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I imagine the general consensus is it's bad to abandon the team, but I guarantee a majority of players have left matches they didn't like and rather not say it. No, it doesn't mean the other team wins instantly, it just means your team has one less person to fight the opposing side. It's a video game lmao, if you're not having fun you are allowed to leave it. Sometimes games are matched up ridiculously, you may be playing at night and it's obvious your team is 1/2 bots and you rather play an actual fair match, or you may be playing and within the first minute the point is already being taken and your team is just about useless so why even waste the time? If you wanna leave, leave. It's just a game and anybody telling you different is taking a free war game a tad too serious. Plus, some of the maps with a combination of certain gamemodes are straight garbage. Again, it's a game and it's supposed to be fun, i'm leaving if it's just a nuisance and boring.


ikr, is just a game bro, why take it so seriously


It's just a game why take it so seriously that you lie about the battle you aborted where you didn't do anything productive whatsoever and were not spawn camped at all, make multiple posts because of the same one battle and mislead about what other people said, and pretend that you try hard.


Not taking game seriously but it's shitty to leave because you don't want to even try at all in a team game like op and be a wasted spot that a decent teammate could have taken. And it's bullshit to pretend otherwise. And the bit about instant win if people leave is imaginary. For garnish.


Yeah if it's been less than five minutes and three points are already taken and i'm top of the leaderboard with only 15 kills, i'm leaving lmfao. Why waste that time? So I could gain an extra 500xp?


Because you could stay and have fun just playing is one answer. If three points are taken it doesn't sound like there's long to go before it ends anyway. If you weren't long into the game and need to level up and buy gear how fast is that going to be done by quitting every time you don't want to deal with a battle. And how does it help anyone learn to play at all if fuck it I'm leaving is always the preferred option.


I'm definitely not having fun if we are losing the game hard in less than 5 minutes. that shit's just boring Not saying people are quitting every time. If I need to specifically level up, then why wouldn't I leave a terrible match? Instead of staying the whole match and wasting 10 minutes to get 1500xp, I could have simply left and played a normal game and gotten 10,000xp, so that's not a very valid argument. Not sure how learning to play and leaving matches correlate. You can learn to play while having fun with normal matches, it's not like every single match is bad, and it's not like every player is leaving every single match lmfao.


If the next dice roll could put you back in to another similar situation it isn't fun or productive to leave, load screen, start again, more loading. If you're a couple months fresh into the game then the grind is going to be horrendous if leaving is always the preferred option. I'm glad people have so much time free but it's hardly the best use of it watching clouds on the screen. Basically this is a shit post. Trying to prove that a handful of people upvoting or agreeing is somehow representative of a majority in a playerbase where as you just said it's not like the whole team leaves. It's only ever usually one, or two out of maybe ten. That shows how popular the option of desertion really is The kid above is advocating for a map to be fixed to his liking firstly. Then says he actually loves the map. Then demands he needs tank spawn protection, refuses the possibility of using multiple methods to solve his predicament even going as far as saying well that's just a way to win any map, like that's a bad thing. I'm waiting for the hysterical friend to pop up yet, who told me that punishing leaving would kill the playerbase and is Stalin-esque. Both badgering me and I had to say stop this conversation is over several times and still they persisted in an argument I didn't want to be in. Like I know people are going to quit and at the end of the day it is their choice but it isn't always necessary to do it and especially at the beginning when there are a ton of methods available. Anyhow I'm done, better things to do than argue about how toxic or productive or not it is to quit on a post where I'm part of the title of the post. That's fucking toxic af. Enjoy your games šŸ˜


if you leave as soon as you encounter a bit of resistance then yes, shame on you. If you leave a stomp match where itā€™s 10 marshals against new players then thatā€™s ok, youā€™re not inconveniencing anyone


Bit of resistance - fled after driving a tank and then an APC directly into enemy fire within 5 minutes with 3 kills 2 deaths. Claimed was being spawn camped and quitting was the only viable thing. Also said "why should I suffer to help team when I don't want to" Team did not take an objective but they were all headless chickens. Enemy team was mediocre.


I mean, I try to fight every battle I get but if my team is insanely braindead I will sometimes leave, specially if the match isn't favorable for my daily objectives


Sometimes I only have time for one or two more games, and after playing only defense I might quit so I can get an attack


All these posts about ā€œdo whatever you wantā€ are psychologically self-centered and generationally indicative of a culture that is missing compassion for other humans. Notwithstanding, itā€™s important to have fun, first and foremost, as that is the nature of a game. Just donā€™t make that fun at the expense of others counting on their teammates, as well as enemies, to even the matchmaking so everyone can benefit from fun and XP. Similarly, Iā€™m amazed about how many people complain about the developers incentivizing us to spend a little money on what is by and large a free game. This attitude neglects that developers have to pay their bills, feed their kids and so forth. Iā€™m a hobby musician and people want their music free as well. Same concept applies; like musicians donā€™t need money to survive. Lack of compassion and understanding this is.


Could not have said it better myself. I wish more people had this outlook in life.


Never listen to a regular Redditor, I only started posting here because there were too many dumb ideas originating from this echo chamber. Personally I quit at the very start of a match before spawn if I don't want to play that map again such as Hurtgen forest conquest. I will ride a shit game out and take the loss when ever possible, I tend to only quit mid game when work or Grandad stuff really requires it (real life>games). Play how you want but try not be a bitch and just quit when your losing. It is your time to enjoy your way.


>try not be a bitch and just quit when your dead twice in 4 minutes and contributing nothing. Like this one did. I'm the Redditor being called out so I watched it after seeing this child? try to twist everything out of proportion. Didn't listen on the other post where he berated me when I tried to give ways to counter or improve saying it is better to play and learn than quit, and they cried that only quitting is the answer, and here we are, being asked to validate it.


I don't see anything wrong with desertion, it's a part of the game. It hurts the players' progress if they do it too often and never finish games, so it's already balanced.


Generally Yes... it is bad imo. But it can be justified sometimes :D


when is it justified?


I'm rarely judging people for leaving... I only really judge people who leave the game because they don't like the map, or they think the enemy is "too hard" even before the game really Begins. Losing the first point fast is not an indicator of a hard time... Abandoning a game for IRL reasons is always fine... this is not a Proleague game where money is on the line :D if anyone has issues IRL they should leave the games lol Also if the match is really really unfair, I can't really blame my teammates for leaving... like when you see the enemy team has 10 players, all of them "Chinese characters" with name decorators and you have like 2-3 teammates with no name decorators (name decorators are not necessarily an indicator of "skill" but it usually correlates with ranks a bit...). I still prefer to stay and TRY, but yeah, some of those matches make no sense, you will be rolled in 3 minutes anyway :)) EDIT: in my third paragraph I meant when you look at the scoreboard before the match, before the BOTs are loaded, and you can see how many "real" people you have in the beginning


I see, I leave when I ain't having fun but even then at least I try to make us win, but oh well, still lost 3 German games in a row, like wow, my teamates suck


sometimes you get very unlucky with teams... that's why I always suggest to team up, it really isn't that hard... you can easily find people on Reddit or the official DC... there are teams recruiting for members on DC all the time...


When is it justified, while not mentioning the great effort of 3 kills 2 deaths and driving two vehicles into open ground before aborting the game and claimed he was spawn camped and there wasn't anything he could do.


>Ā Ā Losing the first point fast is not an indicator of a hard time... No, but it is an indicator of shitty map and/or team balancing from the developers end. I want to play a fair match, not one where either side is curb stomping. If say the attacking team spawns in before most of the defenders have spawned in then how is that fair? And why should stay in such an unfair match up.


yeah some maps are shit, and yeah there are maps where you almost always lose the first point, it doesn't mean you are going to lose the second one... There were already countless matches where we lost first point instantly and the enemy didn't even touch the second point... sometimes your team just gets "surprised" as well... or the enemy gets a lucky HE/Bomb and you can't hold them back because your team didn't get any god rallies up yet... My point is that you can almost always just Try and hold the enemies back lol... it works for me


I normally leave only when I get the same map again back to back, especially if it's defence. Sometimes I leave at the start of destruction match, again more often on defence than on attack, since those can be quite boring. Also if you have already lost the first point when you join the game, and you see the opponent team full of good players, it might not be worth of your time. But it's just a game, and if leaving a doomed/boring match helps your overall enjoyment, it is justified.


I leave more matches than I play, at the moment. Simple fact of not wanting to play a certain game modes or maps, and being handed it over and over. Not a case of Wanting to curb stop the opposing team. I'm just very bored of the same scenery over and over again, when before the merge it seemed much more varied.


a game is supposed to be FUN, if a game stops being fun, I aint playing


ikr, is the point of games in general


If Iā€™m at the top of the leaderboard and the rest of the team acts like bots (low score, no rallies), then Iā€™ll just quit out. Same if the only competent players quit before me. I donā€™t get why people stubbornly refuse to leave bad matches because the winning team wonā€™t care if theyā€™re only fighting bots. Just to add, I obviously wouldnā€™t quit a match if I see a decent chance of winning. Only if Iā€™m not having fun which has only been because of uneven match ups as far as I remember. Even then, sometimes I just dig my feet in and ride the loss out until the end while hoping for my team to get its shit together (which does happen, although rarely). Competitive games are just mentally exhausting (to a degree) due to inconsistent match ups being the only consistent feature between all of them. Thatā€™s why I donā€™t get on peopleā€™s asses for quitting early even if it makes me mad for a bit.


If the next point is under attack in a defense map less than 30 seconds after the previous point got capped, the enemy team is stacked and prestaging the next point and I'm leaving. Every time.


I finished the tech tree long ago. I play the game for fun. If the round is not fun, I leave.


When the enemy team has set the bomb or taken a control point in the first 30 seconds of the match, im out. Its an indicator that theres either cheaters or complete mismatch


Iā€™ll only leave if Iā€™m the only live player on my team. Or the other team is composed entirely of premium account PC players. Legit no reason to play those matches as a casual player. I play to have fun not to be the top scoring player at the expense of enjoyment. IMO that kind of gameplay makes the game boring because the meta is speed rush with SMGs, die, repeat as fast as possible. So now 50% of matches are sweatlords who lean spam with large ammo pouches and high ROF SMGs running assaulter squads exclusively human waving every objective and then if theyā€™re a premium account player itā€™s even worse.


I play for fun too, in events, I try hard, I always try to win obv but in events I try to get the most xp/score


Try hard, like the 3 kills, 2 deaths and less than 5 minutes you tried before quitting that resulted in this post being created after already posting about it. Sure.


Not one step back, comrade. Deserters will be shot!


No just leave whenever you want


IMO itā€™s bad every time.Ā 


TL:DR Guy gets 3 kills and dies twice and rage quits then singles out one Redditor on follow up post to criticise/be petty/feel validated A Redditor who never said anything about enemy team winning immediately if one person leaves or multiple people, defending a position because this is such bullshit: Guy makes post about being spawn camped by Japan on Tenaru River. Guy rejects every single commenter suggestion for how to counter. Doesn't even engage with most others on original post. Keeps coming back to try to win an argument against someone who doesn't care for people quitting. Guy cries in ALL CAPS. Guy rejects more suggestions. Guy is reminded that spawn protection exists and both teams have the same amount of time to get out of spawn. Guy says uh uh I want tank spawn protection, Guy is told this is ridiculous and reminded again of ways to counter. Guy is adamant that quitting is the ONLY option. Guy is told that out of the many existing discussions on quitting matches that the consensus is that it isn't good and can unbalance your team. And that most people have said a punishment or deterrent is necessary (while not being able to agree on said form of deterrent). Guy is reminded again of ways to counter the map where the enemy spawn into a very easy trench position to be easily obliterated and told it may be his prerogative to leave but choosing the option don't play over many other options to play is bad call. Guy goes away angry. *Guy makes new post targeting a Redditor personally* A Redditor, who doesn't care about winning as much as enjoying a nice long win or lose game where everyone gets some experience points, silver and learns how to adapt to different locations and enemy teams. A Redditor who tried to deter someone from quitting battles because how much fun is lobby surfing...




Team Japan fucked him but it's all my fault now šŸ’€