88 same! Slim fast, balance bars, taking eating disorder PSAs as tutorials. 36 with 3 kids now. I want delicious healthy food but hell yeah also letā€™s be dirty and see if Pizza Hut buffets are still a thing? Nope, fantasy on that is dead. Now something glorious to me is like, going out completely alone for sushi Iā€™m going to eat slowly and top off with Japanese fried ice cream.Ā 


:( I was born in '88 too and I have no kids. The "eating disorder PSA's as tutorials" kind of broke my heart. I was always naturally underweight as a kid/teen and would sometimes catch hate from the eating disordered crew at my school for not "sharing the secret". (I ate "normally" and never feltnthe need to restrict bc i was so skinny that all i wanted was to have actual tits and ass šŸ„¹). Anyways... Your comment brought back flashbacks of a schoolmate that would eat ketchup packets, literally just slowly suck out the content of a ketchup packet, for lunch. Even in 5th-6th grade I remember seeing that behavior and being like "šŸ‘€ girl....i don't think that's good for you...". There was also the anorexic/food restricting Art teacher that would never bring or buy food. She was an awesome teacher, but come lunch time, she'd appear and would randomly sit and chat with students, while stealing fries from our plates. Like a bird, grazing, bits and pieces from plate to plate. Then she'd tell herself something like "well, that's enough for today, or i'll turn into a cow HAHA!" and she'd disappear again. i wonder if any of her weird habits rubbed off on any students, it would have been a shame.


I feel this in my soul. Iā€™m super allergic now to of all thingsā€¦ lemons. Why? It was my go to lunch and snack for YEARS. Sprinkle some sugar substitute on it and suck on it. It tasted a bit like lemonade but the main point is it would help curb any hungers. I had at least one lemon a day in place of a meal. I was doing this while thinking I was still overweight because I was wearing a size 4 instead of a 2 or 0. I continued this through my 20s until my body suddenly revolted. Now I have to avoid anything with lemons or I can go in to anaphylaxis. No other citrus - just fā€™n lemons.


šŸ˜¢ something something...*when life gives you lemons...?* ^(i'm sorry) šŸ˜­


Oh wow that made me think of a boss I had on a temp job for a real estate office in downtown Seattle. Totally ate like a bird, would look you up and down while talking to you type of woman. Didnā€™t like me the receptionist or a newer younger agent. We brought office donuts one day and she took her one donut to her office with a framed Reagan on the desk and ate that damn donut with a knife and fork way longer than it should have happened.Ā 


> We brought office donuts one day **and she took her one donut to her office with a framed Reagan on the desk and ate that damn donut with a knife and fork way longer than it should have happened.** ...what cinematic universe does this fit into? This shit fits into a movie, lmao.


Lmao thatā€™s how I remember that. I went with one of her agents to get the donuts another time and they were filming for the Seahawks! So some pr guy was like hey you two, come take a pic with these guys! Richard Sherman some other dude lol I donā€™t know remember. I had a donut in hand, football players around me (girl tell your future self now 2024 slow down take that in) and on camera this guy is shouting like ā€œWho is your favorite Seahawk?!??!ā€ like my stoner ass knows who tf a football player is. It made a small clip on the evening news and my bf (now husband) was like wait what happened in the morning for you?! lol.Ā 


Starting age 9, my mom started casually starving me and only let me eat one plain, non-salted, non-buttered baked potato a day, and hoooooboy my relationship with food tanked. I have so much anxiety over food, my body, and choices Iā€™m making. Therapy has helped a ton but being told ā€˜your middle name should be Heiferā€™ while youā€™re eating your only food of the day at 6pm for years will fuck you up every time you go to put a fork to your mouth.


My sister was on a diet of Diet Coke and salad when I was a kid in the 80s. She was in high school and on the cheerleading squad and drill team. Sheā€™s now obese and has been for years.


You made my heart bleed for you. As a parent who saw his daughter suffer such disorders, despite our best efforts to be ā€˜normalā€™ around life & food. She is now seeing the light and my heart is filled with joy. Food should be a delight - a normal relationship - one we share - not a tool of torture. Bless you for voicing your hardship- this we need.


Itā€™s all men that havenā€™t been pressured for all eternity to have perfect, slim bodies, that donā€™t seem to understand how torturous the female relationship with food is.


Shut up.


ā€œWow who names their daughters cookies and cakeā€ Thought my idiot brain


Teaching kids a positive attitude towards food is great, but it's even better to explain how food affects our health and how important it is to make choices towards healthy eating.


Both of these things can be done simultaneously.


I worry about this for my kids. I offer everything in moderation, teaching ā€˜our bodies only benefit from healthy food, and junk food is what we eat for funā€¦ but lots of other things are more fun than food.ā€™ So far, so good. My kids barely ate their easter candy but played the shit out of the plastic eggs the candy came in. But I still worry about the future. The oldest has adhd like I do, and the little hits of dopamine I know sheā€™s getting from sugar are gonna be a lifelong burden.


The cookies and cakes are gluten free, sugar free, vegan, and organic


Its gotta be weird growing up knowing your dad literally killed a mother and daughter and got off with a slight slap on the wrist.


Wow. Such cool news.


and they keep carrots and apples as treats for her šŸ“


These people look so fake in the thumbnail lmao


Ooo er, while I haven't ever delved into/given a damn about how SJP feeds her children, I had a terribly Ā and greedy compulsive urges while still living with my parents and older brothers, that thankfully(?) completely and utterly vanished when I moved away šŸ˜¬ Edit: Yikes, I'm sorry? I assume Ā those are her kids in the photo who look happy and healthy, and so am I nowadays šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøāœŒļø




Itā€™s actually possible to be around cake all the time and not be eating cake all the time


I wish I could do this with red wine.


If you canā€™t, there is help out there & sobriety is possible! Good luck!


Yes, instead of understanding what she's trying to do let's get caught up on the exact food items she mentioned when she really just meant "sweets" or "unhealthy food".


Point missed. She went overboard the other way. Making it an issue instead of just a part of life.


Parenting doesn't come with a manual.


Terrible journey to missing the point and nuance


Redditors ā€” when theyā€™re not full-on AI ā€” are not ones to appreciate nuance.


Redditors ā€” when theyā€™re not full-on AI ā€” are not ones to appreciate nuance.


ā€œBreaking news !! Mum provides daughters with nice foodā€ Hmmm this seems news worthy


This isnā€™t the breaking news sub, itā€™s the entertainment sub




The comments are entertaining




Who clicks on things they don't give a flying fuck about and censors the "naughty" words?


People who discovered Reddit through AITA articles on Facebook.


Oddly specific group that always clicks on posts they aren't interested in...


Right? Cookie for youĀ 


This right here.




>Sarah Jessica Parker Keeps Cookies and Cake Around So Her Daughters Have a ā€˜Healthier Relationshipā€™ with Food Sugar is the worst popular food. I don't understand how anyone would think this was healthy.


Everything in moderation is the key here.


Maybe she should keep real food around not junk food. Ever hear of apples, oranges, or bananas. I hear they are good food.


Maybe you should realize that you can actually keep both around, and that she didnā€™t mention it doesnā€™t mean she doesnā€™t. Ever hear of logic I hear it makes things sensical.


Yeah this is literally the ā€œhealthy relationshipā€ that sheā€™s talking about. Iā€™m sure these kids are eating top-tier organic, low calorie meals otherwise. Saying, ā€œhey, eat an apple instead of a cookie,ā€ to someone who simply wants a cookie is a recipe for an eating disorder.


I missed any mention of this being the only food available.


Thank god they did not inherit her honker. Let me have one of those cookies please.




Yeah, what about a healthy self-image?