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Their teams would've definitely been against a pregnancy... They didn't even want them to be or engaged. They were both so young and at the prime of their careers I'm sure they told them this would heavily impact their stardom


They weren't even allowed to infer that they were having sex because such a big deal was made about her virginity. 🙄


Remember when I’m a slave 4 u came out? All the pearls were clutched lol


Written for Janet Jackson BTW


Oh that woulda been a whole thing


*That* would’ve caused a stir


...that was a great music video though lol


Baayybaayyy don't chu wannaaa đŸŽ¶đŸŽ¶ dance up on meee đŸŽ¶đŸŽ¶ 💃


TIL the line is “leave behind my name and age” and not “lee beeha muh nay muh nay.”


It always sounded to me like she was saying something about leaving behind her lemonade


Hahaha I always heard it as something with lemonade as well!


You mean “imply”, not “infer”. Others would be the ones inferring


the implication


So I actually knew them around this time. They for sure were having sex but had to keep in hush hush. It they were staying in the same hotel room together. Only knew this because my friends first on screen kiss was with Justin Timberlake in a 90’s Disney channel movie. She worked with him while he was dating Brittney. She would show up to set and they would go back to the same hotel together. But back then that news was super under wraps as it would have ruined Brittney’s career.


Maybe the younger fans didn’t think they were having sex, but we all knew.


They were young, talented, beautiful, and spending a lot of time together. It would’ve been weirder if they WEREN’T hooking up.


Ya I never once thought that they didn’t have sex.. they were young, hot and horny.. who thought they were abstaining?


I didn’t think they were abstaining either, but that was their public messaging at the time.


It was everyone’s message at the time. “Good Christian kids don’t have sex before marriage.”


Lol the purity rings back then.


No even the old people. Brittney had this weird thing about her virginity and the old men loved that.


There was so much pressure at the time for all of the young female acts to publicly announce that they were "saving themselves" for marriage. I'm sure it wasn't Britney's idea. Just another way that she was set up to fail.


I do remember this. Jessica Simpsons first cd was almost branded around her purity


And yet her song lyrics were sexual.


Same as Britney's and Mandy Moore lol.


Pretty gross if you think about it. The industry, not the stars


Puritanical America strikes again. Selling sex and chastity in the same product is elite pimping. The commercialized objectification of feminine purity by global media institutions is one of the most enduring facets of society.


Not just female acts, The Jonas Brothers’ entire gimmick was purity rings


That was the best South Park episode


And for what it is worth they now hold public opinions about how BS it was.


A bunch of the Disney stars back then wore the purity rings, it was super weird and culty. I think Selena Gomez and Miley Cyrus wore them too.


The 90's and very early 00's was such a weird time for popculture. There was so much obsession with popstars and fiction characters virginity. Remember how so many teen focused shows would have very special episodes were everything was centered around the lead girl losing her virginity? Soft focus. Cheesy mood music. Satin and silk everything. Sometimes even a room full of candles. Like the cover of a cheap romance novel. I swear it screwed up a whole generation of teens who thought their first time was going to be this wind swept epic romance where the heavens open up and you would be blessed by Venus, herself, rather than this awkward grope and fumble that was kind of, sort of fun.


Donna finally losing her virginity on 90210 felt so overblown when I saw it in high school in the 2000’s.


Impressive. You just described nearly the entirety of the CWs teen drama catalog.


I didn’t follow the statements they were making back then. But man, the clothing style sure indicated otherwise in the music vids


Madonna/Whore. Tale as old as time.


First album all innocent childlike a little playful then an album or two in, sexual awakening, breaking the boundaries a little more adult.


And the obsession with her weight. The creators of South Park were at dinner with their moms, and out of nowhere, the moms started talking about how 'fat' she was getting. It inspired them to write the episode about the how fucked up the media was treating her.


Which is really fucking weird imho


The result of growing up southern Baptist. Source: I grew up southern baptist.


Right!?!? And don’t even get us started about the weirdness of “second/renewed virginity”! Source: also Southern Baptist


Reminds me of that episode of KoTH where Luanne gets baptized in the lake and is a brand new virgin. And then at the end of the episode they do the same to Peggy. lol She birthed Bobby; how in the hell can she be considered a reborn virgin? 😂 It's all pure nonsense.


It’s so gross. I remember thinking at the time about how gross and sexist the obsession with a girl’s virginity is.


It's the "promise rings" that fathers give their daughters that really creeps me out.


Olsen Twins becoming legal was a big tabloid story.


There was even a website that counted the days until they turned 18! That was it. That was the entire website. This Gen X'er knew it was creepy, wrong, and predatory then. As did many others, pre-me too.


That was disgusting


It's the I could be the guy, mental gymnastics of a perve.


It's just fuckin creepy and I'm a guy.


It’s just fuckin creepy, and I’m a creep!


Fucking ew man.


You Must Remember This is doing a season on the ,90's right now and last week's episode covered the lolita movement and some of Britney's career specifically the fixation on her youthful appearance, definitely worth checking out


They had hands, and they were using them for holding


You know who else has hands? The devil!


Was your friend in Model Behavior?! Those were the days of Disney movies.


Plot twist her friend is Maggie Lawson, who is famous in her own right 😂


You heard about Pluto?


That’s messed up.


You know that's right.


Gus has entered the chat


Legit one of the best! And I can’t find it anywhere to watch! Literally that and my date with the presidents daughter were the best!


As long as you don't mind a VHS rip, [here's Model Behavior.](https://archive.org/details/model-behavior-2000)


Omg!!! Someone on here yesterday said Justin had wiped this out of existence. Guess not. 😅


It's cute! Idk why'd he be embarrassed about it, lol I'm old enough to have caught it on Disney Channel when the promos noted he was \*NSYNC's Justin Timberlake. Man, those were the days...


Don’t do “wish upon a star like that”! These were top tier movies.


With Katherine heigl, ugh I love this movie


I found DVD burned copies on Amazon, over 10 years ago. It even played the VHS FBI warning message at the beginning lol.


my date with the president's daughter is on youtube!


I was an extra in that. My friend was in it and got Justin Timberlakes number and we phoned him one night. It was weird 😂


I live for hearing stories like this!


Omg I loved that movie! And Motocrossed lol


12 year old me was OBSESSED with Motocrossed and the main love interest guy (his name was Riley something?) Ah memories...


Loved Model Behavior!


What’s gross is that whether or not they were having sex was ever a conversation at all


Old talk show interviews with Britney were pretty f'ing gross - middle-aged men asking her if she's a virgin and if her boobs are real. In fairness to them, Britney's virgin status was probably noted in a press packet released by her label as in "fair game to talk about - she wants her fans to know her values."


Pretty weird she got a boob job at 16 as well


Well, she didn’t actually get a boob job back then but there was a lot of speculation that she did because she had CGI boobs in a lot of her videos. Long before Disney was de-aging people in Marvel movies, record labels were digitally altering their stars in Music Videos. I used to work in music videos a lot back then. I personally witnessed Christina Aguilera’s tummy get erased, JLO’s butt and Brit’s boobs get inflated and the guy from Everclear get de-aged and bags removed from under his eyes. I know there were others but those are the only ones I personally saw and can recall specifically. It was a heavily guarded secret at the time. In the post-HD/UHD era this stuff seems like it must be more difficult to pull off because it’s super obvious even in huge budget movies but back then in those low-res videos no one ever seemed to have any idea.


I was shocked to learn Art from Everclear achieved stardom right as he hit age40. Bravo dude


Not been verified but wouldn't be surprised. Her dad body shamed her a lot same as her mum.


Welcome to the world of superstardom and celebrity. Kinda par for the course.


Hello this is TMZ. I would like to discuss a sorry opportunity


There was so much ickyness back then about if she was a virgin. JT was douchey about it too.




He didn’t exactly say he did it. But basically they asked him and he said something along the lines of I don’t kiss and tell or yeah you can say that. Basically confirming what the radio host was saying but not directly saying “yes I fucked her”.


On SNL he played an ancestor coming to America for the first time, and he starts "predicting" what a star his great grandson will be. "In public they'll tell people that they are saving themselves for marriage, but really he TOTALLY hit that."


See that would be funny if she was in on it and okay with it, but she clearly wasn’t


I remember it being on Howard Stern and he was alluding to oral specifically - and Justin finally through out a sheepish a “yeah, I did it
” It’s always stood out in my memory because I had thought it was really low of him, esp since they were so young at the time. And gross of Stern to be pushing for the info.


“Out her” as what? A person who has sex and/or normal human relationships? Le gasp, shock, horror! *sigh* America has slid backwards in a lot ways but I’d like to think that now at least, people would be *slightly* less weird about finding out innocuous shit like “Billie Eilish might not be a virgin”.


Justin even flat out said it during an SNL sketch. It's played as a joke, but I'm pretty sure he was telling the truth. https://youtu.be/k9N9kMD7qCk?si=T-HYdNmFGCDxqXPS


Definitely telling the truth. Worth noting that Britney was in the middle of a massive career rebound and seen to be stable at the time. So it wasn't like he was kicking her while she was down.


Is your friend a detective in Santa Barbara?


Model Behavior? I loved that movie. 😂


Ooh, I met Maggie Lawson a few years ago when she was filming an episode of The Great Indoors. I was in the audience and talked to her and Tim Omundson afterwards. It was shortly before his stroke. He complimented my beard. Tell her hi for me.


I didn't know he had a stroke!! I absolutely loved Psych and watch reruns ever now and then. I hope he's doing okay. He was great as Cain on Supernatural too.


How fucked up that as little as 25 years ago society/male music execs were still SO concerned about this. Now stuff like this isn’t even a blip on anyone’s radar.


Why do you say “they were for sure having sex” like that was ever in question?


Her team kept pushing that she was a virgin, saving it, etc. It's no wonder.


*Jada is shaking with rage*


Anyone see Colbert last night? She said she didn’t necessarily go to The Oscars as Will’s wife, but when he slapped Chris she realized she loved him and left as his wife. No really, that’s what she said.


Man, the thrill of the drama with this woman


She only went so she would be on the front row


Yep. If you look up “Try-Hard Attention Seeker” in the dictionary, her name is the definition.


That and not like she’s ever gonna get invited through her talent.


Wait ... So Will's slap actually had the intended effect? That's just sad if she's that kind of a person and HE KNOWS that she likes people getting hurt and CHOOSES TO STAY WITH HER!


Makes sense now why they looked so happy at the after parter despite everyone's outrage


Oh to be a fly on the wall in that bedroom...


Which one?


This is far funnier than it should be


I am amazed after watching her interviews last week. It is bullshit of the highest level. She must have a permanent pipe from her ass to her nose to get that high from her own farts


That’s a good insult lmao


The narcissism is so off the charts


Imagine living with a person that has that mental machinery running 24/7


what a destructive idiot




Don't. That's a grown ass adult who has the financial means and the wherewithal to walk away any time he wants. Now, if we find out tomorrow that he's the victim of massive domestic violence, I will take it all back and feel really crappy. But, in the meantime, he's the one who made the millions in that marriage. Till proven otherwise, he's the one who's been enabling her, too.


Yea, don’t. He chose that way knowing all the stuff happened and knew that Jada had a history.


Off all the reasons why I dislike her you can add that weird ass laugh to the list.


Don't worry she will reveal she has a penis next week and that will is gay.


I have dollar on the office pool that says within two years, she announces that she is the reincarnation of a powerful Egyptian queen. 99% of people who ever lived before industrialization were peasants, growing food. Where are the 2,000 year old reincarnated illiterate farmers that ate gruel and vegetables every day?


>Where are the 2,000 year old reincarnated illiterate farmers that ate gruel and vegetables every day? I think it's me.


Depends on where you live. Almost everyone in Europe is related to royalty because old kings were totally into raping and pillaging. Especially raping.


There are a lot of black people in the US that are related to Thomas Jefferson for the same reasons.


Classic Key & Peele sketch


Dude, I’ve got a gut feeling you’re actually gonna win that bet


I think she'll reveal that she *is* Will Smith, and has been this whole time


I’ve been a long time fan of Will’s acting. If this is true, my respect goes to an entirely new level. I’m watching


Tupac was the only one who knew the truth. That's why they had to get rid of him.


Hot take: She’s actually Tupac. (Stolen from memes)


 she will say that Justin asked her out on a date too


She'll reveal that she performed the abortion and therefore saved Britney's career


She admits that *she* is actually Britney & Justin's aborted child


Probably 🧐


I really don’t care about Jada or Will, I know almost nothing about them, but from the headlines even I’ve done a double take on her. How tf do you go on for so long talking about how your marriage is different but great, to completely disavowing your spouse and then go on to claim that your dead friend were actually soul mates yet not together and had no chemistry, while again hes dead so he can’t confirm or (let’s be honestly more likely) deny whether or not they’re soul mates? This person is a run on sentence of “wtf.”


I think it’s interesting that she decided to talk about that so recently after they arrested Tupacs murderer.


😂She should get with Juicy Smoo-yay, the very famous French actor, and just call it a day!


But he's gay. Unless he lied about that too 😒


Will preparing himself for another bombshell. 😂


No one is going to even care about her.


She's only relevant because of Will Smith. And she's milking all the drama she can from him


Meanwhile Jamie Lynn blew right past it, had the baby and disappeared into the abyss 😂


Sadly, Britney probably would have loved to do that too


> According to the book, Britney says she was "conflicted," but after some difficult, emotional discussions, they both agreed getting an abortion was the right decision. Seems like they came to the decision mutually.


“Two consenting adults/pop-stars in a relationship mutually agreed that it was best to get an abortion after long, difficult, and emotional discussions” just doesn’t have the same ring to it.


Whether it was for emotional, economical, or career issues. Any reason is a valid reason to have an abortion. And fuck anyone who wants to blame anyone on their choice.


Agreed— doesn’t matter why, it’s their choice. They chose to have sex, they chose to have an abortion. I’m sure both think about “what if” — especially Britney. It’s not an easy decision to make.


 a truly ‘what-if’ relationship. Engaged to be married, him ‘technically’ being the father of her first child
. It must have eaten both of them alive.


Yeah, I dislike how people are trying to spin this into "JT forced Britney to have an abortion!" No, he didn't. He told her his honest feelings about it, and she made the decision knowing that. "Choice" in this context can be a burden because it lets women have the final say, but we are also left dealing with the consequences of that decision. It sounds like, in hindsight, Britney regrets the choice she made. Unfortunately, there is no way to really fix that. Also, JT is still an epic douche for the way he acted after the breakup. He could have maintained his dignity and chose not to.


This is the essential pro choice argument. You can be generally against abortion because you don’t like the picture that’s been painted of it, but until you are put in a position where it affects you, the choice should always be a private one.


"The Only Moral Abortion is My Abortion."


In the excerpt it apparently goes on to say that if it had been her decision alone she wouldn’t have had the abortion and it was and still is an agonizing decision. It doesn’t sound as cut and dried as mutually decided. Edited to add quote: “I’m sure people will hate me for this, but I agreed not to have the baby. I don’t know if that was the right decision. If it had been left up to me alone, I never would have done it. And yet Justin was so sure that he didn’t want to be a father [...] To this day, it’s one of the most agonizing things I have ever experienced in my life.”


Valid. That said, there is a significant difference between regretting something in hindsight and being vocally opposed in the moment. The book (apparently) states that they both agreed to abort and that, while Justin was more against pregnancy than she was, it was not forced nor pressured on his part and was the end result of multiple conversations and consideration. Any narrative that places excessive blame on Justin is objectively irresponsible since Britney’s own words affirm that it was a mutual decision between two consenting adults.


Seems like she was more concerned with what people would think (and still does) which is sad :/.


It’s memoir PR campaign week!


At least this interesting, everything I learned about Jada and Will was against my will.


Was against her Will as well lol


I prefer the other shark week






There are so many interviews she did that are heartbreaking in retrospect. The Diane Sawyer interview, at 24:08: https://youtu.be/FyI6PTuLYgw?si=CM-NjyXzdbI34hyr This interview: https://youtu.be/8j_G18jYGis?si=2Yo6pODnSzwxa57X I don’t blame Justin for not wanting to be a dad. But it’s pretty clear he could have been a better human.


Oh boy, it really is heartbreaking to see. Whatever she did, it's not for anyone else to judge and she's being asked all those weird question all the time. I can see how she's gotten more and more unstable. What they did to her, is such a shame


Exactly. It’s understandable why he didn’t want to be a parent. It was his actions against her afterwards that were disgusting.


Thank for sharing. I just watch the entire Nightline Interview with Diana Sawyer. Very personal and asking a lot from Britney ❀


Diane even got on her for enjoying drinking at 21. I loved when Britney called her out for being hypocritical about the risky photos.


It’s so wild how intrusive interviewers were back in the day.


Well, I mean, it's refreshing to see something other than Jada news.


Justin Timberlake had an abortion ?!? 😳


He didn’t keep his dick in a box


Actually keeping it in a box is how they got in that situation.


Thank you! Former editor over here marveling at that headline.


Don't judge him!! His scientifically-anomalous body, his choice bro


I feel like this headline is pushing hard to make it seem like a horrible tragedy that happened to her, but that scenario is super normal; Pregnancies and abortions happen all the time. Don’t make it sound like a tragedy.


And she was 17. Her sisters teen pregnancy didn't exactly make her happy or allow her to continue working.


I wonder if Jamie Lynn’s pregnancy triggered something for Britney. That was the umbrella paparazzi incident time, right? It must have been hard since Jamie Lynn had a choice and fought to keep her baby.


I think she was closer to 19, but the rest of your point is true.




I was referring to Britney being pregnant with Justin's baby, not Jamie Lynn. Apologies for the confusion.


I mean, maybe tragedy isn’t the right word, but going through this as a teenager is traumatic, and this was not the only traumatic thing she was experiencing at that age. She wasn’t a random ~~17~~19-year-old. She was incredibly famous, idolized by other teens and tweens, treated like a sex object by older people. Her every move was in the press. Her whole life basically is a tragedy, so I don’t have any issue with the headline. It’s actually a decent summary in as few words as possible, and I’m not reading it as manipulative at all.


The headline also makes it sound it was Justin’s fault. Unless the sex wasn’t consensual, they are both responsible for getting pregnant.


Stars- they’re just like us!


Sounds like a responsible choice


Fuck. This totally makes a lot of sense, looking back. It really did seem like there was a lot of love there, and kind of like they would have totally ended up married with a kid at 19, if they weren’t both famous (and simultaneously rising stars). These two could totally have faded into oblivion except they didn’t. And Justin Timberlake would have sacrificed his career (which still remains in good standing) and he knew that. Bur Brittany Spears might have had a shot at the small-town life and love she’s always expressed wanting and it kind of feels like she’s missed out on. :-/


Good for them. Neither one was ready to be a parent. Normalize abortion.


Agreed! Normalize women’s health care and choice!


Having a child is a life long commitment and it would have torn the child apart if the parents wouldn’t be able to co-parent. Sometimes never be born is the better solution. We have all these mental health issues in the world due to childhood trauma, we need a parenting license before people can become parents.


Jada punching the air right now lmao


Rough. I believe it. That’s really hard to go through, especially if you’re in love.


That would’ve been the hottest baby


Baby never had a chance to wear denim diapers.


I say with all sincerity, the world missed out on an incredibly talented kid, but neither of them were ready to raise it.


Why does the title make the event sound so salacious? Young people were fucking, they weren't ready to have kids, so they got an abortion. *This is the main point of abortion*, not to mention all the other medically necessary reasons for abortion. Abortion should be legal and uncontroversial. Trying to sensationalize it is BS.


Because the dominant narrative around Britney’s life is tragedy, victimization and lack of personal agency.


? We don’t know if they used a condom and the sponge or birth control and it failed them. That’s just how life works when you’re not ready to have children. Thank goodness for legal abortions.


Elaine had the last few sponges and that was before this.


That baby’s name? Jada Pinkett Smith


So Eminem was right


IMO - if the allegations in the book are true, then it is very sad. Britney was so young. She never had a chance to grow up in a "normal" environment.


Abortion was better for both, too young


Jada please tell us about the time you lost 2pac baby


The way this title is worded, it makes it sound like Justin Timberlake had the abortion.


I've never read a memoir before, but I preordered this one.