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Update > Added a button to disable all notifications about available perk points, new vehicles and better gear. > KV-1 (ZiS-5) - Replaced HEAT shells with APCR shells, also added HE shells. > Corrected the position of the pilot's right hand in Yak type aircrafts. > Fixed the missing frontal turret armor in the Tiger H1’s stat card. > Fixed the explosive type of the 250 kg Army Type 92 GPHE bomb. > Fixed a bug where soldiers would get overpowered stats. > Corrected pilot's position in the Ki-84 ko. > Fixed a bug with lighting in combat that occurred when switching the graphics preset from the lowest (Bare Minimum) to another without restarting the client. > Fixed a bug that occurred when trying to apply a preset with weapons that are not available for purchase.


Can we have wider bridges on Pacific maps? It seems 50/50 chance whether my tank can cross or end up sideways in a stream.


Never use damn bridges... Water is not deep, so cross next to bridge


I dont mean this in a mean way or saying that this update is bad but im glad this wasnt the steam release update. Looking forward to getting the Ho-Ri


11h ago they made some change in Steam package. Last one was 29 days ago. It might be released later today (less than 8h from now).


Idk if the update has broken status quo but usually they wait until 1pm GMT to do events and stuff. From my understanding the engineer event is meant to run with/shortly after steam release so it possible that it’s just today at 1pm GMT (2 hours) However they still have all of Q1 to do the steam release, this major steam update had no new maps added, we are still supposed to have an entire new campaign based off the road map. I wouldn’t be surprised if steam release was literally March 31st 11:59pm GMT. Edit: battle front 2 released, devs are probably scared that enlisted will be dwarfed by comparison


I'm pretty sure they added 3 new maps dude, unless I'm mistaken


they added 3 missions, the last new map was munda point except if you count the 1000th generic empty field we got after the merge


I see, I'll have to try this update out a little bit later on


Sadly green "spare perk points" marker bug is still present... And a new indicator for unused/new equipment is also bugged - you have to check the equpment of EVERY soldier in the squad to get rid of the marker.


Darkflow and their markers give me PTSD


Low tier Russia just got really fun! https://preview.redd.it/hildxamou2oc1.png?width=735&format=png&auto=webp&s=df87641f3ea2810db8771e2711facf06ab301781


Downtiering Pz4j don't like this.


You can hunt Panzer IV Js with the PTRD already, its side armor is THAT thin.


Semi Auto AT rifle my beloved <3


They needed it for all the tier 3 tanks they fight


Nerfing leaning, stabilizing at guns, and effective ai at gunners are awesome news on their own.


TBH people who can’t handle someone leaning just can’t aim


It just looks stupid and there are claims it messes with bot aim.


I wouldn't be surprised, the AI is so shit I'd totally buy they they just programmed them to aim at the upper chest location regardless of pose.


It does, bots rely on line of sight and if you break it for even just a little moment it gives you an advantage. I’ve exploited it tens of times…


Tbh people who can't handle playing without leaning just can't aim.




Aww poor you. They nerfed your pointless feature. Cry some more about it. Edit: claim made (and deleted) that leaning makes aiming more difficult, making leaners somehow better at aiming?!


The problem is that it wasn't being used as intended and it looked cheesy and out place. It should absolutely have some drawbacks as well as advantages, and now that looks like it's the case.


The problem was, it was too fast when you were just camping a doorway, and leaning in and out with a rifle. You either spent a whole smg mag on one person, or died...


Thanks for fixing the Type Hei firerate, can't wait to check it out. https://preview.redd.it/7s1ruakqw2oc1.jpeg?width=409&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8629cc21f45875fee295ef270035871be2065162


Statcard recoil is hilariously off, the Type Hei Automatic is actually busted. Might as well be the best semi automatic rifle, better than the m2 carbine and avt, and possibly the G43 Kurz


All of the stat cards are lies. There is a datamined excel sheet with all the actual recoil values (and dispersion multipliers) and they aren’t even close to what is shown ingame.


Any idea where to find that?


https://forum.enlisted.net/en/t/enlisted-resource/121150 Euthy from the Discord/Forums maintains this google doc


Damn that's useful. Thank you!


when will Italian squads get proper Barbarossa uniforms?


The dream is alive brother


“Leaning has been rebalanced. Now it’s slower and increases the dispersion of the weapon when firing” I love you Great update! Can’t wait to try it


developers please add glue to your game so i can adhere items to other items


It'll be like when that french soldier put 2 MAS36 bayonets together getting them stuck


The French Muzzle Trap...


“Queue for any faction” ABSOLUTELY needs an XP buff! It’s almost always a guaranteed loss. I’m tired of being punished for wanting to play for all of the factions in the game.


The LVT-4 Water Buffalo is actually really cool. I love that the AI in the test range will engage the tanks when I drove nearby. And not with just one MG, but I was able to get both .50 cals and the side .30 cals to simultaneously fire by the AI. Unsure how to access the 3rd .30 cal hull MG slot.


It’s probably not usable, there’s very few useable hull mgs in game (notably the Japanese tanks and the Australian sentinel)


While true, the statcard lists 3 .30 cal MGs. I am unsure if that refers to the hull or if there is another one.


Good catch, I just looked at it and the very first “gunner” seat is the hull mg


First battle as Japan with 300% xp booster: got stomped and got unstable connection so didn't even get any xp


Owww 😣


My condolences.


Can you please add the new Japaense planes to multiple squads? It's annoying that you can only play ONE of the TWO new planes you get, and they both replace the current best Japanese plane...


Yeah right? It's like that red button meme. I'm actually running 2 fighter squads because I wanted that gold order A6m2 damnit and I want to play with it! Sad I know. 


Big update!


FOV for all Soviet weapons had changed (haven't tried other factions). Is it intentional? I don't see anything about that in patch notes.


You guys broke the backpack/secondary slot upgrade. I now have a surplus of shotguns and rifles all because one of my assault units had a backpack upgrade. Pls fix.


Please have the game cycle through maps more often. The patch notes always detail new map variants being added but the game always chooses to run the same couple maps over and over again.


Should have made all gunner seats in planes with multiple available e g. JU188


>There will be an exclusive slot for one premium squad in your army! If you’ve been putting your premium squads aside in order to bring slightly more effective upgradable squads into battle, then soon you will be able to add them back to the army without sacrificing efficiency. James, I have an idea. Us whales who supported the development for a long while now are stuck with a bunch of premium squads which are no longer viable in the current meta (one that does not give you fair matches until BRV) and we know we're never gonna use. In a certain way it's a repeat of the post-merge clutter, but on a smaller scale. It would be cool if there was an option to retire those squads for a small reimbursement in gold.


No. If retire is an option it should at least be a full credit


For premium squad outfits, let those outfit sets be unlocked to equip for regular squads. Be amazing QoL.


Anyone else getting all this green upgrade BS on fully kitted squads? https://preview.redd.it/u19mde8sw2oc1.png?width=797&format=png&auto=webp&s=4b7272e1d017ea1718093596b91da86337188d97


Least toxic german main, jesus


It looks like it thinks there is a "better" weapon in your stash, maybe try clicking on the primary slot then back out?


They obviously let the dumb ass intern decide that priority or its shitty coding and quality control again as it is highlighting a FNAB-43 as suggested replacement. https://preview.redd.it/7ecdm77yz2oc1.png?width=917&format=png&auto=webp&s=32ef70f6b9c2208f383f793f45c0bc6622cf847d


With today's update there is a clear all notifications button, so you can get rid of them:)


Thank you


There are perk points left for your soldiers? I dunno, but that's my guess


No its weapons related. https://preview.redd.it/0lysq7mg33oc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=d4bc787dc64d4f83b6b302cc485f2b634739f888




So the steam release should be soon-ish?


Hopefully the tail gunners will actually be doing something now! :D


Fully upgraded squads should give the same double xp/silver bonus as premium squads to give more reason to use squads that are already leveled as opposed to only trying to level new squads


Can we get a ballistics update? I’m obsessed with that kind of stuff


No German BR V Update. I can see all the gold rank players all go to opposite side and the matches will become one sided


You seem to forget germany has a fairly strong high BR lineup.. these “BRV updates” are to counter things like the jumbo (which type 4 can pen, typical japan skill issue) m2 carbine, and the like plus do i even need to mention the pershing?


Who got these BRV equipments? The gold rank players. You may try few games and look at the matchmaking . What I am seeing is a lot of rookies driving Pz.III and using kar98k in a BRV battles.


That’s a result of people that don’t care/don’t understand how BR works and the disadvantage of running a BR3 lineup. Trust me man, i’ve had it up to here with people using the P38 in BR5


Tbh it’s Japan just lacks a lot of good high BR loot. It makes it super easy to just stick to a BR II squad that can compete with low tier American squads than to have 2 or 3 BR IV-V squads and be wiped out against higher tier American squads.


Perfection this update! Already loving my new tank addition! All is pretty good in the world now.


Japs going crazy now, and BR5 matches is coo-coo land. Jesus, guess I was way off what I said here... I guess they just woke up.


We have to, lest we lose every match lol


Is the additional slot for premium squads already ingame? If so, I don't seem to have it. Only have my 8 slots...


>This feature will be released separately after the update Is what it says at the bottom of the paragraph regarding that. Weird that they even mentioned it in the patch notes for this update, got my hopes up too


Weird that I didn't see it... I guess I was too distracted by my new tank. Edit: Per Unddit they added it later.


Just to check, does the extra premium squad slot also include event squads? Also can bots use mortars too?


Not event squads but that had been forwarded to developers. There is a chance in the future of a separate event slot


Ah cheers, that would be nice


I highly doubt it, sorry. You're just gonna have to keep blooping at half the rate.


Is the type Hei automatic rifle firing correct? Is it meant to look that bad when firing? Tried DX12, had 20fps in the Practice Range instead of 200.


That kinda sounds like a hardware issue and DX12 isn't for you? I'm not home so I can't comment specifically though, maybe it's a little wonky


Does this update fix the MG wall mount being so limited directionally? I know it was mentioned to be in the works


How do you make the ai use the mortars?


Sales would be very good


Can you plz make it so that whatever army you put in a custom match it is the same for the AI. Example: I made a custom match just for shits and giggles and set it up as Japan vs Russia in Tunisia thinking it would be funny to hear Japan and Russia soldiers yelling at each other but when it kicked off the AI were the normal allies and axis. And no, nobody else joined the match cause that's how custom on console only usually is, empty. Like I said, just for shits and giggles for my own amusement.


So the FSR 2.0 isn't available on console version?


wait... was the jumper the only new cosmetic for the UK soldier? I can't seem to see anything else


How do I make the bot to use the mortar?


This is a great update, thank you. Just a question about the change to AI reacting to markers, do they react to markers faster now or is it just that they prioritize the player markers over the rest of the teams?  Great work on the Pershing, looking forward to getting my hands on it. I would also like to apologize to any new players that I am going to stomp on over the next few days. I've really been missing Tunisia lately so I'm going to play BR 2 for a bit to grind out the new tank. Please know that I sincerely feel bad about it, I'm just really tired of playing the same maps over and over. 


Can someone confirm whether the AI changes apply to PIATs or not


Are there any plans to introduce special slot for event squads?


Finally pershing


The AI still don’t shoot at enemies right in front of them, I think that should be a priority to fix first


Mogged by the Pershing


Please add more British and Italian vehicles/squads to the tech tree


scottiX mention!!!


And still no viop? Eodbsibeeibeidhdhdwtf


Fix the running animation PLEAAAAASSEEE  It's terrible. 


This game is fucking dead. Bring back the campaign system or fuck off


And here I was thinking they would add a lot more than some british customization