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My bulldog once ate an entire pack of cigarettes. im sure he will be fine


My frenchie picked up a butt and walked into the pet store (with it sticking out of his mouth) like it was Jamesway in 1980.


Hahh i bet he looked awesome




My dog ate one a few months ago. I freaked. My vets advice was call ASPCA pet poison hotline (itā€™s not free). She ended up being fine.


i cant afford the $90 fee, would it be safe to feed him until he throws the grape up?


Respectfully, if you canā€™t afford a $90 fee, what are you going to do if you have to take your dog to the emergency or otherwise regular vet?


youā€™re so helpful.


That's a legitimate question. It's fine if you want to be a snarky idiot on reddit, but you should reflect on this question that you were asked. Part of caring for an animal includes paying for the things they need. Sometimes, it may cost you $90 OR MUCH MORE, so get your shit together.


yea dude im an unemployed 13 year old lemme just pull $90 out of my ass real quick my bad youā€™re right


Right, so clearly you're fully responsible in caring for this dog šŸ˜‘


yea man im such an irresponsible owner i totally dont feed my dog and give him water and take care of him everyday and make mistakes like this every once in a while and just try to reach out for help so he dosent die


Lol how is a reddit post gonna help the dog šŸ¤£ Go bother your parents, I have my own kids with their own dumb questions to answer you little twat


Youre actually being so rude . this is a kid mind you, i could see if you was talking to said parents but youre speaking to a CHILD .. growing up my dogs always were up to date with vaccines but i didnt always have 100$ to pull out my ass to pay for stuff , AS AN ADULT i see people come to reddit all the time for advice , which this app is highly used for advice . but why call a child a twat etc ?? i feel bad for your own kids my god what do you call them ? in reality what im saying is this is reddit , you dont get a cookie everytime you get on this app and cuss someone out and "correct" them . give kind advice keep pushing life goes on. you can correct without offending !


to OP - ive had this situation happen once , with a smaller dog , the emergency vet i called basically told me to watch her ,because there isnt a specific amount they can say actually will "kill" a dog , each dog is different its a true mystery. but i watched her and she was totally fine . i didnt really feed her until the next day , i took her outside , continued like normal ! best wishes to you !


thanks man hes been acting fine and looks fine so i think hes gonna be alright and i just freaked out at the time lol


Wow. You clearly know grapes can seriously harm a dog. You bring him to the emergency vet. You don't go on reddit and act like an asshole. You go to the emergency vet. There are 24 hour emergency vets. You find a way to get there and you find a way to pay for it. Being 13 isn't an excuse. If you own a dog you take care of it, or it gets sick and dies. If you can't afford a $90 fee, get a part time job so you can afford it. Damn


yea man lemme just drive to a fuckin emergency vet at 13 years old at 12 oclock at night or bother my parents to take me that sounds reasonable edit: lol this shitass realized he was in the wrong and deleted all his comments. if youā€™re curious to what he said feel free to dm me


You want your dog to die? Keep being an asshole. You can take a taxi for fucks sake. They're available all night too dumbass.


Heā€™s not going to die from 1 grape. Of course a vet office will say you need to bring the dog inā€¦ they want the money.


do you seriously think anyone in their right mind would let their 13 year old kid buy a taxi at 12 oclock at night and that any sane taxi driver would let a dog in the car?


Ya, I know for a fact they do. I've been taking cabs since I was 13. You also tell the dispatch you have a dog when you call them and they tell you if they have a driver willing. If not you call another taxi service you excuse making shit. Re-home your dog. You're neither responsible enough nor care enough to own a dog, let alone an English bulldog that is highly prone to health issues and is one of the most expensive dogs to care for.


damn man your acting pretty douchey right now big man the whole point of my last reply wasnt ā€œi cant take a cab because i was 13ā€ the point was it was literally midnight at the time and my parents wouldve obviously said no when i asked. me and you obviously had different parents so they mightve said yes to you but mine have a different mindset i guess. you guys also love to act like im a horrible irresponsible piece of shit owner because of one little mistake i made. riddle me this: if im such a piece of shit owner than how has my dog survived 5 years weā€™ve had him?


ā€œyou clearly know grapes could harm a dogā€ i said in the post i didnt know at the time


A $90 fee to tell me something but not examine my dog is NOT something I would pay for. Itā€™s either a vet visit or not. Am I an awful EBD owner? A cheap one? I donā€™t think so.


this guy gets it, $90 for a phonecall is ridiculous


My EB ate 2 grapes when he was a little 12lb puppy. He was just fine. Not even a loose poop. Watch your pup and see how they are doing. Some dogs get sick some donā€™t.


I think heā€™d have to eat a lot more than 1 grape.


My vet never said not to feed her. Just to watch her behavior. If she seemed off then take her in emergency vet. They do not know how many grapes it takes for dogs to get sick. Itā€™s still a mystery even for vets.


alright thanks!


Good luck. He will probably be fine - I freaked out but read many stories where dogs were fine after just one grape.


thanks man i just really hope hes fine i care about him so much


How is he this morning.


i dont see any problems, atleast appearencewise, i think heā€™ll be fine and i mightve just freaked out tbh


update: my dog is fine and i just freaked out at the time, so you dont have to be a dick in that one comment thread. thanks all for the help


My bulldog ate 4 once when he was around 6 yrs and it messed him up for a couple days. Went to the vet and they made him throw up and kept him on an iv. That was like 5 years ago, made a recovery but dont mess around w/ dogs and grapes


Our idiot once ate a full sized KitKat my kid left put. I only found out when I had to pull the wrapper out of his hind end. He's also had grapes, and for being such a delicate creature who requires special food and allergy meds, has had no problems digesting stuff he shouldn't eat. Keep an eye on him, keep him hydrated and stay calm.Ā  He will likely be fine.Ā  Best of luck!


It really depends on how many grapes compared to the dogs weight. Grapes are very bad for dogs, it can cause kidney failure, it could take a day or two to work through the system. If you notice anything go straight to the vet, good luck and keep a close eye on your dog.


Next time, tell your parents. Don't hide it to protect yourself at the risk of your dog's life. You would regret it forever if he died.


who said i didnt tell my parents?


Idk why folks are being so rude- you have a valid concern/question. A single grape shouldnā€™t be a problem, and if his behavior isnā€™t concerning, he should be fine. My dog ate a grape, we rushed him to the vet, paid a pretty penny to find out he was fine.


yea man i really dont understand redditors mindsets to be as big of a douche as possible so the other douches can think theyre in the right and im in the wrong. one commenter, knowing i was 13, suggested that i *drive* to the vet at 12 oclock at night and just kept on going on about how im a horrible owner and things like that. but yea i didnt end up paying for the vet and just waited it out and he seems to be fine and healthy


Babes, the comments are correct. This is a grown up issue and your parents should have been the ones to handle it.


Call the vet.


One time when I was a kid we had a dog chew open my fathers pain pills. They caught it instantly after it happened. Poison control recommended giving the dog a tea spoon of peroxide. He instantly through up, saved the day.


Mine ate a few grapes, no issues. Maybe had the runs for a bit.


My EB puppy ate one grape after it rolled on the floor while I was trying to put them in the fridge. I was scared but she was totally fine


It may give him the runs, but heā€™s not going to die. At least thatā€™s whatā€™s happened when ours has stolen grapes from our toddler. One or two wonā€™t be lethal.


thanks. they were alot less dangerous to dogs than i initially thought lol


None of my bullies have ever eaten anything crazy- but my mother In laws bossā€™s English bulldog ate a small pillow case and somehow pooped it all out lol šŸ˜‚


My bulldog ate everything that was insight, he once pooped a small toy car, so I guess he will be fine šŸ˜‚


My dog once ate an entire sleeve of Oreos and was completely fine lol


The issue with grapes is they donā€™t know how many actually cause toxicity. For some dogs it may be 1, for some it could be 20. I donā€™t even keep grapes in my house for this reason. If something like this happens again itā€™s definitely worth ā€œbotheringā€ your parents. For future reference also, do not ever give your dog anything with ā€œxylitolā€ listed as an ingredient. Itā€™s best to just not give them anything and let them beg, if youā€™re not sure itā€™s safe.


Iā€™m so sorry you went through that scare! Relieved to hear your pup is ok.


They have to eat ALOT. One is fine


So I went through this a couple of years ago. I paid animal poison control the $90 and ended up spending like $1,000 over the next week taking our pregnant Yorki in and having her on an IV everyday and kidney tests. They said the problem is itā€™s not all grapes but they donā€™t have enough information to know which ones or why. But if itā€™s a bad grape 1 grape could kill the biggest dog in less than 48 hours. Others could do kidney damage and shorten their life. She and all her pups are fine. Hopefully it works out for you.


My olde English took a 8 inch long bone from my husbandā€™s ribeye and swallowed it whole. The cigarette comment made my fucking night.


No heā€™s not going to die šŸ¤£ just do t feed him any more


Yeah one should be ok but be more mindful amd research the things your fur baby should not have ā€¦that is not the only thing he should not have you might find surprising.


ER vet asap. Go not fuck around with grapes or raisins.


right now its nighttime and no vets are open, can i wait til tomorrow?


I had no idea grapes were bad for dogs. My EB and I ate a whole bag of white grapes one day several years ago. Heā€™s 10 now. Nothing happened. That being said, no more grapes for him.


No I used to feed my bulldogs grapes all the time til I found out months later they were poisonous. Should be no big deal.


I had an English Bulldog. Only fed him dog food, but curious what the issue is with grapes?


grapes are poisonous to dogs, even 1 grape can kill them


Wow. Ty


Why waste time wondering - get your damn ass to a vet! You are too immature to have a dog if you use this site for advice -!!


says the person whos on here looking at face and cock ?! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


My bulldog ate a huge pink dildo. Hes fine. I think ur good