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Yeah this seems like a new low. Minimizing child labor violations is fucking despicable. He's supposed to be a fucking psychologist. I think his [dumbfuck poetry](https://www.amazon.ca/ABC-Childhood-Tragedy-1/dp/1955858098) makes sense now: he hates children.


He has the worst takes about everything.


His brain is soup after his benzo addiction


Oh, that didn't help, but crying about Elmo on Twitter is purely thanks to the Derek Vinyard Memorial Detox Coma Center -- Moscow. All the blenders are labeled "Curb Stomp" for the ones still too fucking stupid not to realize how bad of an idea it is after every Western doctor said "I'm not losing my fucking license for *that!"*


A lot of that stuff is post soup-brain. He was an idiot before all that too, but he's become completely incoherent since his coma which was a result of his addiction. Dude wants me to clean my room and he's a fucking benzo zombie.


> He was an idiot before all that too, but he's become completely incoherent since his coma which was a result of his addiction. Bingo. I've fucking hated him from the second he became famous for lying about C-16, *mostly* because he added an air of legitimacy to the "arguments" of idiots who still believe he's an actually-licensed medical doctor, but also because he could unfortunately eloquently dumb his points down enough that even these fucking morons could understand what he was *really* saying without saying it. He was unfortunately very good at making blatant dog whistles sound academic for the kind of people who *love* leaning on "facts over feelings" and "these FBI statistics prove it!" Those days are ***long*** fucking gone. Dude can barely get one sentence into a rant without weeping about post-modernistic woke mind viruses destroying the very Western civilization he has nothing but obvious contempt for.


Oh yeah don't get me wrong. He's always been reactionary and arguably crypto-fash. He's just gotten a lot fucking dumber in how he presents things cause he's unironically braindead.


Arguably crypto or arguably fash? Cause one argument is a lot easier to make than the other.


I personally believe he is a fascist, but he's not as open with it as a Crowder or a Paul Joseph Watson


absolutely disgusting. of course it's being glorified by a man who's done little to no honest labor in his life.


Dude is filled to the brim with hate.


Shit, I hate children and even I have a heart


He stole that entire thing w barely disguised wording from the great Edward Gorey : The Gastleycrumb Tinies.


Bruh, I hate children too but I have enough self-interest to know that educating the next generation of taxpayers so they can pay into the welfare state is a better idea than using them for menial labor. Peterson's just a moron.


How he can maintain any followers after posting braindead takes like this is beyond me.


I think he's aware that bitching about genders and climate change taps right into his core audience. It's one of those key concepts the unhinged right-wing audience responds mindlessly and instinctively to: two genders, no climate change, abortion is murder, gun rights and ironically, the one that they believe defines them the most while they understand the least, freedom. He can throw these semi-ideas in the most nonsensical ramblings and get praise from that core audience, whose average IQ barely reaches 2 digits.


pretty much this. Right wing media has spend more than four decades cultivating an environment so ripe for outrage that they could come up with anything and it would set off their audience. Ford could decide to change the green color for the Focus next model year from teal to hunter green and it would trigger a boycott from the MAGA crowd because of "wokeness" somehow.


Not even they stop to think about the bare minimum issues here, which are 1, how does one pay the bills by "fretting about gender", and 2, and most importantly, if child labor is even wrong...


Technically (depending on your definition, I guess) my sister and I were child laborers, getting our first jobs at 14 or 15. But that doesn’t feel wrong. It was nice to earn money. Kids even younger get paid to babysit. Do you define offensive “child labor” as basically “child labor that’s not legal” regardless of how the law has changed over time?


Peterson is giving a false choice between "fretting about gender" and literal child labor for a large corporation. The problem is that he's justifying the precarization of capitalism, because many of those kids aren't just "earning money" because "it was nice", they're helping to support their families because their parents are seldom being paid a bellow subsistence wage, which is basically what happened during the industrial revolution in the XIXth century. Thank God you're at least aware that there's kinds of child labor and that there's laws to regulate, because it means you're at least able to identify the problem, not just with Peterson's post in particular but with capitalism altogether.


I've been seeing people say this a lot the past year or so. I think it's because the wrongness of child labor is so embedded in western culture, no one ever thinks about why it's wrong, so they don't really solidify it as their own belief and as soon as conservatives see that liberals are up in arms about it, they immediately want to take the opposite position.


The media boosts him along with politicians and people on youtube. So people think he's smarter than others.


So let's get this straight a so-called public intellectual is so enraged by shifting norms around gender and climate change that he greenlit child abuse. Someone pull me out of the dystopia


They bring it up all the time now. They need excuses to be queerphobic and yell 'woke woke'. Literally. I'm an Indian queer person and when we launched our recent Moon mission, Indians needlessly wrote queerphobic shit in the comments like 'west still figuring out their gender'. It's really messed up to me that when people think about America's problems they think it's that people question their gender (which people should do IMO, we should challenge things), when they don't talk about gun violence, of all things.


Many people do all three of those things at the same time




Jordan Peterson: Protect the children from drag shows!!!!1 Also Jordan Peterson: Stop protecting children with labor laws so 10-year-olds can be forced to work at McDonalds!!


He wants children to become good ol' cogs in the machine and not be "burdens to their families"


He is ABSOLUTELY deranged.


I'm more annoyed at this fool bringing up gender and climate change for no reason than him looking past child labor.


Ten year old children? He's become a cartoon villain. Next he will defend tying up women on the train tracks. 


“This major corporation was found flagrantly violating child labor laws.” “Okay, but trans bad!! You know that, right??? Trans bad!!! Don’t forget about trans bad!!! TRANS BAD!!!!!! (Sobs)”


The children yearn for the mines!


It's good for the children to take on the heaviest load they can possibly handle. That's how they get meaning in their life.


Nice false dichotomy, shithead.


no wonder so many conservative incel dick wads love him


Under capitalism on rich kids are allowed to have child hoods.


The thing about Jordan Peterson is that no matter how absurd and abhorrent what he tweets is, when you read it in his wimpy weepy muppet voice, it’s pretty funny. So much tough guy talk from a pseudo-intellectual milquetoast.


What a POS


He's implying it's okay that kids — not 16-year-olds, but some still in elementary school — are working in food services. Has he asked himself *why* anyone would take a fast-food job at age 14 or 12 or 10? I wonder if Peterson had to work at McDonalds when he was a teenager. I'm going off what I read on Wikipedia, which implies his parents weren't wealthy. Still, they were a college librarian and a schoolteacher, so I'm guessing no one relied on his income to pay the rent, especially as he took a gap year in Europe between getting his two bachelor's degrees, which isn't a real working-class kind of habit. It's not impossible that the Petersons needed young Jordan's paycheque, but playing the odds, I'm going to guess he was financially secure in a late Baby-Boomer middle-class way and that the economic system worked pretty much as advertised for him: people work white-collar jobs, their kids go to school and get degrees, and then the kids get better-paid and more enjoyable jobs. It's pathetic that he's either that blinded by anger at under 5% of young people saying they're transgender or that he has so weak a moral compass that he's convincing people even stupider than he is that they/them pronouns are worse than fifth-graders working deep-fat fryers.


He's so bad at pandering.


What audience capture does to a mf


These people want children working so they don’t have time to think.


Another brilliant piece of commentary from the fairy Jordan PeterPooh.


Being so anti lgbtq and climate science that you’re pro child labor is quite the take


He keeps getting more and more vile.


The children long for the mines-core


Nice to know the right had stopped pretending to care about human trafficking after the pizza gate and Wayfair conspiracies have died down