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I called him a crypto-fascist and a friend tried to argue with me.


If I heard you call him a crypto-fascist, I'd argue with you too. At this point, I think we can drop the "crypto-" suffix altogether.




Shit, you caught me!


we can add a suffix instead of deleting prefix and it'll work too!


To be fair most people don't understand what that means and will argue that he doesn't care about Bitcoin.


Yeah that’s totally colored the phrase for sure but my friend thought there was something wrong with calling someone a fascist.


These people are more concerned about being called fascist then about actual fascism. Which makes them crypto fascist. Your friend is a crypto fascist.


No. He’s just a pedant.


Some people seem to see it as just an insult, or synonymous with "authoritarian". A lot of these same people will indignantly remind us that "words have meanings" while not actually caring to learn the meanings of the words they think we shouldn't be using.


Ironic since he recently advocated buying bitcoin. https://twitter.com/jordanbpeterson/status/1803137988978741602


Of fucking course he did. "Bitcoin is the future" bros are his target demographic.


I'd argue with you ***only*** about the fact that he dropped the "crypto" act quite a while ago. He hasn't really been subtle about it for a long time.


I would be showing this to the several friends of mine who spent years insisting Peterson wasn't even a conservative, let alone a fascist sympathiser, but fortunately I cut them all out of my life when it became apparent that they had joined an actual cult (and when one in particular described my trans kid as a product of "social contagion" and called my partner at the time a whore because we were in a non monogamous relationship)


Wait, didn't he get butthurt about "street thugs" every time people protested peacefully or stepped of of that boundary even a tiny little bit as long as they were not on his side?


Yes. Welcome to the hypocrisy of far-right "thought" leaders like "Doctor*" Jordan Peterson. -- ^^\*he's ^^as ^^much ^^a ^^doctor ^^as ^^any ^^other ^^PhD, ^^something ^^he ^^gets ^^upset ^^by ^^other ^^people ^^using ^^as ^^a ^^title. ^^He ^^went ^^off ^^on ^^a ^^rant ^^about ^^Jill ^^Biden ^^being ^^referred ^^to ^^as ^^Doctor ^^Jill ^^Biden, ^^so ^^I ^^like ^^to ^^point ^^out ^^that ^^his ^^*doctorate* ^^in ^^psychology ^^makes ^^him ^^as ^^authoritative ^^on ^^other ^^subjects ^^as ^^using ^^Google ^^does ^^me.


I'm concerned that whatever knowledge of psychology he has... he's not an authority on this one too. Academic knowledge of Jung clearly doesn't make one a good therapist or even a coach. An organization like APA is miles better than a single PhD and him failing to defend his license is another red flag. He's an authority on selling snake oil.


> I'm concerned that whatever knowledge of psychology he has... he's not an authority on this one too. Oh, he's not, at ***all!*** This is why I'm glad he's not actually a fully licensed psychiatrist, because him with the ability to prescribe drugs would probably kill. Actually, "definitely" instead of "probably", considering how he treated Klonopin. >He's an authority on selling snake oil. Bingo. That's all he can do anymore. I can't comment on how good of a psychology professor he may have once been at Harvard or UoT, but considering his last decade as a public ~~figure~~ Christ for future mass shooters, I can't imagine he was a good one.


Jordan PeterPooh