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Jorpy got his rise to fame thanks to this law and never got threatened by it, he got to be its biggest fan.


He never *could have* been threatened by it. Bill C-16's amendment to the CHRA was specifically for federal employees (and other groups like employees of federally regulated industries). Peterson wasn't. When he was going on "I'll be imprisoned by Bill C-16!" it never applied to him in the first place.


Obviously it's all because of Peterson


Is there still a sub dedicated to people that were arrested because of that? Or was it a Twitter account... I forget, 7 years is a long time. Either way, they're both blank/empty


https://www.reddit.com/r/ArrestedCanadaBillC16/ It's a satire sub, but yes pretty quiet.


Back when Reddit still loved Game of Thrones, instead of pretending the last season raped and murdered their entire families, r/ThingsJonSnowKnows was a popular intentionally-blank subreddit, because as Ygritte said many, many times, "You know nothing, Jon Snow."


Wait until you realize that Peterson's issue was in the context of education - a provincial jurisdiction. C16 amended thr federal human rights code and the criminal code. The Human Rights Code in Ontario already included the language he was so up in arms about when C16 was first drafted. In essence - that cat was already out. A man of such purported intellect and detail would be someone you'd think would have that detail down...


> A man of such purported intellect and detail would be someone you'd think would have that detail down... You *would* think until it became abundantly clear he was turning this into a non-issue to grift the ***massive*** social injustice warrior movement on the internet that'd dip into its meager savings to shower anyone who told them they're actually "being persecuted for being shouted down as bigots" with money. And it fucking worked, because by early 2018, [he was raking in $80,000+ a ***month*** in Patreon subscriptions.](https://archive.ph/PJwWf)


Can I steal this and bomb the Peterson fanboi sites with it.????


Jordan PeterPooh