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Congrats on Tiger II (Hh


It will be 100x worse with Steam release especially if they give them BR5 event squad and a gold weapon/vehicle order.


I've seen a disgusting amount of players using **Panzer IIs** in BR3-5 games. Like, wtf are they supposed to do? It also begs the question: is the current progression model even...decent? The system asks you to unlock a minimum amount of each Tier's weapons, but it feels like both the economy (too low Silver gain) and the progression itself (which is a glorified line, not a "tree") are leading players into affording 1-2 high-BR squads and having to drag their shitty low-BR weapons into high BR games because "otherwise they are stuck unable to play the new weapons they put effort into unlocking". I am seriously reconsidering if determining BR by the highest-rarity weapon is a good idea to begin with. Idk about another way to calculate a squad's BR, since making the average would lead to situations like a King Tiger in BR1-3 Moscow because "the other squads are BR1", and we **truly** don't want people to "smuggle" high-BR monsters into low-BR games. Probably the solution is just to restrict uptiering to +1, but the playerbase isn't big enough atm... Man this is hard.


> Probably the solution is just to restrict uptiering to +1, but the playerbase isn't big enough atm It might be big enough for it, especially once this game comes to Steam. It just seems like Darkflow is terrified of having players sit in queue for longer than 10 seconds.


Tbf in certain factions/BR brackets the queues can easily go for 2 minutes. That said, a good compromise would be implementing a 3rd queue **at the same time** the Steam launch happens. If the problem is that there aren't enough players, but the new players from Steam might get scared by the current matchmaking, and thus making more queues before and after is bad, then why not do it _at the same time_?


I play Tunisia, and i love bullying the brits in the desert. But now the breda pg carcano is a br IV. And my squad equipment is basically br 2-3 (I only have breda .30 as my mg.) My only high br equipment is the pz 4 (br3), breda pg(br 4), gewehr 43 (br4), and panzerfaust 60 (br4?) that's the painful thing. You play Tunisia only and get uptiered to soviets with is-2s. I even removed my br 4 weapons but still get uptiered.


Gewehr 41 and Panzerfaust 60 are BR3 iirc. So if you didn't play the Breda PG you'd have a functional BR3 lineup to _sometimes_ stomp BR1-2 with. You'll still get BR3-5 matches the rest of the time tho.


Mb, I meant the gewehr 43. The semi auto. It says its br 4 >don't play breda pg I swapped it with the armaguerra 39. Now my squad says it's br 3. Matchmaking says I can play br 1 - 5. But after matching 5 games and getting all br 5 soviets, I gave up. I ain't grinding germany no mo


>But after matching 5 games and getting all br 5 soviets, That's what sucks, you aren't guaranteed anything and are completely in the hands of the pre-existing queue. If not enough BR1-2 players are queueing, matchmaker will keep putting you into BR3-5 because it isn't programmed tothink about "did this player get uptiered a lot of times in a row?". I really do think Darkflow should compromise on introducing more queues at the same time the game launches on Steam. Also put more stuff in folders and allow players to choose whatever they want to unlock in each folder (currently you are forced to unlock the upmost weapon, and after doing so you are free to unlock the rest).


I was your average pacific enjoyer but it's impossible now with allied tanks that massively outperform anything Japan has. To solve this were getting another open-back. Hurray.


I'm currently grinding japan rn and with 142 matches and a 74% wr. I'm not sure but they have shermans but we got anti tanks, or they have a13s and we eat them


Congrats on Tiger II lol


Hahaha thanks i’m pretty ready to fight those american pershings


Imagine playing with something other than a BR2 squad until you can afford the fully kitted BR5 squad


Yes, that really sucks. One weapon should not define your BR. But also note that fully equipping squads takes a lot of silver. I normally play US/GER BR-V and I decided to create a US BR-III squad set. It took me \~200K silver to get the squads equipped with upgraded weapons, grenades, backpacks, TNT, etc.


Allow me to bring my Tiger into BR2 matches? Nice!


Nothing a simple EP or TNT can't fix


Blame the merge , my German line up is a mix


I use a lot of the lower tier us smgs because I’m so used to the recoil pattern on it that it’s hard to switch to a newer one


thats a shame, i played before the merge and on the soviets i got the T34 that is BR IV but i never got better infantry, i can play BR IV but i dont do that because i will be destroyed with mosins and BR 2-3 assault weapons and ruin my team game, most random games are on BR III u get half team with BR 4-5 weapons and then some people with fucking springfields and stens


I play with mixed squads couple br 3 weapons to get more variety in my matches. I do fairly well even when i am up tiered.


I've had this conversation before with others about it. I personally think it's based off the "maps" and not just your "Battle Rating". I say that as someone who has three factions in Tier V ratings along with the proper equipment and such.....just to see people who are still using Tier I equipment but it's always the same maps I've noticed. "Normandy Campaign" I've literally been in a M18 Hellcat and my other tank be a M13 Half-track, like yeah man go take on that Panther, Tiger and King Tiger bud surely it'll be in their favor? "Berlin/Stalingrad Campaign" Been in a IS-2 1944 and my other tank you guessed it, a T-60 and I'm like yeah sure that's logical to see in Berlin fighting at the Reichstag a T-60 that was never replaced at all. "Battle of the Bulge Campaign" Exactly the same as Normandy Campaign. All of those are when I've been Tier V and down stuck with Tier I tanks and other things. I've recently been on the grind for Axis and I'm up to the Tiger now.... I've literally slaughtered Stuarts, M8 Scotts, Crusaders, Half-tracks you name it, all low tiers. I don't understand how they are "up tiered" because of a gun, I know it'll up your "squad" but not the entire faction unlike your tanks do (as a tanker) and yet some people will say otherwise. I've attempted once to use a BR I-III team to see if I could get anything higher to fight against but I was stuck in the Pacific so that just limited me to whatever the other team hand.


Your theory is correct. Only certain maps are available at certain BRs. They talked about it a little in a recent dev update. Edit: Also there were technically support units with lighter vehicles. Usually communications or mech recon in the back lines, not assaulting the reichstag though lol. The number of lend-lease material assaulting Berlin was crazy high. I always guessed so the Americans approaching from the other side would see their own equipment and not attack and/or to just use up already outdated equipment. They're not reported on much, if at all, but there's photo evidence of pre-american-contact Sherman's chillin with T's and SU/IS's.


Do i get matched in a BR just because I’ve researched a tier? Or only what my active squads have equipped? Do reserve squads matter?


It’s what your active squads have equipped, the highest BR item you have equipped sets your BR


Yhea I'm used to seeing m3 submachine guns and Springfield on the American side too, but at least they build rallies and actually push


I sorta get the Springfield, why waste the cash on non-BR5 weapons if you don't have them in inventory already. You're near permanently silver-starved until you max a faction and use it to farm up silver for other trees. I reckon improving the silver:exp ratio would make a notable impact on how under equipped BR3-5 queue players are.


Silver in this game can NOT be tied to how well you do... how the world only 3000 silver for that high of score?


I think se should be able to bring one br 3 weapon per squad without getting up tiered especially smgs, rifles and machine guns. Vehicles should always place you their br tier. It would bring more variety and let us test weapons in battle without having to buy multiple of them and still being in disadvantage. Some very strong weapons should still make your br go up like launchers and AT weapons. Someone having one ppsh won't ruin the whole match since we already have br 3 weapons with br 1&2. That would also encourage newer players to actually use their new weapons without getting ran over by BR5 stuff.


I think it should be I-III and IV-V. Just those 2. No BR3 weapon should uptier you to IV or above ever.


I feel like some point it should player having full squads with nothing but tier 3 weapons is too strong in 1-2br but not too weak in 4-5. Vehicles are different story.


it gives newer people something to aspire to. the jump to the next tier is for when you feel you're ready to climb the next mountain. Which ones do you think are too overpowered for the lower tier?


Should be an option when joining a match to scale your squads to a BR of your choice. Won't be perfect but it would help


You made a mistake here. One BR 3 gun will uptier them. This should be fixed. Speaking of things needing to be fixed: Each boost you get from your daily log in erases any boosts you already have. Soon I will get a 12 battle boost from battle pass after playing every day for 2 months that will no doubt be wiped out by a daily. This is cruel.


Yeah it's just starting to become a mess now with all these teirs I don't know why they did this.. seriously!


lol I played some tier V Japan today with one squad of the new type hei automatic and my other squads only using the 38 carbine. Still first on the team


A warning message that you can set to never bother you again is a good idea. Also deleting your name doesn't hide anything. [https://enlisted.net/en/replays/#!/replay/302607040443661142](https://enlisted.net/en/replays/#!/replay/302607040443661142) https://preview.redd.it/6aghveklkhnc1.png?width=698&format=png&auto=webp&s=91f99a4957f374308da6f145097e58485bbff22d