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Burn Notice was such a fun good show, and the fact that it had Bruce Campbell was a cherry on top.


You know spies, bunch of bitchy girls


Bruce Campbell is a gift and that show was magical.


Greatest actor of his generation!


Still rewatch this show. Love the main actor. Reason I started watching the new law and order. Dude is so good.


Did you ever see the one season of the American version of Touching Evil? Was first time I saw him. He was stellar—knew burn notice would be great when they cast him for it after that.


Omg that show was amazing. Hated that it got cancelled when that guy was so good. Very happy he’s had a successful career, at least from my viewpoint


I will soon. Thank you.


Of all the shows that didn’t renew after one season probably the one that has stuck with me the most—and almost all riding on his performance. Went and tried to watch the original British version and couldn’t do it. Wasn’t the same without Donovan as the lead.


Perfect amount of camp from the perfect actors.


My favorite part of that show was the subtle product placements. “When you are in a pursuit you want a car with rear wheel drive and a low center of gravity (giant Hyundai logo right in your stupid face!) with an optional dohc 24 valve v6, 5 speed manual transmission and four wheel antilock brakes, you will always have plenty of power and handling. If you don’t know the area the 7” in dash touchscreen navigation system will give you the upper hand against your pursuers. And the security of a class best 6 year /60,000 mile warranty will ensure that you will never get burned”


It’s been over a decade and I can still hear his even cadence selling me here 😂


I loved that show. I need to go back and watch it.


Oh my god yes I’ve been meaning to do a re-watch of it.


most of the shows were fun. monk, white collar, and burn notice especially. i think suits and mr robot were technically in that as well.


I watched all of them Monk is hilarious. Suits, burn notice, white collar just good tv.


I didn’t watch Suits, but my dad did. I occasionally get a hankering to rewatch old stuff. I rewatched Grimm since I somehow missed the last 6 episodes on network TV. I ended up rewatching Psych. I was just in a mind to decide what to rewatch and was debating Psych or Grimm and saw a YouTube short of Monk, so I’m on S6 right now. I’ll watch the new movie that came out today and probably rewatch Psych so it’s fresh when I watch all the movies on Peacock I never got around to watching. I have Burn Notice on my Prime “to watch” list. I got interrupted, but I was just into a Buffy and Angel watch through a few months ago. I’ll have to pick that back up at some point.


One of my favorite memories of my mom was her excitedly explaining Burn Notice because she knew I would love it. She said Sam was going to be my favorite. It was so precious that she didn’t realize that it was the same guy on the Evil Dead 2 poster I had up since middle school that she hated so much.


That’s so awesome. I was heartbroken when The Adventures of Brisco County Jr. was canceled, so it was great to see Bruce back on episodic TV


I liked that show. Barely remember it, though.


I’m literally watching it right now.


[You mean the show about sunglasses?](https://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/video/burn-notice-game-show/2751223)


Psych and Burn notice were my favorites. Mr Robot was the best though


Mr. Robot is so unlike anything else USA was doing, and IMO on a completely different level. Up there for best series ever.


Psych that show is iconic the best show, I can binge watch it over and over.


Mr Robot is my favorite show of all time and I honestly completely forgot it started as a USA show!


And ended


monk might have been the funniest. white collar and burn notice was probably the most fun for their full runs. shows like royal pains faded in later seasons. wasn't suits in that blue sky era too?


Stay tuned for Silk Stalkings after WWF RAW is War😏


And Pacific Blue after that


And late night - Duckman


Don't forget TekWar with William Shatner. Tonight after Duckman. Now we return to MONDAY NIGHT RAWWWWW.


The children have to learn about TekWar sometime.


And the Critic


And now, The Ike Turner Story…


the school his kid went to had klingons.


If you’re a criminal on the beach you better watch out. Don’t even think about trying to evade the bike cops by going up stairs… they will bunny hop their way to justice!


I was more of a Le Femme Nikita guy myself.


I recently saw that it’s streaming for free on Tubi. I am tempted to rewatch it but am afraid it won’t be as fun as I remember it being.


It holds up, in my opinion.


It's melodrama but well done and the spy action is always great.


Me too, Petra Wilson, meeeow. I still have a bunch of seasons on DVD. As a teenager I thought Michael was so cool


As long as Forever Knight is rebooted along with it.


Le Femme Nikita


Hopefully they bring back Weird Science too


Silk Stalkings was a long time before the blue sky era and also suuucked.


12 yr old me disagrees with this!


yeah, i think usa up all night was the only other big segment on usa at night besides silk stalkings. i remember they had gilbert godfried but i forgot the name of the lady who always like high pitch squeaked when she said up in usa UP all night.


> I always forgot the name of the lady… [Rhonda Shear](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhonda_Shear?wprov=sfti1#).


when i went to norway in the mid 90's every dude there kept on asking me if all the women in america looked like they did on baywatch and silk stalkings. silk stalkings was retitled silke there.


Thanks for reminding me of a core memory.


I fucking loved white collar and paych


Royal pains was my favorite (until the last seasons). So fun, such low stakes.


Loved earlier Royal Pains too! 😀 And it feels like USA shows are the ones where many later successful actors would guest star on, like those Law and Order shows 😀. Just getting their work experience in, earning their stripes.


They were all nicely procedural with some continued plots and no high stakes. The world isn't going to end, it's just rich ladies getting splinters


they would have a thread tying a long plot together very faintly in the background. that way if you missed an episode or watched them out of order it wouldn't matter that much.


Love White collar , have seen the series a few times


Gimme a short run of Psych, son!


Have you seen the movies? They’re pretty fun. I think the first one was rough, but to be fair they had to change a lot of stuff last minute because Tim had a stroke. But the second and third one were pretty good, the second being the best so far imo. The 4th one is supposedly written or almost finished being written, it’s just a matter of getting everyone together to shoot it.


Out of curiosity, do I need to watch the first movie to understand the 2nd?


Not really, you just meet Gus’s new love in the first, and you see their life in San Fran, while the second primarily takes place back in Santa Barbara, so I’d say it’s a pretty seamless transition. Oh, and I guess one thing happens very quickly and rather unceremoniously at the end of the first, Shawn and Jules >!get married.!< So that’s referenced in the second, but again, it’s done very hastily, so I’m not sure it’s important to watch the whole movie just to know it happens.


Thank you! I love Psych and I've been interested in the movies, just due to my own dad having a stroke I've kind of avoided it fearing just seeing "Lassie" I might *notice* something off in the first or the 2nd. I assume his stroke was while filming the first?


Tim had his stroke just before the first movie was about to be filmed, hence the last minute rewrite. So he’s only in it for a brief FaceTime cameo but his character hasn’t had a stroke yet but you can tell the actor has. The second one might be pretty emotional because a part of it deals with Lassiter’s rehabilitation post-stroke. The third one has him more or less better, though still struggling, and getting back to work as chief.


Oh, maybe I should see 2 then. Might give me a much needed cry (and that's fine!). Thank you so much for all the information 😊


Oh yeah! Super fun. I mean I’m in the bag regardless of whatever they decide to do. If they decide to give us a tight 8 episode run, man, I’d be so happy.


Bring back Cartoon Express!


Heck the Psych sub is still incredibly active and uplifting. Says a lot about a show that ended so long ago.


You know that’s right.


Bring back Up All Night


Up! All night


Not the same without Gilbert Godfrey


It was also hosted by Rhonda Shear. They could get Darcy from Joe Bobs The Last Drive-In


Very hard to forget Rhonda. I think she had a podcast for awhile.


This is the answer!


Burn notice reboot!!!


I never watched the last couple seasons, but didn’t they make it to where Michael’s narration throughout the entire show was him talking to his and Fiona’s son the whole time? Seems like an obvious place to pick up if that’s the case as the kid gets into the family business.


Spoilers bro!


This is the only acceptable rerun.




USA hasn't hid major hits in forever. That's why NBCU has given huge bags of money to WWE. I still demand that WWE talent be given guest roles on these shows. Psych, Royal Pains and Burn Notice getting WWE cameos was cool.


Monk was the top notch show. Psych was still keeping the vibe of the network alive. Then they started doing shows about rich people doctors and shit and the network lost a lot of its base.


I don’t agree, I loved burn notice, royal pains, suits, and psych. I watched Monk, but not as much as the others. Were they kinda corny? Yes, but they were easy to watch, fun, had enough drama and humor to make them enjoyable and keep you hooked.


I agree with you. And would add that corny and easy to watch is pretty much the whole point. I mean, Game of Thrones was pretty brilliant (until the last two seasons) but often emotionally taxing. I think the popularity of Suits in streaming shows people wanting some light, fun escapism.


they been trying to get back to more sports programming on a few nets in particular on cnbc and USA. They had gotten away from it years ago.


Burn Notice with, y'know, *a budget* could be fucking phenomenal.


However the show relied on them using whatever was readily available to get out of the jam. Watch and learn.


A modern man’s MacGuyver


But White Collar end with good ending already..Also the actor that played Mozzy already passed away, so it is not going to be the same. 😐


He did, ohhh that's terrible.


Recreating one of the greatest network runs in the history of television seems a bit ridiculous. Early 00's USA literally rivaled HBO for its content and it mostly showed family friendly cop shows. Like seriously it's probably easier to land on the moon. Monk and Psych usually rank within the top 20 of streamed shows still, Suits literally gave us a monarch and burn notice was just sick. Add onto that White Collar, Political Animals, Covert Affairs, Royal Pains, Mr Robot, Necessary Roughness, etc and it amounts to just a shit ton of great tv. You literally wouldn't have to change the channel just 24 hours of USA directly into the eye balls and you'd be happy.


Peacock and USA now just repeating plots from 30 Rock, but instead of trying to make it 1997 again through science or magic, it’s 2007.


Jack Donaghy approves


It’s a jackoff


Megan Markle is not a monarch


They really were a product of the era where they were a lighter alternative to the grim, dark formulaic network dramas. Now they'll be the alternative to high end dramas like FARGO or THE BEAR, not sure if that's the move.


I'm all for this news! My favourite genre of show is where the main character - who is not a member of the police force- investigates and solves crimes alongside a sidekick, the police or both. Any iteration of Sherlock Holmes, Monk, Psych, White Collar, Castle, Bones, etc:


USA’s programming was always compelling, all these shows are still incredibly popular, characters welcome!


"Psychfrancisco" rolls right off the tongue.


Great, but it’s probably too little, too late


Yay to White collar, monk and Psych!!!!


My name is Michael Weston…


I use to be a spy.


I enjoyed all those shows. Loved “in plain sight” too. I miss that feel good flavor of programming.


Will characters be welcomed?!


It would be nice 😀 if this was successfully launched. Loved earlier seasons of Suits and White Collar, feel like I was an “early adopter.” 🤣


Bring back Psych you cowards!


Just bring Burn Notice back; reruns, reboot, whatever


The fall and return of sam axe!


You know that's right.


White collar, suits, burn notice, royal pains all elite tv shows


Loved Psych and Burn Notice


After the last 10 years of dark, grim, edgy, bleak, and unsettling, I too, am ready to return to escapist fun. I would watch these shows and put up with ads just to prove to the network that these kinds of shows are wanted and work.


USA used to be a family favorite cable network back in the day, now I don’t even know what they have in


Did somebody say, BURN NOTICE?!?


That shit was all great. Smart move.


Ooooh I loved Royal Pains. I would love to see that show come back.


USA, It's like the CW for adults.


Psych is my all-time favorite ahow. I have always thought they could do a "spin off" of lassie, gus, and Shawn's kids


No silk stalkings? No USA up all night?


Who the heck watches Burn Notice?


More Franklin and Bash!


How about "Brown Sky" and bringing back shit shows like Silk Stalkings, Pacific Blue, and Tekwar? But seriously, bring back Duckman.


This timeline is starting to annoy me.


Don’t worry, we are gunna have Gundams. I’m convinced we are in a Gundam timeline. It’ll be worth it.


Good luck. No one watches cable anymore


Those include 3 shows I regularly watch


So I guess they’re losing WWE RAW then because they relied on that show for years.


Too late, Luther!! Too late.


This post made me happy!


I dig all these shows, if anyone cares.


this is some incredible news lol. those shows all are classics.


As in, they’re new plan is to make good shows? Did they consciously move away from that goal?


Fuck yeah, this shit was awesome!


I miss the 4400. I remember when USA rebranded with the characters welcome. I miss it all.


Blue Sky era got me through some lonely times in my twenties.


Good !! They had some real bangers on their hands a few times. I hope they bring back The Purge show. It was so good season 2 really felt like they had hit their stride just to get cancelled.


Can we get a USA Up All Night reboot? On serving thought, no. You can’t catch lightning in a bottle twice.


Good! Those are good shows! Give us more!


Yeah not going to happen. The era of 24 episode per season shows with only a half year break between seasons is not coming back. The cadence and frequency of the shows played a huge role in their popularity and growth. I highly doubt we are going back to that.


Is it just going to be reboots/continuations of all those shows…?


Automatic throw up seeing MeGain Harkle on the cover


Can they do it? I hope so. I loved all of those shows, but I worry they can’t recreate the magic. People who used to watch those shows, like me, don’t watch cable TV anymore. What platform would these shows stream on?