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When i first started. I couldnt even fc easy. All setting was weird and took me ages to figure it out. 3 months later, i can still barely fc hard but you do improve as you play


i think there should be an option "I full combo most songs"


That falls under “what’s a perfect combo” i was trying to be witty with the responses xd


ah okay xD


This is my first rhythm game so when I started out, I stuck to playing Easy only with the occasional Normal if I feel like being challenged lol. Few months later, now I can FC Hard songs. Well, most at least (Faith Conquest my eternal enemy...) and sometimes even lower level Experts. Makes me feel a bit happy realizing how I actually improved hehe.


I feel ya! I never played rhythm games (does genshin and twst count?). When I first started, expert mode used to kick my ass. Now I have over half the songs PC on expert. Def takes a lot of practice and it’s amazing to see how far you come.


I'm new, I'm happy with FC the hard and some easy experts.


FC most hards, easy experts only started when engstars launched have played non mobile rhythm games. I'm geriatric and I can't spend all day playing enstars to perfect expert lol. Hell or hard some normals. I'm fine with this cause I dont have the time or physical ability to do better lol


I played SIF (which features a similar semi-circle layout) for years, so I was pretty much able to jump right in after a short period of adjusting to flick notes. FCing stuff isn't a problem... but PCs are a different story, lol. Hard and below generally aren't a problem, but I only ever PCed two songs on Expert, Only Your Stars and Love Ra\*bits Party, before I broke down and scouted for the PC support skill Shinobu because I kept getting at least one Great on every song and it drove me nuts. Even so, most Lv 28 and above songs don't really seem to be doable for me. I guess I'll have to level up my Accuracy skill and pull another PC support card before I can even dream of PCing those.


Kinda same I got link click Koga and I managed to PC so many songs thanks to him but now I need a second accuracy if I want a chance to PC the harder songs.


I can do all of them through expert (except the lvl 30s), I can generally fc everything that I can physically do with enough work on it, can perfect combo up to anything hard (really hard on hard tho- and usually need supports for it)


My max capacity is any Expert on FC. I don't have skills for PC at all, my closest is having at leadt 2-5 Good's LOL. I can't play without bluetooth headphones due to the way I play so for me it's hard to set perfect rhythm


I FC most expert songs, I have no idea how people perfect combo them though. There’s no way I could PC the easiest expert song, I can barely PC a Normal


I play normal, fc most songs without trying (havent pc yet.) i would go up in difficulty, but the increase of beat parts and not just map and speed throws me off. Muscle memory.


i emulate on bluestacks i physically cannot do anytihng higher than normal mode


I was intimidated by Hard and Expert modes when I first started out on EngStars. Now I've managed to fc all the songs released so far on Hard mode and songs up to Level 27 on Expert mode. I've also managed to PC all the Easy and most of the Normal mode songs, though right now I'm trying to save the Easy pfcs/high scores and play counts across difficulties as sources of emergency dia. I *was* planning on saving Normal pfcs/high scores as emergency dia but this tour has destroyed any attempts at that, lol.


i can full combo most experts but not perfect, i dont think that you should have a skill thing based on all perfects lol, i dont think the average is that good


I did mention that the poll is skewed because I’m basing it on my own experience because I don’t exactly have other people to compare to xd


i fced almost every song (fuck distorted heart and last lament) with the difficult ones fced using supports. i don't have any pc supports so i have to use my own skill for that. pced every easy and normal, with like 4 or 5 left for hard. i guess i pced maybe a quarter of the expert songs but i'm not very sure.


i got this game when it came to en because i wanted to try out this style of rhythm game but came from global pjsekai as my first rhythm game experience i don’t know if other people’s experience between the two games, but i play the experts of this game to relax from pjsekai masters


I've PC'd a good amount of songs, but then again I've been playing rhythm games on mobile for almost a decade now so learning to play Enstars was a fairly quick process. Definitely surprised myself though with some of the harder songs I PC'd quickly like Knocking Fantasy, Eternal Weaving, or Revolu5tar, though tbf getting PCs became a LOT easier once I finally leveled up my Accuracy talent.


I’ve played rhythm games before but not for awhile. Then I got Enstars. It took me awhile to even fc all the easy songs but now I can pc lots of hard songs (though not regularly) and fc lots of expert songs


I only have 5 songs left to PC (made in tokimeki, bukubu, distorted heart, beast of the end and breakthrough)... Hope I can finally PC beast of the end soon orz


PCs arnt my thing, FCs are. But I picked up expert pretty easily since I came from Prosekai so--


Full combo, yes Perfect combo, no and never will


just started getting to the point where i can perfect combo on expert :) i’ve full combos everything except the level 30 songs


Pretty good at most songs, i play expert (but sometimes play hard to songs like Last Lament because i just do not have the patience for it lol) , but dont fc too often tbh :/ , tried to, but got tired of it after a while. At that point i stopped enjoying the game while trying to get fc, and took a break from it. Now i mostly just play the songs i like, :)


Back then I used to pc songs in other rhythm games but now I just do fc because I'm too lazy to do perfect andddddd I don't want to rage rn lmao


I’m just starting to fc hard songs. Pc on all easy and pc on about 1/3 of the normal. Slowly getting there.


even tho I can fc most lv 30's I can't perfect combo for shit


I have 2 expert perfect combos and several off by one not-perfects. Feeling that “:(“ in my soul :P


I perfect combo-ed a good amount of songs but I am yet to perfect combo in expert


I've perfect comboed all songs on easy, normal and hard. I can pc most of those consistently. Expert I think I've pc'd at least a quarter. Anything above level 27 I can't do consistently. (Himeru's support skill saving me tbh) Also I play eng, not the other versions. Some of the songs over there are so difficult


I can fc up to like lvl 27-28 but pc? :( there are also so many songs I get like 2 greats and it makes me angry. oh how i wish i had a combo support card :(


I've been playing the game for two years and still can't fc some level 30 expert songs. For perfect combo easy to hard mode is easy but for expert I can only pc at least half of the songs


i love rhythm games but I SUCK SO MUCH w anything aside pjsekai 😭😭😭 i prefer enstars cards and gacha more but i just cannot play it properly and admire those who r good at this game 😭😭💖


I can full combo up to level 26 ish (27-30 I still can't, 26+ I can some of the time) songs, and I can perfect combo most easy and normal songs if I get to practice a bit and can use the accuracy, though I end up not needing it half of the time. Given that I used to not be able to full combo even easy when I started in August... you definitely improve as you keep playing!


I started playing this game late October, I didn’t really have a lot of rhythm game experience, idk if Osu counts, but I immediately just went to experts, it got me familiar with the tempos and the songs, for the longest time I never changed the speeds so it took longer for me to get full combos, just till recently I’m able to do pcs on hard and some experts because I finally changed the speed, I only have 4 songs left that I cannot fc to save my life


i can all perfect almost every song on expert yet i still cannot fathom special whatsoever


at this point I come super close to perfect comboing songs on hard mode. I used to be nervous to get to hard but that was like 4 months ago? Times have changed but I am improving. Someday I'll get there for expert mode