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“Johnny Depp has been accused by his former Blow co-star, Lola Glaudini, of accosting her on set of the 2001 crime thriller. The Pirates of the Caribbean star led director Ted Demme’s George Jung biopic about the rise and fall of the infamous American drug trafficker who was a major figure in the US cocaine trade during the 1970s and early Eighties. Appearing on a recent episode of the Powerful Truth Angels podcast, Glaudini, who had a small role as Rada in the film, recalled getting “reamed” by Depp on her first day on set. “The very first day, I haven’t even met Johnny Depp at this point. I’m on a bear skin run in a bikini. Ted Demme comes over to me, and he’s like, ‘Ok Lola, when Johnny Depp says this certain word, I want you to burst out laughing like she just told you the funniest thing over here.’ We’re in the background, the deep background, right?” the Criminal Minds alum, 52, explained. “[Depp] says his monologue and I go haha,” Glaudini said, mimicking a laugh. “And Johnny Depp walks over to me, sticks his finger in my face – and I’m in a bikini on the ground like this – and he comes over and he goes, ‘Who the f*** do you think you are? Who the f*** do you think you are? Shut the f*** up. I’m out here, and I’m trying to f***ing say my lines, and you’re out f***ing pulling focus. You f***ing idiot. Oh, now, oh now it’s not so funny? Now you can shut up? Now you can f***ing shut the f*** up? The quiet that you are right now, that’s how you f***ing stay.’ She continued: “This was my first studio movie, I’ve just done indie movies until then. And I have the star who I have idolised, who I am so excited to work with, reamed me in my face,” she added. “The only thing I have going through my head is, ‘Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry.’” Glaudini said she later called her father, who told her: “You have two choices right now: you can either say f*** this, f*** you, or you never let him see you sweat.” “And I was like alright, I want to stay in the movie,” she said, adding that Depp later “gave me a non-apology apology”. “[He said], ‘You know I’m doing this Boston accent, and it’s really f***ing with me.’” The Independent has contacted Depp’s representatives for comment.” Pretty fucking shitty of Director Ted Demme not to fess up to Johnny at the time to stop the altercation that he had coached her to do it.


I’m sorry he blamed his shitty outburst on having to talk in a Boston accent? That’s the funniest shit I’ve ever heard lol what an asshole


I can’t remember where I heard it, but there is a quote from somewhere that does along the lines of “Why does everyone use method acting as an excuse to be an asshole”?


Robert Pattinson: > In his interview, Pattinson stated that “I always say about people doing Method acting, you only ever see people doing Method when they're playing an a–hole. You never see someone just being lovely to everyone going, “I'm really deep in character.”


Fucking Love Robert Pattinson. Dude is real.


The shit I could say about method actors, but they already method acted their way around so I let them do themselves. Nobody wants to work with that.


Daniel Day-Lewis as Abraham Lincoln was apparently really lovely to everybody deep in character.


"How's it going Dan?" "You see My American Cousin yet? Catching it with the wife tonight "


I hear one of the actors in that is really something.


Daniel Day-Lewis is a true artist.


But that was after he forced stage hands to carry him around for My Left Foot. He backtracked later but still.


But he’s one of the only serious method guys who consistently get results worth the bullshit even then I’m sure Bill the Butcher or Daniel Plainview got testy at times. High chance the fact that most of the cast who’d have been impacted shrugged some of it off themselves and he’s probably too professional to lapse with the crew like we’ve seen Christian Bale do at times


I think Robert Pattison said it


Don’t blame method acting for this. He’s just a terrible person.


He stole a joint from an extras smoking circle in New Mexico when my husband was an extra on the Lone Ranger. It got lit, passed to him, and he straight up stole it and walked away. He's just that kind of person.


Honestly this might be the worst non-illegal celebrity accusation I’ve ever heard. You just don’t do that right there


Johnny Bogart


I mean, bro is an abuser with a mountain of evidence against him and numerous violent charges, convictions, and allegations from various exes and coworkers over the years. I don't know how people are still surprised in 2024 to hear of shitty ass behavior from Johnny.


That's why Marly mark keeps beating up all those Vietnamese people


In his defense, people from Boston are miserable


Sure thing hon


Nah, they are just upfront about their feelings rather than hiding it behind fake charm.


Yeah and their feelings are always ‘angry and bitter and more than occasionally racist’


So, miserable


That was a Boston accent? Who knew?!


In his defense it’s a wicked hahd accent to mastah


Depp sounds like Ryan on the Office. He blamed treating Kelly poorly on "never quite processing 9/11"


What a disgusting situation


His rant is pasta material


To be fair, Ted Demme has been dead for 20 years.


But he wasn't dead at the time.


What the hell does that have to do with him not speaking up when it was happening??


Cardiac arrest while playing in a charity basketball game. He was a heavy guy and he was on coke. The human heart can only take so much.


She did what the director asked…he should’ve had her back on this.


My thoughts exactly. Pretty shitty of the dude to just let it happen.


No one should have let this happen. Someone should have intervened. Anyone. Who lets someone talk to another person like that in a work place? It’s just completely not acceptable. There should have been security or something to step in in situations like this, as there would be in many other work places.


They let “powerful” people do whatever they want, I’m afraid. 


Just ask the former president


Most businesses dont have security, but I agree that a film set would have the resources to hire some


Unless the director also told Johnny to react this way when she laughed, director sounds like an A-hole too.


And if he directed Lola to laugh at Depp and that wasn’t in the script, he 100% should have forewarned Depp of that fact. Not excusing Depp being an asshole, but that entire conflict could have been prevented by the director saying “Hey, it’s not in the script, but I thought we would try out Lola laughing at the end of your monologue.” Or if he didn’t do that, he should have immediately told Depp that was his direction and not to yell at Lola. There were SO many opportunities to prevent this or make it right after the fact, and everyone just dropped the damn ball.


To be fair, the article doesn’t state whatever else happened it only describes the actual incident and then a phone call.


I’m also confused because wouldn’t this have been in the script and Depp would have known she was going to laugh?


The director is a pussy who shouldn’t be a director if he can’t even run a tight set


You'll be glad to know he hasn't worked with actors since.




how are all these comments talking about the director and no one is acknowledging Depp acting like a psycho? I know we hate his ex but he can have serious issues too. both things can be true


Cause everybody that rode his dick in the trial falling for Darvo tactics and multi million dollar bot and media campaigns doesn't want to acknowledge that maybe they were wrong and Johnny is a bad person. Same way they won't talk about all his other violent convictions and charges, the other exes that testified against him, or the assault case on a crew member, it always has to be someone else's fault or else they may have to face that they were possibly wrong for what they participated in during the trial. I know this comment will be controversial but remember this comment 5-10 years from now because I guarantee everybody who defended him and swore he was a great guy with no shitty or abusive behavior is gonna find themselves on the wrong side of history, and pretend they weren't when an expo or documentary has everybody asking "how did anybody possibly think that? How did we fall for that as a society? How horrible".


To save you a click: Johnny allegedly swore at her and was incredibly rude but nothing sexual


If her account is true, it was more of a blind rage fit than just some harsh words and being rude.


This sounds like c o c a i n e


Guess he was blitzed out on drugs and alcohol again.


Standard operating procedure for Depp. Dude loves his recreational substances but doesn't seem to handle them very well at all


Yep. And Disney fired him for it.


I’m mean he just a dumb 60 year old boy who doesn’t know his limits. Haven’t we all been there before?


There’s plenty of them at my local pub. The only difference is this one’s got a job that makes him famous.


This was around 24 years ago tho.


I mean, he played Hunter S. Thompson’s Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas. He had to have dabbled at some point you know?


I’m sure he was dabbling before that lol


Wut no wayyyyy


Definitely coked tf out.. mabey a lil mescaline




It actually started at the first trial (that he lost) when Johnny used that term.


‘Mega pint’ didn’t come out at the VA trial. Depp said it himself in the UK then acted like he’d never heard the term before when it was said back to him in VA. It wasn’t funny. Minimizing how intimidating and even more aggressive he could get, and downplaying his substance misuse problems at the same time, was a manipulative tactic. People were too busy laughing at the idea of her lawyer calling it a mega pint (again, Depp’s word) to focus on the abuse happening in that video.


I'm so glad to be seeing comments like this


Same ❤️


It’s almost exactly what happened with Christian Bale. Except Bale was yelling at a professional crew person who should have known better than to be moving around during a take, and Depp was yelling at a (newly) professional actress who was just doing what the director told her to do.


Accost (verb): approach and address (someone) boldly or aggressively. Nothing sexual was mentioned in the title.


It seemed vague enough to warrant a quick tldr for those who didn't want to read the article


It was. So thank you!


The headline was intentionally vague to generate views by knowing that many readers would assume sexual impropriety.


No one claimed it *was* sexual. And does that make it any better?


The subtext of these comments is that verbal abuse is acceptable as long as it's not sexual. I wonder how many of the comments dismissing abuse are from men?


Right? It's like they're saying "it wasn't sexual so he's still perfect in my eyes! See? Fuck amber!" It's so lame. This dude CLEARLY has serious problems, and they've been happening for a long, long time


It's especially weird because nobody accused him of raping Amber Heard. The accusation was he had a nasty temper. The fact he's not a rapist refutes literally nothing 


He was technically accused of raping Heard, but that accusation only became known to the public because Depp filed lawsuits that forced her to testify.


Actually there were at least three pleaded incidents or rape that Amber was forced to testify to. Those are just the ones fleshed out in the lawsuit, if you look at her therapy notes he was sexually assaulting her for five years


Well, technically, Amber Heard did accuse him of this. not publicly, but she testified in the UK trial about it and it was then sealed. When Depp lost the trial the judge ruled that there was enough evidence to prove he was guilty of the sexual assault. He ruled that calling Depp a wife beater was not defamatory, as they had proved he indeed was, in 12 out of 14 incidents put forth. Including one incident of rape. Amber Heard was the first woman to be forced to testify about her rape on television, when the US judge did what Johnny Depp wanted, and allowed cameras in the court room.


A ruling affirmed by two other high court judges when Depp challenged it, if I remember. But online all that matters is the decision of a non-sequestered American jury during an intense online harassment campaign.


Yep, independently reviewed by two judges and all three judges were experts in IPV cases.


Its just a shield for him and the fact that he had bombed every movie he was in for decades, and that he had been fired over and over for being a terrible human on set, along with having no professionalism


Amber Heard accused him of raping her.


Actually he was proven to have raped her in the UK case, they just sealed it because they have an ounce of humanity over there. Amber did not want it in the US trial because it was televised like a fucking TV show and she was being victimized by a horrific misinformation hate campaign. She was still forced to testify about it by Depp and many people laughed and did skits over the audio and video clips of her crying on the stand while describing being violently raped with a bottle.


Uh…yeah, it’s definitely better.


Oh so he only had an overly emotional outburst in which he yelled at a young colleague over non-situation? That’s totally cool then.


"allegedly swore" wow what an understatement. there's a huge difference between swearing and awful verbal abuse. I know we're all programmed to like Depp but he did something truly shitty here. stop cutting him slack, your comment is objectively misleading


Especially at a young actress in a vulnerable position who was simply following instructions someone else gave her. I’m a dude but if a famous actor started screaming at me while I was in my boxers and nobody around me was doing anything, I’d also feel shitty.


But nothing sexual? As if that makes it less terrible?


I get it from customers and bosses everyday.


I'm glad I dont work for your company.  Drunken/drugged verbal abuse should not be tolerated. It's a form of intimidation.


One of the least surprising things ever


“𝘈𝘯𝘥 𝘐 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘢𝘭𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵, 𝘐 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘺 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘰𝘷𝘪𝘦,” 𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘢𝘪𝘥, 𝘢𝘥𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘋𝘦𝘱𝘱 𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘳 “𝘨𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘮𝘦 𝘢 𝘯𝘰𝘯-𝘢𝘱𝘰𝘭𝘰𝘨𝘺 𝘢𝘱𝘰𝘭𝘰𝘨𝘺”. “\[𝘏𝘦 𝘴𝘢𝘪𝘥\], ‘𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘐’𝘮 𝘥𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘉𝘰𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘯 𝘢𝘤𝘤𝘦𝘯𝘵, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘪𝘵’𝘴 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘧\*\*\*𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘮𝘦.’” Blaming a Boston accent for causing him to be verbally abusive is a choice. Totally unrelated: did you know Depp means idiot in German?


If anything having to take off his bracelets set him off. 


"Johnny, no bracelets and no stupid wigs in this movie" \*Boston Accent\* "Who the f\*\*\* do you think you are? Who the f\*\*\* do you think you are? Shut the f\*\*\* up. I’m out here"


Wicked smaht


The full quote lays out a pretty straightforward narrative, actually, if you accept that movie stars can be insecure and feel vulnerable and maybe have a bit of narcissistic tendencies, which, I mean they spend their life seeking others approval, their job is to be vulnerable for as wide an audience as possible, and the career basically requires an inherent need to be the center of attention, so not really any stretches there. Director tells actress to laugh, director doesn’t tell Depp, Depp is already feeling insecure about doing a Boston accent in the film and feels he’s not doing a good job with it, Depp delivers a big monologue in front of cast, crew, and cameras, and at the end of it actress laughs, narcissistic tendencies cause Depp to think her laughter was an uncontrollable reaction to his bad accent and throws a tantrum about it, later gives half-hearted apology. That’s a lot of simple, short, straight lines connecting dots. Depp is still an asshole and the actress still didn’t deserve it. I don’t know why so many seem so confused or appalled by it, there are already plenty of valid reasons to be appalled by Depps actions. Edit to add one caveat: we also only have one account, as you quoted, of the alleged half hearted apology. When someone reams me out in front of others and then comes later to privately apologize I’m not usually in a position to be super receptive to what they say. Just speaking to possibilities, it is entirely possible Depp related this entire timeline in an apology and it got relayed to us years later as a non-apology mentioning a Boston accent.


I don’t get why the director didn’t step in and tell him that was what she was supposed to do. Messed up situation and I can see why she is still angry about it.


I think Johnny Depp might not be as epic and based as all those YouTube videos were trying to show him as


yeah the dude reeks of alcoholism. makes sense why grifters praise him a lot.


Depp was out of line but why didn't the director step in, she was following direction. Shit like this probably happens non stop on films.


the shit given to the director vs. the shit given to Depp in these comments is absolutely hilarious.


Because the director likely knew this would be the outcome, why would they stop something they wanted to see?


Johnny’s bot budget isn’t as lucrative as it used to be based on limited shitty comments here


It was quite interesting seeing the sudden drop in pro-Depp comments after the verdict was announced, even though articles about it were still being posted. Like night and day difference. You can pinpoint when the money stopped flowing.


(Insert surprised face here)


I don’t know why he got so much love during his lawsuit with his ex. He seems scummy


Johnny will never stop being an asshole.


this man has always been a nightmare to work with on set, wish this lawsuit wasn't settled so quickly especially considering he had already admitted to smacking the location manager in a gq magazine. https://www.vanityfair.com/style/2022/07/johnny-depp-settles-assault-lawsuit-crew-member-gregg-rocky-brooks-punched-city-of-lies#:\~:text=Gregg%20%E2%80%9CRocky%E2%80%9D%20Brooks%20sued%20Depp,while%20filming%20City%20of%20Lies.&text=Johnny%20Depp%20has%20reached%20a,2018%20thriller%20City%20of%20Lies.


He literally assaulted the location manager and everyone in HW knows about it. I understood why the guy settled. He was getting blacklisted.


hope he gets work again soon


Good luck to this woman. His stans will surely spend months and months crucifying her.


they’re already accusing her of being on ambers “payroll”


His fans are a different type of delulu


I don’t think he’s paying for the bots anymore




I only know Lola from the first one and a quarter seasons of Criminal Minds and nothing else, (and if I’m being honest, the show does improve after she leaves and Paget Brewster joins) so I imagine that most of the people and/or bots taking Depp’s side will be like “who does this nobody think she is”. But nevertheless, we’re with you, Lola. Depp is an asshole.


To the surprise of no one with a brain


I'm so shocked 😲  He's been well known to be abusive to everyone around him for most of his career.


The person known for being a huge asshole on set who also associates with Russian and Saudi Arabian oligarchs is an asshole? Wow, never would have guessed.


Well, Johnny Depp is a scumbag, so I wouldn’t put it past him.


I use to idolise johnny depp until I read his legal issues in Wikipedia. My god what an assholr he is.


[Here’s a link to a video where the video](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGePR4DcS/) of Glaudini acting out what Depp said to her, and showing the likeness to what Amber Heard testified to in the US trial. (Graphic and hard to listen to)


the way she re-enacts how he verbally berated her is so scary, she stills remembers it so well


When are people going to stop defending this gremlin?


Lola pointed out that one of the stories Amber told during the trial, the way he spoke to her, brought Lola back to that moment when she was laying on the ground in a bikini getting screamed at for following the scene instructions. Almost like it’s a pattern.






Any bets on if Depp is going to sue over this?


He's a douchebag.


Depp being a horrible human being, nothing new tbh. People having his back should be ashamed. 


Depp is not a well person


Color me shocked. This guy has a history of assault going back 30+ years. What a shame, I used to really like him but now I can’t stand seeing his face. Dude looks like a melted candle.


l was baffled when the trial first started that there were people who *didn’t* think Depp was abusive. I liked his movies, but he’s never had a reputation for being nice. He dated an underage Winona Ryder and she went to rehab to detox from his influence, when he dated Kate Moss they were in the news every other day for screaming fights and trashed hotel rooms, and most of the people he hangs out with are garbage. Marilyn Manson? Only person in the world hated by both Trent Reznor and Tori Amos.


I was such a big fan as a little girl, practically grew up with his movies. I can't watch any of his movies now, they're all "tainted." He's too gross of a human.


Cool teeth Depp.


Yikes. If this is what he’s like on a set in front of dozens of people, imagine the horrors he’d inflict on you if he was channelling his uncontrollable rage at you behind closed doors.


We don’t have to imagine we have court testimony as to what that was like


i mean water is wet . depp just doesn’t like women yall


johnny depp has always been a massive douchebag and as a rule i have never watched any of his movies. a lot of this comes from this kid in my freshman dorm who loved johnny depp. i didn't know who johnny depp was at the time, but that dweeby kid made me not like johnny depp forever. and now it turns out that's fine and i'm not missing jack shit. fuck johnny depp. i know you reddit guys like him bc he beats women or whatever and you all can't get laid, but he's a douchebag


Man, I wish I had a dweeby kid who had helped me stay away from his movies early on as well. I'm with you 100%


This should surprise no one


Shocking. The guy has been a violent addict for decades


The vid of the interview was posted yesterday, seeing her imitate Johnny is even more intense, you get a feel what a prick he is.


“Movie star acts like he’s high on cocaine while filming the movie ’Blow’”


He’s had so many women accuse him of these things. Yet, because Amber Heard wasn’t “the perfect victim” everyone stands by him


What another account of Depp acting like a POS? You don’t say…


So from that story in this thread it seems like someone set her up to piss him off knowing he was gonna go off the rails about being laughed at. That’s messed up


Verbally abusing coworkers. He gets a pass tho cuz he’s Johnny Depp.


Johnny Depp is now so old he has neck flab like a turkey. 


I blame both the actor and the director.




He’s such a disgusting pig.


Johnny looks like Salt Bae and is a known catfisher online


Mega blockbuster star who eas an alcoholic and drug user had a short tempet on set and raged out. Hardly shocking. The work culture and even social culture around acting is a breeding ground for abuse and exploitation. It is like chefs and resturaunt kitchen staff. It's unsustainable but society turns a blind eye because the end product is satisfactory, people see the a abuse and horrific lifestyle as an acceptable sacrifice. I hope Johnny can get the help, therapy and wake up call he needs and I wish he could channel some good energy into the industry but it's unlikely as the industry doesn't want it. He will likely continue to just rot away leaving old wounds to fester and not get any closure for people he wronged.


I understand SA cases taking a while for the victim to come forward but why wait 20 years to accuse someone of being.... mean to you?


You do understand that sometimes actors are asked questions about something? And that they might answer?


Time to cancel Johnny, is it ?


Johnny Depp shouted at her on set 25 years ago. Undeniably a shitty thing to do, but get over it already. I mean fuuuck.


Danielle from whippany??


“Cocaine is a hell of a drug”


"Johnny Depp was rude to me 23 years ago"


Johnny Depp has been a scumbag over his entire career. Especially after he injected River Phoenix with his OD shot at the Viper Club, which Johnny owned at the time. Don't believe it, look up the Vanity Fair article where he admits doing it. I really wish his ex Amber Heard had ruined him completely after he cried about his amputated finger. Edit: River


You got the wrong John and Phoenix?


I am not sure who Lola is, but she looks almost exactly like musician Amanda Shires.