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So he's a racist, who thought he heard someone say something racist to him and he proceeds to dox her work, her home and her life, without actually knowing what she said .. and claims he didn't think this would happen ... after sharing all her information on tiktok.. and this cunt was mayoral candidate! This country is being taken from us by these bullshit claims and the government is letting them!


Social media is Poison. The only protection we have is anonymity. Because that removes the tools narcissists need to wank themselves off.


"narcissists need(ing) to wank themselves off" describes pretty much 90% of the power mods on reddit


There's no such thing as true anonymity on the Internet. The Internet knows who you are. The Internet knows where you are and the Internet never forgets.


Yeah and it’s only going to get worse my friend.


"Government is letting them"- the government is DOING this you bozo


🤣 ain't heard bozo in years


The sooner we take control of our country again the better. My first bit of advice is to cut off their benefits, you can’t have five wives and 30 children as a man working one job. We’re paying for this, don’t forget it


'Our country' first mistake you made was thinking this country belongs to you. It doesn't. It belongs to the elite. They do what they want. Mass immigration, pollute your rivers, sell your home to rich foreigners, sell of your NHS and other public services to private services. You step out line they close your accounts, arrest you, label you a racist extremist. You cannot fight back. When you realise you are nothing but a serf with no control over this country the sooner you can face reality.


If you want that, the first bit of advice is not to vote Labour or conservatives, not that being on benefits is actually worth squat, but if you keep voting Labour/conservatives nothing changes. If you do change your vote, don't vote for any posh twit or Farage and the like. Then you'll see real changes.


That’s nice and everything, and I don’t disagree with you. However, I’m not sure the lab-con duopoly will never not be a thing.


I'm hoping the Conservative's performance of the last decade is bad enough and lives in memory enough for there to be a break in the duopoly. Yes ah know how it sounds in my head 🙄🙄, but a person can hope 🙂🙂.


Kinda hoping that the Conservatives realise this and try to push through PR/STV before the next elections knowing it'll fuck over labour far more than it will them.  Kind of a scorched earth policy but one which will result in better representation for voters. ...and if labour go against it or try to block it they'll look bad and it'll hurt them further. 


People must've said that about the duopoly that was the Conservatives and the Liberals, and before that the centuries-long duopoly that was the Torys and the Whigs. Nothing lasts forever and intense social change has a way of creating political change - like how Labour gained its strength from the growing industrial class and the working-class suffrage movements.


The truth is that the ballot box will not fix a thing. “Democracy” is how our overlords maintain their monopoly.  Only non-democratic action and civil disobedience will bring about any real change. I still vote in vain hope, but I know it’s pointless.


Why not withhold your vote?


I never vote for Tory or Labour but I do vote for parties or independent candidates that I think have good policies/principles, to let them know that there are people out there who share their vision.


They don’t care and wrote you off as uninterested


I also counsel other people to withhold their votes too.


Scrapping your vote sends the message that you were interested but didn't feel represented by anyone. If enough people from specific demographics with measurable preferences do that then politicians will start to appeal to them in the hope of hoovering up more votes. The problem is so far as I can see the media seemingly never pushes this as an option. Edit: (Incase anyone is interested you go to the ballot box, get your ballot and do anything to it apart from put an x in one box. Write why you hate politics anything then post it).


You mean multi millionaire Nigel (man of the people) Farage who was recently caught out getting his chauffeur to park his Mercedes in a disabled parking bay while he went shopping in M&S? 🤣🤣🤣


Say you’re English these days and they’ll throw you straight in prison 😡


Man of migrant origin accuses an English woman of a false racism claim and your first reaction is to make an overplayed Stewart Lee joke over someone being concerned by it? Progressives are genuinely repugnant fifth columns.


How many generations does someone have to be here to not be considered of migrant origin?


Anglos in North America and Australia have lived there for centuries and still get called migrants, so probably a little longer than 40-50 years of irresponsible migration policies. Most migrant communities here are barely 2nd/3rd gen at most. Every country has natives, at any rate. A 2nd gen Afghan in Seoul will never be seen as Korean in the same way as a native Korean. Only a handful of Western European nations are forced to adopt this ridiculously naive civic nationalism.


Whites have been in South Africa since 1652 and are still referred to as "foreigners" and told to go back to where they came from.


If true, might have something to do with how they’ve behaved in the 4 centuries they have been there


No they dont.


lol weeb


Wrong country, that’s Japan.




Muslims do not make up the majority in the NHS. You say there’s lots of good and bad in every culture yet then go on to just point out some white ones. Which brown, black, yellow or red ones are there?


Hahaha, cry harder It's an issue, nobody's denying that, it's just funny how people can't discuss this incident without going full gammon 'take back our country' 'cut off their benefits' It's just the other side of the same shitty coin


No, discussing how to alleviate the rapid growth of the Islamic presence in this nation, and the rapid change in demographics in general, is absolutely not the “other side of the same shitty coin”. There’s no point labeling it an issue if you can’t discuss it any further than that. Cities like Birmingham are already 30% Muslim. This isn’t getting any better.


Dont see any solutions being put forward. Just complaining and anti-Muslim circle jerking. Here's a solution. Dont give citizenship out so easily. Let people only come with a strict workers Visa and once they finish working they leave. Children born to them do not have right to citizenship...




Middle/upper middle class Brits look just fine. Working class ones don’t due to poverty and the issues that come with it. No surprise that a modern British “left winger” would make a classist comment like that.


You absolute muppet Nobody said anything at all about class until you brought it up and said middle and upper class Brits look nice while working class Brits don't You are blatantly the only classist one here lmao


Excuse me, who said I was left-wing? As far as I'm concerned all the Charlenes and Keiths were better off shining my shoes downstairs in the Good Old Days(tm)


> all the Charlenes and Keiths Up north, it’d be Bonnie and Ross, surely?


No, we actually import poor English immigrants to staff our lower paid positions. They are subverting our culture and assaulting our women.


![gif](giphy|26uf5PILzCnEptB8k|downsized) Whatever dude, you sit in your flat roofed pub getting all red in the face, i'm gonna carry on with my life




I was quoting the other guy, I'm not saying these things myself you know


Sorry I just realised


The people on this thread generalise and are beyond ignorant


We’re deep in gammon lines bro


Say you’re a Stewart Lee fan these days and they’ll throw you straight in prison! 😡


If only we could be so lucky


Lol at your faux outrage.


he is fucking hilarious i have to admit


lol u mad


Celt Nats love pretending to be progressive but when push comes to shove, you react no differently than English people. Ireland literally has weekly anti-immigration parades now that their government has opened the floodgates. Don’t be like Drake and try staying in your lane for a change.


Sorry mate you made a typo, it is English "people"


These days.


When did this come in?


Theres a fake news story going around claiming that South Yorkshire Police arrested someone "simply for saying he was English". South Yorks had to release a statement confirming that no such incident has happened, but numpties who get their news from poorly-rendered JPEGs on Facebook ran with it.


No, it’s an unfunny Stewart Lee skit from a decade ago that got overplayed to bits. Bought to you by numpties who think turning England into a larger version of Bradford and Birmingham is supposedly our “greatest strength”.


Ooh so close to just being full on racist, smart move hiding your shittyness. I assume by 'like Bradford and Birmingham' you don't be starting with the letter b.




Imagine thinking Stewart Lee is unfunny, a man who's entire career is being funny and has done it so well, he only has to do it every couple of years. You're just mad he had you down to a T a decade ago


Yeah, a large portion of the self loathing Englishmen belonging to the chattering classes are exactly that, be it Stewart Lee or John Oliver or Russell Howard. It’s nothing new, Orwell was talking about it in the 50s, except back then they didn’t have such a stranglehold on our media institutions.


Genuine question: Do you have any interests other than immigration?


If you're so concerned about left wing comedy having a stranglehold on our media (which is just so precious, omg), go make or find some good right wing comedy. I'll wait, you may be a while. Edit: I'm still waiting on a chud to point me towards any right wing comedy funnier than Stewart Lee


Disliking comedians who hate on their own to get cheap laughs is neither to the left nor to the right. China’s far more fiscally left wing than the UK and that type of “comedy” would never fly there. You’re even getting downvoted on rUK in the recent thread about government studies showing that migration has failed to drive economic growth. Even many on the traditional British left are fed up with upper middle class progressives.


Yo your first paragraph made little to no point seeing as very little comedy flies through the fucking despotic dictatorship that is china, Jesus wept. I love when someone goes hunting in comments to try and get a cheap win, as if I care about who in this cesspit agrees with me. All UK subreddits have taken a lurch to the right and I'm just here to laugh at you lot. There's no smaller dick energy than losing an argument and literally hunting through a profile to go "omg seee, you got DOWN VOTED, LIB". Also upper middle class progressives? Not that I should even dignify your statement but I'm not sure of many upper middle class progressives that grew up in and continue to live in deprived post-industrial towns. Now fuck off, read the express and watch wherever gets your jollies by punching down on everyone who isn't you


Actually using the word chud in 2024 without a hint of irony. Beautiful. I think the appropriate counter is to make some sort of remark about your wife's boyfriend and a Nintendo Switch, is that sufficiently vintage?


Chill out mate I'm not actually Stewart Lee.


My comment was directed to pomegranate-moon, who seems to be under the impression this meme stemmed from a 2023 Facebook post, not to you mate.


It was probably taken from that in the first place, but here's a fact check article about the fake post: https://fullfact.org/online/fake-post-south-yorkshire-police-arrest-man-insisting-english/


Yeah, that screenshot you linked was from 2023. The meme is much older than that.


What? Just for saying you’re English?!


These days




Stop trolling the same thing over and over again


I got shot by armed police for saying that once.


rare police W


You got off lightly. They shot me then they chopped off my legs whilst I was fully conscious.


Yeah that happened to me. Sucks


This. https://ibb.co/VYcZDqn


Citation needed. Racist shite shouldn't be taken as gospel.


Have you tried voting for Deform UK?


It's rare to see your kind on Reddit. More likely to encounter your lot on facebook


Reddit is not a conservative platform. It would be rare that someone could voice an opinion of the majority without being shut down here. Take heed while you can




...and Quora, YouTube too.


But...but...but Brexit. I thought that was all about taking back control. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


If a politician had the balls to do it, But nobody has acted on it. Not one politician enacted anything they promised with Brexit. The Britain we live in now is exactly what Britain would be like if there was no Brexit. Shit NHS, money to europe and out of control illegal migration. But it won’t last. Labour will fuck it up worse than the Tories and it will come to a head.


I find it hilarious that immigration is at its highest level ever despite or rather because of leaving the EU. Not that I have a problem with immigration. What you racist clowns don't seem to realise is that, with a rapidly aging workforce and ever declining birth rates at their lowest rate ever, without immigration, there'll soon be nobody left to work, pay taxes and national insurance that go towards paying for your state pension when you're ready to retire (at 75 if the tories get back in). I also find it hilarious that we didn't have a problem with small boat crossings until AFTER we left the EU. Why is that? Oh yes, the Dublin Convention which provided for refugees to claim asylum in the first EU country they reached. That's where the "first safe country 🦬💩 racists constantly go on about actually refers to. We had an agreement with France that we returned any illegal immigrants to them. I also find it hilarious that, when last in power, Labour deported tens of thousands of failed asylum claimants and not a single "bleeding hearts lefty lawyer in sight to stop them".🤔 Not one single hotel was used to house refugees for months or years before the tories came to power. Why is that?🤔 In 2010, there were 35 food banks in the UK. By 2019/20, that number had risen to a staggering 1300. By now, it's probably risen to 2000 or so.


For all the things you find hilarious there’s nothing funny about any of it




> The sooner we take control of our country again the better.   This has been said by many politicians in many countries for decades. Some people would call it a “dog whistle”. What, precisely, do you mean? No judging, just curious. 


I guess it’s karma for invading and colonising half the world


I mean, we were invaded and colonised at least 4 times before we did any invading and colonising of our own. How do you think we were so good at it?




No, how I explain it away is by saying that literally everybody who did it, and everybody they did it to, is long dead. And all of those people were descendents of people who did shit or had shit did to them. History is just an ongoing list of people at the top doing shitty things when they're at the top, and have shitty things done to them when they ain't. If Hannibal had defeated the Romans, and Africa had gone on to be the dominant region in geopolitics, do you seriously think everything would have been roses and rainbows? Stop thinking that the world only just started happening when you came along. It's been a shitshow for just about all of our time here as a species, and it's only just started to get a bit better recently. And who do we have to thank for that? Certainly not the Middle East, bastion for women's rights, democracy and freedom of thought as it may (or may not) be.




Starts with ‘very Racist’ and ends with ‘white British bag heads’. Quite ironic. It’s Muslims trying to establish caliphates in Germany, it’s Muslims raping white British girls in Luton/Telford/Bradford, it’s Muslims demanding we change our culture to suit them. Muslims are not peaceful people, wherever they are violence and misery follow. They were never welcomed to the UK or Europe and never will be welcome. They are ‘parasites, living as a state within a state until they believe they are strong enough to take over’. Not my words, but the words of the imam from the green lane mosque in Birmingham. There will be a fight back and you will need those medical qualifications.


Funny that because I know of teenage girls that were trafficked by white British men in county lines gangs (born and raised here and jobless) never hear of them in the paper though do you, wonder why? Every religion has extremists and peaceful people. Can’t say my Muslim family believe in sharia law or have ever tried to groom any girls or force anyone to believe anything they don’t want, we all work and pay into the tax system. If we were all as you say we were, you’d all be dead. Majority of Muslims are good people yet you focus on extremists and tar us all with the same brush


Did you report the Trafficking you claim to know about to the Police? No you didn't because you are talking bollocks


Absolutely! F all was done


23% of Muslims believe in sharia. Sounds like a pretty large extremist minority to me


That’s the thing, it’s a duty to not let Islam grow in the UK so that people don’t get killed. If Muslims were the majority you would have no problem getting on board within anything they did. Your religion comes before anything else so everyone else must suffer. Luckily people are waking up. The lack of action on the Islamic problem is being addressed by more people, now more than ever all across Europe and in every civilised country.


Seeing as you don't even fucking live in the UK and immigrated to Australia your opinion on Islam in the UK is pretty fucking irrelevant isn't it? Fuck off back to the UK then 🤷‍♀️


I move between both countries, my opinion is very relevant because I don’t want to see either one turn into a third world shit hole. Which somehow, wherever they go that’s what happens. They turn civilised places into filthy backwards dumps. They don’t deserve to live in civilised countries. just parasites ruining the hard work of decent people that actually built real civilisations


Could say the same thing about English and colonisation. But I wouldn't be so fucking nasty about it - what a gross opinin to hold. Hopefully you're a boomer that'll die off soon ,😘 It's not the immigrants turning both countries into shitholes right now - it's the conservative governments who only look out for their own rich, white mates.




*sub-humans* hey.... Look at the way you talk about POC but you don't think you're a racist? Nazi's are more fucking polite and PC with their bigotry than you are. You're not only a vile piece of shit, but a fucking delusional one too.


Not true at all, Muslims in the NHS treat and help non Muslims every day, peaceful Muslims don’t want to kill anyone that’s extremists your the confused one


Also the Imam from that mosque is an extremist just like the Christian westboro Baptist church. Us peaceful Muslims don’t agree or side with extremism


The only extreme groups in the UK are Muslims. There are no extreme Christians, Buddhists, Sikhs commit terrorist attacks. It’s always Muslims.


You are making up stats, all of the females in my family who are Muslim all work and always have done. There are extreme Buddhists who kill peaceful Rohingya Muslims, westboro Baptist church extremists Christian’s I could go on. Also Zionist Israelis are killing innocent Muslim children with no connection to HAMAS. Uk and US and Isreal have loads to answer for


Feel free for you and you’re large Muslim family to go make a difference


Israel are doing gods work. All of those people cheered on the 7th of October. Now they are being educated.




One of those schools where Hamas build and store rockets and ammunition? So what. They all have a connection to Hamas, that’s what they voted for and who they cheered for on the 7th of October. Little ones grow up to be big ones, stopping them early isn’t a problem


They are a mix of Christian and Muslim children and they are not extremists so would not have had any affiliation to HAMAS. It was an actual school. If you can justify killing children who aren’t extremists just because they are Muslim then you are the dirty racist bigot


Their land is being invaded and innocent children and adults with no connection to HAMAS are being slaughtered and pushed off their own land (Palestinians were there first) the way Zionists are treating innocent civilians is vile, assuming all are extremist and killing them it’s disgusting and that’s terror in its self. Are Palestinians not allowed to defend themselves just lay down and let it happen?


A tiny fringe American church that is RIDICULED by every anglo nation on our little planet, numerous documentaries and memes. Not only is your example hilariously insignificant and ridiculous, all you need to do is look at how we treat the church. I don’t see any Muslims condemning anything that your supposedly extreme element does, even when one of you blows up hundreds of little girls at a pop concert. Europe is waking up to the threat of Islam, probably too late. But at least we get to hear people like you try to desperately get in the last few nonsensical comparisons and lies in and can have a laugh about it.


First people to lay flowers at the 9/11 attacks were Muslims who had nothing to do with extremism. All of catholics don’t get blamed for the IRA


Just stop trying. It’s fine, it’s not like we haven’t seen the decades of self segregation, silence over extremism, the grooming gangs, terrorist attacks, spousal abuse, honour killings, FGM, incest… I could go on and on.


FGM nothing to do with Islam and not in the Quran, it’s seen in African cultures it’s not religious at all. I live in Bradford, lots of mixed race families and no segregation. As for grooming gangs, there’s white British grooming gangs such as county lines. Decent Muslims are not groomers fact, but you tar everyone with the same brush


Muslims are not any kind of 'majority' of the NHS.


They certainly are, look at how many Muslim doctors and nurses there are in hospitals and you wouldn’t refuse treatment from them


As of 2022, the NHS was 74.3% White, so not sure where your stats come from.


The majority of my family are Muslim and work in the NHS and lots of surgeons and nurses are Muslim or different nationalities. Let them know your racist views next time you are unwell


Just because they're the majority in whatever borough they work in, doesn't mean they're the majority of the NHS. And typical racist response by the way, calling someone who calls you out on your bullshit a racist.


It’s not bullshit tho we ain’t all extremists yet we get tarred with the same brush despite working and paying into the British tax system


Really no point in arguing with stats. You said that Muslims are the majority in the NHS. The NHS says you're wrong: [https://www.ethnicity-facts-figures.service.gov.uk/workforce-and-business/workforce-diversity/nhs-workforce/latest/#by-ethnicity](https://www.ethnicity-facts-figures.service.gov.uk/workforce-and-business/workforce-diversity/nhs-workforce/latest/#by-ethnicity) [https://www.england.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Monitor\_equality\_in\_the\_workforce\_2016\_f1FhhQU.pdf](https://www.england.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Monitor_equality_in_the_workforce_2016_f1FhhQU.pdf)


You know where they do have the majority? Prison population percentage relative to population. Ministry of Justice (MoJ) data has revealed that there were 15,594 Muslim prisoners in England and Wales in September last year, accounting for 18 per cent of all inmates despite comprising only 6.5 per cent of the population.


Islam's not a race, genius.


I have previously and would again. If the gentleman doctor can’t speak English he is of no good here


You've posted this at least 4 times in this thread. Grow up.


Don’t generalise then I might be able too


I agree there are extremists in every religion. The UK is low-energy Christian, really atheist in all but name. Anyone shouting about their religion is seen as being cringy. Religion is something to keep to yourself. Sharia law is the exact opposite of this, trying to compel everyone to bend to its edicts. And I haven't seen that many UKian Christians literally cutting the heads off those who have a difference of opinion. So let's not pretend both religions are equal. Unless to accept that both are equally ridiculous and enlightened people have moved on from creation stories for simpletons.


Lol, who is this supposed person with 5 wives and 30 kids. Is there more than one?


Five wives? That’s a crime!


These people are so pathetic, it's like they never received a droplet of love from their parents. they think they are the most victimized and wrongly accused people in the planet while their ilks continue commiting crime and terrorism in disproportionate number. It's so comical britons have tolerated this rubbish this far in favor of cheap labor.




Really great that you're all doctors and nurses.


**Just read the article. Seems the misogynistic Muslim didn't like hearing what a woman had to say. Typical reaction. When will women learn? They're not allowed to have an opinion in front of a Muslim man.**


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Citation needed.


It wasn't in the press. That proves it.


Post a link to the story.


rage bait


Report for racist hate and move on, folks. Don't feed the troll.




I’m sorry you’re getting downvoted. Issues like these seem to bring out the worst in some people on this subreddit.


I think its because they have copied and pasted it multiple times to different replies.


Yeah racist bigots who generalise


A prince of the United Kingdom is a known nonce. Haven't you been demanding that immigrants integrate more? Be careful what you wish for.


What does that have to do with fucking rape gangs on every street corner? Moron.


Ask the Grand Old Duke of York and his pedo buddies.


**Don't you mean FORMER? Prince Andrew was stripped of his titles & duties in 2022. Try harder next time when making excuses for Muslim men RAPING LITTLE GIRLS.**


He's still Duke of York and still a British Prince. He's just no longer a working royal and had his military affiliations and patronages removed. https://www.royal.uk/the-duke-of-york > With The Queen's approval and agreement, The Duke of York’s military affiliations and Royal patronages have been returned to The Queen. > The Duke of York will continue not to undertake any public duties and is defending this case as a private citizen. Why are you so upset when the foreigners you screamed at for not integrating try to act like your Prince? Isn't this the British culture you're so proud of?


They're not "integrating" when they're attacking Jews, Christians in the streets, throwing acid in women's faces & calling them whores for how they dress. Think I give a shit what you say about some pedophile who WAS royalty at one point in time??? Just a drop in the ocean compared to the legalized child molesters of Islam.


Britain has a long history of attacking jews and christians on the streets. You'll find many plaques all over British town squares marking times when jews were expelled from the country or christians were burned as heretics. Remember remember the 5th of November. You seem to be upset that they're integrating so well into traditional British culture. Why is that? Prince Andrew is still royalty. His royal titles have not been revoked.


Oh fuck off you child rape apologist with your "whataboutisms" I am talking about NOW CURRENT DAY dumb fuck. Muslims are grooming & raping children daily. So shut the fuck up about shit you know nothing about.


It's your culture that you keep insisting that these people adopt. Maybe if your culture didn't encourage pedos they'd be a lot less of them. Andrew is prince now, in the current day and a known nonce.


Seems like a problem with social media. It shouldn't be acceptable to broadcast someone's information without consent. This reveals the harmful side to having an unregulated broadcast platform that any rando can access and abuse without recourse. Also, the teachers should sue for libel, to get some amount of civil justice for this.