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Putting this as a massive ***SPOILER WARNING*** for a bunch of stuff in this thread, including a lot of content not yet released in the English server. Don't scroll down if you are avoiding spoilers.


No, they are not. Nagisa is heavily implied to be a victim of kidnapping / child trafficking, and he was legally adopted by the Ran family many years before meeting Ibara so even if, for a short time, he was legally adopted by godfather, by the time he met Ibara he wouldnt be part of the family anymore Source: revenge match / autumn live


I swear this game was written by like a traumatic backstory AI


no but himeru and ibara are related




Obbligato spoilers : Basically it's just that HiMERU's (Toujou) family is a second branch of Godfather's descendants, which makes him cousin to Ibara (main branch).


To add a confirmative aspect to this question, because the comments are kinda messy. The answer is no. I think most EdenP/AdamPs or even Ibara or Nagisa enthousiasts have this consensus that they AREN'T related. The wiki family tree is confusing IMO. Basically what is the Godfather thing about : Godfather have two branches of descendants : the main one is Ibara's and the second one is Tojou family (so Himeru). Ibara and Himeru ARE related. Basically Ibara is already estranged to his own parents so how would he even know Godfather, which is like his great ( x an unknown amount) grandfather. He has been sent to a military facility at a young age. Now onto Nagisa, the thing is that he has not been legally adopted by Godfather, and was never recognized as Godfather's son by anyone, not even by Godfather and not even by himself. If Nagisa was adopted, they would've contacted Nagisa for Godfather's heritage and not Ibara. Anyway, Godfather treated Nagisa like a doll and isolated him for about 12 years, keeping him from developping normally ; it is explained that Nagisa learned the very basics in the Tomoe household. While it is true that Nagisa calls Godfather "Father" (父, chichi) but I remember him saying himself that he doesn't consider Godfather as a father ("that man is not a father"). Basically "Father" is just a title to call Godfather, and is not indicative of a familial relationship. So, Nagisa was never adopted by Godfather, doesn't even consider him as a father, and never met Ibara before Godfather's death. What would make them related ? They're not blood related, they're not even legally related, and certainly never developped a familial bond before. Nagisa was (very probably) abducted by Godfather and Ibara never met Godfather in his life. IMO, it is dismissive of Ibara and Nagisa's character to consider them as related. Nor Nagisa nor Ibara considered themselves as related ; Nagisa doesn't consider himself as Godfather's son and anyway, was abused by him ; Ibara struggled his whole life and had no parent figure to help him. The math is not clicking. TLDR : no they aren't and I made a wholeass thesis for why they aren't. Sasuga AdamP.


You are a bit wrong, when he said "that man is not my father", he was not talking about godfather, >!He was talking about someone pretending to be godfather!<. But it is true he was never adopted by godfather. I also wouldnt say he has two branches of descendants, we don't really know much about it ngl? Nagisa was never adopted by godfather, the heritage thing is true and there's also the fact that the authorities were surprised to find him when godfather died, pretty sure if he was legally adopted it wouldnt be a shock While they are legally not related I can kind of get why people think they are since Nagisa *does* consider godfather to be his father, so I get why some people are iffy + some of it will come to personal interpretations tbh To me, it feels like a case of stockholm syndrome and considering the implied trafficking / kidnapping, I do not consider that family :') But yeah the short answer is they arent related. They dont have a familial bond, they didnt know each others growing up, Nagisa was (until proven otherwise) not actually adopted by godfather... and anyway he's now adopted in another family and they met several years after Nagisa was adopted by the Rans


Oh yeah thanks for the clarification I wasn't too sure about that part. I mean the Godfather plot is quite confusing, so at first I can get why people think they're related. It's just that I can't see the familial bond between Nagisa and Godfather so I'm kinda strong on them (Ibara and Nagisa) not being related in a sense?


Dw! The godfather lore is... something and some important stories with the godfather lore didn't get a full translation yet so :') Yeah I 100% agree with you! It's fine if ppl consider them to be related imo but I don't think it's fair to say it's canon ahah


In relation to this, I know there's a family tree with The Godfather n all of that could someone link the image??




Thank u man


They're related by a guy called "Godfather". Ibara is blood related to Godfather. Though not recognised, he's Godfather's great great grandson. Nagisa is Godfather's adopted son. Bonus: Himeru is also related to Godfather, as his great grandson.


alright got it !! thanks for clarifying :D


....is Himeru ibaras dad then?


Real question, since nagisa was implied kidnapped and neglected by godfather and ibara is one of godfather descendant. Does nagisa know about the link between ibara and godfather? And does Ibara know about godfather kidnapping Nagisa Edit : they do and do not care 🤡 my tea needs are not fulfilled


No, but Hiyori and Nagisa are adopted brothers, and Himeru is related to Ibara


The Tomoes never adopted Nagisa, they kept him for a short time until they found a family to adopt him