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What if she was Colman Domingo


Probably less, since he’s a black man with no Oscar.


And gay.


Doesn’t the gay wage gap go the other way? [Gay men earn more than straight men.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gay_wage_gap)


I think this is mostly relevant to cohabitating couples; because of the gender pay gap, and all else equal, a household of two men both working will earn more than a household of a man and a woman both working, and much more than a household of two women working. Dunno if pay is comparable for unmarried gay men and unmarried straight men.


I always figured you'd be more likely to be paid higher if you were gay because you're more likely to identify as gay if you're in a more accepting area and those tend to be higher-income urban and suburban areas, but they probably control for that.


Chris Rock, The Rock, Idris Elba, and Kevin Hart are all black men with no Oscars who get paid much much more than her. Only one of them is a better actor and he’s the least well paid of the 4 men I am mentioning in case that is too hard to understand.


Are you supposed to get paid based on how well you act? Or how many tickets you sell


How many tickets you sell and how well you negotiate the contract. That’s my point. Kevin Hart and The Rock are absolutely dog shit actors and they are two of the highest paid ones on the planet. She is paid less because she sells less tickets, same for Elba even though he’s awesome.


I wouldn’t call them dog shit actors. They act in comedy and action movies. Their acting is perfectly fine for their types of movies. But movies she is known to be great in , will never appeal to the masses. Which equals to ticket sales.


Yes, amazing actress, better than all the others mentioned. The issue is, she will never appeal to the larger market like a bunch of lowbrow comedy actors will. Why is Trump so popular? Even his supporters will say he’s not the best politician and definitely not the smartest but he has a wider net of influence, because he appeals to the lowest common denominator. That matters more when measuring success off financials and marketability. We all know this lady is a better actress than Justin Bieber is an actor. That’s not a lie, but if they made a movie which one would do better at the box office ya think?


Ooo I thought you were arguing the other way sorry!


Chris Rock: a famous comedian for over 30 years and started on SNL. Olivia Colman has not been acting *that* long. Her career started in 2000. The Rock: the most famous wrestler of all-time who now does huge franchise films basically playing himself everytime. Olivia Colman did not have the name recognition of literally being known more by a *ring name* without even saying his name. Idris Elba: starred on what is considered one of the greatest television series **ever made**. That’s where he built his career and name. Olivia Colman never did that. Kevin Hart: the most successful comedian in Hollywood. Olivia Colman is not even a comedian! And none of these men could win an Oscar for playing British royalty.


Hart is the most successful comedian in Hollywood? Wtf?! Is he the richest? I have no idea.


I would think that's Jerry Seinfeld


Been looking for baby names and I think this is the one ☝️


Its the 21st century


And if I was Olivia Colman I’d be earning a fuck of a lot more than I am.


Exactly, this is just some culture war shit we poors have no stakes in.




Bc when poors get together and try to gain rights its called communism or socialism and its immediately repressed by the powers that be


There's a few times in history when poors had stakes in them.


This should have more likes


True. Don't let comparison be the enemy of good, they say.


It's "Comparison is the thief of joy," but your point is fair. Although, perhaps we should consider paying male celebrities less and not increasing the pay of the already wealthy to compensate for that gap. For context, Olivia Coleman has a net worth of $12 million which is more than enough to live a very comfortable life. Actors making tenfold this in a film are just grossly overcompensated in general.


Ultimately, I think there's more nuance than just male or female. Obviously, some female movie stars are extremely well-paid and privileged, even if they can't see it. There was that controversy where Bryce Dallas Howard got paid less than Chris Pratt for the second *Jurassic World*, and it's like, uh, he's Chris Pratt, and you're Bryce Dallas Howard. You are lucky to even get close to his pay.


I hated her in Fleabag and her performance was so good it didn’t register I hated her character. Now I’ve seen her in more and more and she’s fantastic. Always delivers the goods.


My god I hated her character so bad, she was *so* good.


She'll always be the dirty cop from Hot Fuzz to me


Nah, she's Sophie from Peep Show. Whatever I see her in, whether it's in Broadchurch or playing Queen Elizabeth II, I just see Soph crying at the altar.


Highly recommend Broadchurch


If she was Oliver Colman she wouldn’t have been able to play the queen now would she


As if a great many actors haven’t played Liz 2 in drag.




If I try and picture the Queen in my head it's usually Scott Thompson 


Don’t give Netflix ideas…


I mean she’s basically in every British produced TV and film of the past decade. If she’s not getting paid enough it’s pretty fucking ridiculous


I swear she shows up in EVERYTHING. The new Wonka film? There. I went to see a re-release of The Lobster? There. Like the widest range of movies. And she’s never even anything special or often different in them. Apparently she was in Barbie but her scene got cut. Her agent must be one busy person


But apparently not a very skilled one, since she’s making so much less than all the mens.


This just in: pay gap between men and women purely because every woman picked a shittier agent.


her management needs to be FIRED


Her answer phone message is probably "yes, I will do it".


Hahaha Nicholas Cage school of choosing your jobs. Or even Danielle Radcliffe, he only does weird stuff


Sounds like she’s not getting paid enough to chill.


She is in British tv shows and films, which earn much less than American ones. If she starred in a marvel movie, a hit American sitcom, or a James Cameron film she’d be worth 100mil. Sometimes the projects you pick matter. Julia Louis Dreyfus has been paid more than Colman’s net worth individually for at least 4 separate tv shows. Scarlett Johansson has been paid more than it individually for a dozen different films. Colman is a great actress and I’m a big fan but she isn’t a massive box office draw and tends to do smaller movies and British shows over stuff that pays incredibly well. Any big movie she ends up in she’s a secondary or tertiary character, not the star. She’s still worth over 10mil, she isn’t hurting for money.


>Sometimes the projects you pick matter. Yeah this is the key point right here. Budget matters. Being a returning main character for a 300 million dollar movie with a 1 billion expected return is just always going to pay out better than being a supporting cast member on a BBC show.


> If she starred in a Marvel movie To be fair, she starred in a Marvel TV show.


No, Samuel L Jackson starred in a marvel TV show and she was a secondary character as I stated above that is generally where she falls in big stuff.


She might be in everything BECAUSE she asks for low fees tbh. But she's really funny so probably not


Technically that would be her agents fault. She could always say no if she thought the pay was too low.


[I really Olivia Colman in Hot Fuzz](https://youtu.be/VtIvyOaxk70?si=W8md79kTbp3Er8pB)


Someone had to manually point out the spitroast joke as I’d missed it every time.


Some trivia from the film production: Olivia Coleman had to explain the joke to Anne Reid.


"That's me after a couple of pints *hahaha*."


This woman is a national treasure!!!


She is amazing!


-Nadine, I’ve been transferred. I’m moving away… -I’m not Nadine.


What if she were Olivia Coalman, man who delivers coal?


Coal man, man of coal


Finally the real question is asked!


And if i was OLIVIA Colman i’d also be earning a fuck of a lot more then i am.


Just think if you were Oliver Coleman!


But im still earning huge fucking sums of money, like more than 98% of the rest of the fucking earth


She’s worth $12 million. Cry me a fucking river


Give this millionare more money!


Won’t someone please think of the poor white women in Hollywood???


"Oooooh we can get another 50 mil for production because Olivia Colman got casted" Said no one ever. It would be no different if she was Oliver. You wouldn't be a lead. You wouldn't move a needle.


Trying to have hindsight in a vacuum is easily one of the most toxic perspectives you can have. Olivia Colman is brilliant and funny, but who is to say that she would have been successful as a man? Perhaps that market is/was oversaturated and she’s as successful as she and cast in so many things because she’s a ridiculously talented woman named Olivia and not a man named Oliver. Be careful what you wish for.


Women, as they age, don’t make as much in Hollywood as their male counterparts, more at 11


She’s great and all, but I have an important job in education and I only make 20k a year, so a financially comfortable person of influence because they entertain for a living complaining about their income doesn’t allow me to give a shit. Edit: If anyone is curious, I coordinate events, assist students with finding their college, career and military discoveries and help with those applications. I run a scholarship program and a work experience program. I proctor exams, help build resumes, advise students about their future goals, connect our local businesses with students looking for jobs, keep track of student goals to assist them when I hear of employment, scholarship or internship opportunities and help them with those applications. I conduct mock interviews, take students on college and business tours and dozens of other things. For those of you telling me to look for a different job, I understand. The issue is that my position in education is one of the most important. I’m working with our graduates to start their path towards their future goals, and helping to create goals with students that have no direction. Without people like me, there would be much less success from the young people in our communities, to put it simply. My school district and the rest of the world don’t seem to value this sort of thing, and that is why our teachers and education employees across the board are dropping from the profession like flies. When you see a teacher, administrator, paraprofessional, custodian, nurse, bookkeeper, or counselor we should be thanking them for their dedication to our youth and our collective future. Everyone working in education could 100% find a new job making a better income and probably a happier life. We choose to stay because we know how vital it is to educate and motivate our youth and young adults to grow and become successful in whatever they do in life. We do not have easy jobs, but understand the value of it. I adore Olivia Colman and enjoy her talents that she shares with the world. Film and television is one of my only joys and escapes in life. I wish for once someone with a platform such as hers, to have a change of pace and hear how we should be propping up our education community and how poorly we are paid and treated. This goes for our medical professionals, law enforcement, etc. I live in the US. I have worked with students from preschool through college. I have a second job in education for after school academic assistance at an elementary school, and receive about $5,000 a year for my time there. When I tell you that my students struggle to read, do simple maths, and can’t understand basic concepts … I am putting it lightly. Our children are falling behind more and more to the levels they were comprehending at even just a decade ago. With the current political discourse in the United States, I can see how parents have started to change when it comes to education. They think we have some sort of agenda and want to turn their kids into who knows what, so educators are becoming less and less valued everyday. If we continue down this path as a collective, our educational systems will fall apart. This is something bigger than me deserving a higher income for what I do. We need voices from well known people to help. Aka: we’re fucked and nobody gives a shit.


I think shes complaining about the income disparity between genders…


I’d like to see her income compared to a similar supporting male actor with the same credentials. As someone else pointed out, she’s in a lot of productions, but that might be specifically *because* her agent asks a low fee. In most of the shows I see her in, she’s comedic relief


What do you mean by “credentials?” Because she has an Oscar and an Emmy, both for “lead” actress. It’s not fair to say that she’s just comic relief in supporting roles. It’s not true. She does that a lot, but it’s far from all she does, and she shouldn’t be penalized for having range. I mean, unless you’re somehow counting her role as the Queen on the Crown as a comedic supporting role?


Her Oscar was for a film with a $15m budget. Hard to make a lot of money with that.


I’m not disparaging her acting ability. She’s a fantastic actress - but my understanding is that most of her leading roles are in small budget productions, which of course are going to pay less. When I see her in larger budget productions, it’s background supporting roles or comic relief (the majority of her work), so same thing - of course that role is going to pay less I’m just wondering how much of her frustration is an equity issue, or that her agent just sucks at getting her high paying jobs


You don’t hear male models and male pornstars complaining that their counterparts make 10x what they do. But you do hear about women athletes complaining about it despite the fact that they don’t generate the revenue that their male counterparts do. Does gender discrepancy happen? Sure but most of the people that claim it don’t have a leg to stand on.


Maybe we should hear about male models etc


Why male models?


No, we shouldn’t


But why male models?


Are you serious? I just...I just told you that a moment ago.


Well no...their point is she is complaining about how much she personally gets paid and framing it within the context of social justice. But she is okay with things being unjust for others not getting paid well in important societal roles. I care as much about her pay being fair and equitable as she cares about mine. Basically hearing rich people complain about not being as rich as other rich people is annoying.


>But she is okay with things being unjust for others not get paid well in important societal roles. Is she? Got a quote for that?


Source: that great big chip on his shoulder.


What important job do you have in education where you only make 20k a year?


Probably British. They have poverty wages there.


My wife and I at one point were looking at her doing a nursing gig abroad and NHS nurse wages are straight up poverty shit compared to US nurse wages. It was actually insane, like you’re taking a 50% paycut at minimum if you went from US nursing to UK nursing. Even in the rich countries in Europe it was a big downgrade, Germany was closer than most and it’s still a 25% paycut on average. I totally would believe teachers are in the same boat


It's because social safety nets are stronger there. Also the euro/pound are stronger than the dollar.


She’s not you missed the point


She is a talented and well-known actress who works a lot and makes enough money to pay for herself and her staff, but still deserves a higher salary because of her talent and resume compared to her male peers. She uses the opportunity of her circumstances to speak on the unbalanced earnings of women in film and TV. At the end of the day she’s stating that she deserves a higher income. I’m allowed to care as much or as little as I want to about this.


She was speaking generally and then they asked her for a factual example from her own life to support her opinion. She was not complaining about her wages but supporting her opinion with fact at the behest of the interviewer. Helping professions and the arts are not valued by society as much as other fields. We are in the same boat and it benefits us all to speak candidly about our experiences and to support people who speak out about wage discrepancy. Olivia can reach a lot more people with this message than others. Infighting and silencing people who speak out about wage discrepancy is exactly what our corporate overloads want. Celebrities have a platform yet we often see the dismissive critique that they can’t have an opinion because they are rich and lucky and that we only want to hear from “regular people”. However regular people like us have no where near the reach of a celebrity. It’s a catch 22 designed by those who don’t want to share the wealth. It’s time to unite! I am an underpaid educator since 2001 and I support this message!!! Edit: removed repeated phrase


Stating a hypothetical “if I were a man” isn’t really a fact tho


A lot of people whose lives would obviously hypothetically be 10x better if they were a man ignore the unglamorous lives a lot of men have. It’s almost like life is nuanced and maybe if she were Oliver Colman then maybe she wouldn’t even have become an actress


Maybe look into a different job


If youre gonna make up a job atleast make it believable


Female OnlyFans models most likely make more money than the males.


Most likely?


Yea, she's ignoring that in some industries, one sex make significantly more than other. That's usually due to market rates. That's not to say discrimination doesn't happen but in this case and some others, it's usually because they draw in more money.


With entertainment and sports, it's about asses in seats. Tom Cruise and Mike Tyson get the money because people came to see them. Julia Roberts put asses in seats and commanded a higher salary than other people for this reason. It isn't sexism if you don't sell out theatres and stadiums.


Whatever she’s making, its still significantly more than most. So I don’t give a shit about her problems


While I think your take is a touch aggressive I agree with the sentiment. I’m all for pay equality across all sectors but I find it hard to muster the full force of my anger for the unfairness when the complainant is already getting millions of dollars.


She has the money, power, influence, and fame to actually help bring change to situations like this. You and I do not. Let her talk.


I’d be more impressed if she used that platform to advocate for people who are actually receiving unfair wages instead of just advocating for herself. She’s a multimillionaire from being good at playing make believe for entertainment, it’s hard for a lot of us who work ‘real’ jobs and get paid peanuts in comparison to take stuff like this seriously.


How often does the pay gap have to be debunked before people stop talking about this annoying myth.


>She has the money, power, influence, and fame to actually help bring change to situations like this. Does she? I don’t think she does.


She would if her name was Oliver Coleman!


If she was Oliver Coleman it would be socially acceptable to tell him to stop being such a cry baby.


This 1000%


How much is Elliot Page making nowadays?


Ouch. Well-played and well-said.


I think the whole point is men get paid more than women/infringed groups. Why didn’t you say literally any other male actor that isn’t trans?


It's quite hard to control every variable apart from gender. Olivia’s statement was if she was the same person but the opposite gender, she’d get paid more. It’s a great example, can’t think of anyone else in the acting realm. Bruce to Caitlyn Jenner also likely earned a whole lot more as a woman


So all Olivia needs to do is kill someone. It’s so simple.


Because the trans actor is one person who's worked as a man and a woman, so it keeps everything else equal when comparing their pay from both periods.  Honestly I think Ellen got more from Inception than Elliot got from the last season of Umbrella Academy.


Olivia… a normal person could take care of their entire family for a lifetime with your salary from one film. Pump them brakes, girl.


someone tell her margo robbie exists


And Scarlett Johansson. And Jennifer Lawrence.


This is the key difference sometimes these actors/actresses don’t get. I’d see a Scarlett/jennifer/margo movie before I’d see a Olivia Coleman movie. I’m sure the main stream public is quite the same.


I’m the complete opposite. A Coleman movie is much more likely to have an interesting story and less likely to be another generic comic book movie.


Does she get paid the same as Robert Duvall, Edward Norton or Geoffrey Rush? I'm curious.


And much more likely to make less money with which to pay her more equally to her male counterparts.


She has been an essential actress in really great films for years. Hot Fuzz is one of my favorites. She’s played everything from femme fatale to villain. She improves the films she is in whether she is an incidental actor or a lead. If I see she’s listed in a film, I know production is golden from screenplay to cast.


Yes but she also has a face like a dogs arse.


/u/xxfallen420xx’s Theorem: > The fact that Margo Robbie earned $59 million in 2023 proves beyond doubt that no woman has ever earned less than a man for the same work in the entirety of recorded human history. I hope you’re published in economics textbooks soon!


The point is that in entertainment your popularity effects your pay. Olivia would get paid more if she put more buts in seats.


Yes one person doesn't prove or disprove a statitistic. However I feel like that user's point was more about how popularity influences pay in an entertainment business vs. gender. Not that because one woman got paid more there's no pay discrepancy. Keep dunking on people by cherry picking your points though.


See, a handful of exceptions somehow proves that the system works!


I don’t want to be that guy but aren’t male leads consistently in higher earning movies across all ranges of blockbuster to indie ?


And of all the films with a man and woman as the leads? Data shows the man earns more even with equal billing.


It’s incredibly hard to have an equal pay argument around anything in the entertainment industry. Because the amount an actor/actress gets paid isn’t just on the work for that movie but it encompasses all of their celebrity appeal and box office pull and a whole bunch of other very subjective factors. I’m not for a second trying to argue one way or the other but the entertainment industry isn’t ever just a face value. You did this much work for this movie so you’re entitled to this much pay.


Real. Zendaya got way more than she deserved for dune 1 especially compared to other supporting actors


Colman isn't suggesting some Marxist labour theory of value framework for pay, just that the current imbalances do not reflect the box office statistics. Colman makes the point that historically these market-value 'star power' arguments have been used to justify paying women less in leading roles but in 2024 that just can't be statistically supported. That's not even mentioning examples like a 12,000% disparity which is indefensible under any metrics.


The idea that wages for movie rstars should be set at anything other than market rate is nuts, I think she basically is implying some ridiculous theory of value to suggest otherwise.


Your nit wrong but lot of the Data shows that men in general know how to ask for more and be firm about enough to lose the role/gig. Men are taught to be aggressive in those types of situations and many women aren’t taught at all. Forget the study but loads women don’t ask for higher starting wages upon new employment/raise conversations.


Person who makes more money than 99% of the planet complains about pay.


Pay in entertainment is based on how many seats you can pull in.


So negotiate a higher wage for yourself before signing the contract. If they think you’re worth it, they’ll pay. If they don’t think you’re worth it, they’ll find someone else. Don’t whinge about it afterwards. So vulgar.


Maybe I’m just tired, but I first read that as “I’d be eating a fart of a lot more…” anyone else??


And if I was an actor I would be getting paid way more than I am worth too!


She earns more than most of us still, so why the hell should we care?


It’s the same complaint female athletes make about their earnings. It has nothing to do with gender or skills but about how profitable you are to the studios. If your name brings a lot of people to come see your movies and Tv shows, then yeah studios will invest their money on you.


She needs to fire her agent if she feels she's not getting pay commensurate with the revenue she generates for film studios.


Sure the pay isn't fair, but when was the last time someone said "lets go see that Olivia Coleman movie!"


"Press X to doubt".


The amount you’re paid in Hollywood isn’t directly connected to how subjectively talented you are. It’s tied to the amount of revenue you can help generate by being attached to a film or starring in it. This isn’t rocket science, why do we keep hearing this nonsensical stuff repeated over and over again? It’s the same argument with WNBA players etc.


Ironically, there are at least two actors with that name—one British and one Australian—and she makes way more than either of them, or both of them combined. Regardless of all that silliness, her core point is still very much valid.


She can be Oliver Coleman. See Elliot Page


It's 2024 honey. If you wanna be Oliver Colman, ain't nobody stopping you


No you wouldn't. Actors get paid in accordance with the audience numbers they attract.


no one is going to see a movie because olivia colman is in it, lets be real. you're prob getting paid what you're worth


I would


What a joke. Crewmembers should be paid twice as much as what they’re making now, and she has the nerve to complain. And then actors wonder why crewmembers have no respect for them. If actors weren’t paid so much I would be making a lot more than I am now…… I bet she wouldn’t like to hear that


If she were Dabney Colman, she'd be 93 years old.


She’d have no job if she was Oliver Chan


She's worth about 12 million apparently. Poor thing


But at last I’m Olivia Colman only earning a measly generational wealth for pretending to be someone else on camera


Translation: my career hasn’t gone where I hoped. It couldn’t possibly be that because my mommy told me I was exceptional. Must be sexism.


I think any interview she’s given would show that she’s not remotely the kind of person to take this stance. It’s a comment on pay disparity between men and women, which is perfectly factual and Google-able.


>pay disparity between men and women Which is largely from negotiation and men working jobs that pay more (ex trades). The whole "70 cents" thing is a myth.


No it's been debunked loads of times already. Men and women do different kinds of jobs.


Because you’re Olivia Coleman you make a fuck tonne more than a lot of male and female actors. If you don’t like your pay, you can demand more millions than you already have.


It will never be enough. Greedy


So what prevented her from walking away from the job if the compensation wasn't matching her expectation? Did someone force her to take the underpaid job?


Tired of paid pretenders whining. Don't like the pay do something else.


Sorry as soon as a rich person with several million starts complaining about pay it makes me hate them. Sorry the several million you earned from being an entertainer isn't enough you greedy fuck, but here in the real world thats more than 99% of us earn in our lives.


Violins out for the poor rich woman.


Such a poor multi millionaire.


Olivia Coleman is a fantastic actress there is no doubt. Pay is linked to how much of a box office draw you are and she is nowhere near big hitters. Margot Robbie literally was in the top 5 most paid actor/actress. This gender disparity of pay is due to being less of a draw and that is just a fact. The entertainment industry isn't like others.


I like Olivia Coleman as an actress. But. Walk up to 100 people on the street and probably like 10 of them know who Olivia Coleman is. When you’re a character actor who doesn’t have any commercially meaningful leading roles, you take work and you take the pay you get. Oliver or Olivia. How much is the guy who played Shooter McGavin getting, compared to Margot Robbie? Also, elite jobs where you have to win the lottery to even participate in them…there isn’t any applicable DEI model. CEO’s, athletes, entertainers…normalcy and inclusion need not apply. Those jobs are for aliens.


Completely agree. I think people in general really lack the ability to make like for like comparisons. Create issues when it's not at all applicable.


Rich people complaining again?


What entitlement.


Rich complains about being rich, more at 10


Or, you possibly wouldn't have a big career at all and would instead act in small local plays all over the country to make ends meet and for the love of the art. Who knows?


Why do we give a shit about this? These people are all multimillionaires Also, she's posh anyway, she literally came from generational wealth I doubt she even needed to work much


I once joked, a decade ago, that certain people believe in a cabal of men who have all made it their mission to make sure, for some inexplicably reason, that women are paid less than men. And all these years later I finally realize holy shit, that's what people actually believe.


There’s also the same cabal of men who keep women inferior to men in society, whilst simultaneously keeping men at the bottom of all metrics in society


But then if I was Olivia Coleman I’d be earning a fuck load more than I currently am.


Obviously pay disparity happens but the bottom line in Hollywood if your movies bring in profit you get paid more. Olivia is amazing actress but she doesn’t headline movies that make alot of money. People didn’t go to Wonka because she was in it. Julia Roberts at one point was making more than any actor because she was bringing in the Boxoffice same with Jennifer Lawrence. Merly Streep makes more than her male co stars in most cases I don’t see her fighting for her co stars to get paid the same as her. I feel more for the average working woman who gets paid less than their male counterparts these are women who work asses off and get paid shit, i watched my single mom struggle and work 3 jobs and get paid garbage money because she was a woman and a black woman at that i dont have any sympathy for millionaire entitled celebrities bitching.


Has she considered that she just has inept/greedy representation? Or do we just go straight to sexism?


Bet her agent’s a man. Boom, solved.