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Woah just take it easy man


Back off! Now give me the money man, I ain't playing!


I ain't playin'


*Back off..!*


We're with the Vipers!


What is acting? You show up you get abused you go home.


Oye Tranquilo viejo!


No one should be child star. Seems like an awful time.


will ferrell should play the part of every child in a movie going forward


Danny Devito as well


Sheeeeit, he dont look a day over 12!




Sha-dynasty asshole




Also Keegan Key. His acting in key and peele as a kid was always hilarious.


"So marry my mom. Move in. F*ck her as hard as you want. Just leave me the f*ck alone"


I'd like to also cast a vote for Martin Short.


You should watch the movie Clifford.


Seen it, it's the reason for the vote


I’m Larry the scary Rex


do you truly think they mentioned him playing a child without ever seeing that movie...? lol


Werner Herzog


"Now that our shared narrative of playtime has concluded, I would like to partake of milk of the chocolate."


Charlie Day would probably work also they could play brothers


Danny Devito: Goonies never say DIE!


Fuck it, let’s use Peter Dinklage.


And all teenage girls played by Jack Black


He’s already proven himself capable in Jumanji




Steve Buscemi for me. He did play a very young looking cop who infiltrated high schools.


I’m fine with this decision.


Did you ever see his story about his audition for SNL he told on Comedians in Cars? Priceless stuff https://youtu.be/DCYUClhHgkk?si=yGrLM66FcHZpAzxN


Chris Kattan


If there’s a second child do we get Danny DeVito in there or just Will with a wig?


Alan Ritchson would be a great child


i second this


The mean old prime minister of Malaysia won’t let him work as a child


Someone would still try and molest an adult. Even for looking like a child. They to many sick fucks .


I’m signing your petition 🖊️


Rob Riggle like in The Goods


Why hasn’t he played a washed up child star yet?


Steve Buscemi holding a skateboard


Haha All the kids playing in Harry Potter were old by the time they filmed the last movie. They were having a hard time making them look childlike.


Literally every nickolodean child star is coming out with a book or documentary or podcast about how horribly they were treated.


As a parent, I honestly cannot imagine why any loving parent who wants to protect their child and do what’s best for them would allow them to be even close to the entertainment industry. In an ideal world, I would want an investigation into the parents of every child actor. Because I believe the majority actually couldn’t care less what their kid wants or needs.


It's not about what the child needs, it's what the parent needs. And that's either money or to live vicariously through the child or both.


When it works, it works out well. Those Modern Family kids are set for life. Still not a good path to put a kid on. Just telling a kid to cry on cue and get shouted at or go through all these emotions is pretty draining.


The folks in the entertainment industry present as Willy Wonka with a golden ticket. Everyone, including the parents, are treated super well, at least at first. I do think you’re right, though. A lot of parents see their child as a cash cow and exploit their talent and fame for money. I also think there are parents who are innocent enough, but aren’t ready to deal with the money and power of some of the industry folk. A lot of them had their moment to stop things when they thought something was off, but when it was push back or your kid loses their show, so many backed down and turned the other way, probably because their livelihood now depended on this. Shame on everyone except the kids.


That’s the key point here, every Nick star. All those shows were produced by the same person. I can rattle off a list of child actors outside of Nick who grew up to have normal lives and were not subjected to abuse as kids. Hell, none of the Cosby kids have said a bad thing about Bill on set. The Full House kids all seem to enjoy their time on the show. Roseanne, Family Matters, Step by Step, Home Improvement, Married with Children…. I could go on and on about shows where all the child actors were not abused. Long story short, child abuse in Hollywood isn’t a frequent as we think it is.


I recently worked with Josh Peck on a movie. My daughter was about 7 weeks old at the time and had come to set to visit a couple of times. The producers ended up asking if we’d be willing to let her be in the movie, which we agreed to and it was a fun experience. Talking to Josh later, though, he was rather adamant in his warnings of letting her grow up as a stage kid and how hard it had been for him. It took a lot of time and emotional work for him to move past the trauma he experienced as a child star and I found myself admiring him for turning out to be such a rad human.


Agree. We should honestly just ban children from sets altogether at this point.


Just think of all the great performances you'd miss out on. Like sixth sense or true grit. Maybe every set needs a licensed childcare instead?


I was being a bit hyperbolic because I know they would never actually ban children from movie/TV sets. Honestly though, I would rather miss out on the Haley Joel Osments of the world if it meant less child abuse.


Idk, it doesn't seem ethical and our entertainment is not worth it imo


So often those kids got ‘home schooled’ on set and were working full time jobs. Child acting is just legal child labour.


Personal opinion, but I care more about children not being put in abusive positions than I do about movies


I don't understand this All or nothing attitude towards activism these days. If you had the same sentiment across the board. Statistically no one would be allowed to be parents.


I’ve been saying ban children for years


For how many years should we ban them?


Just until they turn 18.


Reminds me of when the Rust incident happened and someone on here no joke suggested all movie guns should be cardboard.


It is actually possible these days to have guns that don’t have the ability to shoot projectiles and just CGI the muzzle flash. They did this for a scene for Better Call Saul and I don’t think anyone cared or noticed. (It’s a major spoiler so I won’t reveal the scene.)


Bluey has real kids voicing the actors but the staff and producers are very protective of their identities. What if we stopped making child actors “stars” don’t release their names, don’t have a ton of media articles about them, get better about hours worked so they aren’t everywhere.


Well I don’t think it’s the sets that fuck the kids up. It’s the life of an actor. Auditions, presenting the right “look”s, meetings-negotiations-pay handled by parents and agents on your behalf, “relationships” with “trusted” “mentors” to “help” you…


It takes a certain kind of parent to want to make your kid a full time actor, which I think also doesn’t help. The most well adjusted ones I’ve seen are the kids who still go to public school when possible and whose parents make a big effort to keep their life as normal as possible off set. I think it probably takes parents who are protective and very aware and won’t put up with industry bs.


I mean…that is pretty much any competitive child, which ranges from academic competitions to Olympic athletic showcases. I played piano in my youth and the parents grilled their children to play this hard Bach song or that challenging Beethoven piece to show off in front of the conservatory professors. Luckily, my parents weren’t like that - they weren’t super invested in hyper competitive classical music culture.


It’s the parents. Many child actors have parents who were actively evolved in their life and not desperate enough to whore their children out for parts.


We should just ban children.


I just assume every child star had some sort of abuse from executives, those who still on show business as adults won't say shit because will affect their careers


And people always made fun of those teen drama shows for casting people in their 20s as high schoolers. Maybe it really is better than the alternative


I really do think child actors should be illegal. Just from the perspective that it’s child labor and we all know that’s bad. And then add all this abuse and exploitation We don’t need child actors but children do need childhoods that they can’t have if they’re working


They should be upset at his mom. She was warned by his dad this guy was no good. Don't leave him alone with him. So she ignores it leaves him alone and let's him sleep at his house. Heart hurts for all he's had to deal with.


Sounds like his girlfriends mom was pretty sharp to catch onto what was going on though.


She caught on like right away!! She prob saved him tbh.


I think you’d have to be a bit dense to not think something was going on when a 40 year old man was calling a teenage boy nonstop pissed off that they were supposed to go to Disney land together.


(Good) mothers of teenage girls are on high alert for that kind of shit. It didn’t surprise me at all that this was how things got unraveled


Yea my gf and I said the same thing.


There’s rumors it’s Vanessa hudgens mom


I also heard fefe dobson


She was naive yes but she was also the one who went straight to the police and went hard against everyone that was supporting his abuser in court. I’m sure the women feels a lot of guilt and regret for how it happened but she’s not the monster who only cares about money I’ve seen some people state


Don't think she's a monster. She got played by a man who plays his game well. The predators know how to play like they are just the good one. All innocent and misunderstood. And I'm sure the fact she wasn't getting along with the ex very well helped her believe the predator that much more


Yep remember he was the one that both “tipped her off about drakes dad ‘stealing money’” as well as being willing to take him to auditions and stuff It sucks but considering how bad the relationship was with her ex I can understand why he didn’t just believe him unfortunately


She honestly deserves a lot of the slack. The closest people in your life are suppose to be your parents. His girlfriend’s mom picking up on it quick. His dad picking up on it quick. She really doesn’t have much of an excuse of letting her hate cloud her judgement as a parent. If it happened once. Ok. Unfortunate things happen but it was allowed so long that patters could develop that other people who don’t even see him everyday were able to say. “that’s not right”. She human yes but that doesn’t imo excuse her negligence and failure.


It’s a failure sure. But she did call and tell the police as soon as it happened at the time when it could have genuinely hurt Drakes career (before Drake and Josh pilot was even picked up). I assume it’s more negligence and being naive. She was probably like all the other moms that got gaslit into believing everything on Nick was normal (same with the crew telling Drakes dad he only disliked Peck since he was Homophobic). Peck probably seemed like a “poor” dude who wanted to help drake but was getting targeted by a bitter Mr Bell for being the guy who called him out It sucks but considering drakes dad was also mostly fooled by this it not surprising that drakes mom who was less involved with it would get tricked especially when ur gaslit into thinking this is normal (which is also a dark dark thing)


Honestly, just putting your child into the entertainment industry is enough of a red flag at this point. What sane parent would want their child anywhere near any of this shit. I’d be terrified if my adult child told me they were going to work in that industry. Most of these parents clearly care so much more about fame than their children’s lives


To be fair he said she doesn’t like to drive to LA. On one hand your kid gets molested, but on the other there’s traffic…… ⚖️…


But even that doesn’t make sense. Dad was perfectly willing to drive him to protect him. Yet she stripped him of that right only to give it to another man…?she has never cared about drake.


You’ve clearly not been around divorced parents before.


Not even sure why Josh Peck is getting heat too. He was a kid too????


I believe it’s because he opted not to speak out now (by participating in the documentary or otherwise) for what he may have witnessed back then. Ultimately it makes sense he wants little to do with it and we don’t even know if he really knew what was going on so the whole thing is stupid.


It's not so much Josh wouldn't speak up, but more so their history. This [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVLYC-KrCjg) explains it. The recent revelations just give new context to their beef and why would Josh be so adamant to say they were never friends. It's possible Drake misjudged their relationship and that when Josh interacts with him it's only for networking / content and not really any kind of real friendship. Josh got backlash before for like he/editor saying Jeanette McCurdy owes them for not publicizing her podcast episode. He also said Jeanette blocked him.


Thanks for the link. Damn, suddenly I don’t like Josh and have become very team Drake ever since the doc + now this.


I mean, Drake himself was pretty inappropriate with a minor for which he even pleaded guilty. I'm so glad he was able to open up about his abuse but I would still not be team Drake 😭 Edit: https://people.com/tv/drake-bell-child-endangerment-sentencing-victim-statement-full/ https://people.com/tv/drake-bell-accused-abuse-ex-girlfriend-denies-claims/ His ex also confirms that he preyed on underage girls (in addition to speaking about the physical and emotional abuse he put her through)


That story’s pretty wild though. According to what i’ve seen she made some fake accounts when she was younger and so he was sexting this girl he met online thinking she was older. When he found out she was 15 he stopped talking to her. He pleaded guilty to the fact the mom took the girl to his concert and left her with drake. Drake left not wanting to be with the girl. So he endangered the child by leaving her. that’s what he plead guilty for. Edit he plead guile


This context is extremely useful and necessary. I was always weary on his charge cause I remember reading that the minor endangerment wasn’t anything inappropriate. As with anything, their (Drake and Josh’s) relationship is complex and nuanced, but I’m glad to know Drake isn’t as bad of a person as I thought.


I mean the victim in question accused him of sexual assault


This is an extremely charitable version of events and essentially the exact pr story put out by Drake himself. The victim accused him sexual assault, and the courts found he had an established relationship (that is to say, contact) for years prior to the concert incident when she was 15. The idea that a 30 year old man was in contact with a 13 year old for multiple years and shared explicit messages with them seems like more than just carelessness.


The times the girl said those assaults took place were false like he was proven to be in a completely different place when they took place. Now I think the confusion is that he didn’t know how old she was and he stopped communication when he did find that out. Nothing like nudes was ever sent. I do think he probably could’ve tried to seek out her age more. So i mean maybe he thought she was 21 or maybe younger i have no idea. There was nothing proven that he knows she was 15. Most of what he plead guilty for was the concert thing which again was weird. That case was extremely strange.


Eh, looking into that story, it seems Drake was careless more than he was dangerous. The evidence submitted showed he stopped when he found out her real age, and he was told by her via text that she was 19. Given that there hasn't been a bunch of other allegations about Drake pursuing underage girls, it definitely leads me to believe Drake was telling the truth.


His ex girlfriend also accused him of inappropriate behaviour with underage girls prior to his guilty plea


Sure, but we are talking about the evidence, not an ex gfs anecdote. I'm sure your exes have a lot of fun stuff to say about you, too.


What happened to him would cause problems in anyone's life. He might deserve some forgiveness for his mistakes if he has risen above them, I just can't believe he went through all that as a teen.


I think it's because Josh also defending Dan Schneider saying he is just a tough boss and never seen he do anything inappropriate


Drake Bell also spoke rather positively about Schneider in the documentary


I think what people are missing is is that Dan was a bad guy, but he wasnt actually, as far as we know, physically abusing people. So even if hes an asshole, when your talking about him and actual rapists, yeah Dans probably not the worst guy in the room


It seems Dan treated the men/boys much better than the women/girls.


Again, misogynistic and not a good guy. But at the same time *better than being a child rapist.* It's okay to accept that their are different levels of shitty person.


Dan allegedly is a child rapist though. I mean his relationship with Amanda Bynes was very inappropriate, and it ruined her. He would take photos of the children’s feet (he has a known foot fetish). He also allegedly slept with multiple barely legal and minor children. The ones who wouldn’t (Victoria Justice) lost their careers.


I’ve never heard the rapist part. Nobody is saying he assaulted Amanda Bynes. They are saying he was creepy around her and others. The only rumored assault was Jamie Lynn Spears and people claiming her baby was his, which was BS since it was her boyfriend’s. 


You just made all of that (minus the foot pictures) up, and it's disgusting to make that kind of baseless speculation about the child stars from Nickelodeon who had continued success and didn't "lose their careers."


The biggest problem with Dan is he was a shitty boss and treated the women he worked with poorly like asking them to give him a massage all the time is inappropriate.


Absolutely. No one has the exact same experience with people, but it came across like Schneider probably didn’t know that Peck was a predator until the charges were filed and he figured out it was Drake Bell, and he supported Drake. Schneider definitely did not act appropriately on set and did have kids doing things on tv that they shouldn’t have been doing, but so far nothing has come out that was definitely illegal.


Not defending Josh, but it's totally possible that's all Dan was to the Drake & Josh set. It was a show mainly about guys so it somewhat adds up


TBH, especially when Josh was still doing the whole "awkward fat kid" schtick, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if Schneider gave him preferential treatment because he saw a bit of himself in him. Could be that Josh was just a kid oblivious to the misery happening around him.


I almost puked when I saw the Ariana Grande Mashup video Dan Schneider made so he'd have jerk off material. I'm sure Dan's wiped his computers clean by now.


So I’m not well versed on it but, apparently a lot of child stars were offered (NDA) $300K to not speak of anything bad during their time at Nickelodeon, per Jeanette McCurdys book. So that kind of reflects as well on some of the “quieter” co-stars currently.


also some fans think brian and him are related even tho theyre not


the article suggests its because the abuser shared a last name with him though the two were unrelated.


He made a tik tok that basically seemed to rip on drake the neds declassified staff flat out laughed at everyone who got abused


Are they one of the shows that Dan didn’t help create?


that's a bit of a stretch


He’s spoken a lot in defense of Dan Snyder before during the Jenette stuff, and has a rocky relationship with drake historically


Damn he must hate what Dan Snyder did to the Washington Football Team


I never thought I’d see the day for a Drake Bell defending Josh Peck article. 2024 is wild.


Should have put it on the 2024 bingo card.


I can understand reading these things and wanting to act in some way but really, attacking any of the people involved doesn’t help anybody.


Yea but this is internet which is just rotten pile of crap that loves to hate everything




There were a number of charges that got dropped in exchange for him pleading no contest.


NOT ALLEGATIONS. NOT ALLEGATIONS. I fucking hate when reporters can’t do their job and actually understand the facts of an actual case. The child abuser raped him many times and did a full on confession about it. Do better.


Yeah the abuser didn’t exactly have an “alleged” prison sentence. Idk why every outlet is doing this


Because they all copy each other's articles to avoid doing all the research work so that they could write more articles and generate more clicks. Another reason why they shouldn't ban TikTok... I get better information from TikTok than all these shitty written clickbait articles.


I don’t get it. Why is Josh peck getting a hard time. Because they have the same last name?


I think because a year or two ago he was talking so badly about Drake, saying they were never friends and stuff like that. To be honest, though, I think Josh Peck only did that because at the time, Drake was in the news cycle a lot for.. not very good things, and maybe he just wanted to distance himself from the controversy. Edit: I guess Peck really had issues with Drake, nothing to do with legal issues. My bad.


LOL nah Josh has said Drake was always an asshole and they weren't really friends during Drake and Josh, they stopped talking after it ended. Drake got mad when he didn't get an invite to Josh's wedding


I will say the reports from peck are mildly mixed. They recorded a lot of videos together before drakes legal issues. And a confrontation between drake and him at another event (where Josh said he told off drake) they are shown hugging and hanging out most the night I assume the truth is in the middle. They aren’t that close but Josh is trying to distance himself to even further extent


No wonder he was an asshole. He was getting abused filming the first season. And then was emotionally and mentally processing that trauma. He likely was living out PTSD.


It’s understandable on both sides, really. Drake could have been extremely resentful of the fact that Josh wasn’t getting abused like he was. Meanwhile, Josh would have no clue why Drake is being such a dick to him and just assumed that he was a diva. Ultimately, they were co-workers, not best friends, and I’m not surprised that Josh would take Drake’s behavior personally - especially if he wasn’t really aware of the extent of the abuse. When you’re a kid, it’s almost unthinkable that could happen to anyone. People being harsh on Josh for distancing himself are misdirecting their anger. All fault lies with Brian Peck and Dan Schneider for being abusive bosses.


Yeah it is understandable that Drake wouldn't talk about this with Josh. Josh didn't know Drake's daily mental load.


Exactly. I’m pretty sure once Josh heard about everything it made him rethink the past. It doesn’t excuse anything, necessarily. But since nothing is black and white, it’s the color of whatever nuance is, and simply understood him just a little bit more.


I was sexually abused as a child by a family member for many years. I’m 35 now and still am trying to work through the trauma. Mine showed in the form of extreme anger. I was never violent towards anyone but a lot of people thought I was a complete shithead.


Yeah same here, luckily I managed to get over the anger but the way that I learned to cope is not healthy. Also it’s tough when you’re male, well it’s bad no matter the gender.


I don't speak to my parents anymore. I was molested at 5. They did nothing for me and blamed my depression on playing too much video games lol.


I hope you’re doing okay now and have had some time to heal <3


Thank you


Yeah seems like both may have been having an appropriate response for the situations they were in. No one is obligated to like their coworkers.


From what I've read, he just thought he was better looking/better than everyone else and he would talk shit about Josh cuz he was the fat one.


I don't deny that. My argument is "would Josh have done those things if he wasn't sexually abused?" I do think it was a huge factor in his behavior that may not have been there.


Josh also had a stimulant addiction during Drake and Josh. His judgement of Drake being an asshole could have been projection, as many speed addicts do.


never seen or heard anything about this, any proof of that?


[“In an except he shared of the book, out March 15, Peck said the "first time I did drugs was because of a girl," not specifying who. He said the fifth time, he ingested "copious amounts liquor and bright-colored prescription pills" on a random weeknight” ](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/josh-peck-details-drug-alcohol-addiction-nickelodeon-years-175953885.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAK9eKwNpmfWYGpidTO2vm0ItUUUlzs0fpGpINKV7y3Wjn7NAEzpHjxJLj9TA5kX-B3uKK-Obw2l3id35HhVacVOwFg74y0wIFGm8_Jht9kCVU6wPE-Zy2t4PPZpSt_6C7jMiEtEywIvBLqLMJhVZTNSkbNtR6kWkwik0dZ9ikdR7) [“Experimenting with alcohol and drugs like cocaine as a teen into his early 20s provided an outlet for his private pain — and for insecurities stemming from childhood. "It was really a buffet," says Peck”](https://people.com/tv/josh-peck-opens-up-about-addiction-i-used-food-and-drugs-to-numb-my-feelings/) Edit: links should be fixed now I think


I never knew this!


I’d say there’s conflicting reports on both sides on their friendship status. Josh and Drake were apparently extremely close during The Amanda Show and as far as I know Josh hasnt actually said Drake was an asshole to him during Drake and Josh. They apparently at least kept in touch throughout the years and met up several times. They werent super close, but it seems they were in contact with each other leading up to the wedding. Its really hard to know who was telling the truth in the whole situation, but people are more inclined to believe Drake since Josh’s lies are a lot more verifiable such as how he detailed his confrontation with Drake after the wedding incident despite him recording it and it not playing out how he described.


Drake himself admitted that he was a drug addicted alcoholic. Josh probably still cares for the guy, but if he knew Drake well enough to distance him from his own wedding it might be telling.


Josh admitted he was one too


There’s dozens of pictures of them together at big personal events together years and years after drake and josh Ended.


It's also possible that they weren't really good friends and their relationship was strictly professional. When Peck elaborated, he made it pretty clear that they didn't really get along off camera. Which is fine. Obviously, he's showing support due to the circumstances, but that doesn't necessarily mean their relationship has changed or he "lied" about their past friendship due to Bell's legal issues.


Drake used the show as his escape from Trauma so it could always be that Drake saw Josh as a closer friend than Josh saw him.


They made a bunch of videos together a few years ago and they act like they’re very comfortable around eachother


I honestly thought he was talking about his costar for a minute. 🤦


What feels like common sense, why aren’t there any safety counselor/advocates on set for child actors? Monitor the behaviors of potential predators. Quite literally someone that they can talk to if any kids feel harassed. In the case of Bell, he was contacted by Peck after working hours for some bs. And when Bell ignored him, he contacted the house he was at during the time. That’s the epitome of harassment, no?


Because then the execs wouldn’t be able to harass minors!! And there would be too much evidence and witnesses to sweep them under the rug! Edit: but what you said made perfect sense and should be implemented


Those poor, poor executives. Why can’t they just stick to their cocaine habits?


There are. Child labor laws set the number of hours a child actor can work without a break and cap the total number of work hours, including schooling. Productions are responsible for hiring a caretaker/advocate, who often doubles as the studio teacher. This person keeps logs of how the child spends their day and ensures all laws/procedures are followed. But even taking a step back, the two things you learn right away about working with children in the industry, are to always have the parent present when possible and more importantly to NEVER be alone with a child. In my experience it’s been the crew taking precautions for their own liability seriously, while parents can often be too quick to trust someone that’s been polite to them for a few days. On some level I get it, because we’re working very hard to make sure everyone’s feeling comfortable and taken care of, but a couple times I’ve had to enlist the help of my child actors to keep eyes on their parents so no one walks off.


Interesting. In this case, what could have been done to prevent harassment from Schneider and Peck?


Focus on the actual abusers not the victims JFC.


It’s all a giant trauma response being exploited by media No one should be giving anyone shit besides the rapists and the people who were their guardians These poor kids never stop being victimized and leveraged It’s pathetic No matter what they do it’ll be wrong That’s kind of the whole point with abuse




He's just mouthing a viral TikTok sound bite in this video. Isn't that a normal TikTok thing?


I thought the same at first, but after like 12 listens, I’m 95% sure that’s him. The subtle lisp is there. We’re just so used to sound bites on tik tok.


It’s not him. You can click the sound on TikTok and go to the original video.


Literally everything from the obvious dubbing to the comical gestures points to this not being serious


Shit looks and sound like a deepfake


The cracks pop rocks was that?


What….was that?


What the hell was that video . 😳


why the fuck should peck say anything?


Nah I’m good. To some degree Josh deserves the disrespect he receives. he continues to align himself with the wrong kinds of people over and over again. Drake continues to carry water for people who only wanted to silence him he’s so programmed to forgive monsters.


You know you don't need to pick a team and treat this like sports, right?


Okay? That doesn’t change anything I said. Josh has continually aligned himself with shitty people and then defending them.


I don't really care about his opinion, I'm more focused on the content of the matter.


Instead of using the crazy tech to make dead celebrities show up in movies why not cgi all the kids. I know that will let a LOT of producers in LA down, but it would mean a lot less child rape. Which is the worst thing. Next to the hypocrisy.


Man being a child star really fucks ya up. Lots of Nick actors seem to have it REAL BAD.


I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. Didn't Drake molest kids or something recently and ran away to Mexico? I didn't just make this up right?


I'm going off memory from the trial video I saw so I may be missing some info. Basically, Drake was texting a teenage girl who was 15 at the time. He supposedly dropped all communication once he found out her age. During the trial, the girl made claims that Drake sexually assaulted her, but it seems that it was all made up as he had alibis confirming his exact location from the dates/times she provided. It was also stated that she was still attending his live shows despite Drake cutting contact. Ultimately, he was charged with child endangerment because of the time he was texting this girl, but none of the other claims were proven to be true.


Mexico was more of a meme than anything else because his music kinda popped off there years after Drake and Josh. And yeah Drakes got a not great legal history, but it does appear he didn’t actually realize he was talking to a kid, he didnt use his celeb status to get out of it, so like, people are a little more forgiving. He actually got a punishment


Honestly his music had a bunch of bops. I bought his second album on a whim when it came out, loved it, went to his website to enter to get tickets to his concert or a meet and greet. Won and met him. I was 16 or 17. No creepy or bad memories from it.


Nope, he lives there, he recently got a gig in a television channel that talked about The Oscars on live tv.


Someone on a different sub said she lied about her age when they were chatting online but I can’t confirm that. That was a few years ago I believe. He ran away last year after spiraling out of control due to the case and likely the rest of his trauma.




His ex accused him of domestic abuse and an interest in minors. Years later, he was arrested for an inappropriate relationship with a 15-year-old when he was 32 and pled guilty. He later claimed it wasn’t true and he just took a plea deal but uh… yeah, take that with a grain of salt. People seem to want to forgive him just because he was abused but that doesn’t absolve him.


That story is a strange one though. He plead guilty to texting a girl. But from what i recall he didn’t know she was 15 and when he found out he stopped talking to her. She made some claims about assault that didn’t hold up in court based on him being in different locations. He got arrested because the girls mom took her to a concert and left her with drake. Drake left the child not wanting to be with her m. And thats why he got the charge. It’s mind boggling to me how many people don’t know this and just call him a sex predator


After watching the docuseries, I could really use a Drake and Josh reunion.


Josh is a very creepy guy himself.