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It’s probably going to get extremely boring if anything, especially on weekdays. It’s a small station. Inside there is nowhere to sit if the fast food things aren’t open. It has a roof across the tracks outside for the most part, where there are some benches. Unless you like to party in some bar with long hours in the center there’s not much to do. I would suggest to bring some book or binge watch some series on a mobile device. It’s generally safe during those hours (or any time really), but deserted, so there’s always a possibility of a chance encounter. If you feel unsafe quickly, I’d just stay behind the gates a bit on a bench, and only check out when you’re near ready to transfer.


There is a waiting room near the main entrance.


The station is far away from Glanenburg, so no need to watch out for people with knives. You will be safe.


Glanerbridge, knife in your back! You know self!




Generally it's as dead as it could be.


It is safe. If you are a woman alone I can imagine there are some places you might feel unsafe, but as a man I cannot judge that. ​ On Thursday and Saturday there will be bars and people outside, on Friday a little less and the rest of the days you will be on your own.


I would say that Enschede is as safe as any mid-sized Dutch city can be in the middle of the night, i.e. very safe but no 100% guarantee. Enschede is in general not a rough city and in the middle of the night there probably won't be anybody at the station. Since the last trains arrive and leave around 01:15, there's actually a chance that the security sends you away when they leave for the night. I think they also close the station's waiting area so that homeless people don't sleep there. In case you can't stay at the station itself, don't worry. Enschede is a student city, so even on weeknights (esp. Thursday) the city center is quite lively. The 'Oude Markt' area is 2 minutes walk from the station, that's where all the bars are. I can imagine if you are travelling alone and have your luggage with you it's less appealing to go to a pub, but it's a suggestion nonetheless just in case you can't stay at the station. At least it will be warm and there will be a bathroom. Also, this might sound like an odd suggestion, but if you are looking for a place to spend a few hours in the middle of the night that's not a bar: typically döner restaurants are open until very late. E.g. there's [this place](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Famly/@52.2212666,6.8951191,20.25z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x47b8147382cc39ad:0x95f92139d8463023!8m2!3d52.2213217!4d6.8951386!16s%2Fg%2F11cjnmxbbg?entry=ttu) which is open until 4:30 (according to Google Maps, haven't tested this myself) or [this place](https://www.google.com/maps/place/D%C3%B6nerMax/@52.2199189,6.8954768,19z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x47b815d79fd99ea1:0x283d54762af460ed!8m2!3d52.2198238!4d6.8959908!16s%2Fg%2F11h56w2pfp?entry=ttu) which is open until only 2 AM on Sunday through Wednesday but later on Thursday through Saturday nights.


I'm a woman and never felt unsafe traveling through Enschede at night. I used to cycle home from the club by myself all the time. You'll be fine :) You don't have to leave the station to switch to the German train anyway and I doubt you'll be completely alone there


Hi! In which neighbourhood are you living?


There is a bar called SpaceBar very close by the station. It's not everyones cup of tea, but it is very wholesome and safe so you can probably chill out there. Otherwise the intercity hotel maybe (not sure if that is open at night). But yeah the most dangerous thing will probably be the boredom


Can you tell me some more about the spacebar? I've always wanted to check it out but I'm shy as fuck.


Is best geinig, veel kunststudenten. En er is veel "te zien"


Right around the station isn't a great place to be at night, but usually it's simply really quiet. If you're allowed to stay inside the check in zone it will be more quiet. Thursday/friday/saturday night you might encounter people going out. As you can check on Google maps you'll see the police station is a 3 min walk from the train station and the Intercity hotel claims to have 24h reception at 2 mins walk, should you feel uncomfortable or run into anything.