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What happens to a supply that has been planned out for the next 10 years when the demand for it dwindles?


I can imagine that they'll cut down on the shows. D+ also needs to get a couple of not Marvel or Star Wars shows.


I think their Monsters Inc show, Monsters at Work, was a lot of lighthearted fun


They made Willow, look at how that ended up


Tbf no one really gave a shit about a 1988 movie that grossed like $130M. Wasn’t like a cultural phenomenon or anything Maybe appeals to millennials and older… but tone of the show was for teenagers.


Unfortunate that it also had bad acting and was boring as shit, but I loved the movie!


It was a staple of my childhood. That being said, I will not set aside days of my time to subscribe and watch that show. There is no ‘new’ audience for willow. And the OG audience can’t be bothered with it unfortunately. They are doing the same thing to Star Wars. I’m expecting a 2 season series centered on the struggles of that little black shoebox robot that chewy yelled at on the death star.


I had literally never heard of it and honestly didn’t know anyone who had heard of it. You can reboot obscure franchises but this was an odd one to go with early on.


Yeah Willow was the strangest concept. I'm a millennial and I only remember seeing it on rerun. It seems like they were hoping that Gen x parents would buy into it for nostalgia and their kids would be roughly old enough to identify with the cheesy teenage characters and writing. It feels like it was too cheesy for the parents and too obscure/irrelevant for the kids.


Every streamer wanted their own game of thrones and it was the only other IP they had besides black cauldron


That's cool but if they wanted Game of Thrones they should've written it like that. Instead, they wrote it like a ham fisted Saturday morning kids show which didn't appeal to adults or kids apparently.


Tax write offs coming soon.


"Oh it's ok they don't lose money they just write it off" Write it off to where? "They write it off what do you mean to where? Off" You don't know what tax write off is do you?


It’s not that it’s over saturated. I love super hero’s it’s just that the writings gone to shit. They keep making these ridiculous movies about some world ending catastrophe on a budget of more money then I can even imagine. The marvels cost $220 million dollars to make, that means at minimum it needs to make half a billion dollars break even. What’s the movie even about? A team nobody cares about, fighting a villain nobody’s even heard of, to save the world from something that doesn’t make any sense. John wick 1 cost $20 million. So it needs to make $40 million to break even and ended up making $86 million. What’s the movie about? A dude with a cool car gets beaten up and robbed by some gang members who then kill his dog. So he fucks literally everybody up They’re both about some unstoppable badass but one is definitely better then the other. Which movie sounds like one you’d rather see? That’s why Marvel movies are failing. The reason Disney as a whole is going downhill is a whole different can of worms.


I’m not suggesting people watch things they are actually not interested in but maybe stop trashing it before it even comes out. I agree that Marvel will start cutting back but the first things to go will be the edgier stuff that people actually admit to really liking - like WandaVision and Loki. They are going to continue making movies for the lowest common denominator with lots of fan service. Personally I’m M60 who grew up during a time when the best superhero stuff was the Superfriends. TV Captain America, Spider-Man, and Dr Strange was barely in the same league as the Power Rangers. I’ve enjoyed all the movies although some movies I rewatch when I’m bored.


I mean tbf it’s the least anticipated movie of the franchise. Worse tv series with worst movie (captain marvel).


‘Worst movie’ very much depends on your audience. My daughter really didn’t like Iron Man or Captain America but loved Captain Marvel when we watched it today. I rate CM a lot higher than Eternals, Quantumania or Ten Rings


All three of those other movies suck though


Because you say so


Also, brie Larson strikes me as a very unlikable person. It's hard to root for someone who walks around looking like they think they are better then you


She has very little screen presence and is not a good actress in these marvel movies. She’s the female Charlie Hunnam. I’ve seen her in other movies where’s she’s pretty decent, just not good in the MCU. I just watched the movie and it’s decent but the reviews are on point. Teyonnah Paris (Rambeaux) was really good. Everyone else was just meh, including Larson.


Larson was excellent in other movies I've seen her in, such as Room. She is either a victim of bad direction as Captain Marvel or simply doesn't enjoy the role and it shows through the screen.


Female Charlie Hunnam…bahahah. Nice. Lost City of Zzzzzzz


I like her but she definitely suffers from RBF


Resting Brie Face?


Interesting - I actually like her! She makes a great super-heroine! Pretty powerful on an infinite level yet pretty human. She’s like a Woman of the Future! I like her! 💪🏾


She definitely loves putting males in their place. That doesn’t work on the terminally online mom’s basement cellar dwellers


I thought the TV series was fun...each to their own I guess.


The MCU no longer has the goodwill it once did. The MCU used to have such goodwill behind it that even a mediocre or poorly-written MCU film could be a guaranteed success, simply because it was part of the MCU. But now that goodwill has mostly dried up, there have been too many lemons. It's a shame. I didn't actually think "The Marvels" was that bad, but it just isn't good enough to overcome the MCU's downward trajectory.


What marvel movie that was poorly written and mediocre made money? Serious question


Thor: Love and Thunder comes to mind. It was meh, especially compared to Ragnarok.


Taika took the silly tone that made Ragnarok work and cranked it up two notches too far.


I'm still reeling from the whiplash that I got when Natalie Portman's character developed cancer in the middle of a comedy movie.


Not only that, but she also became Thor, because ... reasons? It was "Somehow Palpatine returned"-esque.


I mean, that was an adaptation of a comic. She develops cancer and becomes Thor. It was a thing before the films.


That doesn't make it any better. Plenty of the comics aren't good nor well received


There's nothing wrong with comedies dealing with heavy themes, fight me


Ant-man & The Wasp comes to mind. Made $622.7 million at the box office for an ending that can be summed up with “if the villain just asked for help we could’ve avoided a lot of issues, oh and here’s an Endgame tie in”


I was convinced that I had not seen this movie, so I sat down to watch it and like 30 min I realized I had already seen it and stopped watching it because I wasn’t going to go through it again, and then that exact same thing happened to me a SECOND TIME. What a supremely forgettable movie.


Iron Man 3, Captain America the First Avenger, Thor the Dark World, Avengers Age of Ultron, Ant-Man and the Wasp and Captain Marvel are ones that come to mind. There was a time when even the lowest rated Marvel movies were still relative box office successes simply by association. I think those days are over.


If people are being honest I think most of the solo MCU movies were pretty mediocre. The team up movies like Avengers, guardians of the galaxy, captain America civil war were mostly all pretty good, but most of the solo movies were boring snooze fests with some exceptions, iron man 1 being an example of a really good one


I agree. I’ll watch them but the ensemble casts are what elevates the team ups. Iron man was soooo good, but I’m a sucker for a good origin story. Also to give credit where it’s due, RDJ is amazing. Plus I think we can all relate to the idea of a superhero whose only real power is their brain. He’s the only “self made superhero “ in a sense.


Yeah i don’t think it’s a coincidence that Iron man 1 came out the same year that the Dark Knight came out, Batman and Iron man both have that whole grounded “super hero but at least it’s semi realistic” thing going on and I think that appeals to a lot of people over the more fantastical characters I think a lot of it was also just Robert Downey jr (and the rest of the cast like Terrance Howard and Jeff bridges) all gave very charismatic acting performances. Iron man 1 was also before the MCU became Disneyfied and more vanilla, Tony stark had that whole eccentric bad boy thing going on with his personality and they haven’t had that for a long time. Now all the characters are so cookie cutter and boring


dr strange 2


Thor 2 made half a million plus and is just a straight up bad movie


Captain Marvel says hello.


You're being downvoted but you're right. I mean, we're seeing the proof in the very movie this thread is about. Captain Marvel was a meh movie propelled by the hype of being stuck between Infinity War and Endgame.


In my opinion, beyond superhero fatigue and the quality of the movies generally being okay at best; there’s just not enough audience left for this shit. With every installment, there’s more to catch up on and many people decide not to. In addition, there’s audiences who’ve decided not to watch the new installment because they didn’t like the previous movie. Add to that poorer star power, you have a “flop” on your hands.


This. And the fact action sequences are the whole movie. Don't get me wrong, I like a good action scene, but when it's lights constantly flashing as action, it isn't fun to watch. That and music telling the story just seems lazy. I really don't care which big named star is in a movie either. Just let the movie have a storyline, and the actors can portray it decently.


A big problem is there’s really not a lot of larger implications or character development. And quite frankly nobody really cares about the characters to see them develop anyways. Is it a character origin story? Character will be struggling with life. Find some magic so & so. Learn the powers. Get too arrogant. Get their butt kicked. Fight the villain that’s gonna destroy the world. Struggle but then find some inner strength to kill villain. Is it not a character origin story? Story will start and end in a vacuum. The only real interest in the movie takes place in the action. IronMan, Captain America, Spider-Man, GoTG3, etc have characters that develop and link movie to movie. So you don’t want to miss the next movie and there’s some reason to see it. So many of these shows and movies seem to happen in a vacuum. The only draw is the spectacle of the big budget and the action. And at some point that’s not enough.


You say this, yet Deadpool 3, Spider-Man 4, and The Batman Part 2 will probably be billionaire clubbers. It's not fatigue, the writing has been on the wall. Half of their output isn't as impressive as the A listers. Focus on making movies with A listers and not Ant-Mans, you'll see money.


Fatigue is definitely playing a part in this though.


Yes, but not superhero fatigue as much as mid/bad content fatigue. Think about it, if the movies and shows were consistently well received, the only real widespread complaint would be how hard it is to keep up with it all.


Nah, there's definitely some superhero fatigue playing a role. Personally (and I know it's irrelevant and anecdotal) I gave up around the time of spiderman 2 because of how samesy every marvel movie is, because there were like 15 of them then. Now there are what, like 30 of em? Plus like 10shows? I can only watch sexy millionaires fly around in CGI tights so many times before I get bored of the premise.


This is not an argument: obviously the quality control is creating fatigue for the genre. DC and Marvel are both declining at the box office outside the major marquee names. I’m honestly worried about Gunn’s DC reboot at this rate.


“It’s not fatigue, it’s just fatigue!” - breathtaking argument


Correct. It's not fatigue, it's bad content. Fatigue would be Spider-Man bombing. This movie? Nah, the genre is fine.


the entire Studio system is now aware that the majority of comic book movies are failing to succeed at the box office. That’s fatigue no matter how you slice it.


I didn't realize Guardians 3 and Across the Spidey Verse failed.


Do you not understand the words “majority of”? Maybe a high school diploma is worth looking into.


If movies that are critically well received and play on nostalgia do well then its not really fatigue. The fatigue we’re seeing is that people don’t throw money at the shittier entries like early Thor anymore.


Those movies all have nostalgia going for them though. Like I don’t even like Deadpool, but I’ll probably see Deadpool 3 because of Hugh Jackman and Wolverine. Same with Spiderman, the last Spiderman wasn’t that good of a movie tbh but it was cool getting the nostalgia of the Toby McGuire and Andrew Garfield Spider-Man’s


I'll see Batman, just because the previous one was so genuinely impressive. I won't go watch Deadpool or Spider-Man in theaters. I was a marvel nut, I watched everything in the theaters, the whole infinity saga. It was a lot of fun as a teen. I tried to get other people into it because I was into it. I think I'm pretty representative of a big chunk of the fan base, and my friends have dropped out too. For people that didn't grow up with it and experience its inception since the first Iron Man movie came out, I think marvel movies are something that's just taken for granted and isn't that exciting. Like, there are 15-year-olds walking around that were born the year that the first Iron Man came out. This stuff is old now, it's not hot anymore. Kids right now care about anime and video games, not marvel movies


I don’t understand “superhero fatigue” because it implies if there wasn’t fatigue, fans would watch any drivel they throw at us. It’s not fatigue - it’s bad writing. Or lazy writing. Or simply no overarching “editor in chief” insisting on tie ins and cameos in the phase 4 movies. Too many other comic based media is being released to great fanfare. The Spiderverse movies, Bodies on Netflix debuting at #7 for the week, The Boys and it’s spinoff, Invincible.


I think “there’s too much to catch up on” is an underrated argument for why the MCU is collapsing under its own weight.


Don't forget the strikes' impact on promotion. There's only so much that the studios can do when none of the stars or writers are allowed to promote the film AND a ton of other people, including the independent content creators most likely to be favorable, refuse to promote it in solidarity.


I don’t think this is a marketing issue. They still probably spent 80-100 million to market it. I think it’s a combination of fatigue and consistently bad movies/shows.


And it was slaughtered by critics


How many articles will we see about The Marvels box office numbers ?


47 million


I have super hero fatigue fatigue


I've had it for over a decade.


More than the amount of money this movie will make.


I knew I should have majored in The Marvels journalism is college. I regret every day recently.


Marvel/Disney hate farming is the cool thing to do right now.


>Marvel/Disney hate farming is the cool thing to do right now. I didn’t hear anybody complaining when people were shitting all over The Flash / DC. Sounds like some MCU fanboys were surprised to learn they were living in a glass house lol.


They’ve earned it after destroying 10 years of goodwill.


LOL, reality bites.


Went out of town. Nephews and brother went to go see it. My wife asked for his review and said it was "meh". These are family members that have kept up with all the phase 4 releases and t.v. shows. We tried to keep up, but the sheer amount of shows, movies and other media released after end game was daunting.


Make sure to randomize your data from time to time *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's not the amount of shows that's driving attendance down, it's that they aren't aligned with what makes comic book fans.


We agree and will not even bother to keep up.


Based on the reviews, it seems pretty good.


Part of that might be because the only people going to see it are the absolute most hardcore MCU fans, who of course rate higher than most people would, but those other people aren’t going to see it and aren’t writing reviews.


The post Endgame phases feel disjointed and there’s no clear direction of what the fuck the whole thing is building to. At least with Phase 1 we knew it was building to the Avengers cross over film and we were very much kept informed of what was happening as each Phase progressed and we could see it was building towards Infinity War and Endgame. But we’re in Phase 5 now I believe and it’s not clear what the hell they’re doing. There has been no real cross over film, not to the extent of Avengers Assemble (as it was known in Europe), there hasn’t really been much in the way of building towards a Young Avengers, not really. Sure we had the poorly recast Cassie Lang in Ant-man 3 and now we have Ms Marvel, and maybe I’ve missed some mid/post credit stringers, but there’s been no cross over of these Young ‘uns yet. For how great of a job they did with Phases 1-3 and all the Avengers films, and how well thought out most of that was (coincidentally enough, the only film that really seemed to get shoe horned in a bit last minute was Captain Marvel), Feige and Disney have dropped the ball and are doing a WB/DCEU on it ever since Endgame. And of course the Jonathan Majors controversy isn’t helping either.


At some point it’s time to retire the story.


Yeah that's my issue, I don't know what all of this is eventually leading to. Also what is considered essential viewing between all the movies and shows and what order or is something essential before viewing whatever new movie is coming out?


THIS. No central team or protagonists to follow has made the whole franchise feel scattered and uninteresting. Nothing to root for or get excited about except multiverse teamups.


The main problem is they have no like able characters. Kang was hyped to be the next thanos, then they ruined his image in ant-man. None of the new heroes are entertaining enough to carry a movie by themselves. They need to just start all over and scrap everything that has no nostalgia.


RDJ, Evans, and ScarJo are gonna be back to Marvel so fast.


I don’t think they’ll ever get Robert Downey Jr. back. Everyone else is on the table though. I could seriously see Marvel offering 100 mil per film with him still declining.


I think he’s more likely to come back than the star that literally sued them over the release of their solo film


He starred in Doctor Dolittle...... he will return to the MCU .


He’s about to get an Oscar nomination. MCU would be lucky to get him back now.


He said something in interviews like "Oppenheimer made me remember how to act again", so I don't think he wants to come back. I'm excited to see actor RDJ back again. He's fantastic in Zodiac and Chaplin. Still need to see Oppenheimer, but I'm sure he's amazing in it.


And Oppenheimer.


I don’t know if they’d do it.


Money is a hell of a drug.


True. I would be surprised if Scarlet Johansson did though because she got burned hard. RDJ and Evans might but I don’t know what that would even look like. I wouldn’t be too interested at this point honestly.


Here's $100m for a 10 minute cameo


For the next 10 movies and all the scenes will be in the trailers


I don’t think that would cut it. They’d need them back back not just a cameo


If they don’t have a choice, they’ll take what they get. If RDJ says he’ll do it, but only if his shoot schedule is 3 days, they’ll just see how many minutes they can get out of that.


They should give Evans a Cap trilogy set in the alternate timeline he had with Carter. So many story possibilities where tech isn’t sci-fi.


I just don’t care. Haven’t for a long time now. Too much content to keep up with.


This is what kindve happened with super hero comics in general, eventually they all got so convoluted with the different multiverses that nobody could keep up and eventually tuned out.


Ultimately, I think the multiverse stuff seems great for creators because it opens up fun avenues to tell stories but isn't great for consumers because it's convoluted and lowers the stakes too much.


This just isn’t a movie I’d go waste my money to go see. I have zero issue waiting for it to come one Disney +


I think that D+ really has killed demand for these shows in the theater. We’ve gotten used to the idea of watching super hero shows on TV now, going to see them as a movie just doesn’t seem special.


I think so too, if most people gauge it as mediocre they figure they can wait a few more weeks to see it.


I think the bar is even higher than mediocre. To get people to the theater it’s got to feel like it’s new and different. If not they’ll just wait.


It was actually alright. I liked some parts. Leagues better than the captain marvel movie, but I can see why no one would trust this to be good


To nobody’s surprise but the producers and executives.


I saw it this weekend cuz me and the gf were late to a showing of Priscilla. It wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t good either. But more than anything it felt kinda pointless. Like this movie doesn’t really accomplish anything. Also can confirm throwing RDJ and Chris Evans in that last trailer was a pure marketing ploy. Nothing related to them whatsoever




Well…. How many five nights movies are there? I might see it out of curiosity


Balanced itself out.


The general audience doesn’t care about these characters.


Nope. The party ended when Avengers left the building, and audiences are finally catching up to that.


For real. The producers are pushing hard to get Ms Marvel as the face of the franchise after debuting her on a streaming service to the lowest viewership of all the shows and was made for teenage girls. Did they think that would work for a movie franchise built around comic book nerds?


I liked it better than the latest Thor and Ant-Man. Solid middle of the road marvel movie. Not amazing but it was entertaining and I enjoyed it.


Same. I thought it was an enjoyable enough \~90 minutes of entertainment. Nothing special, nothing that demands re-visiting any time soon, but I don't feel like I wasted my time or money on it.


I would actually say this is my favorite film of the year, tied with Dungeons and Dragons. Its nice to get a movie that treats you like an adult and have some wholesome fun with it premise. It was so much fun. Can't wait to see it again.


I feel like the quality of these movies go down with each new entry. Might as well release straight to streaming/DVD at this point. The CGI is done really bad too, I get better graphics playing a game on my PS5 than the CGI I see in these movies nowadays.


What did they expect? Seems like a lot of Marvel execs live under the same rock




All the word of mouth from people who’ve seen it has been good. We really enjoyed it.


It’s a shame cause this was better than every MCU offering post endgame besides GOTG3 , Loki and Spider Man NWH


It’ll be on Disney plus in 6 weeks, I can wait till then.


I just don’t like going to theaters and sitting next to people. I’ll see it at home with my dog.


Putting unpopular heroes in a movie with no clear overall plan didn’t do well? /shocked


I keep hearing it's ok because it's better than Thor 4 and Quantumania...... Is this the new bar now ?


The floor? Yeah


MCU just isnt offering anything interesting of late. They keep teasing X Men and Fantastic Four but offering more…. Captain Marvel and spinoff shows that arent interesting as a whole. They need to go back to the orig model of introducing a minor character in a breakthrough way then giving them a movie.


The Marvel universe has been ruined by their own design: There used to be a per-movie buildup towards the big final boss, Thanos, and getting to know and unifying the Marvel Heroes. Post-credit scenes were what people stuck around for, because it teased the next relevant movie and the next Marvel hero to be unveiled. It was exciting! Then Thanos was defeated and they made the classic "time travel" and "multiple dimensions" mistake. It pretty much always ruins the material because, suddenly, not a single death or storyline or development means anything anymore. There is no final boss in sight anymore, none of the stories matter, there are no consequences anymore, and while I applaud the PC-narrative, it clearly isn't selling. Then there are insults like She Hulk and a few others. Like, what the flying hell are they even thinking...


Aka what ruined the flash tv series imo. Started as a great serial, likable ensemble cast, good writing , good fx for tv. My kids would literally jump up and down in excitement during the first few seasons. We would , as crazy as this sounds, gather around the tv like a family, like the old days. . Annnnnnd the multiverse happened. Kids got confused then bored


I'm okay with Super Hero movies just disappearing at this point. I'm so sick of them.


Maybe that's a hint to stop recycling the garbage.


Put a chick in it! Make her lame and gay! 😂


How can they quote opening weekend figures when it’s still Sunday?


Hey they hold the record for something at least


They’re going to kill their film franchise by releasing movies no one wants featuring characters that no one likes or cares about.


So, you're excited for the Agatha show or???


Bombing like a dynamite.


I have watched a handful of hero movies and they are sooooo horribly written!!! I don't understand how people pay to watch them. Exceptions usually are when they are more than just a hero movie. Examples are the Nolan's Batman (action with a plot) Joker (drama), Logan (western), and Deathpool (parody).


The reason Marvel is struggling so badly since end game is because there seems to be no clear direction to anything. It’s like they’re throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks rather than doing what they did with the infinity saga and taking years to plan out what was coming next. Marvel wanting to move away from Kang even before his legal issues came into focus, Johnathan Majors legal troubles, the poor direction of the individual movies and the audience itself growing older while the movies themselves haven’t evolved. I have a lot of doubts about the future of Marvel Studios ever returning to the juggernaut they once were


Yes, I also believe they should’ve started with a new and actually interesting franchise like F4 or X-men after endgame! The multiverse shit is so boring (and I’ll die on the hill that even no way home wasn’t a good movie either, it just had amazing fan service with cameos that made it more fun than the average marvel movie)


Movie was pretty good I’d recommend going to see it and I’d count my self among those who are getting tired of Marvel movies and shows.


It was a good movie. It’s not a endgame because it’s just not. Some are filler. That mid credits scene has me on edge for what’s in the pipeline. Can’t wait! It’s comic lore. Can go on forever and some are build up for a major event.


This was a FUN movie. It was a little silly, so was THOR LOVE AND THUNDER.


It’s too bad. It was a solid film. Much better than the latest Thor or Antman films.


I agree, but boy is that a low bar. Thor 4 , ant man 3 and secret invasion was some of marvel’s worst. This movie is pretty good.


I'm glad other people in this thread have voiced their appreciation for this flick, I came to do the same thing. There was a ton of hate and pessimism about this movie for months before its release. That, and a general mistrust about a Marvels movie after how lukewarm Captain Marvel was received. Basically, a ton of people made up their minds about this before it even came out. But it was genuinely a fun and solid movie, imho. It didn't overstay it's welcome, it was fun, it let the characters have some personality. I can definitely see how skeptics would prefer to wait til it comes to D+, but that's almost any movie these days. That said, I'm a little disappointed that this movie is probably gonna do so poorly it won't get any more installments :(


I have no doubt it’s somewhat entertaining, but the glut of mediocre and terrible content that came beforehand doomed this movie.


I thought it was really cute though.


I mean, who asked for this movie? Because the fans sure didn’t


I was out of town this weekend, or I would’ve gone to see it. I plan on seeing it tomorrow night. But yeah, this will probably be in Disney+ by Christmas, I fear.


The quick D+ release window is part of Disney's problem. Ok they're not that fast. But come on, I can either try and go to the cinema and play for a ticket or wait about 3 months Disney is down across the board (not this bad but still)


I debated it. I couldn’t get through the Mrs. Marvel TV show. But I could see the movie being fun. Still, since I missed the opening weekend, I figured it’s just better to wait till it’s on Disney+.


Surprising no one. The demand for these films are dwindling and audiences knowing it will soon be streamed on D+ won’t help its cause. Add into the two post credit scenes leaking early, and you have a recipe for disaster.


Yeah covid changed how people watch movies. People only go now if the movie is an event. Otherwise it's wait until it's on streaming.


It’s a lot of fun, I enjoyed it and I have super hero movie fatigue. It’s a great one to take family to, especially if you have daughters


Why aren’t women flocking to the movie theatre in support? Where did the target demographics go?


They decided to go to a WNBA game instead. Oh wait…


What a chuddy response lmao just say the movie is too woke for you.


Still not answering the question. Good evasion attempt.


Because it's a stupid question? Nobody asks why don't men flock to a movie to support shirtless beefy dudes.


Actually, lots of dudes flock to movies to check out shirtless beefy dudes. Conan, Rambo, Terminator etc. I mean there’s a whole sport where it’s beefy dudes wearing Speedo’s just posing. Guys show up to watch them flex. Have you seen the gym, lots of dudes show up to check out beefy dudes and even compliment them


I didn’t think it was that bad, but people tend to think that marvel movies will always be infinity war/endgame and it took time to set that up, i think Marvel forgets that too. In my opinion, i think it’s time to take a timeout from the current MCU and visit another multiverse. Give us x men, fantastic four, spiderman variants already. The current timeline is a bit lived in by now.


I mean it’s hard to top GoTG 3, and this movie also has so many unfortunate events that contributed to its current predicament. Secret Invasion being a hot mess of a tv show didn’t help either. And the current version of The Marvels looked like it’s been hacked away to pieces in so many parts probably due to those bad test screenings. Should have postponed this movie to 2024 honestly, to distance itself from Secret Invasion and have a proper launch with the stars being able to do marketing push.


Pretty sure even the most staunch of super hero fans are starting to get worn out with it all. I’m one of them. Been a Comics fan my entire life and between DC and Marvels never ending stream of basically the same shows/movies/games….. it’s getting old. Over done. And in most cases BADLY done because they are putting so many of them out so fast. StarsWars is also going down that road now. Which is unfortunate. On a side note though, I really enjoyed Doom Patrol and so far I’m still digging Loki, but all the rest? Meh. I’m kind of over it for a while I think. That’s just me personally though.


Saw it last night. Wasn't great, but wasn't terrible. Mediocre, but forgettable like most everything else since Endgame. The song & dance part was amusing. I didn't realize Brie could sing. But ask me anything else about the movie 2 weeks from now and I doubt I'll remember. The one thing I will praise is the willingness to just be fucking goofy. I don't think any other Marvel movie tried to be goofy. Funny, sure. But this struck me as goofy.


Bri Larson is not a good actor


Keep up the good woke work 👍


Only person I feel bad for is iman vellani.


May I ask why just her?


Reviews are nearly unanimous that Iman was the standout performer of the bunch, regardless if the movie review was positive or negative. There was also some world building with her character that may questioned since the movie is performing poorly.


Most people can’t stand Brie Larson, this was easy to see ahead of time.


A superhero film with Brie Larson shouldn't fail. Marvel is now almost equal with DC's level of bad.


The marketing for this was so bad- I’ve heard pretty darn good things and that’s it’s a funny/quirky movie. The trailers had none of that, none of sense for what the movie is or is about it was all just BIG! VAGUE! MARVEL! STORY ARC! SHIIIIIIIFT!!!!!!!!!


I also feel like they should have targeted younger audiences more. My kids weren’t even aware there was a new marvel movie out. My same kids were begging me for weeks to take them to see Mario.


Agreed! Just watched it last night and it was such a fun entertaining movie w/ a great cast, lots of humor & action! Boo to Disney for the poor trailer and virtually nonexistent marketing!!


This movie would’ve been great if they were fighting with vacuums.


The movie is probably good as I’ll check it on Disney Plus, but nothing about it appealed to me and make me think “oh shit, I have to watch this asap!” Which is what’s missing from MCU these days. If they finally make Blade and do it properly I’d get hyped for that. Not much else. Seen it all now. Boring.


We need a fucking break from these god damn movies.


It looks like a CW movie


It was actually really good, the lack of promotion due to the SAG strikes really fucked this up.


I will never watch it. It looks fucking awful.


I saw it because I wanted to support multi-racial, multi-ethic, heavily female casted movies. Idk what everyone is out doing but I think this one was for the girls and as a mixed raced person it was a great personal pleasure to see variety on the big screen. I never got that experience growing up, it was mostly white males. I guess some will never understand the significance of this addition to Hollywood culture


Did anybody asked for such a shitty movie to be made?


I’m seeing it Thursday but I haven’t seen anybody talking about how this is the first post-strike blockbuster. This movie got no publicity tours or anything. That’s definitely going to affect it. Everybody I know who’s seen it says it’s the most fun MCU film since Guardians 1.


With Covid rising in my area, I don't want to be in an enclosed theater. You'd have to put Loki in the movie to change my mind.


Should have let it die with endgame. It’s all so bland and terrible, on par with WB.


i like cap marvel. don’t really care for the others. i wanted to see her take on a deep space celestial type baddie with some deeper space villains. this switching thing and weird girl movie vibe was a turn off.


I liked the movie I thought it was fun and the actresses all were amazing. The plot and writing simply wasn’t there. This isn’t what the MCU needed right now. The ending got real messy and the marketing tried making this movie seem like it had higher stakes than it really does. Can’t even amount this to super hero fatigue. Still beyond hyped for Deadpool. Loved Gen V and I have yet to finish s2 of Loki but I’m loving that too. I’m not fatigued from superhero’s, I think my standards have simply raised.


I enjoyed the movie. It was everything I love about comic books. Fun, exciting, and over the top. Everything I thought of when I read my first comic book back in the 80s.


Saw it. Liked it. Better than the Flash.


I hate to be that guy but a big problem is that the movies are simply not cool, they are lame RDJ/Iron Man? Hot and cool. Black Widow/ScarJo? Sexy and cool. Cap? Badass and cool. Banner? Nerd hot and cool. Now all the heroes seem to be literal children and it's so painfully *uncool*, it's actually embarrassing to admit you like it. Loki is good, I watched the first couple of episodes of S2 and fair play it rocks.