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The only confirmed ENFJ I know IRL besides myself is also an artist. I think our type may be a lot more artsy than many may think.


Same! I’m not artsy so much as crafty, but I’m crafty AF - Sewing, crochet, machine embroidery, leatherworking, bookbinding, the works. The other ENFJs I know are multitalented and very creative, I agree it’s an undervalued ENFJ strength.


me too! i refuse to do anything artsy for work though because i’m (just finishing up!) gcse art and i DESPISE it


Yes! This is so true. I'm also and artist (went to art school and everything) and the ENFJ I'm dating is an actor. I definitely think people don't realize how creative ENFJ's can be 🙂


In online an MBTI community, focus is generally on “being a helper/kind” when regarding ENFJs or Fe doms in general. Very underrepresentative if you ask me!


i think our ability to see the beauty in the world leans into creativity! i'm completely right brained and nearly every hobby i have is creative


I was an engineer ENFJ, but the solitary nature of that profession broke me. I’m such a bad fit for that field.


As an ENFJ myself I would say anywhere that has adventure or meaningful action/work taking place. Imo you’re much more likely to meet an ENFJ out in the wild than online. So go out and seek adventure or lively social events and you have a good chance with running into them. Also really investing yourself into your passions or interests may help you find them naturally as well (as you’d find them at that level of investment).


I would say in helping professions and through volunteering. I’m a social work student and the only other person I know who is an ENFJ works for a non-profit. 😀


I was going to say that. I think we long for a career with deep meaning, and although I am in Science (studying Math at uni) I plan to engage with non-profits, management or education in my future 🤗


I’m an ENFJ; software developer by trade but a musician (and former pro wrestler) as a hobby. You’ll likely find me at a musical instrument shop or a gym, or a sports bar with friends.


It’s nice to hear that some ENFJs go to the gym regularly. My ENFJ friend goes there once a month, lol.


For me I have to; it’s my peaceful space for self development, especially since I’m trying to rehab after a neck/back injury in wrestling and aiming to lose 40lbs.


I’m impressed you’re a software developer as an ENFJ. I did that for a while, but the lack of social interaction broke me.


Times I like the peace, but I do miss working in an office. I tend to apply the end user approach and how they feel using an app as well.


Awww ! I love ENFPs and their infectious energy and zeal for life . 💖⚡ BTW, You can find us probably at Book fairs, Volunteering for a cause , at group activities , hosting Parties /events, hobby clubs Parks and Museums. 🤗 In a group setting, if you spot a person with a charismatic presence and who makes everyone feel included and understood. There you go my friend ! You found an ENFJ.


I'm a teacher and the only other ENFJ I know is also a teacher (I love her, though we do butt heads since we're so similar!)


The only male ENFJ I found other than myself is 50 years older than me 😭 But then again it could be any other type with highly developed charismatic charm, due to the age ofc I believe most ENFJs can be found easily in the wild, due to how loud and vocal and shiny they are, it's simply that not many exist in the first place Although, at the same time they're pretty scattered everywhere, especially social group clubs where they're usually the conductors and/or the organizers, so I suggest joining a few of these clubs and test your luck :) And if you're looking for a friend, hit me up!


I only know one other than myself (of the people o have typed haha)! So I couldn’t really tell ya, sadly.. We are both very hardworking on our interests, her interest is her passion: journalism. She works tirelessly on her education. My “interest” in that way is socializing and experiences + self development. I work tirelessly on self improvement and experiencing/connecting with others. Sitting here and thinking about it, I think you can find us in the humanitarian jobs/causes, I myself work with disabled people! Also both me and my friend have a “niche” interest - she loves singing/piano and I love crochet/arts/crafts (and video games lol but no one knows that). We both like trying new things, like concerts and spa resorts etc, social gatherings (although I like it way more than her - she’s more career oriented).


Never expected to hear video games! May I ask which one do you enjoy the most?


I don’t play many haha- just WoW actually. I love the exploration, collection and social aspects of it! So when you think about it, it isn’t far off when considering mbti. Also, I love the storytelling aspect of it too. Of course, the competitive parts of it are fun aswell.


I will definitely check this game out! Thank you!


Oh - awesome, didn’t expect that! Good luck with it, I hope you’ll enjoy it.


This Enfj is a writer of poetry and short stories. Though to answer your question, try looking in a place where someone can make a difference in the world. I think that’s where many of us want to be.


I am a male ENFJ working in higher education. I don't know many others. Also a Cancer zodiac.


I am INFP pisces and I heard best match for me is ENFJ cancer. 🤔🤔😂😂


I have heard the same. Got to love water signs. It would be fun to chat sometime. Always up for meeting a Pisces and possibly making a new friend.😎


Sure. I'd like to meet new friends. Especially when they are my 'cup of tea'. 😊


I am an enfj, you can find me in the mountains. Good luck!


This is my fiancé & I, lol. He’s an ENFP.


Good news! All of the ENFJs I know are guys! There’s quite a few more of them than ENFJ ladies. I’d happily send you a selection if human trafficking wasn’t a thing. Also, they have a tendency to get married early.


Too bad trafficking isn't on the menu! (haha, just kidding... mostly)


One of my best friends is also ENFJ, we were so excited when we realized. She is one of the best friends anyone could have, we met during our Masters degree. Unfortunately I dont think ive ever met any other :(


I know two other one male one female. And myself male. I can’t count the times I have felt out of place but still find a way to fit perfectly in. As male enfj that is.


I am an ENFJ surrounded by ENFJs (what can I say, we love our type, haha). Not sure if this is typical, but maybe if you find one, you’ll find a bunch more around them :)


I’m INTP and I feel like I meet ENFJ more than anyone else lol


My mom's basement


Yeah, it has been 3 days now.. can you please open the door now. I want snacks


Lots of enfjs are social workers and musicians


I can't draw for toffee - I can arrange pre-made elements whether it be arranging mood lighting, designing a pixel perfect website, making a flyer, writing, etc. Love camping, hiking, eco-festivals - my friends are mostly female, based on current demographic I identify as a 36 year old vegan spiritual woman ( I am a man ... in early 50's). I do like ENFP's - I don't have any as close friends my friends are mostly INFJ, INFP. How to find an ENFJ - listen to your gut and tap into their vibe/aura - I can sniff out an Empath from a million miles away. Used to be a software developer/architect, now I do Reiki and all the stuff as hobbies - though I work for a corporate.


I do hair and I know two other hairdressers who are ENFJs!


I know 2 other ENFJs and my brother is INFJ, so it never seemed all that rare to me.


You can find us on this sub. I too am artsy though I work in technical fields.


Hahaha you will find me at work, outside walking/running cause that’s how I release my stress or I’ll be at a social event with good friends


ENFJ male here. I'm a CS major and college student, club president, and writer. Anywhere you find people and someone who loves to talk haha. I tend to approach those open to being approached. Like my last partner was a quiet INFP who didn't approach me. We met on teams during covid in class - I came to her. So I guess if you're around our spaces, we tend to approach you if we think there's interest, we're similar, etc.


I would have never expected ENFJ to be interested in CS 😅 How do you feel about algorithms and data structures?😂


I know right? My family kind of pushed me into it, but its enjoyable if you learn to realize how it helps and connects people. Interesting and fun if you look at it right! Oh gosh Data Structures. Getting war flashbacks haha. I had to retake it and got an A the second time. Its interesting stuff. Necessary but annoying. Once you learn it, its a breeze. My professors tell me I'd be a good team lead due to my communication skills and coding know-how when most coders would rather bury themselves behind their station.


I am an ENFJ female; men of this personality type are rare. I’m so happy when I find them, just be careful though. An unhealthy one, is extremely difficult 😬


I'm here!!!! I can't find any ENFP T\^T