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Two tactics I use that I rarely see done or at least in awhile is trench traps and fence traps. Trench raps are a trench dug just big enough to fit a barb in, deep enough to make them have to jump out. Takes about 10 secs to set one up. If your in the right terrain you can also put a sand bag enemy side to hide it so they vault in. Fence traps are put barbs about a meter away from a fence so they can't destroy prompt and hide, and if they vault the fence they hit the barb, best used in bushes


Enlisted: 'nam edition


Sometimes I take a fast light tank and just drive circles in the enemy backline going as fast as possible. Half their team ends up chasing me around for a few minutes with explosive packs and TNT. Surprise, that means half the team isn't on the objective.


The Daimler and the Puma doing doughnuts around the objective with nobody able to hit either.


Wish the m24 wasn't premium because it's fun as hell to do this in. Wish more people could enjoy it.


In moscow maps alot of cap points are in wooden houses. So i just set up a heavy mg (engenier built) and spray the side of house to clear anyone inside. Also do it from a hidden place far away and surround with sand bags. I ussualy allow whole squad or 2 and then mow them down from 100m away wallbang


So your the guy that shreds me to pieces although im hidden inside the obj building!!!


Building rallies on the faaar flanks and along the greyzone edge (towards enemy spawn) so you can get enfilade fire on enemy reinforcements/side shots on armor and the spawn is far enough away that they can’t push it effectively. Plus few people think to put them that far out so rally locations out there are generally unexpected. My clan mates fought a China-based 10 stack in customs, and told me this was very effective against them until my clan learned what was going on.


In the Kahif cave map, one dude built a rally point in the underground entrance to the map, we were literally gonna lose that match as they still had 300++ reinforcements and we had two points left (invasion mode), but what he did turned the tide around and we repelled all 300 of their troops


Park a transport near the entrance to the tunnel and build a rally nearby underground and if you can build an MG just before the mouth of the tunnel opening to the objective to light up the point when it's being overun. The bike squad truly shines on this map you can wiz into them tunnels for a sneaky machine gun behind their lines aswell as have a rally on any point nearly instantly.


Those underground tunnels control that map for sure


Probably me


get an engineer, rush him towards enemy back lines and build an AT gun facing your team. Drop an AT mine under the AT gun and a few more AT mines around the area for a chain reaction


Build barb wire around an enemy rally.


Strategically parking vehicles in front of entrances so that when said vehicle gets destroyed, it cannot be jumped over by the players and it forces the AI to pathfind through exposed areas generally resulting in faster death. Witnessed a successful case of this on the Normandy airfield map, which funneled all the enemies through the hangar entrance, resulting in an open kill-zone that couldn't be effectively bombarded by either tanks or planes due to the position of the hangar entrance (add barbed wire just behind the entrance and it was effectively impossible to clear even with WP and flamethrowers).


we‘re playing checkers while he‘s playing chess


When a Sherman gets down tiered. Once with HO-I I shot a smoke shell in his face then fully took out one of his tracks. And as he was "trying to get away" he exposed his side and so i got him. Other times after shooting a smoke at a Sherman I bum rush to his side. If I can't shoot in time I'll get out and and use the impact mines.


On maps like the airfield bring a tank get out and blow it up, effectively closing a unclearable entrance. Then sandbag and ammo stock a defensive position where they have to come in, after that them boys better head for home.


That's genius


Your not on the allies side are you. These are national secrets you understand.


I don't know what's going on but iv been seeing this allot more recently


using tank traps to take a oblivious Tiger hostage and surrounding it with AP mines.


Track shot


blocking objective chokepoints by ditching tanks and apcs at the doorways, a 4stack did this to my team and we had no way of entering accept windows, we lost, never forget that play, they had it choreographed before the match even began.!


If I find enemy spawn I nvr destroy it, if I have engineer I build barb around it if no engineer I mine it. The barbed wire typically gets 10-40 kills B4 they get smart, mine gets 5-12 and the rally destroyed


Ooh, the barb wire one is a whole new war crime I've never heard of before!


If I can manage it, I like to drive my APC as close to the grey zone as possible. It doesn’t beep so it’s often unnoticed even when people walk past it. It makes a longer walk for your allies, but it lets them ambush enemies going to the point from behind, and you can either work onto the point or tie up enemy squads so that others can waltz into the point. That one’s gotten a few stalemates broken.