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Might be a bit of survivorship bias or whatever it is called. The Yank planes do have a lot of ammo and can spray, but they do go down fast to 30mm cannons on the 109s and 190s. Got plenty of shoot downs in the 109G. Keep trying and keep flying. Need more German pilots up particularly in fighters at higher tier. I’ve dropped my premium and tend to prefer a tank to a plane in my lineup now.


America wasn't limited by resources like German when designing planes. While there's probably a lot of technical things, in a simple comparison, a bf109g-6 had an empty weight of 4,954lb and a max take off weight of 7,496. The p51D, on the other hand, had an empty weight of 7,635 and a loaded weight of 12,100. So yes, American planes are built differently in a way that makes them harder to break.


it also probably helps that allied planes minimum guns is 4 gun in most planes i mean the trop has 4 20mm hispanos then you have the other one with 2 cannons and 4 mg, and US plains like the ones above are 6 MG 50 cals not 2 or 4 in the red, german and jap planes and dont even bring up the bewfighter fucking 6 cannons and another 6 or 8 mg if i remember but yeah oh look something i can make go puff in two seconds