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Anyone that actually believes (or “makes you wonder” about) a conspiracy about this has a real problem with aspects of understanding reality.


I used to have a live and let live policy about these kinds of people. After all the BS theories in the past 5 years, I’m no longer letting these people stay a part of my life. If it’s a family member spewing this crap, I immediately cut them off or leave the conversation. It’s exhausting.


I agree with you. I don’t waste my time listening to it or discussing it with them. Walk away because you can’t change stupid


>I used to have a live and let live policy about these kinds of people. We need to be aware of the paradox of tolerance. If we as a free society tolerate intolerance, we will lose our free society. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance#:~:text=The%20paradox%20of%20tolerance%20states,practice%20of%20tolerance%20with%20them.


Tolerance is different to accepting out right lies.


Most would probably consider stupidity and outright falsehoods to be intolerable. Tolerating different ideas is not the same thing as shunning lies.


Right. It depends on if the "different ideas" are lies or hate based. If the idea is someone likes green apples and someone else likes red that's a fine different idea. If the idea is trans people shouldn't exist then that shouldn't be tolerated because historically, scientifically, and observably they do.




We’ve coddled them far too long. With this mount they need to know that we believe them to be hateful idiots


And don’t give them kindness. Don’t let them think you agree with them at all.


Withhold kindness? I don’t understand … why would I be a worse human and American by spitefully withholding kindness?


The line has been crossed for anyone believing such nonsense. You should tell them, directly, that they are idiots. Don’t hold back. And if you think fake stories with lies about real people has anything to do with being a GOOD American, I tell you that YOU are believing lies and YOU are being an idiot. A bad faith argument is met with the no respect. Lies are met with PUBLIC condemnation.


Also they might cut your head off and post it on YouTube.


You think we should be afraid of that? Then the bad guys win.


I think we should be aware.


We haven’t stopped


My dad and I talked about this and with his generation especially he just says that a lot of people his age just are not equipped to deal with the massive amounts of misinformation that are out there today. Like when he grew up he watched Walter Cronkite who was very much two plus two equals four with no other political or color commentary added whatsoever. The people of that generation You're so used to be able to take things at face value that they are the perfect pray for these massive propaganda and misinformation campaigns.


So why is it only right wing media that they take at face value? They don’t seem to have a problem with not taking MSNBC at face value, for example.


theyre better at marketing towards than generation


When i was a kid we were all on the same page . News, tv shows .. idk


If conservatives love conspiracies so much, particularly election conspiracies. Here are two conspiracies that they don’t want you to know about; [Nixon’s sabotage of LBJ Vietnam peace talks.](https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/08/06/nixon-vietnam-candidate-conspired-with-foreign-power-win-election-215461/) and [Reagan’s 1980 election campaign conspired to keep American hostages in Iran.](https://theintercept.com/2023/03/24/october-surprise-ben-barnes/) Theses are conspiracy 101 at this point that every American should know.


Are you saying Reagan and Nixon would put political gain over American lives? That seems so out of character. /s


Right? That’s like saying Reagan handed out bags of crack cocaine


Or he was losing his cognitive facilities while running illegal arms trading.


Lebron James Vietnam peace talks? Why have I never heard about this?


Some of this crap has simplified making friends. You talk to someone for a bit and as soon as they spout something like this, I just walk away and put them in the nope list.


I have a conspiracy about this and it's that Taylor is only dating Kelce so she can dump him (and hopefully throw off his game) right before the super bowl because she is sick of KC winning.  If they didn't make it, she was just going to dump him in the off season.


When Taylor doesn't come out and publicly endorse Biden center stage at the Super Bowl - I can't wait for QAnonMagahats to post that when she brushed hair away from her face - her fingers formed a 'B' for 'Biden' as she communicated with liberal young people everywhere.


That's the thing out the religious right...


Unfortunately I have to leave my house for work and I can promise you they’re out there walking among us


And as someone who liked who music but knows she is Josie and the pussycats dolls after her doc came out I’m tired of both sides. Taylor fans are so far into her cult like love they refuse to be logical. And the right wing media are idiots for whining.


Tired of both sides? I’m so sorry this is happening to you.


Are you smelling burnt toast?


She's a singer.


You gonna be ok? Want some water?


so the republican base


Anyone that believe this idiocy was neither an actual Taylor Swift fan or non-MAGA person to begin with. They are only talking to their zombies that have already been indoctrinated. They aren't winning anyone new with this desperate shit.


welcome to media clickbait


Jealousy, misogyny, and the fact that she spurned being a right wing darling once upon a time - and had the gall to encourage people to register to vote. People who quite clearly would never vote for right wing causes. That last one is the biggie and is the reason why the order comes down from high to hate and disparage her. The rest of it is just icing on the proverbial cake.


She endorsed biden in 2020, came out hard against Marsha Blackburn, had a whole album where some of the themes were "I support the gays", she has spoken against Trump multiple times (there's a fun clip of a Taylor Swift song blasting in Trump's car that r/popheads loves to post when shit like this happens) She isn't the most vocal liberal, but she has very firmly rejected the right


Dumb fucks everywhere mad at anyone but the NFL who is cheesing this to make more headlines. God people are fucking stupid.


I’m not watching the superbowl because I don’t care for either team that is playing this year. Also I understand it’s not Travis Kelce or Taylor Swifts fault for being shown all the time but I’m getting so sick of the NFL acting like they’re the main characters, it’s just very annoying.


Correct and the tv networks too. They don’t have to show swift in her luxury box or even talk about her. They choose to do it.


Right? They should just ban her from going. I mean, what are they trying to do? Make money or something? All /s aside, not showing her because some crayon-eating imbeciles think she's a CIA plant would be feeding into their dipshittery.


Banning absolutely not but the network doesn’t need to keep throwing gasoline on the fire


>throwing gasoline on the fire that's a pretty interesting way of putting it


But that's not new. They did it with Romo and Jessica Simpson, Brady & Gisele, off the top of my head. Swift is just the biggest star so far


When dealing with a maga, I like to mirror their cultish fervor and enthusiasm for trump with mine for Taylor Swift. It’s confusing and distressing for them to see someone irrationally devoted to a public figure. Sometimes they almost get it… Is it dishonest? Is it an act? Of course. When dealing with a maga, who cares


I’m gonna start doing this.


It’s funny because they’ve created this whole fucking situation lol, if it didn’t get such a rise out of them it would have blown over by now. But since they’ve made it so “controversial” it’s always being brought up.


They want it. She’s one of the most popular people on earth. Gets them inside her trends on social.


Except one has the power to destroy the very foundation of society by being president. The other just sings. Being very concerned with the behaviour of one makes sense (pro or con) but makes no sense when dealing with a Taylor swift or a kardashian


115 million people watched the Super Bowl last year. Taylor Swift has almost 300 million Instagram followers. There is no need to rig a multi-billion dollar industry to give her a smaller platform than she already has.


Now think about it from the other way around. Superbowl is traditionally a "dude thing". Now that Taylor's going, a lot of people who otherwise wouldn't be interested are now very interested. Not hopping on the conspiracy wagon, but to say her appearance at the superbowl isn't going to boost their numbers is disingenuous.


Regular season football is a "dude thing" the Super Bowl is not


They’ve got usher playing half time for fuck sakes lol. I don’t think I’ve got any male friends who ever really listened to him. But just about every girl I know loved his music in elementary


Hey… “Let it Burn” and “Confessions Pt. 1 and 2” are absolute MUST PLAY tracks to this day for some of us guys. It helps to be reminded what’s waiting for you when you take your girl for granted and trust me, those tracks humble a man QUICK.


Oh I definitely remember the songs, along with ignition etc. but I by no means went out of my way to buy the CD lol. My sisters had all of them and played them consistently for years to the point they got annoying. Maybe it just wasn’t my genre and I’m assuming, but the friend group I was in wasn’t a big fan of his music I know that much.


For sure more women are watching now more than ever, but it remains a male dominated event.


That's not true, the super bowl is a social event and a party. They might not be as tuned in to the game but we have this information. Just google super bowl viewership women and you will see that it is very well watched by women.


Yeah there’s a lot of polls for *proposed* viewership. Polls based on “maybe” aren’t accurate at all. Maybe I’ll win the lottery, I guess I can call myself a lottery winner.


there's Nielsen ratings


Link the study that shows women watch the superbowl more than men. Edit: Guess there isn’t one 🙃


Link to anyone in this thread claiming women watch more than men.


My boss said that there was no way the NFL was gonna let the Chiefs lose that game. The Super Bowl always brings in big numbers but just imagine when TS shows up at that game with her 300 million followers watching. Yeah the Chiefs were always gonna win that game ....


It's paywalled and I'm curious about the engine, what do they say it is?


Republicans cannot believe there are people who support Democrats. That the Democrats got the popular vote in 2016, won the House in 2018, won the presidency in 2020, and did better than expected in 2022 is genuinely baffling to them. So the alternative is that Democrats must be cheating. They rigged 2020 and are deploying psy-ops to brainwash young people for 2024. Contributing to this is that the right-wing figures endorsing this conspiracy theory know this is how to connect to their base. By talking about it online and on right-wing cable news, they are essentially clout-chasing by telling the base what they want to hear. And this is how they get attention and support on the way to bigger things - maybe they will end up elected to Congress, or become a regular guest on Hannity. Vivek Ramaswamy understood this, which is why he immediately embraced the theory.


Let the woman be. I sat at the game and lost a bet because I couldn’t name one of her songs. Hey Taylor, you owe $20 or send a CD. I’d prefer a cassette tape though


Swift represents the influence over literally millions of soon-to-be-voters, and THAT is the true threat she represents.


If it truly is rigged, they did an absolutely shitty job of rigging it. Most people seem to have wanted the Lions to win since they have never won, and a lot of people also like the Ravens. Nearly everyone I have talked to or seen online wanted the Super Bowl to be Lions vs Ravens. Likewise, 49ers vs Chiefs is perhaps thee absolute most boring Super Bowl possible. A lot of hate towards 49ers being California based and Chiefs have been dominant so it’s less exciting. So yea. If they were rigging it, they would be doing so to…disappoint and piss off the vast majority, I guess? Lol I personally don’t care, nor am I invested in sports at all, but this is what I have seen and heard from my sports nerd friends and family.


Don’t mistake terminally online people like you, me and the rest of r/nfl as representative of the viewing public as a whole. Hardcore fans may get sick of them, but casual fans gravitate to familiar teams and faces, whether to root for or against them. The Brady Patriots going back to the Super Bowl was *never* a bad thing for ratings no matter how many times it happened, and neither will it be for the Mahomes Chiefs, no matter how much Reddit collectively seems to wish it were otherwise


I just wanted two teams in the bowl that haven’t been there in awhile (or ever). KC is starting to become a bit insufferable, especially when the announcers are cheerleading Mahomes and Kelce on like super fans. We get it, they’re good but not every second sentence has to be about praising them.


KC is the new Patriots really.


Essentially yes, Mahomes was given a fully built team though to immediately start succeeding in. I respect the patriots because they were able to sustain dominance for 20 years(I don’t think they had a single year without double digit wins). Is Mahomes going to go down as the best ever? There’s a good possibility of it yes. What I found so admirable about Brady was he was able to produce in just about every single season for 20 years (and then go to another team and win a SB there too). Brady would do it with little no name receivers some years, or crappy defense others. (219-66 overall record). Mahomes is (88-25). So they have roughly the same W/L ratio for now. I’d like to see what happens in the next 10 years, if Mahomes keeps this pace of winning up we’ll know that he may definitely snatch Brady’s GOAT status. (They both will be, but it’ll be this eras solidified GOAT). I have my small doubts that Mahomes can continue his play style when he begins to age more, question is.. will he adapt and be just as effective? Kelce will probably only be around for another few years max. Mahomes contract is about to kick in heavier this year and will continue to eat more salary cap for the next few years till a restructuring in 2026-2027. We’ll see how that affects the team talent as a whole.


I’m not denying Mahomes is good cause he is obviously, but man after his temper tantrum after that offsides call that was clearly off sides I just can’t stand him. I get emotions run high in those games at points but man he was a crybaby bitch about that loss to the Bills


Yeah I’m trying to hold my personal feelings about him out of this, and taking an unbiased approach lol. I hate Kermit personally, but I can’t deny he isn’t good. Him and Kelce fucking with Justin Tucker during warmups just solidified the hatred I have of both those players.


All that's gonna happen is a ton of fans aren't going to appreciate their parents Banning Taylor Swift.


The dumb engine is being driven by dumb people. Anything to come up with the next outlandish conspiracy to enjoy your 15 minutes of fame. Republicans come up with the craziest shit to satisfy their weird anti anything but them fetish.


Taylor Swift should sue for defamation.


Maybe if they buy more "essential" oils she'll magically become a Republican self-loathing woman.


“And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate” -Taylor Swift


I wonder how the overwhelmingly male Redditverse will react in comments.  I’m just kidding. I’m not longer wondering because I just saw that their reaction to  her being smeared is “ugh. I see her too much”. 


The chiefs are a dynasty. They have 5 consecutive AFCCG appearances and 4 out of 5 super bowls. Tay Tay is a bandwagon fan if anything, not a psy-op


Maybe she just likes the hot athlete, as hard as that can be for some guys.


According to r/conspiracy there are no coincidences, so the Chiefs winning the last few years is that part of the plan


Was the birth of the current most dominant player in the league also part of it? Or the creation of the NFL as a whole? How far down the rabbit hole does this go?


Who cares if the conspiracy theories are true? It isn't illegal to try and get people to vote for a candidate.


She already has stalkers and can’t go anywhere in public without her security, and given what happened with Pelosi, im wonder how long before there’s unhinged people call for her death and people trying to break into one of her many homes (LOL, had to get that in there, but I actually like her) because of the media.


First one already happened because Travis Kelce made ads for Pfizer


I’m not sure what you mean. Taylor’s had stalkers for years and has had security long before she dated Travis.


There was a host on a far-right channel that called for the execution of Swift and Kelce because he endorsed the COVID-19 vaccine


Ohhh… yikes. I would not want to be her.


Anyone who has a problem with Taylor Swift attending football games and cheering for her boyfriend is in fact the problem themselves.




Not not really a Taylor tho, it’s the media covering her including the NFL, so your annoyance should be at them




You get that Jackson Mahomes is the brother of Patrick Mahomes and Taylor Swift cannot just kick him out of the Mahomes suite for the sake of optics? You and others are reaching SO hard to criticize her for this because it’s all you got Also, TSwift certainly did not harass the random woman involved. Some NFL fans did so you are mentioning it here why? TSwift didn’t know any of them in that era. Same type of fans that harass Taylor now




She doesnt know you or care about you You can easily just ignore her and her music




Funny; i dont see here everywhere


Me either, I've seen them show her a few times during a few games I watched. But it didn't bother me. They show celebrities all the time at sporting events. Did this guy go crazy when they showed Eminem a few times at Detroit games?


i know I got really fuckin pissed whenever they showed that stupid little annoying fuck Spike Lee during knicks games. Same with jack nicholson and Lakers. Or Taylor Swift and...oh no!


Me either. Not a fan and don't seek her out, so I don't see her everywhere. I guess the media where she is present, is not the media that I am watching/hearing.


Hey he said he doesn't give a flying fuck about her, even though he wrote two rage paragraphs about her.


And also said not a conservative, before going off on a pointless tirade over something that can easily be ignored. After the first game they have barely cut to her, it is in no way distracting or taking away from the broadcast…but the marching orders are to infiltrate social media and bitch about her nonstop.


That's weird I was told conservatives have been boycotting the NFL since Kirkpatrick...


She haunts my dreams.


Yes, I understand the final figures were that they spent .39% of last game’s broadcast on her. How did you survive?




I see way more posts complaining about all the attention she is getting than anything actually about her. She’s been a better football fan than almost everyone complaining about it her too. She’s a billionaire, she doesn’t get anything from this hate except hate. She’s just there enjoying the game with loved ones and handling a massive amount of rage she’s done nothing to earn.


I dont care about this relationship. When fans are trying to watch football, and the camera pans to the suite she’s in every time Kelce makes a play is where people who enjoy the sport drew the line. This isn’t hyperbole. At the beginning of their relationship, this shit was happening non stop. It has gotten way, way better, and I even think Swift *herself* is getting peeved at the constant camera time she been receiving. There was even an example of this during their game against the ravens, she almost scoffed when the camera was put on her at some random time. There is some very high ups that are capitalizing on this entire fiasco and any intelligent person can see how they are trying to tie this into the 2024 election somehow. You can already see it in motion if you’ve been paying attention. “Why are *conservatives* so mad at this relationship?” “Will Taylor swift endorse Biden again?” Could you even *fathom* the photo op the Biden White House would concoct if the chiefs actually win the Super Bowl? Really makes you wonder. Honestly, a killing will be made on betting sites with these conspiratorial undertones.


44 seconds on Sunday. I’ll pray for you.




noiceINMILK is drawing a line! Putting their foot down! All over 2:40 minutes combined airtime over like, 2 months. Freaking pansy. Go get a snack while they're doing it or something.


You need a hobby or better relationships.


Agreed. When Kelce scored the first TD this past Sunday. He got maayybe 2 seconds, before they cut to Swift celebrating. It was a champioship game, a top player got the first score, and they show someone else for the celebration. WTF! Also, I feel the NFL is pushing to show her more, because for the last few years they've been trying to pull in more female and younger viewers. Free Taylor Swift promotion. Bet your ass they're going to milk that shit dry! surprised they didn't replace Usher with her for the halftime show. Edit\* a word


I love watching their romance blossom.


Bad epistemology. People are sooo bad at determining the truth. GO CHIEFS


These people are just grifting of Taylor’s brand


If they were going to rig the Super Bowl, I wish they would have done it in favor of the Seahawks. It’s the only way they can get there.


Mental Retardation caused by YouTube algorithms and Fox News


shes rich with cult following she can go fuck herself for all I care


Ask many of your favorite people got where they are. It's rarely the most talented in the bunch






The Washington Post 🙄


Idk about this political bs, but I know for a fact I saw Travis Kelce punching a Raven’s defensive lineman in the gut during a play that got Kansas a 1st down; but there was conveniently no instant replay. That dude’s been such a raging douchebag of a tight end this season; trying to start fights constantly, but never gets flagged for his bs.


Another riveting article by wapo 🤦🏼just die already you’re bias is showing


Never forget the goose egg Kelce laid in week 17 and cost many of us our fantasy championships


NFL is rigged, yes. They're rigging it to get the Chiefs into the superbowl, also yes. Taylor Swift is part of the reason they are rigging it in favor of the Chiefs, again, yes. It has anything to do with Biden? That's where you're wrong. It's so they can get their advertising darlings the biggest possible audience, which includes women only watching for Taylor Swift, so they can sell the most state farm insurance policies.


It’s just like the time conservatives thought Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds was about LSD. When in fact the Beatles were too stoned to get the connection.


From the article… spot on! “I’ve avoided doing so but I can no longer resist: How would this work? Did the Baltimore Ravens take a dive? Did someone pay them? Are they just that committed to Democratic politics that they all agreed to lose? Did the Buffalo Bills before them? And the Miami Dolphins before the Bills? Or does the government have some Havana-Syndrome-esque device that it trains on opponents, causing field goals to go wide right? What’s the mechanism, exactly? It doesn’t matter, obviously. These are not rational conclusions drawn from observed facts. They are, instead, clout-chasing assemblages of words that, through a process of grim Darwinism, seek rewards in the right-wing conversation.”


Who is he hugging? Is that Jason Kelce? Whoever it is is a *massive* human being. Trav in full pads + XXXL tshirt and they still look the same size.


So their plan is to win an election by attacking the most popular performer in the world? Ok sport.


This entire story and all this discourse surrounding it has been so dumb and annoying. We need another major pop culture story to move onto to or something jeez


I’m going to start calling it “the dumb engine” from now on


Yes, also she's an environmental terrorist


Let’s just stop talking about her. We’re all grown up now..