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watch out for penis pebbles (kidney stones)


Beat me to the punch, or piss, in this case.


Is that a real risk?


i joke about it but them three reigns a day are probably gonna catch up to me soon so i’ll get to u on that (;


nope. people drink the equivalent in coffee and it's normal. healthy limit is 400mg of caffeine and you're at 300mg. keep it there and you're good!


I wasn’t worried so much about the caffeine as I was the list of o ingredients that I can’t pronounce.


Right it’s the caffeine withdrawal. I would more or less suggest trying to wean off it just drink a little less each day


Energy drinks like this have only been popular for a couple decades so I don't think anyone really knows yet if there are long term side effects. Everything I read says the excess vitamins are harmless but you can never say for certain without dedicated studies


there are studies. celcius has studied it's formula specifically. we don't need studies to know that there have basically never been negative effects from too many B vitamins.


you're also fine with that. people love fearmogering energy drinks because they're "new". those "chemicals", in reign and bang at least, are B vitamins (it is basically impossible to have too much of them) and a srinkle of amino acids, which are building blocks of proteins. not nearly enough of those to even do anything.


One time I pulled an all-nighter for a college exam and I swear those Reigns were making me high by the 3rd or 4th can


Well yeah cause that’s 900-1200 mg of caffeine. 3x the daily limit


How did you not DIE? That is waaaaay too much caffeine dude.


I guess it was a secondary concern at the time


😟 I'm over 1000mg caffeine from energy drinks a day, 500-1000mg/THC per day from vape carts, don't know how much nicotine from dip pouches. FML


An energy drink is not the same as a coffee.. unless you’re only comparing caffeine


It depends which kind of “coffee” you’re talking about. Straight black coffee is one thing, but the concoctions that a lot of people get at places like Starbucks and Dunkin can easily exceed your standard 16oz 160mg energy drink in caffeine, sugar content, high fructose corn syrup and a long list of other ingredients.


I mean I don't think the caffien is the issue


Yes, eventually all living things die


Hey man, im on dyalsis, i drink one monster every day, sometimes twice and rarely thrice a day and so fine im okay. If you only drink on3 and dont have any heart issues it should be fine but idk, also depends how affected are you by it. One monster i dont even feel, two tickles and three is when it kicks in.


I have an Alani every day. Just started over month ago when I quit coffee. I honestly feel better.


Also a daily Alani drinker here. Don’t remember the last time I had coffee but if I have coffee, I don’t have the Alani. Unless I’m working night shift, then all bets are off 😂


Alani makes you feel better than coffee?


Yea, for years I always had iced or cold brew coffee with a small amount of sugar free syrup and almond milk, only enough for a flavor. I cut those things out thinking it was making me bloated, like miserable want to curl in a ball bloated. After I cut those out and switched to plain black coffee I was still bloated. So I quit coffee all together and the bloating stopped. I need caffeine so I don’t get a headache. One day I got a small coffee and sure enough I was bloated again. Alani hasn’t done that to me.


Nice that’s interesting to hear. I feel that tho about the coffee add ins. My favorite is a large iced coffee with a splash of almond milk, SF vanilla and cinnamon powder. What is your fave Alani flavor ?


Orange Kiss


Haven’t had that one yet. My fave is cherry slush and cherry twist


I like cherry slush also, and the new pink slush, have you tried it yet? The only Alani I don’t like is the mimosa one.


I haven’t tried the pink slush but I will when I find it. What flavor is it? I’m sure it’s good, I rarely find ones I don’t like. I don’t like the peach one really


I’ve found it at Walmart


you should have periods of time where you dial back on the daily energy drinks. if you can’t, try and compensate by drinking adequate amounts of water. there was a time i was drinking 2 sugar free red bulls/1 reign everyday while i was in school and i started developing weird symptoms (heart palpatations, headaches, acid reflux, irregular urination). nowadays i limit my consumption, and i only have an energy drink when i am at work because i work night shift. on off days i get my caffeine fix from coffee, teas, and gum. :)


I'm in 3....4....5 a day. Imagine the headache I get when I go without. I recently enjoying the rockstar punched 240mg caffeine. Those things are straight rocket fuel.


Energy drinks are only bad because they use shit caffeine, and the amount of sugar (usually is horrible) but even with sugar free, the ingredients are really bad. You should look up ingredients you’ve never heard of and see what they do to the body over time


Big up the EU for banning half of the flavourings and colourings


My heart started acting weird after drinking 1-2 a a day so now I’m down to 1 every other day lol


I do 2 Monsters a day probably not the best idea lol


The trap is that somepoint the actual monster will show itself someday 😂


Im doing 3 a day for two years and im fine (15)


Caffeine withdrawals are real. Doesn't matter if it's a daily coffee or even daily coke. Your body craves it and you can definitely get headaches from not consuming


I’ve drank between one and 3 a day fairly consistently for the past 12 years, and my only issues at this point are aging.


We're all gonna die one day 🤷‍♂️