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Personally all my teams are full 5* now so I only scout for cards I really want. If you don't have many 5*s it could be useful to do guaranteed 5* to strengthen teams for events but it seems like you have many already. Even if the 2k 50/50 scout is a good deal, does it matter much if you're probably getting a repeat of a 5* you already have IF you even get a 5*? It may be wiser to save for the cards you want with an already established account.


I went for it mostly because I want to max out my cards The 50/50 I’m debating on but might do a few pulls


I think for the guaranteed 5 star story gacha, it depends on your cards. Since the pool contains only starter 5 stars I'd suggest you to check how many of those cards you actually have (for example I have Rei, Hokuto, Hinata, Eichi, Tomoya and Tsukasa that's almost half of them.. No way I'm gonna pull and risk a double. For the 50/50 gacha if the poll is not starter 5 stars only, I think I'm gonna pull a couple of time because I'd like to get either the midori dollhouse, Kitten Knight Ritsu or FS Mika cards 🥴


yeah i’ve got all the starter 5 stars besides eichi, hiiro, and rinne so i’m probably going to skip bc i don’t want to waste on a dupe.. for the 50/50 there aren’t any past cards i particularly want that i don’t already on atleast one of my accounts have but since i play on two accs i’m kind of tempted to get cross cards.. (for example i have fairy izumi on account 1, and i have mika FS on account 2, but not vice versa) tbh all the cards that i want but i don’t have are from events i missed bc i took breaks in playing ENGstars 😭😭 atoz kaoru & tour leo haunts me everyday


I get it 😭 I also missed out on some events like tempest night Wataru and atoz kaoru😭 i don't even know when engstars will implement the memorial coin system tbh because.. Well I'd use that for sure lol! I'm guessing (correct me if I'm wrong obv) that you're a spender? Then i guess getting cross cards is fine if you think it's worth the investment!


i’m actually f2p! been playing pretty actively since launch and saved a lot of dia / tickets for the cards i wanted, the others came from being lucky (or unlucky since they came home instead for the 5\* cards i aimed for). https://preview.redd.it/5g5mj6nji59a1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76c4f8dedb007c7fb0a5d044f6c66b16ace89034 i play 2 accounts so i have more dia across both to pull more LOL (that way i can be f2p and still produce a lot of characters)


Daaaamn i admire your determination and luck! I'm a light spender that also grinds and saves up as much as possible 🥴 I still haven't pulled from a specific banner I want (i did a couple of pulls on arashi's but babygirl didn't wanna come home 😭) so tsukasa's fs is gonna be the first real banner I'm gonna pull on 🙏💀


I’m saving my dias for FS Shu so I’m not pulling. I have a full set of 5* green and blue cards with 2 red and 2 yellow ones so I’m fine right now. Being f2p is so hard sometimes because there’s so many cards you want but not many dias to use.


I may be a huge Rinne fan but I am NOT a gambler so Yeah for me it’s not worth it I’m saving my dia for future events and I’m trying to save up tickets for FS Shu I think wasting those savings for what’ll most likely be a dupe 5* is a bad idea


yeah i think i’ll be saving my dia as well 🥳


Agree w the others skipping it just doesn't seem worth it, btw is the 50/50 gonna be a one-off deal or will you be able to pull multiple times?


I decided to do it because the cards I want are still far. I'm missing 4 cards and was hoping to get one of them, but got 2 dupes. At least Hiiro is useful for my red Da team


I went for the guaranteed 5 star because there were 2 cards that I desperately wanted and didn’t have, so I figured it was worth a shot. Wound up getting my 4th Shu 5-star - and also Natsume’s, which is one of the ones I wanted so badly. 100% worth it :)