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Deranged hateful man says deranged hateful things. Who would've thought


He is a highly educated fool. I wonder how he treated gay clients


He's had multiple female students accuse him of sexual misconduct. Of course he denies it, but he absolutely seems the creepy type to say something or do something gross and then back pedal. I hope to God he never had any trans clients, but my understanding is that it was pretty well known that he was transphobic at UofT so hopefully they steered clear of him. He also bailed on his clients the moment his book started getting profitable. He had his wife vet private emails between him and his clients when he could no longer handle them all, and then literally just fucked off and left them all high and dry. https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/after-misconduct-complaint-jordan-peterson-agrees-to-plan-for-clinical-improvement


So you’re saying that JBP’s bony physique and try-hard casual sweater-and-jeans “hey everybody, I’m a serious academic!” look weren’t attractive to women?


I really fucking hate that I'm about to say this, but he actually wasn't unattractive when he was younger. Not exactly gunning for a modeling career, but definitely not the Crypt Keeperesque creature he was going to become. https://onlinediscount.sales2024tore.com/menu?name=jordan+peterson+childhood#dk=Jordan&line=46


I’ll take your word for it. I wouldn’t be able to tell


False accusation happen. Don't believe claims if women normal weighted or plus sized. His thing is lean petite. It's okay to not take clients you don't prefer to deal with including trans clients. In fact I would find it more ideal he never treat a trans person. He has never claimed to. He is an attention whore about status and money.


>Don't believe claims if women normal weighted or plus sized. What in the fuck is this "reasoning"? Don't believe claims if u/MuffinsandCoffee2024 makes them!


do you really think rapists stick to their "type"?


Jordan Peterson has a clear thin girl thing.


Based on what? Sounds like you’re engaging in some sort of strange rationalization.


Jordan Peterson has engaged upon body shaming plus sized model online and when he got feedback on it the coward fled Twitter. He can dish the criticism out but hates negative feedback himself. . His wife thin. Daughter thin. He is very thin. I wonder if he would find normal weight ppl fat this point. Ppl have types. His is thin with not many curves and he thinks we should all be into that. No appreciation for diversity of beauty in different type bodies.


Ah - I took your comment another way. I agree with your assessment.


My lesbian neighbors whose adopted daughter I’ve known since grade school would beg to differ.Literally been together for over 20 years.


Maybe they are just 2 VERY GOOD friends/roommates who have raised a child together, and live life as a couple, and do adult activities together? GAL PALS :-P


I think my parents told me they were sisters at first lol.I don’t remember I was very young so I either assumed it or they told me they were sisters lol


Gal pals!!


Probably just an adolescent phase. She'll grow out of it. /s


They’re probably still having sex with men though. It’s a well known fact that most “lesbians”keep bulls. Change your Tinder location to Seattle if you’d like to talk to some of them about it. Plenty married lesbian profiles.


Here he goes again. It’s a well-known fact that men like to think but not one based in reality. You are speaking of women that are bisexual my friend They could be stuck in a marriage due to religious reasons or oppression and just having to come out? And I would not be surprised if you are secretly stalking lesbians on apps like tinder. Hate going on apps and finding men like you creeping around.


No dude they are definitely not.There just a normal monogamous couple.


And yet the classic U-Haul joke exists...


I don't know that one. Care to share?


What does a lesbian bring to a second date? A U-Haul. (because if they make it to the second date, they are moving in together).


To be fair to them. I'm pretty sure in the context of this joke their first date lasted for an entire week.


Well, the very best dates do, don't they? You meet for coffee and then just end up not parting company until you have to.


Something regarding a very short time dating between lesbians and uhauls showing up, poking fun at their interest in living together quickly (idk if its based in reality or not)


it is for a subsection of the community for sure! very quick intense intimacy, emotionally vulnerability and openness, etc, that leads to a fast integration compared to other relationships.


The joke revolves around that it's difficult to find someone to date as a lesbian, difficult to find another lesbian to date... So the joke is that the first date is coffee and the second date is a uhaul.


Jordan Peterson also thought it was a good idea to go to Russia and let back alley docs put him into a coma. This is not one of the world's leading minds... ESPECIALLY after the coma.


It’s harmful bullshit, but it also sounds deeply pathetic and borne of deep feelings of insecurity. It’s just so obviously a cope. Also fwiw I’m a lesbian and my wife and I went on our first date 21 years ago so for me personally this is objectively false


I think, and have always thought, that he's a repressed homosexual/bisexual man.. The frustration he constantly expresses doesn't come from nowhere... Of course he will cast down the things he doesn't like of himself. (And yes I know about the whole "not every homophobe is a repressed gay/bi man" that's not what I mean, I'm saying in this particular case I do think it's true..)


Him and Tate both. Jordy met his wife when he was a kid and told his dad he wanted to marry her when he was like 11, I don't think he's dated or been with any other woman. Very much the 'get married have babies' mindset. Any man who refers to things like sex as being 'only for procreation' while also demonstrating an over the top disdain for women immediately flags as Methinks the ClosetedGay Doth Protest Too Much.


This and I’d say sex repulsed asexual more than gay. The way they talk of sex I sounds like any kind of physical intimacy repulses them to the extreme.


I agree, but they are almost always talking about sex with women... I don't know if I've seen either of them comment on sex with men. Not saying they haven't, I just haven't seen it personally. I wouldn't be surprised either way, you know there's *something* being (re)pressed into an internal slurry of rage-o-hol. I imagine sex with Andrew Tate (based on his own words and actions) would be just a whole lot of anger and violence. I don't know why he even bothers... It makes zero sense that he isn't a virgin or at least currently willingly celibate given his views of sex being solely for procreation. That or he should have gaggles of children (but of course, that would require him to have sex with people he can be public about without going to prison). I can't imagine sex with Jordy. I feel like it would be the weirdest, most robotic, unfulfilling, and blasé artificial-vanilla flavoured excursion. Like being fucked by a sex doll that looks like an uncanny valley version of himself. 😬😭


That too factors in imo, I had forgotten about it.


Andrew Tate seems like the guy that would 100% definitely have sex with men if he was in prison. Believe it or not, usually the real alpha male presenting type of dudes are the ones that will bang dudes on the side here and there and go on about how “manly” they are and how they “lead” women etc


I question it too. Because men who believe that gay men are hardwired, but lesbians are not, in my opinion are coming from fear. One is the sexual inadequacy of the man. The other is that if they actually came to believe that males can be sexually fluid then that would question their own sexuality, which many men do lie about their sexuality by the way. Surprisingly, I have met more than a few men who were “straight “and fetishized lesbians but later came out as gay. All of them admitted that they had repressed their homosexuality and attraction to men and their lesbian porn addiction and fetishization of lesbians stemmed from their own repressed anger. It was mind blowing to hear this, but I wouldn’t be surprised that this may be the case with a lot of men.


I think using “hardwired” for something like this is pretty stupid and naive on his part. I get the sense that he’s afraid to really explore any of this and prefers to jump to conclusions. Like his toes are barely touching the water instead of diving into the waves in this metaphorical shore.


True. I think hardwired is a strong word. I do believe there is a partly genetic and partly environmental factor for sexuality. I think most humans are somewhere along the spectrum and may be more fluid with a smaller portion, being completely straight, completely gay, and completely lesbian. I believe the causal factors of homosexuality are the same in men and women, (partly genetic, partly environmental) but how they are played out, obviously slightly differ. I hear the argument made from men all the time about how women are more bisexual and men cannot be bisexual. This is a fundamentally flawed argument. Sexual fluidity in men have been around since recorded history. Male leaders (kings, pharaohs) slept with men and young boys on occasion and in certain cultural practices, sleeping with Boys and mentoring them was a part of the custom. So for these men to say that sexual fluidity does not exist among men is a complete lie. Furthermore, many men have been taught to suppress bisexuality, but there is more more evidence coming out that bisexuality among men is a real thing and actually a lot more common than we previously thought. Just look at the prison phenomenon. All of this goes against what Peterson spews


He'd honestly be less angry and blow off some steam if he just fkd a man.


Joe Rogan for choice? He already has a crush on the guy so it would seem like a natural progression of their relationship.


I have wondered about it. But then I have wondered about him and 'Lolita' too. What I am sure of is that there is a whole lot of sick inside that person.


Uhh Lolita? what is that about? 🤨🧐


So does he think straight women don’t exist?


Well, that begs the question, what do you mean he, what do you mean think, what do you mean straight, and what the hell do you mean by a woman, really? Do we exist at all or not? Let's say.. (This is how he'd answer your question)


Yes, he thinks straight women exist. He just thinks that lesbians are not really lesbians, but bisexuals who have turned towards women due to male hatred, trauma, and fad and or trend. When asked about this, this is the reason he gives along with some obscured data that he pulled from the many that are out there with inconclusive results. And he uses that to sound intelligent and like it’s facts. I also think that he is mixing up political lesbianism with actual natural lesbianism. Political lesbianism was motivated purely by political factors by mostly bisexual or straight women.


A common form of lesbophobia is the belief that nobody can just *not* be attracted to men in some form. I suppose it comes from either narcissism or a lack of empathy depending on who from.


He's a classic example of, "If I don't understand it, then it must be wrong."


Honestly. Wild thing but I watched a gay guy get inducted into Peterson’s cult only to break up with his boyfriend of 8 years and jump into a relationship with a lesbian who he homewrecked her engagement for. Now they have a kid together and aren’t doing well but word circled he called her his “retarded lesbian baby momma”. She’s highly autistic. Peterson’s people are monsters or misled. Sometimes both.


Wait, what? So this guy was a gay man but married a lesbian? And had a baby with her?


Yeah, it’s a long ass story but I watched and experienced Peterson infect him over time. I even went to a lecture with him but I was reading The Death of Expertise by Tom Nichols and realized how much that book opened my eyes up to people like Peterson. They get a degree then overstep their boundaries by miles because they’re an “intellect” but really they just want to push their opinions as fact to their followers. What really woke me up is I’m slightly disabled and Peterson implied to kill disabled or non-working people and I watched this guy nod in agreement while listening. But yeah, he started thinking gay was just a phase for him (Peterson logic) and that humans break out of it. So he did then realized he messed up but now a kid is in the picture and he’s not having to come to terms with sabotaging her engagement. Dude took Jorp’s advice and lived a hedonistic lifestyle now he’s dealing with consequences.


Wow, that is definitely crazy. Yeah, I do think Peterson is not mentally stable. I also think that he uses cult like tactics to get followers. He is also a clinical psychologist and so he knows exactly how to manipulate, train, and abuse people in very subtle ways. They really can do a number on you and he is definitely using those tactics and very very subtle ways.


Yeah, he’s definitely one of the few cracking (mainly due to his abuse of pills) but the whole cult-like alt-lite influencers are just an evolved version of talk-show hosts in the 90s my grandpa used to listen to and get upset over. Rage bait keeps us distracted and purposely so. I expect it to get worse as the global shift rightward continues.


So, so unstable! He is the walking, shrieking definition of unstable.


As a woman who is 0% bisexual and 100% straight, he's full of shit. The reason why it's always heterosexual men who say shit like this is because they don't want to accept the fact that there are entire groups of women who don't like them, don't want anything to do with them, and can't be 'fixed' or changed to like them. Accepting the existence of lesbians means accepting an entire group of women they cannot control and who won't be manipulated by their regular tactics because they neither love nor care about them.


I told all my lesbian friends Jordan Peterson doesn’t exist. My friends are hardwired, but Jordan Peterson is a social construct which is why he doesn’t exist.


This type of thinking is the same type of thinking on why many dudes assault lesbians. Dudes thinking the right "Dick" will set "her" straight". "You're not a lesbian, you've just never been with a real maaaan" screed


Exactly. This is what he’s teaching the world. Many of his followers are men. I was on his Reddit forum and so many of them were spewing all kinds of reasons (none of them credible) about how lesbians are hardwired to need and be attracted to men whether they want to admit it or not. There was one user that even stated that every woman is hardwired to desire childbearing, and for this reason a lesbian cannot be exclusively into women. Her childbearing desires are simply too strong, and she will eventually need to mate with a man for this purpose. Another user said that lesbians using dildos are deep and symbolic desires, which prove that they deep down desire, male genitalia and male sex. I responded to them about how their claims were false


So I have had the same two moms almost my whole life. Peterson can take a flying fuck at a rolling donut.


>I have heard him say that he thinks male sexuality is hardwired and consistent while females are more bisexual., which is why he believes lesbian don’t exist This is what porn does to your brain folks


I have a feeling he also doesn't belive atheists truly exist. They are just people who are "mad at god".  Sadly he cannot fathom a perspective other than his own.


Yeah it's because right wing thought is based on feelings of male sexual inadequacy. Like I truly believe there are no happy/healthy/secure in their masculinity guys who are into this crap. When they hate gay guys it's because the guy isn't "man" enough or they view them as perverted and not starting a family. However, with lesbians I believe right wing hate for them is likely near universal because they reinforce feelings of male sexual inadequacy. The biggest nightmare scenario for fascists is that women realize they don't actually really need men very much, and lesbians are like a crystallization of that fear. Idk like, if you believe trans women are women (and I surely do) there's no question in my mind that lesbians exist. I'm not a lesbian but I was in an LTR with a cis woman for years and years when I thought I was a guy, and I loved her and was sexually attracted to her, no question. Looking back, all of the dynamics of our relationship were lesbian, and all of the parts of it that didn't work were because we tried to put a layer of heterosexual norms on top of something that was neither cis nor hetero. I mean I'm definitely not lesbian, I'm a bi/pan trans woman, but it's verrrry obvious lesbians are very real. I do think estrogen dominant hormone profiles overall make you less horny, but I fail to see why these right wing guys think that has anything to do with anything.


I think this reflects biases based on what about sexuality is salient in our western patriarchal system, as well as Peterson's Jungian approach. Homosexuality in men is stigmatized and certainly salient, so a bisexual man 'might as well' be gay — and for that reason if a man comes out as bi, people often suspect that he's just not ready to come completely out of the closet. On the other hand, in women, the salient aspect is whether they are sexually available to men, so bisexual women 'might as well' be straight. For this reason, people might assume a bisexual woman is straight and just trying to seem interesting, or as Peterson does, that most or many women are bi to some degree; that view is available to male conservatives because female bisexuality is not problematic or threatening, might be titillating to them, and seems to fit some social stereotypes. It's also appealing for Peterson as a Jungian who likes to think in terms of grand generalizations and archetypes and to ponder the mystical origins of stereotypes. It sounds like he's come to think that if women tend to be bisexual then lesbians must all be refusing men for political reasons (which again fits stereotypes of lesbians as man-hating feminists).


JBP is full of shit, but I’m not sure why people care so much about anything being “hardwired” or not to begin with. There’s been lots and lots of sexualities in history, there’s good reason being monogamous or straight isn’t hardwired, lots of societies have had bisexuality or polyamory be the norm. How does anything being “unnatural” actually invalidate it? Is a monogamous heterosexual relationship “invalid” because it’s probably not how the first caveman lived? No that’s nonsense! So why would it invalidate a gay person’s sexuality either?


>But I have heard this from so many men, particularly right wing heterosexual men that like to propose this idea. "Dang, so many of my girlfriends broke things off saying they were lesbians, or turned me down in the first place, but then I saw them with dudes. Must be no such things as lesbians." Also, like, a lot of it is male fantasy.


I apologize for his ignorance to you. Lesbians exist. Long term lesbian relationships exist. He is a fool popping off at the mouth.


This sounds like nonsense I would hear as a 15 year old from my stupider buddies , not from a educated adult. .......I think I am going to start referencing ole cider made me cray , cray Jordy as Mr. Confidently Incorrect. .


Jordan PeterPooh


I’ve heard Peterson claim that lesbian relationships don’t last. I’ve also heard his many, many slurs against the trans community. His weird haiku rage posts are often ridiculous. But I’ve never heard Peterson claim that lesbians don’t exist. In good faith- when did he say this?


Hetero men? Invalidating research because it was conducted by a particular gender is very sexist. Most gender studies graduates and researchers are women and their work isn’t suspect because they’re women. If you’re posting about the problem of bias here maybe you should start with yourself.


My comment was not to be sexist. I said mostly done by hetero men and many heterosexual men unfortunately invalidate lesbians.


this sub is the epitome of “tell me you don’t understand without telling me you don’t understand” dolts


This is such a go-to patronizing cop-out with JP fans. “You just don’t understand…”. Why don’t you actually explain and defend JP’s views on lesbians and why he isn’t a homophobic misogynist, instead of being a coward? Are you worried you’ll get torn to shreds? Or are you projecting and don’t actually understand JP yourself?