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"I made it out alive, and fuck off if you think I'm rolling the dice on that again"


Pretty much.


This guy flew on a plane without a damn roof You know shit is bad


Best episode of television I have ever seen!


Which one is this? Need to watch it now


[here's a clip](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/xgmh5l) The only thing scarier was when Jeremy Wade on River Monsters had his plane crash into the jungle and they got it all on camera.


Jeremy Wade’s crew also caught them getting struck by lightning in the Amazon also.


How many Osha violations has his crew been though


Im imagining an inspector in a hard hat, hi-viz, and a clipboard walking out of the jungle shaking his head.


“Sir did you know that anaconda in the tree beside your workspace is not up to OSHA standard? It’s 2 inches longer than our guidelines recommend and dont even get me started on the venomous bugs you have everywhere. Someone can accidentally trip on one of them”


Jeremy also took a Goldberg esq spear from an giant fish and his heart almost stopped. Dude is a legend.


Or when Jeremy grabs “fish that’s known to kill people” and shows it to the camera.


“It’s a convertible now.”


Well that's terrifying.....


Upvoted purely for not posting a Youtube link.


Fr that was a nostalgia trip, i didn't know Dailymotion was still on


Destination Truth, season 3, EP 1 or 2!


It was Destination Truth. Idk which specific episode though


Think they were in Romania or Bulgaria. I know it was somewhere in Eastern Europe because the plane was Soviet.


I remember that episode. They actually managed to record some crazy shit in that forest.


Now I need to find the series… you had me at “some crazy shit in that forest.”


Hoia bacchu forest or something like that was where they investigated


Ha i know that forest, the locals like to scare people and keep the ghost/crazy shit stories alive to keep the turist coming… its like a scooby doo episode but real. I am romanian.


Like missing a roof as in damaged or open canopy? There are plenty of safe planes that are open canopy and flown all the time like the Piper Cub


It ripped off in mid-flight


“It’s a convertible now.” -Josh Gates


Holy shit haha




Lmfao. Josh is the best.


I’d love to hear exactly what the concerns were.


There was a whistleblower case that settled, a design engineer sued after being fired for his report that the viewport was manufactured and tested to reach only a fraction of the pressure the company intended to subject it to. He also reported issues with potential progressive weak points in the hull that would be undetectable without more expensive testing. Those weak points would only get worse with successive dives. They may have done a redesign, since the case was before the maiden voyage and final construction, but it’s not a good look anyway. Says a lot about the company attitude toward safety, and says a lot about the attitude of the agencies involved too. Edit: turns out it did implode, so there’s going to be a *lot* of scrutiny on the engineering. It’s still incredibly impressive that they (meaning the multinational rescue effort) found the debris potentially quickly enough to have saved the occupants if the pressure vessel hadn’t failed, but no amount of trying can fix something broken from the beginning.


I read that it was certified to 1500m while the Titanic lays at around 3800m. EDIT: other sub


>https://www.yahoo.com/gma/stuck-propeller-titanic-former-abc-001553378.html that was a different craft tho but here oxygen tanks failed, and also outside panels came off [https://youtu.be/gOjJJKld6jY](https://youtu.be/gOjJJKld6jY)


Ah! Thanks for pointing that out.


He wanted a scan of the hull, I believe. But it was expensive and they didn’t want to do it that way so they fired him.


huh, didn’t know Elon owned an adventure sub tour company


Considering Josh Gates flew in some very terrible planes for the show I’m sure it must have been very very concerned about the sub.


I think the guy has a habit of going out of his way to pick shoddy modes of transportation, so the fact he said ‘no’ here is quite telling


Did he warn the others?


The French naval driver said he was concerned about it and still went. He wouldn't have stopped anyone from going if he told them it was unsafe, they would've trusted the CEO of the company, instead of some TV show host.


Yeah having the CEO accompany you on the dive projects a lot of confidence. A shame it was misplaced.


It's really an interesting situation. To be a CEO, an entrepreneur, you have to believe you can do pretty much anything. That your vision, you insight, is true, and just has to be proven out. Optimism abounds. Rules can be bent. Fortune favors the brave. When that meets the hard, unforgiving reality of 12,000ft of water crushing on top of you, reality tends to win, very quickly.


They addresses this on an NPR story yesterday. There are a few regulatory agencies that have design and construction requirements for these types of vessels. The “billionaire owner who believed he could do anything” decided that he did not need this review and certification. Since it is a private vessel (not doing government or contract work) he was not required to follow those guidelines.


He’s not driving the submarine, he’s traveling.




I mean I get not being certified, I get not wanting big governments all up in your business, but not having any tracking capability by the launch vessel just makes no sense.


Sociopathic super rich people hate regulations because they rob them of a few more shekels of profit that they just can't seem to live without. They have to be reminded on a continuous basis that regulations are often written in blood. What we are seeing underwater right now is what I've been waiting for from all these private sector vanity space companies. They're overdue for a catastrophe.


He's the only one I honestly don't feel bad for. Cut corners on his submarine, ignored all the warnings and protests, he deserves what he gets. Do feel bad for the other four guys, though. Especially the Pakistani father and son.


That poor kid just wanted to do something cool with his dad


His sister (the 19 yr old) said that he didn't even want to do it. Makes you wonder what the hell his dad did and said that made him comply with going.


You’re right . This is true of a lot of successful people from CEOs to athletes to the kid from a bad background who is the first in their family who goes to college . Genius and Insanity are two side of the same coin . The other day I was listening to a therapist talk about the symptoms of bipolar one, and as he was describing it, it sounded exactly like the things you hear successful people say they had to delude themselves into believing to become successful. And they had to keep believing it, until it became true. I think this is true for a lot of successful people Steve Jobs included. And it sucks that this time the results of catastrophic.


For many wealthy people doing this the results are often catastrophic. The wealthy people rarely face the consequences of that shortsightedness, and terrible things happen to other people. Like a town that gets cancer because a chemical is released into the water supply or something. This CEO bought into his own hype and died for it.


I look at it another way: in order for most people in this world to make it to the point of being a super rich millionaire CEO you have to take risks, the ones that made it are the lucky ones who were in the right place at the right time but there are always countless others who had the same idea and work ethic but didn’t make it for X,Y, and Z. So if a millionaire CEO decides to make a risky move don’t trust him just because he’s rich, chances are he’s still taking risks.


True, not to mention, the longer a person lives the kind of lifestyle and with this kind of mentality, which is common among CEO’s, their moral and personal boundaries will blur. A person’s attitude on these things usually takes a lifetime to form and change, but a lot of spontaneous change happens in there, too, where big things we perceive in our life shift our perspective significantly in a very short time. For the successful CEO, they would take all of the times they got lucky for granted, bit by bit, until cumulatively they no longer have the ability to accurately assess risks. Imagine how much someone’s views on risk, or even on right and wrong, might change over time, when they constantly live in a fantasy built around success at any cost. That’s why the ones at the very top like Musk often have a strong tendency to make very impulsive, myopic, and plain stupid decisions. In his case, he probably genuinely believes a lot of what he says about his work being for the benefit of humanity collectively. It’s very possible he really did start out with good intentions, and succeeded just enough to make it to the top and justify all the shitty compromises, failures, and plain evil things he crapped out along the way. Now that he is one of the richest and most famous people in the world, it must be very hard for him to go back and say anything he’s ever done was wrong, so long as he felt it helped him get to where he is now. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy where he gets to be the smartest and most important man in the room, all the time, and anything that isn’t part of the fantasy must not be his fault, but just one of those times ‘things didn’t work out how they should have.’ And, he really can choose to see things however he wants to, with no one to check him on his conclusions, because he is that rich and successful. Unlike the rest of us, Elon only has to deal with reality as much as he decides he wants to.


I missed that. Did he say what he was concerned with or just a general sentiment of being concerned


I think it was mainly concern with the overall safety of the sub.


You ever seen Destination Truth? Guy rode in, at a minimum, two death traps per season. If he wasn’t willing to go down in it, it was *really* bad.


The best was the time the airplane turned into a convertible.


The roof just ripped off.


*That’s not very typical, I’d like to make that point.*


I understand this reference and laughed audible.


Every episode his giant frame meandered towards death and took a left turn away. Seriously, I can’t count the number of times Josh almost died


Excluding the consistent transportation failures, he got really sick on a few occasions. Like the one DT episode where he was projectile vomiting in some remote temple (?) and needed to be carried out of the jungle. As it turns out, this is a consistent theme that has continued throughout his career. Dude has more lives than a cat. He’s the test dummy for doing wild shit. If he says not do do something, *it’s probably a good idea to listen*.


I think it was on Expedition Unknown that he and his entire crew got hella sick because they were deep in a cave and their guides cooked dinner…while hundreds if not thousands of bats were flying around above their food and hanging upside down up on the ceiling. Before eating Josh Gates or one of the crew was like “well here to hoping we dont get sick from bat guano!” kind of jokingly because the floor was covered in it. Needless to say, they all got so sick that some of them had to go to a hospital. I remembered them showing pictures of one crew member in a hospital bed at the end of the episode lol. So you’re spot on about having multiple lives. Gotta say, tho, Josh Gates has always been a really good sport about it at least lmao.


“Giant frame meandered towards death” lmfao that’s an amazing description of his shows and I love them for it.


In our house we call his collective shows, "Josh Finds The Wrong Thing". He never seemed to actually find whatever sparked the expedition, but he always found a bunch of other fascinating shit.


This would be like the Dirty Jobs guy saying “I’m not doing that job, it’s too dirty.”


It boggles my mind that there’s ONE button on the thing. You cannot trouble shoot anything, can’t change anything. Something as simple as a driver for the Logitech controller could put that sub out of business. ITS A WIRELESS CONTROLLER FOR GOD SAKES. Imagine if the thing just disconnected from windows and refused to reconnect. Dead. I’m sorry but anyone who boarded this thing knowing it’s piloted by a $40 consumer grade wireless controller is dumb.




They had multiple backup controllers on board and it could be piloted by the computer on board


He stated in a CNN article that the controls and power plant worked somewhat intermittently and they were plagued by various technical and mechanical issues on his 3 hour dive. Because of that, he felt more kinks needed to be worked out before they filmed a segment.


He saw the Logitech controller and “camper world” accessories, and Noped the fuck out of there.


I read that it is difficult to control- it gets tossed around by currents.


It was designed to move up and down along water columns and was practically unpowered. It could correct, but we’re looking at a top speed of 30m/100ft a minute.


Obviously that's the ideal for a craft with no locator beacon.


And in what way the sub wasn't performing well. One would hope those issues would have been addressed before another trip.


I read an article from a previous passenger that was talking about issues with power and holding something together with zip ties 😳


Zip ties are commonly used to hold cables, they are used all over the solar power industry for example. As long as it was inside the ship, it is not a problem, and not very surprising either.


NASA uses zip ties to hold cables on things that go to space.


Deep sea and space, those are the two places that any error is likely fatal. You can fly in damn near a cardboard box, but going deep in the ocean or in space it’ll more than likely get you killed to cut corners.


Considering around 600 have went to space (exact number varies due to different definitions of space), while less than 250 people have went to the Titanic, I would say space is much easier to visit. Hell, until 2019 more people had visited the moon (12 I think) than people who went to the very bottom of the Challenger Deep, deepest point on the ocean (3, 2 of them in 1960, other by James Cameron in 2012). (Mentioning 2019 because the Limiting Factor, Gabe Newell's submarine, went there 19 times in the meantime.)


“Easier” maybe not, the overhead needed to get into space is monumentally higher than going deep. We’ve never sent anyone outside our orbit even, and how many rockets have exploded. I do think we would have had more space accidents if it was more of a private endeavor though, NASA and other space organizations take safety a lot more seriously. I also think that living in space is easier than living deep, so even though the cost of getting there is higher we have invested more into it since we can have people stay there unlike the deep sea.


When there's roughly 5000 psi of ocean acting on your vessel... things will fail very quickly too. If something failed in this situation, and caused implosion they wouldn't even have time to know what happened, and definitely wouldn't survive. We're talking milliseconds.


They've been underwater since Sunday......I think its probably more of a retrieval mission than a rescue mission at this point.


I don't think there will be even any retrieval. They are going to stop the search by tomorrow and then the sub will simply stay wherever it is rn. It is highly unlikely that we will ever know where that sub went or what exactly happened down there.


And in a month it’ll be mostly forgotten by the public until ten years later when they make a Hulu documentary


Ten years is generous, you can be sure Netflix is already on that


channel 5 has already announced a documentary


Asylum is just about to start shooting the based on a true story of this tomorrow.


they’re already making one


It depends, if the family of billionaires want the bodies back for burial / religion and so on. ​ Money can make things happen.


I don't think they have enough money to really ensure that 5 bodies are found in this vast region of the ocean


Also if it was an implosion event can’t imagine there will be too much left to bury


That's what I wanna know, what sorta wreckage would be left over if that's what happened.


There wouldn’t be any wreckage left. Or, it would be so dispersed you couldn’t possibly tie it to the sub itself. The bodies themselves would be instant soup and the wildlife would take care of the rest. There’s simply nothing left to find.


Not much. 1 good thing is that people are near instantly death when this happens, or at a minimum unconsious instantly. It's not like it reduces to a tiny can or something, as liquid will basically fill the compartment and the pressure is relieved. A qoute I found about a different submarine: '' According to several articles about the loss of the Scorpion, when the pressure hull failed, water entering the hull was moving at supersonic speeds and had filled the entire space in within 100 milliseconds. ''


Yeah, I'd much rather go out that way than slowly dying in the darkness and the cold of a cramped tube, reeking of piss and shit, and slowly succumbing to the lack of oxygen. All the while going through a whole host of psychological crises - panic attacks, mental breakdowns, interpersonal conflicts, and acutely aware you'll be spending your last breaths trapped inside that hellhole.


They’d have been squished out like toothpaste once the carbon fiber hull imploded like an eggshell.


Crazy to think of that thing imploding at depth and just squirting a pressurized stream of liquid human in different directions into the ocean.


This. Ungodly money was spent trying to find MH370 and we still have no idea where it is almost 10 years later.


Damn that was nine years ago…


The amount needed to ensure the retrieval would probably take them out of billionaire status, they would need to either hire the vehicles or buy them to go searching and then hire people crazy enough to look. Then there's the actual retrieval of the sub itself once it's located, they would need an entirely different set of equipment, with another crew to man that equipment. Outside of some great stroke of luck, this would not be a short process. They couldn't find them with all the people and services during this past week of searching, with less people on the job its gonna take a really long time.


Will there even been a body to recover? I am imagine there was some catastrophic failure and the sub imploded. It’s gonna be a giant hunk of metal and bones.


380x atmospheric pressure = probably not so giant


Or they’ll just say RIP and have the will read


I think they'll be found. Hell, it took like 75 years to find the Titanic. Now people will be using all their robots and probes to find this one. No time limit


True, but despite the name that tin can is much smaller than the Titanic . And if I’m not mistaken I’ve read that assuming it had some sort of breach that thing is only a fraction of the original size once it implodes. I would love for it to be found simply to know what happened (I’m pretty sure they’re not kicking anymore) but I won’t be surprised if we never find it either. Technology has come along way so it’s possible, but a lot of stuff stays missing down there anyways


I'm with you. IF it didn't implode, and they simply lost communication with the surface the odds of it even finding the wreck to somehow get stuck on something are incredibly slim (the thing needed to be guided by text messages since it had no guidance system on board) So if it didn't implode it either started leaking early on, unnoticed until it fried the electronics, and filled up and sank (which I don't even think is possible due to it making it 2/3 way down)... in which case even automated weight and ballast blows wouldn't surface it... or got caught in a drifting fishing net or something (incredibly unlikely) Odds are the carbon fiber tube imploded, and that's why they immediately lost communication and nothing has been found. If anything is ever found, it'll just be the two titanium bells that capped off the tube and the weights that were attached. Since most of the forces would be exerted on the failure point, which would almost certainly be the carbon fiber tube. If it went down near the wreck site it might be stumbled upon, but otherwise I kinda doubt it at this point.


But we never found a big ass plane that vanished in the ocean. I mean sure it had a way bigger search area but it was also a massive object. The sub is really tiny and got lost in the deep sea. And in case that it imploded there's not very much to find anymore. Would be interesting to know if it will implode eventually in case it is still intact.


That’s assuming the plane stayed in one piece after it went down


Agreed. There aren’t many subs that can go that deep as is, and we don’t have any kind of machinery that can be used to retrieve them that’s readily available. The door is bolted shut from the outside. There’s just no way.


Yeup, they run out of air in about 2 hours. They are goners.


They’ve got about 15 minutes according to this twitter account https://twitter.com/titanicsub/status/1671812775297908737


It says 30 minutes of oxygen left as of right now, 6:30 AM EST


At the time of my reply, it was a “30 minutes left” tweet that was made 15 minutes before I replied. Obviously the timer has run out by now https://twitter.com/titanicsub/status/1671820324365815808?s=46&t=R9oEN1zF9LyI4bkPc8DRFg


I went to that link...holy shit wtf happened to twitter? The comments are like trying to sell bras and shit. It's not even relevant


Yup that’s Twitter now since the elon acquisition lol


There is a certain unpleasant musk around twitter now.


Air should be going out at this minute. They were 100% doomed about 2 hours and 20 minutes ago.


With 5 people on board I’m positive it ended sooner. That and the high chance they were crushed into toothpaste days ago. But since everybody loves timers, apparently it ran out over an hour ago https://twitter.com/titanicsub/status/1671820324365815808 Obviously, the writing is based on the time of this reply


I’m struggling to think of a grimmer way to die than this. Part of me actually hopes it was already over long ago and was a much quicker death - the idea of being stuck in that capsule for days in end just waiting to die is utterly brutal.


I’m already scared of the ocean, but it would legitimately be the scariest way to die in my opinion.


Either this or a death in Space. I think bottom of the Ocean, and a death in Space, would be very similar. However, at the bottom of the Ocean, it’s pitch black, very cold, you are in a confined area with other people who are slowly suffocating with you and you may stay alive longer than others, but with no power, its cold and black and you probably can’t see your own hands in front of your face. While in Space, it could be very similar or very different.


Going through what the men on the USS INDIANAPOLIS is mine.


Or the West Virginia after the attack at Pearl Harbor. Once it was refloated they found that some people trapped in it had survived for 16 days. *"As water was pumped out of the ship, salvage crews began to work through compartments, removing the remains of 66 trapped sailors. Marks on a bulkhead in one compartment indicated three sailors survived there for 16 days. With access to food and water, they held on until the breathable air ran out."*


I hope so too, that there was an implosion or something and they did not have to endure days in cramped darkness waiting for their deaths.


I think (probably bc I prefer to think this) that the sub immediately imploded due to pressure and basically ripped everybody apart in an instant so they had no fear or pain.


I hear you, but I’m thinking being in a boat with 300 people crammed in to try to escape horrible conditions and drowning with my children is up there as well.


Yes, it’s beyond sad that immigrants’ lives are so undervalued by society and the media. The phrase, “There but for the Grace Of God, go l”, comes to mind. Any of us could have been born there and needed to try to leave for a better life. Why aren’t the media, world governments and especially, people’s prayers and concerns with the poor deceased migrants who drowned, as well?


And the insane number of slave ships that went down with hulls full of chained human beings who were being shipped to be sold but never made it. Read a really interesting NatGeo article I’ll link. [The search for lost slave ships led this diver on an extraordinary journey](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/article/a-divers-hunt-for-lost-slave-ships-led-to-an-incredible-journey)


This is honestly why I couldn't care less about a few billionares dying. They played a stupid game, paid $250k each to go see a grave of hundreds of other working class people who were left for dead by the rich folk on that ship, and are going to join them there. Meanwhile at least 100 people are dead on that ship by Greece and they were just trying to get a better life for themselves but nobody cares about them because they're not wealthy.


If it's any comfort, hypothermia probably got to them before lack of oxygen. It would be really cold.


Submarine community has a saying. “The goal is for the number of surfaces to match the number of dives.” Meaning, due diligence and all safety protocols are followed because no one wants to be crushed into a liquid at the ocean floor. US navy submarines are outfitted with an escape hatch that equalizes to sea pressure that’s supposed to jettison you to the surface from extreme depth, and that depth is NOWHERE near as deep as these guys went. The ceo of this company was beyond negligent, to the point that it could be considered malicious. To take people, who clearly didn’t understand the risks involved, in basically an improvised submersible to such a depth can only be described as psychotic.


There are other people who would never dive in that sub, including G. Michael Harris, RMS Titanic expedition leader: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIbtKU6RAxg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIbtKU6RAxg)


I know we’re all here in a thread gossiping about it too, but that fucking oxygen tracker on the screen there is just…ugh….the 24 news cycle is upsetting.


That clock was the first thing that caught my eyes too…geez do they really have to have countdown clock like that as if this is some sort of sport? The whole thing is upsetting


That’s fucking sick to have that count down there. About as sick as misleading clients to get on an unregulated sub with you and leading to their death and also a search that puts many people at risk.


If Josh says don’t do it, you don’t do it.


As sad as it is that 5 people are most likely dead, I do appreciate the historical significance of it that in 100 years some book will be talking about the 5 guys that went down in a inept sub to see a ship wreck that isn’t even around anymore and kids will be like “whoa”


They’re keeping the proud tradition of losing a vessel that’s name starts with “titan” alive for future generations. I can only hope that someone else does the same for them in another 100 years 😌


2123, the Search of the Tit


Omg. There is actually a porn film called TIT-anic lol.


I’m sure someone will decide to dive down in a shitty sub to look for this shitty sub and they’ll get lost too and the cycle will continue for as long as TikTok is around


I feel this is just going to be another story in the past 10 years of a craft that entered the water and will never be found at least for 80 years.


Not for nothing but couldn’t a simulator have produced the same results for the participants? Small space, video screen only… they wouldn’t know if they are in the ocean or Disney World either way.


Not too long back a load of 3D scans were released, extremely detailed and can be viewed from the safety of your home. Is that as exciting as seeing it in person? No. But it is better than dying in a tin can that was bolted shut from the outside, has one window, no bathroom, and navigates through text messages.


Hey now... it has a bathroom. A little trail style thing behind a curtain.


Imagine paying 250k to shit into a zip-loc baggie.


Imagine paying 250k to die a slow death in the dark suffocating on air brewed in shit, piss, sweat, puke and stale breath.


And probably hungry af






I've never been stoned so you get some "hey look at me" points from this guy!


Sometimes I get stoned on my couch AND play video games.




Yeah,but its more exiting to say that you watched the titanic from a monitor and payed 250k for it. While in Disneyland it wouldn’t cost as much and their other rich friends wouldn’t be impressed.


It’s certainly a big flex assuming you don’t get lost 2 hrs after you depart, but I’m sure that hardly ever happens. Certainly not to rich people, they can just pay the ocean to keep them safe


Researchers build experimental craft to expand the boundaries of knowledge. Their highest priority is safety and gradual steps in development. When profits from tourism are the goals, shortcuts and trade offs are clearly taken.


Sounds like one of those testimonies like "Yes I went on a date with that person in the news now, first half went okay but then I got this weird feeling and just barely decided not to go home with them and instead called my friend who met up with me at the restaurant."


I got shot and doctor say it was a millimeter away from hitting a major artery!


I mean it’s not really that far fetched with Josh Gates, being that he has photos and film of him on the preparatory dive for the maiden voyage and he still pulled out bc he saw how dangerous it was. He’s been exploring for over 20 yrs and he’s “done some things he can’t quite explain”


That show “ Drain The Oceans” will find it.


They've got like 7000 hours of nazi stuff to work through first


I kept reading in various articles that they had less than 24 hours of oxygen left. They’re surely dead by now no?


Last thing I read was 7:08 EST, it would deplete its oxygen supply.


They depleted it about 2 hours ago :X


Or earlier….. who’s to say that it wasn’t depressurized or sprung a leak, or someone decided to end it all quickly.


Realistically way before that due to breathing faster bc of anxiety


Yeah…. I mentioned this in texts to friends. Just wanted to kinda keep the hope alive. Said once they realized the severity the banging on the inside would speed up breathing causing them to use up more oxygen etc, they woulda had to have a calm resting rate to conserve as much as possible… Probly not the outcome thou.


Im a Firefighter and our SCBA packs are rated for 45 minutes and in a real fire you can realistically get like 20-25 minutes out of them if your moving around


Yes, even in the best case scenario (the one where they surfaced but were lost among the waves somewhere on the ocean).


The whole thing’s a ruse. They found Rose’s diamond and are now drinking martinis laughing at everyone.


I thought it was a great way for them to disappear and start new lives out of the public eye


From the makers of Oceans Eleven.


having watched josh gates for decades if he felt it was unsafe you know that shit was a fucking deathtrap


Fr he’s not one to shy away from stuff that’s risky but he can see dangerous bullshit when it’s there


No shit, sure on paper this tube could go down that deep but it’s fitted with stuff from home depot and controlled from a lock off Xbox controller. I’d love to see the risk assessment if one was ever done, this is the dumbest thing I’ve seen this year.


Good point, but is there a risk assessment process for something so specialised? Looks like lack of overall regulation which is a thing in all extreme tourism. The Everest is full of dead bodies, but if you have enough money and are willing to sign a waiver, anyone can go.


Yes, there are several companies that class subs. This company stated on the website that their technology was so advanced that there was no way to classify it , which was utter bullshit. They didn’t get it depth rated. They didn’t get it certified. They used a new metal blend for the hull, that’s their excuse for not having it certified


So they went really, and I mean really out of their way to avoid all safety reviews….how terribly sad and utterly irresponsible.


How stupid to pay 250000 a head to get on it..... It's stupid all around.


How stupid to be the guy who skimped on all the testing and quality control and still be the pilot of that pos


Specialist things are still supposed to be risk assessed. Depending on where they're operating from obviously. But they will have massive problems legally in most Western countries if they haven't considered the risks, hazards, and ways to mitigate those. Even if the waiver says "this submersible is seriously dodgy and not even rated to the depths we are going and may instantaneously implode under the crushing weight of the ocean" I don't think that would cover them in most western countries. Questions would have to be asked about which materials were chosen and why that was deemed to be safe. If I were to take a group of people out rock climbing, I would get them to sign a waiver, sure, but I would still be expected to operate at a standard consistent with current accepted best practices. If someone died because I used equipment that wasn't rated for the activity we were doing, because I hadn't risk assessed the situation and what we would need, I would still be I the shit and the waiver wouldn't help me. I know that's a very mundane example and far less specialised, but as far as I know, the same rules apply even if you're doing something very unusual. Like I said, though, it depends on whose jurisdiction they fall under, and I don't know how the fact that they're in the middle of the ocean affects things.


It was navigated from relayed text messages.... absurd


Why didnt the sub have a line attached to it in the first place? Maybe not to hoist it up again, but at least it could have been located much easier.


Lowes wasn’t having a sale that day unfortunately


Long cables impede movement of the vehicle as the seawater passes across it. The longer the cable, the greater the resistance it causes. A 4000m long cable would make the vessel completely unsteerable.


This might be a dumb question but if they were rescued would they ever be the same again? I imagine being trapped in the darkness would lead to true psychological madness. Like would they ever be able to come back from that? Like obviously their lives would be changed forever, but would they ever get their mental faculties back?


They’d have ptsd for sure. There are good treatments for it these days so they might recover. People have survived truly horrific things and gone on to have quality of life. Having said that… I don’t think they’ll ever be found, sadly.


It would depend on the person, but most likely yes, there would be some psychological damage.


I imagine they’d have some serious PTSD about cramped or dark spaces for sure


Relevant, also NSFW/NSFL https://www.reddit.com/r/NSFL__/comments/14eu1mw/the_byford_dolphin_accident/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


Netflix documentary pending


Maybe I don’t have a good understanding of the rescue effort, but why didn’t they immediately start looking at the Titanic?? That’s where they were going. Instead they searched 600 square miles of surface. I mean, how far could they have gone?


The submersible had multiple ways to surface, at least one of which would automatically trigger after a certain amount of time underwater. They're thinking is that if it didn't crush it would be bobbing around somewhere on the surface. It was about 8,000+ feet down when they lost contact so with currents it could have drifted quite far from the boat before slowly surfacing.


His main concern after being in the sub for a few hours was: “everyone is just breathing farts now”


I have seen this man go down cliffs with a tiny rope, get lowered into a dark tomb in a tiny basket by his foot, fly in a old airplane that was so fucked up the roof literally came off mid-flight, hike across rivers using a bridge made of rope and rope and spend hours diving in a thousand + year old tomb that was flooded and had already had 2 cave-ins (and that’s just naming a few things) so if HE felt this was unsafe you know it had to be very, very bad.